Переглянути джерело

Fixes find best remote branch

Eric Amodio 1 рік тому
3 змінених файлів з 29 додано та 36 видалено
  1. +2
  2. +11
  3. +16

+ 2
- 2
src/commands/ghpr/openOrCreateWorktree.ts Переглянути файл

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { Commands } from '../../constants';
import type { Container } from '../../container';
import { add as addRemote } from '../../git/actions/remote';
import { create as createWorktree, open as openWorktree } from '../../git/actions/worktree';
import { getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream } from '../../git/models/branch';
import { getLocalBranchByUpstream } from '../../git/models/branch';
import type { GitBranchReference } from '../../git/models/reference';
import { createReference, getReferenceFromBranch } from '../../git/models/reference';
import type { GitRemote } from '../../git/models/remote';
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ export class OpenOrCreateWorktreeCommand extends Command {
let branchRef: GitBranchReference;
let createBranch: string | undefined;
const localBranch = await getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream(repo, localBranchName, remoteBranchName);
const localBranch = await getLocalBranchByUpstream(repo, remoteBranchName);
if (localBranch != null) {
branchRef = getReferenceFromBranch(localBranch);
// TODO@eamodio check if we are behind and if so ask the user to fast-forward

+ 11
- 11
src/git/models/branch.ts Переглянути файл

@ -303,13 +303,16 @@ export function sortBranches(branches: GitBranch[], options?: BranchSortOptions)
export async function getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream(
export async function getLocalBranchByUpstream(
repo: Repository,
branchName: string,
upstreamNames?: string | string[],
remoteBranchName: string,
): Promise<GitBranch | undefined> {
if (upstreamNames != null && !Array.isArray(upstreamNames)) {
upstreamNames = [upstreamNames];
let qualifiedRemoteBranchName;
if (remoteBranchName.startsWith('remotes/')) {
qualifiedRemoteBranchName = remoteBranchName;
remoteBranchName = remoteBranchName.substring(8);
} else {
qualifiedRemoteBranchName = `remotes/${remoteBranchName}`;
let branches;
@ -317,12 +320,9 @@ export async function getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream(
branches = await repo.getBranches(branches != null ? { paging: branches.paging } : undefined);
for (const branch of branches.values) {
if (
branch.name === branchName ||
(upstreamNames != null &&
branch.upstream?.name != null &&
(upstreamNames.includes(branch.upstream?.name) ||
(branch.upstream.name.startsWith('remotes/') &&
!branch.remote &&
branch.upstream?.name != null &&
(branch.upstream.name === remoteBranchName || branch.upstream.name === qualifiedRemoteBranchName)
) {
return branch;

+ 16
- 23
src/plus/webviews/focus/focusWebview.ts Переглянути файл

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { PlusFeatures } from '../../../features';
import { add as addRemote } from '../../../git/actions/remote';
import * as RepoActions from '../../../git/actions/repository';
import type { GitBranch } from '../../../git/models/branch';
import { getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream } from '../../../git/models/branch';
import { getLocalBranchByUpstream } from '../../../git/models/branch';
import type { SearchedIssue } from '../../../git/models/issue';
import { serializeIssue } from '../../../git/models/issue';
import type { PullRequestShape, SearchedPullRequest } from '../../../git/models/pullRequest';
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import { getWorktreeForBranch } from '../../../git/models/worktree';
import { parseGitRemoteUrl } from '../../../git/parsers/remoteParser';
import type { RichRemoteProvider } from '../../../git/remotes/richRemoteProvider';
import { executeCommand, registerCommand } from '../../../system/command';
import { setContext } from '../../../system/context';
import { getSettledValue } from '../../../system/promise';
import type { IpcMessage } from '../../../webviews/protocol';
import { onIpc } from '../../../webviews/protocol';
@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
private async getRemoteBranch(searchedPullRequest: SearchedPullRequestWithRemote) {
const pullRequest = searchedPullRequest.pullRequest;
const repoAndRemote = searchedPullRequest.repoAndRemote;
const localUri = repoAndRemote.repo.folder!.uri;
const localUri = repoAndRemote.repo.uri;
const repo = await repoAndRemote.repo.getMainRepository();
if (repo == null) {
@ -105,6 +104,7 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
const rootOwner = pullRequest.refs!.base.owner;
const rootUri = Uri.parse(pullRequest.refs!.base.url);
const ref = pullRequest.refs!.head.branch;
const remoteUri = Uri.parse(pullRequest.refs!.head.url);
const remoteUrl = remoteUri.toString();
const [, remoteDomain, remotePath] = parseGitRemoteUrl(remoteUrl);
@ -159,21 +159,21 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
private async onSwitchBranch({ pullRequest }: SwitchToBranchParams) {
const searchedPullRequestWithRemote = this.findSearchedPullRequest(pullRequest);
if (searchedPullRequestWithRemote == null || searchedPullRequestWithRemote.isCurrentBranch) {
return Promise.resolve();
const prWithRemote = this.findSearchedPullRequest(pullRequest);
if (prWithRemote == null || prWithRemote.isCurrentBranch) return;
if (prWithRemote.branch != null) {
return RepoActions.switchTo(prWithRemote.branch.repoPath, prWithRemote.branch);
if (searchedPullRequestWithRemote.branch != null) {
return RepoActions.switchTo(
const remoteBranch = await this.getRemoteBranch(prWithRemote);
if (remoteBranch == null) {
void window.showErrorMessage(
`Unable to find remote branch for '${prWithRemote.pullRequest.refs?.head.owner}:${prWithRemote.pullRequest.refs?.head.branch}'`,
const remoteBranch = await this.getRemoteBranch(searchedPullRequestWithRemote);
if (remoteBranch == null) return Promise.resolve();
return RepoActions.switchTo(remoteBranch.remote.repoPath, remoteBranch.reference);
@ -329,9 +329,6 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
private async getMyPullRequests(richRepos: RepoWithRichRemote[]): Promise<SearchedPullRequestWithRemote[]> {
const allPrs: SearchedPullRequestWithRemote[] = [];
for (const richRepo of richRepos) {
const remotes = await richRepo.repo.getRemotes();
const remoteNames = remotes.map(r => r.name);
const remote = richRepo.remote;
const prs = await this.container.git.getMyPullRequests(remote);
if (prs == null) {
@ -349,21 +346,17 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
isCurrentBranch: false,
const upstreams = remoteNames.map(r => `${r}/${entry.pullRequest.refs!.head.branch}`);
const remoteBranchName = `${entry.pullRequest.refs!.head.owner}/${entry.pullRequest.refs!.head.branch}`; // TODO@eamodio really need to check for upstream url rather than name
const worktree = await getWorktreeForBranch(
entry.hasWorktree = worktree != null;
entry.isCurrentWorktree = worktree?.opened === true;
const branch = await getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream(
const branch = await getLocalBranchByUpstream(richRepo.repo, remoteBranchName);
if (branch) {
entry.branch = branch;
entry.hasLocalBranch = true;
