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Improves autolink parsing

Changes to tokenization to avoid duplicate replacements on multiple passes
Eric Amodio 2 years ago
5 changed files with 183 additions and 136 deletions
  1. +95
  2. +15
  3. +22
  4. +48
  5. +3

+ 95
- 95
src/annotations/autolinks.ts View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import { encodeUrl } from '../system/encoding';
import { join, map } from '../system/iterable';
import type { PromiseCancelledErrorWithId } from '../system/promise';
import { PromiseCancelledError, raceAll } from '../system/promise';
import { escapeHtmlWeak, escapeMarkdown, escapeRegex, getSuperscript } from '../system/string';
import { encodeHtmlWeak, escapeMarkdown, escapeRegex, getSuperscript } from '../system/string';
const emptyAutolinkMap = Object.freeze(new Map<string, Autolink>());
@ -32,16 +32,31 @@ export interface Autolink {
export interface CacheableAutolinkReference extends AutolinkReference {
| ((text: string, outputFormat: 'html' | 'markdown' | 'plaintext', footnotes?: Map<number, string>) => string)
| ((
text: string,
outputFormat: 'html' | 'markdown' | 'plaintext',
tokenMapping: Map<string, string>,
issuesOrPullRequests?: Map<string, IssueOrPullRequest | PromiseCancelledError | undefined>,
footnotes?: Map<number, string>,
) => string)
| null;
messageHtmlRegex?: RegExp;
messageMarkdownRegex?: RegExp;
messageRegex?: RegExp;
export interface DynamicAutolinkReference {
linkify: (text: string, outputFormat: 'html' | 'markdown' | 'plaintext', footnotes?: Map<number, string>) => string;
| ((
text: string,
outputFormat: 'html' | 'markdown' | 'plaintext',
tokenMapping: Map<string, string>,
issuesOrPullRequests?: Map<string, IssueOrPullRequest | PromiseCancelledError | undefined>,
footnotes?: Map<number, string>,
) => string)
| null;
parse: (text: string, autolinks: Map<string, Autolink>) => void;
@ -204,11 +219,18 @@ export class Autolinks implements Disposable {
remotes?: GitRemote[],
issuesOrPullRequests?: Map<string, IssueOrPullRequest | PromiseCancelledError | undefined>,
footnotes?: Map<number, string>,
) {
): string {
const includeFootnotesInText = outputFormat === 'plaintext' && footnotes == null;
if (includeFootnotesInText) {
footnotes = new Map<number, string>();
const tokenMapping = new Map<string, string>();
for (const ref of this._references) {
if (this.ensureAutolinkCached(ref, issuesOrPullRequests)) {
if (ref.linkify != null) {
text = ref.linkify(text, outputFormat, footnotes);
if (this.ensureAutolinkCached(ref)) {
if (ref.tokenize != null) {
text = ref.tokenize(text, outputFormat, tokenMapping, issuesOrPullRequests, footnotes);
@ -218,87 +240,71 @@ export class Autolinks implements Disposable {
if (r.provider == null) continue;
for (const ref of r.provider.autolinks) {
if (this.ensureAutolinkCached(ref, issuesOrPullRequests)) {
if (ref.linkify != null) {
text = ref.linkify(text, outputFormat, footnotes);
if (this.ensureAutolinkCached(ref)) {
if (ref.tokenize != null) {
text = ref.tokenize(text, outputFormat, tokenMapping, issuesOrPullRequests, footnotes);
if (tokenMapping.size !== 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
text = text.replace(/(\x00\d+\x00)/g, (_, t: string) => tokenMapping.get(t) ?? t);
if (includeFootnotesInText && footnotes?.size) {
text += `\n${GlyphChars.Dash.repeat(2)}\n${join(
map(footnotes, ([i, footnote]) => `${getSuperscript(i)} ${footnote}`),
return text;
private ensureAutolinkCached(
ref: CacheableAutolinkReference | DynamicAutolinkReference,
issuesOrPullRequests?: Map<string, IssueOrPullRequest | PromiseCancelledError | undefined>,
): ref is CacheableAutolinkReference | DynamicAutolinkReference {
if (isDynamic(ref)) return true;
if (!ref.prefix || !ref.url) return false;
if (ref.tokenize !== undefined || ref.tokenize === null) return true;
try {
if (issuesOrPullRequests == null || issuesOrPullRequests.size === 0) {
ref.linkify = (text: string, outputFormat: 'html' | 'markdown' | 'plaintext') => {
switch (outputFormat) {
case 'html': {
ensureCachedRegex(ref, outputFormat);
return text.replace(
/*html*/ `<a ref="${encodeUrl(ref.url.replace(numRegex, '$2'))}"${
ref.title ? ` title="${ref.title.replace(numRegex, '$2')}"` : ''
case 'markdown': {
ensureCachedRegex(ref, outputFormat);
return text.replace(
`[$1](${encodeUrl(ref.url.replace(numRegex, '$2'))}${
ref.title ? ` "${ref.title.replace(numRegex, '$2')}"` : ''
return text;
return true;
ref.linkify = (
ref.tokenize = (
text: string,
outputFormat: 'html' | 'markdown' | 'plaintext',
tokenMapping: Map<string, string>,
issuesOrPullRequests?: Map<string, IssueOrPullRequest | PromiseCancelledError | undefined>,
footnotes?: Map<number, string>,
) => {
const includeFootnotes = footnotes == null;
let index;
let footnoteIndex: number;
switch (outputFormat) {
case 'markdown':
ensureCachedRegex(ref, outputFormat);
return text.replace(ref.messageMarkdownRegex, (_substring, linkText, num) => {
const issue = issuesOrPullRequests?.get(num);
const issueUrl = encodeUrl(ref.url.replace(numRegex, num));
return text.replace(ref.messageMarkdownRegex, (_: string, linkText: string, num: string) => {
const url = encodeUrl(ref.url.replace(numRegex, num));
let title = '';
if (ref.title) {
title = ` "${ref.title.replace(numRegex, num)}`;
const issue = issuesOrPullRequests?.get(num);
if (issue != null) {
if (issue instanceof PromiseCancelledError) {
title += `\n${GlyphChars.Dash.repeat(2)}\nDetails timed out`;
} else {
const issueTitle = issue.title.replace(/([")\\])/g, '\\$1').trim();
const issueTitle = escapeMarkdown(issue.title.trim());
if (footnotes != null) {
index = footnotes.size + 1;
footnoteIndex = footnotes.size + 1;
)} **${issueTitle}**](${issueUrl}${title}")\\\n${GlyphChars.Space.repeat(
)} **${issueTitle}**](${url}${title}")\\\n${GlyphChars.Space.repeat(
)}${linkText} ${issue.closed ? 'closed' : 'opened'} ${fromNow(
issue.closedDate ??,
@ -314,32 +320,32 @@ export class Autolinks implements Disposable {
title += '"';
return `[${linkText}](${issueUrl}${title})`;
const token = `\x00${tokenMapping.size}\x00`;
tokenMapping.set(token, `[${linkText}](${url}${title})`);
return token;
case 'html':
ensureCachedRegex(ref, outputFormat);
return text.replace(ref.messageHtmlRegex, (_substring, linkText, num) => {
const issue = issuesOrPullRequests?.get(num);
const issueUrl = encodeUrl(ref.url.replace(numRegex, num));
return text.replace(ref.messageHtmlRegex, (_: string, linkText: string, num: string) => {
const url = encodeUrl(ref.url.replace(numRegex, num));
let title = '';
if (ref.title) {
title = `"${escapeHtmlWeak(ref.title.replace(numRegex, num))}`;
title = `"${encodeHtmlWeak(ref.title.replace(numRegex, num))}`;
const issue = issuesOrPullRequests?.get(num);
if (issue != null) {
if (issue instanceof PromiseCancelledError) {
title += `\n${GlyphChars.Dash.repeat(2)}\nDetails timed out`;
} else {
const issueTitle = escapeHtmlWeak(
issue.title.replace(/([")\\])/g, '\\$1').trim(),
const issueTitle = encodeHtmlWeak(issue.title.trim());
if (footnotes != null) {
index = footnotes.size + 1;
footnoteIndex = footnotes.size + 1;
`<a href="${issueUrl}" title=${title}>${IssueOrPullRequest.getHtmlIcon(
`<a href="${url}" title=${title}>${IssueOrPullRequest.getHtmlIcon(
)} <b>${issueTitle}</b></a><br /><span>${GlyphChars.Space.repeat(
@ -357,39 +363,35 @@ export class Autolinks implements Disposable {
title += '"';
return `<a href="${issueUrl}" title=${title}>${escapeHtmlWeak(linkText)}</a>`;
const token = `\x00${tokenMapping.size}\x00`;
tokenMapping.set(token, `<a href="${url}" title=${title}>${linkText}</a>`);
return token;
ensureCachedRegex(ref, outputFormat);
text = text.replace(ref.messageRegex, (_substring, linkText: string, num) => {
return text.replace(ref.messageRegex, (_: string, linkText: string, num: string) => {
const issue = issuesOrPullRequests?.get(num);
if (issue == null) return linkText;
if (footnotes === undefined) {
footnotes = new Map<number, string>();
if (footnotes != null) {
footnoteIndex = footnotes.size + 1;
`${linkText}: ${
issue instanceof PromiseCancelledError
? 'Details timed out'
: `${issue.title} ${GlyphChars.Dot} ${
issue.closed ? 'Closed' : 'Opened'
}, ${fromNow(issue.closedDate ??}`
index = footnotes.size + 1;
`${linkText}: ${
issue instanceof PromiseCancelledError
? 'Details timed out'
: `${issue.title} ${GlyphChars.Dot} ${
issue.closed ? 'Closed' : 'Opened'
}, ${fromNow(issue.closedDate ??}`
return `${linkText}${getSuperscript(index)}`;
const token = `\x00${tokenMapping.size}\x00`;
tokenMapping.set(token, `${linkText}${getSuperscript(footnoteIndex)}`);
return token;
return includeFootnotes && footnotes != null && footnotes.size !== 0
? `${text}\n${GlyphChars.Dash.repeat(2)}\n${join(
map(footnotes, ([i, footnote]) => `${getSuperscript(i)} ${footnote}`),
: text;
} catch (ex) {
@ -397,7 +399,7 @@ export class Autolinks implements Disposable {
`Failed to create autolink generator: prefix=${ref.prefix}, url=${ref.url}, title=${ref.title}`,
ref.linkify = null;
ref.tokenize = null;
return true;
@ -417,25 +419,23 @@ function ensureCachedRegex(
outputFormat: 'plaintext',
): asserts ref is RequireSome<CacheableAutolinkReference, 'messageRegex'>;
function ensureCachedRegex(ref: CacheableAutolinkReference, outputFormat: 'html' | 'markdown' | 'plaintext') {
// Regexes matches the ref prefix followed by a token and avoid re-matching previously matched tokens
// Regexes matches the ref prefix followed by a token (e.g. #1234)
if (outputFormat === 'markdown' && ref.messageMarkdownRegex == null) {
// Extra `\\\\` in `\\\\\\[` is because the markdown is escaped
ref.messageMarkdownRegex = new RegExp(
ref.alphanumeric ? '\\w' : '0-9'
ref.alphanumeric ? '\\w' : '\\d'
ref.ignoreCase ? 'gi' : 'g',
} else if (outputFormat === 'html' && ref.messageHtmlRegex == null) {
// TODO@eamodio add proper html escaping to avoid matching previous replaced matches
ref.messageHtmlRegex = new RegExp(
ref.alphanumeric ? '\\w' : '0-9'
`(?<=^|\\s|\\(|\\[)(${escapeRegex(encodeHtmlWeak(ref.prefix))}(${ref.alphanumeric ? '\\w' : '\\d'}+))\\b`,
ref.ignoreCase ? 'gi' : 'g',
} else if (ref.messageRegex == null) {
ref.messageRegex = new RegExp(
`(?<=^|\\s|\\(|\\\\\\[)(${escapeRegex(ref.prefix)}([${ref.alphanumeric ? '\\w' : '0-9'}]+))\\b`,
`(?<=^|\\s|\\(|\\[)(${escapeRegex(ref.prefix)}(${ref.alphanumeric ? '\\w' : '\\d'}+))\\b`,
ref.ignoreCase ? 'gi' : 'g',

+ 15
- 23
src/git/formatters/commitFormatter.ts View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import type { ShowInCommitGraphCommandArgs } from '../../plus/webviews/graph/gra
import { join, map } from '../../system/iterable';
import { PromiseCancelledError } from '../../system/promise';
import type { TokenOptions } from '../../system/string';
import { escapeHtmlWeak, escapeMarkdown, getSuperscript } from '../../system/string';
import { encodeHtmlWeak, escapeMarkdown, getSuperscript } from '../../system/string';
import type { ContactPresence } from '../../vsls/vsls';
import type { PreviousLineComparisonUrisResult } from '../gitProvider';
import type { GitCommit } from '../models/commit';
@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ export class CommitFormatter extends Formatter {
case 'markdown':
return `[${author}](${email ? `mailto:${email} "Email ${name} (${email})"` : `# "${name}"`})`;
case 'html':
name = escapeHtmlWeak(name);
email = escapeHtmlWeak(email);
name = encodeHtmlWeak(name);
email = encodeHtmlWeak(email);
return /*html*/ `<a ${
email ? `href="mailto:${email}" title="Email ${name} (${email})"` : `href="#" title="${name}"`
@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ export class CommitFormatter extends Formatter {
case 'markdown':
return `[${author}](${email ? `mailto:${email} "Email ${name} (${email})"` : `# "${name}"`})`;
case 'html':
name = escapeHtmlWeak(name);
email = escapeHtmlWeak(email);
name = encodeHtmlWeak(name);
email = encodeHtmlWeak(email);
return /*html*/ `<a ${
email ? `href="mailto:${email}" title="Email ${name} (${email})"` : `href="#" title="${name}"`
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ export class CommitFormatter extends Formatter {
if (outputFormat === 'html') {
title = escapeHtmlWeak(title);
title = encodeHtmlWeak(title);
const avatarPromise = this._getAvatar(outputFormat, title, this._options.avatarSize);
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ export class CommitFormatter extends Formatter {
if (outputFormat === 'html') {
name = escapeHtmlWeak(name);
name = encodeHtmlWeak(name);
return this._getAvatar(outputFormat, name, this._options.avatarSize);
@ -545,20 +545,9 @@ export class CommitFormatter extends Formatter {
this._options.footnotes == null || this._options.footnotes.size === 0
? ''
: join(
map(this._options.footnotes, ([i, footnote]) => {
switch (outputFormat) {
case 'html':
return /*html*/ `<span${
? ` class="${this._options.htmlFormat.classes.footnote}"`
: ''
}><sup>${i}</sup> ${escapeHtmlWeak(footnote)}</span>`;
case 'markdown':
return `${getSuperscript(i)} ${footnote}`;
return footnote;
map(this._options.footnotes, ([i, footnote]) =>
outputFormat === 'plaintext' ? `${getSuperscript(i)} ${footnote}` : footnote,
outputFormat === 'html' ? /*html*/ `<br \\>` : outputFormat === 'markdown' ? '\\\n' : '\n',
@ -637,12 +626,15 @@ export class CommitFormatter extends Formatter {
message = this._padOrTruncate(message, this._options.tokenOptions.message);
if (outputFormat !== 'plaintext') {
message = escapeHtmlWeak(message);
message = encodeHtmlWeak(message);
if (outputFormat === 'markdown') {
message = escapeMarkdown(message, { quoted: true });
if (this._options.messageAutolinks) {
message = Container.instance.autolinks.linkify(
outputFormat === 'markdown' ? escapeMarkdown(message, { quoted: true }) : message,

+ 22
- 5
src/git/remotes/github.ts View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import type {
import { isSubscriptionPaidPlan, isSubscriptionPreviewTrialExpired } from '../../subscription';
import { log } from '../../system/decorators/log';
import { memoize } from '../../system/decorators/memoize';
import { encodeUrl } from '../../system/encoding';
import { equalsIgnoreCase } from '../../system/string';
import type { Account } from '../models/author';
import type { DefaultBranch } from '../models/defaultBranch';
@ -71,11 +72,27 @@ export class GitHubRemote extends RichRemoteProvider {
description: `Issue or Pull Request #<num> on ${}`,
linkify: (text: string) =>
`[$&](${this.protocol}://${this.domain}/$<repo>/issues/$<num> "Open Issue or Pull Request #$<num> from $<repo> on ${}")`,
tokenize: (
text: string,
outputFormat: 'html' | 'markdown' | 'plaintext',
tokenMapping: Map<string, string>,
) => {
return outputFormat === 'plaintext'
? text
: text.replace(autolinkFullIssuesRegex, (linkText: string, repo: string, num: string) => {
const url = encodeUrl(`${this.protocol}://${this.domain}/${repo}/issues/${num}`);
const title = ` "Open Issue or Pull Request #${num} from ${repo} on ${}"`;
const token = `\x00${tokenMapping.size}\x00`;
if (outputFormat === 'markdown') {
tokenMapping.set(token, `[${linkText}](${url}${title})`);
} else if (outputFormat === 'html') {
tokenMapping.set(token, `<a href="${url}" title=${title}>${linkText}</a>`);
return token;
parse: (text: string, autolinks: Map<string, Autolink>) => {
let repo: string;
let num: string;

+ 48
- 10
src/git/remotes/gitlab.ts View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import type {
} from '../../plus/integrationAuthentication';
import { isSubscriptionPaidPlan, isSubscriptionPreviewTrialExpired } from '../../subscription';
import { log } from '../../system/decorators/log';
import { encodeUrl } from '../../system/encoding';
import { equalsIgnoreCase } from '../../system/string';
import type { Account } from '../models/author';
import type { DefaultBranch } from '../models/defaultBranch';
@ -67,11 +68,27 @@ export class GitLabRemote extends RichRemoteProvider {
description: `Merge Request !<num> on ${}`,
linkify: (text: string) =>
`[$&](${this.protocol}://${this.domain}/$<repo>/-/issues/$<num> "Open Issue #$<num> from $<repo> on ${}")`,
tokenize: (
text: string,
outputFormat: 'html' | 'markdown' | 'plaintext',
tokenMapping: Map<string, string>,
) => {
return outputFormat === 'plaintext'
? text
: text.replace(autolinkFullIssuesRegex, (linkText: string, repo: string, num: string) => {
const url = encodeUrl(`${this.protocol}://${this.domain}/${repo}/-/issues/${num}`);
const title = ` "Open Issue #${num} from ${repo} on ${}"`;
const token = `\x00${tokenMapping.size}\x00`;
if (outputFormat === 'markdown') {
tokenMapping.set(token, `[${linkText}](${url}${title})`);
} else if (outputFormat === 'html') {
tokenMapping.set(token, `<a href="${url}" title=${title}>${linkText}</a>`);
return token;
parse: (text: string, autolinks: Map<string, Autolink>) => {
let repo: string;
let num: string;
@ -97,11 +114,32 @@ export class GitLabRemote extends RichRemoteProvider {
linkify: (text: string) =>
`[$&](${this.protocol}://${this.domain}/$<repo>/-/merge_requests/$<num> "Open Merge Request !$<num> from $<repo> on ${}")`,
tokenize: (
text: string,
outputFormat: 'html' | 'markdown' | 'plaintext',
tokenMapping: Map<string, string>,
) => {
return outputFormat === 'plaintext'
? text
: text.replace(
(linkText: string, repo: string, num: string) => {
const url = encodeUrl(
const title = ` "Open Merge Request !${num} from ${repo} on ${}"`;
const token = `\x00${tokenMapping.size}\x00`;
if (outputFormat === 'markdown') {
tokenMapping.set(token, `[${linkText}](${url}${title})`);
} else if (outputFormat === 'html') {
tokenMapping.set(token, `<a href="${url}" title=${title}>${linkText}</a>`);
return token;
parse: (text: string, autolinks: Map<string, Autolink>) => {
let repo: string;
let num: string;

+ 3
- 3
src/system/string.ts View File

@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ export function compareSubstringIgnoreCase(
return 0;
export function escapeHtmlWeak(s: string): string;
export function escapeHtmlWeak(s: string | undefined): string | undefined;
export function escapeHtmlWeak(s: string | undefined): string | undefined {
export function encodeHtmlWeak(s: string): string;
export function encodeHtmlWeak(s: string | undefined): string | undefined;
export function encodeHtmlWeak(s: string | undefined): string | undefined {
return s?.replace(/[<>&"]/g, c => {
switch (c) {
case '<':
