@ -521,13 +521,14 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
if ( blame === undefined ) return undefined ;
const commitCount = blame . commits . size ;
const dateFormat = this . config . defaultDateFormat === null ? 'MMMM Do, YYYY h:MMa' : this . config . defaultDateFormat ;
const locations : Location [ ] = [ ] ;
Iterables . forEach ( blame . commits . values ( ) , ( c , i ) = > {
if ( c . isUncommitted ) return ;
const decoration = ` \ u2937 ${ c . author } , ${ moment ( c . date ) . format ( 'MMMM Do, YYYY h:MMa' ) } ` ;
const uri = GitService . toReferenceGitContentUri ( c , i + 1 , commitCount , c . originalFileName , decoration ) ;
const decoration = ` \ u2937 ${ c . author } , ${ moment ( c . date ) . format ( dateFormat ) } ` ;
const uri = GitService . toReferenceGitContentUri ( c , i + 1 , commitCount , c . originalFileName , decoration , dateFormat );
locations . push ( new Location ( uri , new Position ( 0 , 0 ) ) ) ;
if ( c . sha === selectedSha ) {
locations . push ( new Location ( uri , new Position ( ( line || 0 ) + 1 , 0 ) ) ) ;
@ -858,13 +859,14 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
if ( log === undefined ) return undefined ;
const commitCount = log . commits . size ;
const dateFormat = this . config . defaultDateFormat === null ? 'MMMM Do, YYYY h:MMa' : this . config . defaultDateFormat ;
const locations : Location [ ] = [ ] ;
Iterables . forEach ( log . commits . values ( ) , ( c , i ) = > {
if ( c . isUncommitted ) return ;
const decoration = ` \ u2937 ${ c . author } , ${ moment ( c . date ) . format ( 'MMMM Do, YYYY h:MMa' ) } ` ;
const uri = GitService . toReferenceGitContentUri ( c , i + 1 , commitCount , c . originalFileName , decoration ) ;
const decoration = ` \ u2937 ${ c . author } , ${ moment ( c . date ) . format ( dateFormat ) } ` ;
const uri = GitService . toReferenceGitContentUri ( c , i + 1 , commitCount , c . originalFileName , decoration , dateFormat );
locations . push ( new Location ( uri , new Position ( 0 , 0 ) ) ) ;
if ( c . sha === selectedSha ) {
locations . push ( new Location ( uri , new Position ( ( line || 0 ) + 1 , 0 ) ) ) ;
@ -1086,11 +1088,11 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
return Uri . parse ( ` ${ DocumentSchemes . GitLensGit } : ${ path . basename ( fileName ! , extension ) } : ${ shortSha } ${ extension } ? ${ JSON . stringify ( data ) } ` ) ;
static toReferenceGitContentUri ( commit : GitCommit , index : number , commitCount : number , originalFileName? : string , decoration? : string ) : Uri {
return GitService . _toReferenceGitContentUri ( commit , DocumentSchemes . GitLensGit , commitCount , GitService . _toGitUriData ( commit , index , originalFileName , decoration ) ) ;
static toReferenceGitContentUri ( commit : GitCommit , index : number , commitCount : number , originalFileName : string | undefined , decoration : string , dateFormat : string | null ) : Uri {
return GitService . _toReferenceGitContentUri ( commit , DocumentSchemes . GitLensGit , commitCount , GitService . _toGitUriData ( commit , index , originalFileName , decoration ) , dateFormat );
private static _toReferenceGitContentUri ( commit : GitCommit , scheme : DocumentSchemes , commitCount : number , data : IGitUriData ) {
private static _toReferenceGitContentUri ( commit : GitCommit , scheme : DocumentSchemes , commitCount : number , data : IGitUriData , dateFormat : string | null ) {
const pad = ( n : number ) = > ( '0000000' + n ) . slice ( - ( '' + commitCount ) . length ) ;
const ext = path . extname ( data . fileName ) ;
const uriPath = ` ${ path . relative ( commit . repoPath , data . fileName . slice ( 0 , - ext . length ) ) } / ${ commit . shortSha } ${ ext } ` ;
@ -1100,8 +1102,12 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
message = message . substring ( 0 , 49 ) + '\u2026' ;
if ( dateFormat === null ) {
dateFormat = 'MMMM Do, YYYY h:MMa' ;
// NOTE: Need to specify an index here, since I can't control the sort order -- just alphabetic or by file location
return Uri . parse ( ` ${ scheme } : ${ pad ( data . index || 0 ) } \ u2022 ${ encodeURIComponent ( message ) } \ u2022 ${ moment ( commit . date ) . format ( 'MMM D, YYYY hh:MMa' ) } \ u2022 ${ encodeURIComponent ( uriPath ) } ? ${ JSON . stringify ( data ) } ` ) ;
return Uri . parse ( ` ${ scheme } : ${ pad ( data . index || 0 ) } \ u2022 ${ encodeURIComponent ( message ) } \ u2022 ${ moment ( commit . date ) . format ( dateFormat ) } \ u2022 ${ encodeURIComponent ( uriPath ) } ? ${ JSON . stringify ( data ) } ` ) ;
private static _toGitUriData < T extends IGitUriData > ( commit : IGitUriData , index? : number , originalFileName? : string , decoration? : string ) : T {