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Reworks upstream status info in quick pick

Eric Amodio 8 years ago
1 changed files with 172 additions and 165 deletions
  1. +172

+ 172
- 165
src/quickPicks/repoStatus.ts View File

@ -1,168 +1,175 @@
'use strict';
import { Iterables } from '../system';
import { QuickPickItem, QuickPickOptions, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { Commands, Keyboard } from '../commands';
'use strict';
import { Iterables } from '../system';
import { QuickPickItem, QuickPickOptions, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { Commands, Keyboard } from '../commands';
import { Git, GitStatusFile, GitUri, IGitStatus } from '../gitService';
import { CommandQuickPickItem, getQuickPickIgnoreFocusOut, OpenFileCommandQuickPickItem } from './quickPicks';
import * as path from 'path';
export class OpenStatusFileCommandQuickPickItem extends OpenFileCommandQuickPickItem {
constructor(status: GitStatusFile, item?: QuickPickItem) {
const uri = Uri.file(path.resolve(status.repoPath, status.fileName));
const icon = status.getIcon();
import { CommandQuickPickItem, getQuickPickIgnoreFocusOut, OpenFileCommandQuickPickItem } from './quickPicks';
import * as path from 'path';
export class OpenStatusFileCommandQuickPickItem extends OpenFileCommandQuickPickItem {
constructor(status: GitStatusFile, item?: QuickPickItem) {
const uri = Uri.file(path.resolve(status.repoPath, status.fileName));
const icon = status.getIcon();
let directory = Git.normalizePath(path.dirname(status.fileName));
if (!directory || directory === '.') {
directory = undefined;
super(uri, item || {
label: `${status.staged ? '$(check)' : '\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0'}\u00a0\u00a0${icon}\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0${path.basename(status.fileName)}`,
description: directory
export class OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem extends CommandQuickPickItem {
constructor(statuses: GitStatusFile[], item?: QuickPickItem) {
const repoPath = statuses.length && statuses[0].repoPath;
const uris = => Uri.file(path.resolve(repoPath, _.fileName)));
super(item || {
label: `$(file-symlink-file) Open Changed Files`,
description: undefined
//detail: `Opens all of the changed files in the repository`
}, Commands.OpenChangedFiles, [undefined, uris]);
export class RepoStatusQuickPick {
static async show(status: IGitStatus, goBackCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem): Promise<OpenStatusFileCommandQuickPickItem | OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem | CommandQuickPickItem | undefined> {
// Sort the status by staged and then filename
const files = status.files;
files.sort((a, b) => (a.staged ? -1 : 1) - (b.staged ? -1 : 1) || a.fileName.localeCompare(b.fileName));
const added = files.filter(_ => _.status === 'A' || _.status === '?');
const deleted = files.filter(_ => _.status === 'D');
const changed = files.filter(_ => _.status !== 'A' && _.status !== '?' && _.status !== 'D');
const hasStaged = files.some(_ => _.staged);
let stagedStatus = '';
let unstagedStatus = '';
if (hasStaged) {
const stagedAdded = added.filter(_ => _.staged).length;
const stagedChanged = changed.filter(_ => _.staged).length;
const stagedDeleted = deleted.filter(_ => _.staged).length;
stagedStatus = `+${stagedAdded} ~${stagedChanged} -${stagedDeleted}`;
unstagedStatus = `+${added.length - stagedAdded} ~${changed.length - stagedChanged} -${deleted.length - stagedDeleted}`;
else {
unstagedStatus = `+${added.length} ~${changed.length} -${deleted.length}`;
const items = Array.from(, s => new OpenStatusFileCommandQuickPickItem(s))) as (OpenStatusFileCommandQuickPickItem | OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem | CommandQuickPickItem)[];
if (hasStaged) {
let index = 0;
const unstagedIndex = files.findIndex(_ => !_.staged);
if (unstagedIndex > -1) {
items.splice(unstagedIndex, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `Unstaged Files`,
description: unstagedStatus
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus, [goBackCommand]));
items.splice(unstagedIndex, 0, new OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem(files.filter(_ => _.status !== 'D' && _.staged), {
label: `\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 $(file-symlink-file) Open Staged Files`,
description: undefined
items.push(new OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem(files.filter(_ => _.status !== 'D' && !_.staged), {
label: `\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 $(file-symlink-file) Open Unstaged Files`,
description: undefined
items.splice(index++, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `Staged Files`,
description: stagedStatus
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus, [goBackCommand]));
else if (files.some(_ => !_.staged)) {
items.splice(0, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `Unstaged Files`,
description: unstagedStatus
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus, [goBackCommand]));
if (files.length) {
items.splice(0, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: '$(x) Close Unchanged Files',
description: null
}, Commands.CloseUnchangedFiles));
items.splice(0, 0, new OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem(files.filter(_ => _.status !== 'D')));
if (status.upstream && status.state.ahead) {
items.splice(0, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: '$(git-commit) Show Commits Ahead',
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 shows commits in \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.branch} but not \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.upstream}`
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoHistory, [
new GitUri(Uri.file(status.repoPath), { fileName: '', repoPath: status.repoPath, sha: `${status.upstream}..${status.branch}` }),
new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `go back \u21A9`,
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 to \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.branch} status`
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus)
if (status.upstream && status.state.behind) {
items.splice(0, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: '$(git-commit) Show Commits Behind',
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 shows commits in \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.upstream} but not \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.branch} (since \u00a0$(git-commit) ${status.sha.substring(0, 8)})`
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoHistory, [
new GitUri(Uri.file(status.repoPath), { fileName: '', repoPath: status.repoPath, sha: `${status.sha}..${status.upstream}` }),
new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `go back \u21A9`,
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 to \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.branch} status`
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus)
if (goBackCommand) {
items.splice(0, 0, goBackCommand);
const scope = await Keyboard.instance.beginScope({ left: goBackCommand });
let syncStatus = '';
if (status.upstream) {
syncStatus = status.state.ahead || status.state.behind
? ` ${status.state.behind}\u2193 ${status.state.ahead}\u2191 `
: ` \u27F3 `;
const pick = await window.showQuickPick(items, {
matchOnDescription: true,
placeHolder: `${syncStatus} ${status.branch}${status.upstream ? ` \u00a0\u2194\u00a0 ${status.upstream}` : ''}`,
ignoreFocusOut: getQuickPickIgnoreFocusOut(),
onDidSelectItem: (item: QuickPickItem) => {
scope.setKeyCommand('right', item);
} as QuickPickOptions);
await scope.dispose();
return pick;
if (!directory || directory === '.') {
directory = undefined;
super(uri, item || {
label: `${status.staged ? '$(check)' : '\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0'}\u00a0\u00a0${icon}\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0${path.basename(status.fileName)}`,
description: directory
export class OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem extends CommandQuickPickItem {
constructor(statuses: GitStatusFile[], item?: QuickPickItem) {
const repoPath = statuses.length && statuses[0].repoPath;
const uris = => Uri.file(path.resolve(repoPath, _.fileName)));
super(item || {
label: `$(file-symlink-file) Open Changed Files`,
description: undefined
//detail: `Opens all of the changed files in the repository`
}, Commands.OpenChangedFiles, [undefined, uris]);
export class RepoStatusQuickPick {
static async show(status: IGitStatus, goBackCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem): Promise<OpenStatusFileCommandQuickPickItem | OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem | CommandQuickPickItem | undefined> {
// Sort the status by staged and then filename
const files = status.files;
files.sort((a, b) => (a.staged ? -1 : 1) - (b.staged ? -1 : 1) || a.fileName.localeCompare(b.fileName));
const added = files.filter(_ => _.status === 'A' || _.status === '?');
const deleted = files.filter(_ => _.status === 'D');
const changed = files.filter(_ => _.status !== 'A' && _.status !== '?' && _.status !== 'D');
const hasStaged = files.some(_ => _.staged);
let stagedStatus = '';
let unstagedStatus = '';
if (hasStaged) {
const stagedAdded = added.filter(_ => _.staged).length;
const stagedChanged = changed.filter(_ => _.staged).length;
const stagedDeleted = deleted.filter(_ => _.staged).length;
stagedStatus = `+${stagedAdded} ~${stagedChanged} -${stagedDeleted}`;
unstagedStatus = `+${added.length - stagedAdded} ~${changed.length - stagedChanged} -${deleted.length - stagedDeleted}`;
else {
unstagedStatus = `+${added.length} ~${changed.length} -${deleted.length}`;
const items = Array.from(, s => new OpenStatusFileCommandQuickPickItem(s))) as (OpenStatusFileCommandQuickPickItem | OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem | CommandQuickPickItem)[];
if (hasStaged) {
let index = 0;
const unstagedIndex = files.findIndex(_ => !_.staged);
if (unstagedIndex > -1) {
items.splice(unstagedIndex, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `Unstaged Files`,
description: unstagedStatus
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus, [goBackCommand]));
items.splice(unstagedIndex, 0, new OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem(files.filter(_ => _.status !== 'D' && _.staged), {
label: `\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 $(file-symlink-file) Open Staged Files`,
description: undefined
items.push(new OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem(files.filter(_ => _.status !== 'D' && !_.staged), {
label: `\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 $(file-symlink-file) Open Unstaged Files`,
description: undefined
items.splice(index++, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `Staged Files`,
description: stagedStatus
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus, [goBackCommand]));
else if (files.some(_ => !_.staged)) {
items.splice(0, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `Unstaged Files`,
description: unstagedStatus
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus, [goBackCommand]));
if (files.length) {
items.push(new OpenStatusFilesCommandQuickPickItem(files.filter(_ => _.status !== 'D')));
items.push(new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: '$(x) Close Unchanged Files',
description: null
}, Commands.CloseUnchangedFiles));
else {
items.push(new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `No working changes`,
description: null
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus, [goBackCommand]));
if (status.upstream && status.state.ahead) {
items.splice(0, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `$(cloud-upload)\u00a0 ${status.state.ahead} Commits ahead of \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.upstream}`,
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 shows commits in \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.branch} but not \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.upstream}`
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoHistory, [
new GitUri(Uri.file(status.repoPath), { fileName: '', repoPath: status.repoPath, sha: `${status.upstream}..${status.branch}` }),
new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `go back \u21A9`,
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 to \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.branch} status`
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus)
if (status.upstream && status.state.behind) {
items.splice(0, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `$(cloud-download)\u00a0 ${status.state.behind} Commits behind \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.upstream}`,
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 shows commits in \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.upstream} but not \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.branch} (since \u00a0$(git-commit) ${status.sha.substring(0, 8)})`
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoHistory, [
new GitUri(Uri.file(status.repoPath), { fileName: '', repoPath: status.repoPath, sha: `${status.sha}..${status.upstream}` }),
new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `go back \u21A9`,
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 to \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.branch} status`
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus)
if (status.upstream && !status.state.ahead && !status.state.behind) {
items.splice(0, 0, new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `$(git-branch) ${status.branch} is up-to-date with \u00a0$(git-branch) ${status.upstream}`,
description: null
}, Commands.ShowQuickRepoStatus, [goBackCommand]));
if (goBackCommand) {
items.splice(0, 0, goBackCommand);
const scope = await Keyboard.instance.beginScope({ left: goBackCommand });
const pick = await window.showQuickPick(items, {
matchOnDescription: true,
placeHolder: `status of ${status.branch}${status.upstream ? ` \u00a0\u2194\u00a0 ${status.upstream}` : ''}`,
ignoreFocusOut: getQuickPickIgnoreFocusOut(),
onDidSelectItem: (item: QuickPickItem) => {
scope.setKeyCommand('right', item);
} as QuickPickOptions);
await scope.dispose();
return pick;
