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Avoids dynamic execution in string interpolation

Optimizes and caches `getTokensFromTemplate`
Eric Amodio 1 year ago
1 changed files with 176 additions and 52 deletions
  1. +176

+ 176
- 52
src/system/string.ts View File

@ -197,11 +197,18 @@ export function getSuperscript(num: number) {
return superscripts[num - 1] ?? '';
const tokenRegex = /$\{('.*?[^\]'|\W*)?([^|]*?)(?:\|(\d+)(-|\?)?)?('.*?[^\]'|\W*)?\}/g;
const tokenRegex = /$\{(?:'(.*?[^\])'|(\W*))?([^|]*?)(?:\|(\d+)(-|\?)?)?(?:'(.*?[^\])'|(\W*))?\}/g;
const tokenSanitizeRegex = /$\{(?:'.*?[^\]'|\W*)?(\w*?)(?:'.*?[^\]'|[\W\d]*)\}/g;
const tokenGroupCharacter = "'";
const tokenGroupCharacterEscapedRegex = /(\')/g;
const tokenGroupRegex = /^'?(.*?)'?$/s;
interface TokenMatch {
key: string;
start: number;
end: number;
options: TokenOptions;
const templateTokenMap = new Map<string, TokenMatch[]>();
export interface TokenOptions {
collapseWhitespace: boolean;
@ -211,88 +218,205 @@ export interface TokenOptions {
truncateTo: number | undefined;
export function getTokensFromTemplate(template: string) {
const tokens: { key: string; options: TokenOptions }[] = [];
function isWordChar(code: number): boolean {
return (
code === 95 /* _ */ ||
(code >= 0x61 && code <= 0x7a) || // lowercase letters
(code >= 0x41 && code <= 0x5a) || // uppercase letters
(code >= 0x30 && code <= 0x39) // digits
export function getTokensFromTemplate(template: string): TokenMatch[] {
let tokens = templateTokenMap.get(template);
if (tokens != null) return tokens;
let match;
do {
match = tokenRegex.exec(template);
if (match == null) break;
let [, prefix, key, truncateTo, option, suffix] = match;
// Check for a prefix group
if (prefix != null) {
match = tokenGroupRegex.exec(prefix);
if (match != null) {
[, prefix] = match;
prefix = prefix.replace(tokenGroupCharacterEscapedRegex, tokenGroupCharacter);
tokens = [];
const length = template.length;
let position = 0;
while (position < length) {
const tokenStart = template.indexOf('${', position);
if (tokenStart === -1) break;
const tokenEnd = template.indexOf('}', tokenStart);
if (tokenEnd === -1) break;
let tokenPos = tokenStart + 2;
let key = '';
let prefix = '';
let truncateTo = '';
let collapseWhitespace = false;
let padDirection: 'left' | 'right' = 'right';
let suffix = '';
if (template[tokenPos] === "'") {
const start = ++tokenPos;
tokenPos = template.indexOf("'", tokenPos);
if (tokenPos === -1) break;
if (start !== tokenPos) {
prefix = template.slice(start, tokenPos);
} else if (!isWordChar(template.charCodeAt(tokenPos))) {
const start = tokenPos++;
while (tokenPos < tokenEnd && !isWordChar(template.charCodeAt(tokenPos))) {
if (start !== tokenPos) {
prefix = template.slice(start, tokenPos);
// Check for a suffix group
if (suffix != null) {
match = tokenGroupRegex.exec(suffix);
if (match != null) {
[, suffix] = match;
suffix = suffix.replace(tokenGroupCharacterEscapedRegex, tokenGroupCharacter);
while (tokenPos < tokenEnd) {
let code = template.charCodeAt(tokenPos);
if (isWordChar(code)) {
key += template[tokenPos++];
} else {
if (code !== 0x7c /* | */) break;
while (tokenPos < tokenEnd) {
code = template.charCodeAt(++tokenPos);
if (code >= 0x30 && code <= 0x39 /* digits */) {
truncateTo += template[tokenPos];
if (code === 0x3f /* ? */) {
collapseWhitespace = true;
} else if (code === 0x2d /* - */) {
padDirection = 'left';
if (tokenPos < tokenEnd) {
if (template[tokenPos] === "'") {
const start = ++tokenPos;
tokenPos = template.indexOf("'", tokenPos);
if (tokenPos === -1) break;
if (start !== tokenPos) {
suffix = template.slice(start, tokenPos);
} else if (!isWordChar(template.charCodeAt(tokenPos))) {
const start = tokenPos++;
while (tokenPos < tokenEnd && !isWordChar(template.charCodeAt(tokenPos))) {
if (start !== tokenPos) {
suffix = template.slice(start, tokenPos);
position = tokenEnd + 1;
key: key,
start: tokenStart,
end: position,
options: {
collapseWhitespace: option === '?',
padDirection: option === '-' ? 'left' : 'right',
prefix: prefix || undefined,
suffix: suffix || undefined,
truncateTo: truncateTo == null ? undefined : parseInt(truncateTo, 10),
truncateTo: truncateTo ? parseInt(truncateTo, 10) : undefined,
collapseWhitespace: collapseWhitespace,
padDirection: padDirection,
} while (true);
templateTokenMap.set(template, tokens);
return tokens;
const tokenSanitizeReplacement = `$\${$1=this.$1,($1 == null ? '' : $1)}`;
const interpolationMap = new Map<string, Function>();
// FYI, this is about twice as slow as getTokensFromTemplate
export function getTokensFromTemplateRegex(template: string): TokenMatch[] {
let tokens = templateTokenMap.get(template);
if (tokens != null) return tokens;
export function interpolate(template: string, context: object | undefined): string {
if (template == null || template.length === 0) return template;
if (context == null) return template.replace(tokenSanitizeRegex, '');
tokens = [];
let fn = interpolationMap.get(template);
if (fn == null) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-implied-eval
fn = new Function(`return \`${template.replace(tokenSanitizeRegex, tokenSanitizeReplacement)}\`;`);
interpolationMap.set(template, fn);
let match;
while ((match = tokenRegex.exec(template))) {
const [, prefixGroup, prefixNonGroup, key, truncateTo, option, suffixGroup, suffixNonGroup] = match;
const start = match.index;
const end = start + match[0].length;
let prefix = prefixGroup || prefixNonGroup || undefined;
if (prefix) {
prefix = prefix.replace(tokenGroupCharacterEscapedRegex, tokenGroupCharacter);
let suffix = suffixGroup || suffixNonGroup || undefined;
if (suffix) {
suffix = suffix.replace(tokenGroupCharacterEscapedRegex, tokenGroupCharacter);
key: key,
start: start,
end: end,
options: {
collapseWhitespace: option === '?',
padDirection: option === '-' ? 'left' : 'right',
prefix: prefix,
suffix: suffix,
truncateTo: truncateTo == null ? undefined : parseInt(truncateTo, 10),
return as string;
templateTokenMap.set(template, tokens);
return tokens;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow-callback
const AsyncFunction = Object.getPrototypeOf(async function () {
/* noop */
export function interpolate(template: string, context: object | undefined): string {
if (template == null || template.length === 0) return template;
if (context == null) return template.replace(tokenSanitizeRegex, '');
const tokenSanitizeReplacementAsync = `$\${$1=this.$1,($1 == null ? '' : typeof $1.then === 'function' ? (($1 = await $1),$1 == null ? '' : $1) : $1)}`;
const tokens = getTokensFromTemplate(template);
if (tokens.length === 0) return template;
const interpolationAsyncMap = new Map<string, typeof AsyncFunction>();
let position = 0;
let result = '';
for (const token of tokens) {
result += template.slice(position, token.start) + ((context as Record<string, string>)[token.key] ?? '');
position = token.end;
return result;
export async function interpolateAsync(template: string, context: object | undefined): Promise<string> {
if (template == null || template.length === 0) return template;
if (context == null) return template.replace(tokenSanitizeRegex, '');
let fn = interpolationAsyncMap.get(template);
if (fn == null) {
// // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-implied-eval
const body = `return \`${template.replace(tokenSanitizeRegex, tokenSanitizeReplacementAsync)}\`;`;
fn = new AsyncFunction(body);
interpolationAsyncMap.set(template, fn);
const tokens = getTokensFromTemplate(template);
if (tokens.length === 0) return template;
const value = await;
return value as string;
let position = 0;
let result = '';
let value;
for (const token of tokens) {
value = (context as Record<string, any>)[token.key];
if (value != null && typeof value === 'object' && typeof value.then === 'function') {
value = await value;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands
result += template.slice(position, token.start) + (value ?? '');
position = token.end;
return result;
export function isLowerAsciiLetter(code: number): boolean {
