Quellcode durchsuchen

Adds compare with branch command

Adds branches quick pick
Eric Amodio vor 8 Jahren
10 geänderte Dateien mit 149 neuen und 5 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. +9
  2. +1
  3. +2
  4. +47
  5. +2
  6. +8
  7. +28
  8. +9
  9. +1
  10. +42

+ 9
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package.json Datei anzeigen

@ -360,6 +360,11 @@
"category": "GitLens"
"command": "gitlens.diffWithBranch",
"title": "Compare with...",
"category": "GitLens"
"command": "gitlens.diffWithNext",
"title": "Compare with Next Commit",
"category": "GitLens"
@ -466,6 +471,10 @@
"when": "gitlens:enabled"
"command": "gitlens.diffWithBranch",
"when": "gitlens:enabled"
"command": "gitlens.diffWithNext",
"when": "gitlens:enabled"

+ 1
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src/commands.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export { CopyShaToClipboardCommand } from './commands/copyShaToClipboard';
export { DiffDirectoryCommand } from './commands/diffDirectory';
export { DiffLineWithPreviousCommand } from './commands/diffLineWithPrevious';
export { DiffLineWithWorkingCommand } from './commands/diffLineWithWorking';
export { DiffWithBranchCommand } from './commands/diffWithBranch';
export { DiffWithNextCommand } from './commands/diffWithNext';
export { DiffWithPreviousCommand } from './commands/diffWithPrevious';
export { DiffWithWorkingCommand } from './commands/diffWithWorking';

+ 2
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src/commands/commands.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
import { commands, Disposable, TextEditor, TextEditorEdit, Uri, window, workspace } from 'vscode';
import { BuiltInCommands } from '../constants';
export type Commands = 'gitlens.closeUnchangedFiles' | 'gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard' | 'gitlens.copyShaToClipboard' | 'gitlens.diffDirectory' | 'gitlens.diffWithNext' | 'gitlens.diffWithPrevious' | 'gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious' | 'gitlens.diffWithWorking' | 'gitlens.diffLineWithWorking' | 'gitlens.openChangedFiles' | 'gitlens.showBlame' | 'gitlens.showBlameHistory' | 'gitlens.showFileHistory' | 'gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails' | 'gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails' | 'gitlens.showQuickFileHistory' | 'gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory' | 'gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus' | 'gitlens.toggleBlame' | 'gitlens.toggleCodeLens';
export type Commands = 'gitlens.closeUnchangedFiles' | 'gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard' | 'gitlens.copyShaToClipboard' | 'gitlens.diffDirectory' | 'gitlens.diffWithBranch' | 'gitlens.diffWithNext' | 'gitlens.diffWithPrevious' | 'gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious' | 'gitlens.diffWithWorking' | 'gitlens.diffLineWithWorking' | 'gitlens.openChangedFiles' | 'gitlens.showBlame' | 'gitlens.showBlameHistory' | 'gitlens.showFileHistory' | 'gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails' | 'gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails' | 'gitlens.showQuickFileHistory' | 'gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory' | 'gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus' | 'gitlens.toggleBlame' | 'gitlens.toggleCodeLens';
export const Commands = {
CloseUnchangedFiles: 'gitlens.closeUnchangedFiles' as Commands,
CopyMessageToClipboard: 'gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard' as Commands,
CopyShaToClipboard: 'gitlens.copyShaToClipboard' as Commands,
DiffDirectory: 'gitlens.diffDirectory' as Commands,
DiffWithBranch: 'gitlens.diffWithBranch' as Commands,
DiffWithNext: 'gitlens.diffWithNext' as Commands,
DiffWithPrevious: 'gitlens.diffWithPrevious' as Commands,
DiffLineWithPrevious: 'gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious' as Commands,

+ 47
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src/commands/diffWithBranch.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
'use strict';
import { commands, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorCommand, Commands } from './commands';
import { BuiltInCommands } from '../constants';
import { GitService, GitUri } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { CommandQuickPickItem, BranchesQuickPick } from '../quickPicks';
import * as path from 'path';
export class DiffWithBranchCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitService) {
async execute(editor: TextEditor, uri?: Uri, goBackCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem): Promise<any> {
if (!(uri instanceof Uri)) {
if (!editor || !editor.document) return undefined;
uri = editor.document.uri;
const line = (editor && editor.selection.active.line) || 0;
const gitUri = await GitUri.fromUri(uri, this.git);
const branches = await this.git.getBranches(gitUri.repoPath);
const pick = await BranchesQuickPick.show(branches, gitUri, goBackCommand);
if (!pick) return undefined;
if (pick instanceof CommandQuickPickItem) {
return pick.execute();
const branch = pick.branch.name;
if (!branch) return undefined;
try {
const compare = await this.git.getVersionedFile(gitUri.repoPath, gitUri.fsPath, branch);
await commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.Diff, Uri.file(compare), gitUri.fileUri(), `${path.basename(gitUri.fsPath)} (${branch}) ↔ ${path.basename(gitUri.fsPath)}`);
return await commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.RevealLine, { lineNumber: line, at: 'center' });
catch (ex) {
Logger.error('[GitLens.DiffWithBranchCommand]', 'getVersionedFile', ex);
return window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to open diff. See output channel for more details`);

+ 2
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src/extension.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { configureCssCharacters } from './blameAnnotationFormatter';
import { CommandContext, setCommandContext } from './commands';
import { CloseUnchangedFilesCommand, OpenChangedFilesCommand } from './commands';
import { CopyMessageToClipboardCommand, CopyShaToClipboardCommand } from './commands';
import { DiffDirectoryCommand, DiffLineWithPreviousCommand, DiffLineWithWorkingCommand, DiffWithNextCommand, DiffWithPreviousCommand, DiffWithWorkingCommand} from './commands';
import { DiffDirectoryCommand, DiffLineWithPreviousCommand, DiffLineWithWorkingCommand, DiffWithBranchCommand, DiffWithNextCommand, DiffWithPreviousCommand, DiffWithWorkingCommand} from './commands';
import { ShowBlameCommand, ToggleBlameCommand } from './commands';
import { ShowBlameHistoryCommand, ShowFileHistoryCommand } from './commands';
import { ShowQuickCommitDetailsCommand, ShowQuickCommitFileDetailsCommand, ShowQuickFileHistoryCommand, ShowQuickRepoHistoryCommand, ShowQuickRepoStatusCommand} from './commands';
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ export async function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffDirectoryCommand(git, repoPath));
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffLineWithPreviousCommand(git));
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffLineWithWorkingCommand(git));
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffWithBranchCommand(git));
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffWithNextCommand(git));
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffWithPreviousCommand(git));
context.subscriptions.push(new DiffWithWorkingCommand(git));

+ 8
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src/git/git.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export class Git {
return data;
static async getVersionedFile(fileName: string, repoPath: string, branchOrSha: string) {
static async getVersionedFile(repoPath: string, fileName: string, branchOrSha: string) {
const data = await Git.show(repoPath, fileName, branchOrSha);
const suffix = Git.isSha(branchOrSha) ? branchOrSha.substring(0, 8) : branchOrSha;
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export class Git {
Logger.log(`getVersionedFile(${fileName}, ${repoPath}, ${branchOrSha}); destination=${destination}`);
Logger.log(`getVersionedFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${branchOrSha}); destination=${destination}`);
fs.appendFile(destination, data, err => {
if (err) {
@ -127,6 +127,12 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand(root, ...params, `--`, file);
static branch(repoPath: string) {
const params = [`branch`, `-a`];
return gitCommand(repoPath, ...params);
static diff_nameStatus(repoPath: string, sha1?: string, sha2?: string) {
const params = [`diff`, `--name-status`, `-M`];
if (sha1) {

+ 28
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src/git/gitEnrichment.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -209,4 +209,32 @@ const statusOcticonsMap = {
export function getGitStatusIcon(status: GitFileStatus, missing: string = '\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0'): string {
return statusOcticonsMap[status] || missing;
export class GitBranch {
current: boolean;
name: string;
remote: boolean;
constructor(branch: string) {
branch = branch.trim();
if (branch.startsWith('* ')) {
branch = branch.substring(2);
this.current = true;
if (branch.startsWith('remotes/')) {
branch = branch.substring(8);
this.remote = true;
const index = branch.indexOf(' ');
if (index !== -1) {
branch = branch.substring(0, index);
this.name = branch;

+ 9
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src/gitService.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { Disposable, Event, EventEmitter, ExtensionContext, FileSystemWatcher, l
import { CommandContext, setCommandContext } from './commands';
import { CodeLensVisibility, IConfig } from './configuration';
import { DocumentSchemes, WorkspaceState } from './constants';
import { Git, GitBlameParserEnricher, GitBlameFormat, GitCommit, GitFileStatusItem, GitLogParserEnricher, IGitAuthor, IGitBlame, IGitBlameLine, IGitBlameLines, IGitLog } from './git/git';
import { Git, GitBlameParserEnricher, GitBlameFormat, GitBranch, GitCommit, GitFileStatusItem, GitLogParserEnricher, IGitAuthor, IGitBlame, IGitBlameLine, IGitBlameLines, IGitLog } from './git/git';
import { IGitUriData, GitUri } from './git/gitUri';
import GitCodeLensProvider from './gitCodeLensProvider';
import { Logger } from './logger';
@ -491,6 +491,14 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
return locations;
async getBranches(repoPath: string): Promise<GitBranch[]> {
const data = await Git.branch(repoPath);
const branches = data.split('\n').filter(_ => !!_).map(_ => new GitBranch(_));
return branches;
async getLogForRepo(repoPath: string, sha?: string, maxCount?: number, reverse: boolean = false): Promise<IGitLog | undefined> {
Logger.log(`getLogForRepo('${repoPath}', ${maxCount})`);

+ 1
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src/quickPicks.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
'use strict';
export { BranchQuickPickItem, BranchesQuickPick } from './quickPicks/branches';
export { CommandQuickPickItem, OpenFileCommandQuickPickItem, OpenFilesCommandQuickPickItem, showQuickPickProgress } from './quickPicks/quickPicks';
export { CommitQuickPickItem, CommitWithFileStatusQuickPickItem } from './quickPicks/gitQuickPicks';
export { OpenCommitFilesCommandQuickPickItem, OpenCommitWorkingTreeFilesCommandQuickPickItem, CommitDetailsQuickPick } from './quickPicks/commitDetails';

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src/quickPicks/branches.ts Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
'use strict';
import { QuickPickItem, QuickPickOptions, window } from 'vscode';
import { GitBranch, GitUri } from '../gitService';
import { CommandQuickPickItem, getQuickPickIgnoreFocusOut } from './quickPicks';
import * as path from 'path';
export class BranchQuickPickItem implements QuickPickItem {
label: string;
description: string;
detail: string;
constructor(public branch: GitBranch) {
this.label = `${branch.current ? '$(check)\u00a0' : '\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0'} ${branch.name}`;
this.description = branch.remote ? '\u00a0\u00a0 remote branch' : null;
export class BranchesQuickPick {
static async show(branches: GitBranch[], uri: GitUri, goBackCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem): Promise<BranchQuickPickItem | CommandQuickPickItem | undefined> {
const items = branches.map(_ => new BranchQuickPickItem(_)) as (BranchQuickPickItem | CommandQuickPickItem)[];
if (goBackCommand) {
items.splice(0, 0, goBackCommand);
// const scope = await Keyboard.instance.beginScope({ left: goBackCommand });
const pick = await window.showQuickPick(items,
placeHolder: `Compare ${path.basename(uri.fsPath)} to \u2026`,
ignoreFocusOut: getQuickPickIgnoreFocusOut()
} as QuickPickOptions);
if (!pick) return undefined;
// await scope.dispose();
return pick;
