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Polishes SVGs on Welcome

Replaces "path" icons with codicons or glicons
Eric Amodio 1 year ago
2 changed files with 50 additions and 95 deletions
  1. +31
  2. +19

+ 31
- 76
src/webviews/apps/welcome/welcome.html View File

@ -68,15 +68,15 @@
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<text x="9" y="41" text-anchor="start"><tspan class="hover__codicon" font-size="32">&#xeb99;</tspan></text>
<text x="9" y="41" text-anchor="start"><tspan class="codicon" font-size="32">&#xeb99;</tspan></text>
<tspan class="hover__author hover__link" x="47" y="23">You</tspan><tspan>, 6 years ago via PR&nbsp;</tspan><tspan class="hover__author hover__link">#1</tspan><tspan class="hover__date" dx="9">(November 12th, 2016 3:41pm)</tspan><tspan x="47" y="57">Supercharge Git</tspan>
<tspan class="hover__author hover__link" x="47" y="30">You</tspan><tspan>, 6 years ago via PR&nbsp;</tspan><tspan class="hover__author hover__link">#1</tspan><tspan class="hover__date" dx="9">(November 12th, 2016 3:41pm)</tspan><tspan x="47" y="55">Supercharge Git</tspan>
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<text y="89">
<tspan x="9" dy="1.5" class="hover__codicon hover__link">&#xeafc;</tspan><tspan dx="2" dy="-1.5" class="hover__link">29ad3a0</tspan><tspan dx="9" opacity="0.6">|</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="hover__codicon hover__link">&#xeafd;</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="-1.5" opacity="0.6">|</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="hover__codicon hover__link">&#xea82;</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="-1.5" opacity="0.6">|</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="hover__codicon hover__link">&#xeb01;</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="-1.5" opacity="0.6">|</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="hover__codicon hover__link">&#xea7c;</tspan>
<tspan x="9" dy="1.5" class="codicon hover__link">&#xeafc;</tspan><tspan dx="2" dy="-1.5" class="hover__link">29ad3a0</tspan><tspan dx="9" opacity="0.6">|</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="codicon hover__link">&#xeafd;</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="-1.5" opacity="0.6">|</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="codicon hover__link">&#xea82;</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="-1.5" opacity="0.6">|</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="codicon hover__link">&#xeb01;</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="-1.5" opacity="0.6">|</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="codicon hover__link">&#xea7c;</tspan>
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@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
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<tspan x="9">Changes</tspan><tspan dx="12" dy="1.5" class="hover__codicon hover__link">&#xeafc;</tspan><tspan dx="2" dy="-1.5" class="hover__link">3ac1d3f</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="hover__codicon">&#xea99;</tspan><tspan dx="6" class="hover__codicon hover__link">&#xeafc;</tspan><tspan dx="2" dy="-1.5" class="hover__link">29ad3a0</tspan><tspan dx="9" opacity="0.6">|</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="hover__codicon hover__link">&#xeafd;</tspan>
<tspan x="9">Changes</tspan><tspan dx="12" dy="1.5" class="codicon hover__link">&#xeafc;</tspan><tspan dx="2" dy="-1.5" class="hover__link">3ac1d3f</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="codicon">&#xea99;</tspan><tspan dx="6" class="codicon hover__link">&#xeafc;</tspan><tspan dx="2" dy="-1.5" class="hover__link">29ad3a0</tspan><tspan dx="9" opacity="0.6">|</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1.5" class="codicon hover__link">&#xeafd;</tspan>
@ -130,32 +130,22 @@
<h3>File Annotations</h3>
<p class="welcome__toolbar">
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d="M5.2747 7.5C5.5256 4.9733 7.6573 3 10.25 3C12.8427 3 14.9745 4.9733 15.2253 7.5H16V8.5H15.2253C14.9745 11.0267 12.8427 13 10.25 13C7.6573 13 5.5255 11.0267 5.2747 8.5H1.5642L4 10.9358L3.2929 11.6429L0 8.35V7.6429L3.2929 4.35L4 5.0571L1.5607 7.4964V7.5H5.2747ZM10.25 4C8.0409 4 6.25 5.7909 6.25 8C6.25 10.2091 8.0409 12 10.25 12C12.4591 12 14.25 10.2091 14.25 8C14.25 5.7909 12.4591 4 10.25 4Z"
d="M34.5 13C31.9073 13 29.7755 11.0267 29.5247 8.5H27V7.5H29.5247C29.7755 4.9733 31.9073 3 34.5 3C37.0927 3 39.2245 4.9733 39.4753 7.5H42V8.5H39.4753C39.2245 11.0267 37.0927 13 34.5 13ZM30.5 8C30.5 10.2091 32.2909 12 34.5 12C36.7091 12 38.5 10.2091 38.5 8C38.5 5.7909 36.7091 4 34.5 4C32.2909 4 30.5 5.7909 30.5 8Z"
d="M63.7253 7.5C63.4744 4.9733 61.3427 3 58.75 3C56.1573 3 54.0256 4.9733 53.7747 7.5H53V8.5H53.7747C54.0256 11.0267 56.1573 13 58.75 13C61.3427 13 63.4745 11.0267 63.7253 8.5H67.4358L65 10.9358L65.7071 11.6429L69 8.35V7.6429L65.7071 4.35L65 5.0571L67.4393 7.4964V7.5H63.7253ZM58.75 4C60.9591 4 62.75 5.7909 62.75 8C62.75 10.2091 60.9591 12 58.75 12C56.5409 12 54.75 10.2091 54.75 8C54.75 5.7909 56.5409 4 58.75 4Z"
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<tspan class="glicon inactive">&#xf105;</tspan><tspan dx="9" class="glicon inactive">&#xf101;</tspan><tspan dx="9" class="glicon inactive">&#xf103;</tspan><tspan dx="32" class="codicon inactive">&#xeb56;</tspan><tspan dx="9" class="codicon inactive">&#xea7c;</tspan>
<g class="toolbar-icon toolbar-icon__annotations">
d="M95.5 8C95.5 12.1421 92.1421 15.5 88 15.5C83.8579 15.5 80.5 12.1421 80.5 8C80.5 3.85786 83.8579 0.5 88 0.5C92.1421 0.5 95.5 3.85786 95.5 8Z"
d="M89.2583 4.71315C89.4119 4.44544 89.4999 4.13329 89.4999 3.79998C89.4999 2.80588 88.7165 2 87.75 2C86.7835 2 86 2.80588 86 3.79998C86 4.62503 86.5397 5.32043 87.2757 5.53309V10.4669C86.5397 10.6796 86 11.375 86 12.2C86 13.1941 86.7835 14 87.75 14C88.7165 14 89.4999 13.1941 89.4999 12.2C89.4999 11.3747 88.96 10.6792 88.2236 10.4667V5.53326C88.3465 5.49782 88.4638 5.44893 88.5741 5.38824L90.2151 7.07621C90.1305 7.26617 90.0834 7.47746 90.0834 7.70007C90.0834 8.52849 90.7363 9.20005 91.5417 9.20005C92.3471 9.20005 93 8.52849 93 7.70007C93 6.87165 92.3471 6.20008 91.5417 6.20008C91.2988 6.20008 91.0697 6.26117 90.8683 6.36922L89.2583 4.71315Z"
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@ -167,14 +157,6 @@
<g class="toolbar-icon inactive">
d="M119 1.5H108L107 2.5V13.5L108 14.5H119L120 13.5V2.5L119 1.5ZM113 13.5H108V2.5H113V13.5ZM119 13.5H114V2.5H119V13.5Z"
d="M133 8C133 8.2652 132.895 8.5196 132.707 8.7071C132.52 8.8946 132.265 9 132 9C131.735 9 131.48 8.8946 131.293 8.7071C131.105 8.5196 131 8.2652 131 8C131 7.7348 131.105 7.4804 131.293 7.2929C131.48 7.1054 131.735 7 132 7C132.265 7 132.52 7.1054 132.707 7.2929C132.895 7.4804 133 7.7348 133 8ZM138 8C138 8.2652 137.895 8.5196 137.707 8.7071C137.52 8.8946 137.265 9 137 9C136.735 9 136.48 8.8946 136.293 8.7071C136.105 8.5196 136 8.2652 136 8C136 7.7348 136.105 7.4804 136.293 7.2929C136.48 7.1054 136.735 7 137 7C137.265 7 137.52 7.1054 137.707 7.2929C137.895 7.4804 138 7.7348 138 8ZM143 8C143 8.2652 142.895 8.5196 142.707 8.7071C142.52 8.8946 142.265 9 142 9C141.735 9 141.48 8.8946 141.293 8.7071C141.105 8.5196 141 8.2652 141 8C141 7.7348 141.105 7.4804 141.293 7.2929C141.48 7.1054 141.735 7 142 7C142.265 7 142.52 7.1054 142.707 7.2929C142.895 7.4804 143 7.7348 143 8Z"
@ -220,6 +202,8 @@
<h3>Revision Navigation</h3>
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@ -236,20 +220,13 @@
height="calc(100% + 4px)"
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class="toolbar-icon active"
d="M5.2747 7.5C5.5256 4.9733 7.6573 3 10.25 3C12.8427 3 14.9745 4.9733 15.2253 7.5H16V8.5H15.2253C14.9745 11.0267 12.8427 13 10.25 13C7.6573 13 5.5255 11.0267 5.2747 8.5H1.5642L4 10.9358L3.2929 11.6429L0 8.35V7.6429L3.2929 4.35L4 5.0571L1.5607 7.4964V7.5H5.2747ZM10.25 4C8.0409 4 6.25 5.7909 6.25 8C6.25 10.2091 8.0409 12 10.25 12C12.4591 12 14.25 10.2091 14.25 8C14.25 5.7909 12.4591 4 10.25 4Z"
<g class="toolbar-icon">
d="M34.5 13C31.9073 13 29.7755 11.0267 29.5247 8.5H27V7.5H29.5247C29.7755 4.9733 31.9073 3 34.5 3C37.0927 3 39.2245 4.9733 39.4753 7.5H42V8.5H39.4753C39.2245 11.0267 37.0927 13 34.5 13ZM30.5 8C30.5 10.2091 32.2909 12 34.5 12C36.7091 12 38.5 10.2091 38.5 8C38.5 5.7909 36.7091 4 34.5 4C32.2909 4 30.5 5.7909 30.5 8Z"
d="M63.7253 7.5C63.4744 4.9733 61.3427 3 58.75 3C56.1573 3 54.0256 4.9733 53.7747 7.5H53V8.5H53.7747C54.0256 11.0267 56.1573 13 58.75 13C61.3427 13 63.4745 11.0267 63.7253 8.5H67.4358L65 10.9358L65.7071 11.6429L69 8.35V7.6429L65.7071 4.35L65 5.0571L67.4393 7.4964V7.5H63.7253ZM58.75 4C60.9591 4 62.75 5.7909 62.75 8C62.75 10.2091 60.9591 12 58.75 12C56.5409 12 54.75 10.2091 54.75 8C54.75 5.7909 56.5409 4 58.75 4Z"
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<tspan dx="25" class="glicon inactive">&#xf101;</tspan><tspan dx="9" class="glicon inactive">&#xf103;</tspan><tspan dx="9" class="glicon inactive">&#xf113;</tspan><tspan dx="9" class="codicon inactive">&#xeb56;</tspan><tspan dx="9" class="codicon inactive">&#xea7c;</tspan>
@ -260,23 +237,6 @@
<g class="toolbar-icon toolbar-icon__annotations inactive">
d="M95.5 8C95.5 12.1421 92.1421 15.5 88 15.5C83.8579 15.5 80.5 12.1421 80.5 8C80.5 3.85786 83.8579 0.5 88 0.5C92.1421 0.5 95.5 3.85786 95.5 8Z"
d="M89.2583 4.71315C89.4119 4.44544 89.4999 4.13329 89.4999 3.79998C89.4999 2.80588 88.7165 2 87.75 2C86.7835 2 86 2.80588 86 3.79998C86 4.62503 86.5397 5.32043 87.2757 5.53309V10.4669C86.5397 10.6796 86 11.375 86 12.2C86 13.1941 86.7835 14 87.75 14C88.7165 14 89.4999 13.1941 89.4999 12.2C89.4999 11.3747 88.96 10.6792 88.2236 10.4667V5.53326C88.3465 5.49782 88.4638 5.44893 88.5741 5.38824L90.2151 7.07621C90.1305 7.26617 90.0834 7.47746 90.0834 7.70007C90.0834 8.52849 90.7363 9.20005 91.5417 9.20005C92.3471 9.20005 93 8.52849 93 7.70007C93 6.87165 92.3471 6.20008 91.5417 6.20008C91.2988 6.20008 91.0697 6.26117 90.8683 6.36922L89.2583 4.71315Z"
<g class="toolbar-icon inactive">
d="M119 1.5H108L107 2.5V13.5L108 14.5H119L120 13.5V2.5L119 1.5ZM113 13.5H108V2.5H113V13.5ZM119 13.5H114V2.5H119V13.5Z"
d="M133 8C133 8.2652 132.895 8.5196 132.707 8.7071C132.52 8.8946 132.265 9 132 9C131.735 9 131.48 8.8946 131.293 8.7071C131.105 8.5196 131 8.2652 131 8C131 7.7348 131.105 7.4804 131.293 7.2929C131.48 7.1054 131.735 7 132 7C132.265 7 132.52 7.1054 132.707 7.2929C132.895 7.4804 133 7.7348 133 8ZM138 8C138 8.2652 137.895 8.5196 137.707 8.7071C137.52 8.8946 137.265 9 137 9C136.735 9 136.48 8.8946 136.293 8.7071C136.105 8.5196 136 8.2652 136 8C136 7.7348 136.105 7.4804 136.293 7.2929C136.48 7.1054 136.735 7 137 7C137.265 7 137.52 7.1054 137.707 7.2929C137.895 7.4804 138 7.7348 138 8ZM143 8C143 8.2652 142.895 8.5196 142.707 8.7071C142.52 8.8946 142.265 9 142 9C141.735 9 141.48 8.8946 141.293 8.7071C141.105 8.5196 141 8.2652 141 8C141 7.7348 141.105 7.4804 141.293 7.2929C141.48 7.1054 141.735 7 142 7C142.265 7 142.52 7.1054 142.707 7.2929C142.895 7.4804 143 7.7348 143 8Z"
@ -329,21 +289,17 @@
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<text class="graph__branch graph__branch-current"><tspan x="99.375" y="59.5">&nbsp;main</tspan></text>
<path class="graph__checkmark-icon" d="M95.6475 51.2055C96.0887 51.5417 96.1739 52.1718 95.8377 52.613L90.4814 59.6432C90.2914 59.8925 89.996 60.0389 89.6825 60.0389C89.3691 60.0389 89.0736 59.8925 88.8837 59.6432L86.2055 56.1281C85.8694 55.6869 85.9545 55.0567 86.3957 54.7206C86.8369 54.3844 87.4671 54.4696 87.8032 54.9108L89.6825 57.3774L94.24 51.3957C94.5761 50.9545 95.2063 50.8694 95.6475 51.2055Z"/>
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<rect class="graph__lane-3-background" opacity="0.5" x="82" y="74" width="114" height="18" rx="4"/>
<text class="graph__branch"><tspan x="87" y="86.5">feature/onboard</tspan></text>
<path class="graph__pr-icon" d="M187.231 78.7236C186.228 78.7236 185.423 79.4911 185.423 80.4472C185.423 81.0801 185.79 81.6322 186.327 81.9284V82.1708C186.327 83.0326 185.423 83.8944 184.519 83.8944C183.771 83.8944 183.178 84.0425 182.712 84.2849V80.2048C183.248 79.9086 183.616 79.3565 183.616 78.7236C183.616 77.7675 182.811 77 181.808 77C180.805 77 180 77.7675 180 78.7236C180 79.3565 180.367 79.9086 180.904 80.2048V85.8469C180.367 86.1432 180 86.6952 180 87.3281C180 88.2842 180.805 89.0517 181.808 89.0517C182.811 89.0517 183.616 88.2842 183.616 87.3281C183.616 86.8703 183.432 86.4663 183.135 86.1566C183.404 85.8469 183.827 85.6045 184.519 85.6045C186.327 85.6045 188.135 83.8809 188.135 82.1573V81.9149C188.672 81.6187 189.039 81.0666 189.039 80.4337C189.039 79.4777 188.234 78.7101 187.231 78.7101V78.7236ZM181.808 77.8618C182.302 77.8618 182.712 78.2523 182.712 78.7236C182.712 79.1949 182.302 79.5854 181.808 79.5854C181.313 79.5854 180.904 79.1949 180.904 78.7236C180.904 78.2523 181.313 77.8618 181.808 77.8618ZM181.808 88.2034C181.313 88.2034 180.904 87.8129 180.904 87.3416C180.904 86.8703 181.313 86.4798 181.808 86.4798C182.302 86.4798 182.712 86.8703 182.712 87.3416C182.712 87.8129 182.302 88.2034 181.808 88.2034ZM187.231 81.309C186.737 81.309 186.327 80.9185 186.327 80.4472C186.327 79.9759 186.737 79.5854 187.231 79.5854C187.725 79.5854 188.135 79.9759 188.135 80.4472C188.135 80.9185 187.725 81.309 187.231 81.309Z"/>
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<rect class="graph__lane-4-background" opacity="0.5" x="82" y="100" width="114" height="18" rx="4"/>
<text class="graph__branch"><tspan x="87" y="112.5">feature/graph</tspan></text>
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<text class="graph__branch" x="74" y="113"><tspan dy="1" class="codicon">&#xea7a;</tspan><tspan dx="4" class="codicon">&#xea64;</tspan><tspan dx="6" dy="-1">feature/graph</tspan></text>
<rect class="graph__lane-5-background" opacity="0.5" x="82" y="238" width="114" height="18" rx="4"/>
<text class="graph__branch"><tspan x="87" y="250.5">bug/crash</tspan></text>
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<text x="366" y="33.5" class="graph__foreground graph__wip"><tspan>Work in progress</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1" class="codicon">&#xea73;</tspan><tspan dx="3" dy="-1">2</tspan><tspan dx="9" dy="1" class="codicon">&#xea60;</tspan><tspan dx="3" dy="-1">1</tspan></text>
<text class="graph__foreground graph__messages">
<tspan x="366" y="59.5">Improves performance &amp; reduces bundle size</tspan>
<tspan x="366" y="86.5">Adds brand new welcome experience</tspan>

+ 19
- 19
src/webviews/apps/welcome/welcome.scss View File

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