| `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when an _authors_ code lens is clicked, set to (`gitlens.toggleFileBlame`) by default. Can be set to `false` to disable click actions on the code lens.<br/><br/>`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br/>`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - compares the current committed file with the previous commit<br/>`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Repositories view<br/>`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - shows the commits within the range in the Search Commits view<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows a commit details quick pick<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - shows a commit file details quick pick<br/>`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows a file history quick pick<br/>`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows a branch history quick pick |
| `gitlens.codeLens.authors.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide an _authors_ code lens, showing number of authors of the file or code block and the most prominent author (if there is more than one) |
| `gitlens.codeLens.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens, by default. Use the _Toggle Git Code Lens_ command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) to toggle the Git code lens on and off for the current window |
| `gitlens.codeLens.includeSingleLineSymbols` | Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens on symbols that span only a single line |
| `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when a _recent change_ code lens is clicked, set to (`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails`) by default. Can be set to `false` to disable click actions on the code lens.<br/><br/>`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br/>`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - compares the current committed file with the previous commit<br/>`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Repositories view<br/>`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - shows the commit in the Search Commits view<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows a commit details quick pick<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - shows a commit file details quick pick<br/>`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows a file history quick pick<br/>`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows a branch history quick pick |
| `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide a _recent change_ code lens, showing the author and date of the most recent commit for the file or code block |
| `gitlens.codeLens.scopes` | Specifies where Git code lens will be shown in the document<br/><br/>`document` - adds code lens at the top of the document<br/>`containers` - adds code lens at the start of container-like symbols (modules, classes, interfaces, etc)<br/>`blocks` - adds code lens at the start of block-like symbols (functions, methods, etc) lines |
| `gitlens.codeLens.scopesByLanguage` | Deprecated. Use per-language `gitlens.codeLens.scopes` and `gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes` settings instead |
| `gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes` | Specifies a set of document symbols where Git code lens will or will not be shown in the document. Prefix with `!` to avoid providing a Git code lens for the symbol. Must be a member of [`SymbolKind`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensionAPI/vscode-api#_a-namesymbolkindaspan-classcodeitem-id660symbolkindspan) |
| `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when an _authors_ code lens is clicked, set to (`gitlens.toggleFileBlame`) by default. Can be set to `false` to disable click actions on the code lens.<br/><br/>`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br/>`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - opens changes with the previous revision<br/>`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Side Bar<br/>`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - searches for the commits within the range in the Side Bar<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows details of the commit<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - show file details of the commit<br/>`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows the current file history<br/>`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows the current branch history |
| `gitlens.codeLens.authors.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide an _authors_ code lens, showing number of authors of the file or code block and the most prominent author (if there is more than one) |
| `gitlens.codeLens.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens, by default. Use the _Toggle Git Code Lens_ command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) to toggle the Git code lens on and off for the current window |
| `gitlens.codeLens.includeSingleLineSymbols` | Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens on symbols that span only a single line |
| `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when a _recent change_ code lens is clicked, set to (`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails`) by default. Can be set to `false` to disable click actions on the code lens.<br/><br/>`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br/>`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - opens changes with the previous revision<br/>`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Side Bar<br/>`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - searches for the commit in the Side Bar<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows details of the commit<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - show file details of the commit<br/>`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows the current file history<br/>`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows the current branch history |
| `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide a _recent change_ code lens, showing the author and date of the most recent commit for the file or code block |
| `gitlens.codeLens.scopes` | Specifies where Git code lens will be shown in the document<br/><br/>`document` - adds code lens at the top of the document<br/>`containers` - adds code lens at the start of container-like symbols (modules, classes, interfaces, etc)<br/>`blocks` - adds code lens at the start of block-like symbols (functions, methods, etc) lines |
| `gitlens.codeLens.scopesByLanguage` | Deprecated. Use per-language `gitlens.codeLens.scopes` and `gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes` settings instead |
| `gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes` | Specifies a set of document symbols where Git code lens will or will not be shown in the document. Prefix with `!` to avoid providing a Git code lens for the symbol. Must be a member of [`SymbolKind`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensionAPI/vscode-api#_a-namesymbolkindaspan-classcodeitem-id660symbolkindspan) |
### Status Bar Settings [#](#status-bar-settings- 'Status Bar Settings')
| `gitlens.statusBar.alignment` | Specifies the blame alignment in the status bar<br/><br/>`left` - aligns to the left<br/>`right` - aligns to the right |
| `gitlens.statusBar.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when the blame status bar item is clicked<br/><br/>`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br/>`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - compares the current line commit with the previous<br/>`gitlens.diffWithWorking` - compares the current line commit with the working tree<br/>`gitlens.toggleCodeLens` - toggles Git code lens<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows a commit details quick pick<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - shows a commit file details quick pick<br/>`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows a file history quick pick<br/>`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows a branch history quick pick |
| `gitlens.statusBar.dateFormat` | Specifies how to format absolute dates (e.g. using the `${date}` token) in the blame information in the status bar. See the [Moment.js docs](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) for valid formats |
| `gitlens.statusBar.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide blame information in the status bar |
| `gitlens.statusBar.format` | Specifies the format of the blame information in the status bar. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `gitlens.statusBar.dateFormat` setting |
| `gitlens.statusBar.reduceFlicker` | Specifies whether to avoid clearing the previous blame information when changing lines to reduce status bar "flashing" |
| `gitlens.statusBar.alignment` | Specifies the blame alignment in the status bar<br/><br/>`left` - aligns to the left<br/>`right` - aligns to the right |
| `gitlens.statusBar.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when the blame status bar item is clicked<br/><br/>`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br/>`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - opens line changes with the previous revision<br/>`gitlens.diffWithWorking` - opens line changes with the working file<br/>`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Side Bar<br/>`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - searches for the commit in the Side Bar<br/>`gitlens.toggleCodeLens` - toggles the Git code lens<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows details of the commit<br/>`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - show file details of the commit<br/>`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows the current file history<br/>`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows the current branch history |
| `gitlens.statusBar.dateFormat` | Specifies how to format absolute dates (e.g. using the `${date}` token) in the blame information in the status bar. See the [Moment.js docs](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) for valid formats |
| `gitlens.statusBar.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide blame information in the status bar |
| `gitlens.statusBar.format` | Specifies the format of the blame information in the status bar. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `gitlens.statusBar.dateFormat` setting |
| `gitlens.statusBar.reduceFlicker` | Specifies whether to avoid clearing the previous blame information when changing lines to reduce status bar "flashing" |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.closeOnFocusOut` | Specifies whether to dismiss the Git Commands menu when focus is lost (if not, press `ESC` to dismiss) |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.search.matchAll` | Specifies whether to match all or any commit message search patterns |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.search.matchCase` | Specifies whether to match commit search patterns with or without regard to casing |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.search.matchRegex` | Specifies whether to match commit search patterns using regular expressions |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.search.showResultsInView` | Specifies whether to show the commit search results in the _Search Commits_ view or directly within the quick pick menu |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.skipConfirmations` | Specifies which (and when) Git commands will skip the confirmation step, using the format: `git-command-name:(menu | command)` |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.closeOnFocusOut`| Specifies whether to dismiss the Git Commands menu when focus is lost (if not, press `ESC` to dismiss) |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.search.matchAll`| Specifies whether to match all or any commit message search patterns |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.search.matchCase`| Specifies whether to match commit search patterns with or without regard to casing |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.search.matchRegex`| Specifies whether to match commit search patterns using regular expressions |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.search.showResultsInSideBar` | Specifies whether to show the commit search results in the Side Bar or within the quick pick menu |
| `gitlens.gitCommands.skipConfirmations`| Specifies which (and when) Git commands will skip the confirmation step, using the format: `git-command-name:(menu | command)` |
### Date & Time Settings [#](#date--time-settings- 'Date & Time Settings')