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Eric Amodio 1 yıl önce
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CHANGELOG.md Dosyayı Görüntüle

@ -8,36 +8,57 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this p
### Added
- Adds ability to choose the OpenAI model used for GitLens' experimental AI features — closes [#2636](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2636) thanks to [PR #2637](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/pull/2637) by Daniel Rodríguez ([@sadasant](https://github.com/sadasant))
- Adds a `gitlens.ai.experimental.openai.model` setting to specify the OpenAI model (defaults to `gpt-3.5-turbo`)
- ☁️ Adds the all-new _GitKraken Workspaces_ feature as a side bar view, supporting interaction with local and cloud GitKraken workspaces, lists of repositories tied to your account. This view allows you to:
- Create, view, and manage repositories on GitKraken cloud workspaces, which are available on your account across the range of GitKraken products
- Adds an all-new _GitKraken Workspaces_ ☁️ feature as a side bar view, supporting interaction with local and cloud GitKraken workspaces, lists of repositories tied to your account.
- Create, view, and manage repositories on GitKraken cloud workspaces, which are available with a GitKraken account across the range of GitKraken products
- Automatically or manually link repositories in GitKraken cloud workspaces to matching repositories on your machine
- Convert all repositories in your current window into a new GitKraken cloud workspace
- Convert a GitKraken cloud workspace into a local VS Code workspace file
- Open a repository in a cloud workspace in a new window (or your current window)
- Quickly create a GitKraken cloud workspace from the repositories in your current window
- Open a GitKraken cloud workspace as a local, persisted, VS Code workspace file (further improvements coming soon)
- Open a cloud workspace or repository in a new window (or your current window)
- See your currently open repositories in the _Current Window_ section
- Fully interact with any repository in a GitKraken cloud workspace which is open in your current window (these repositories will be <span style='color:green'>highlighted in green</span>)
- (Coming soon to GitLens Pro) Share your GitKraken cloud workspaces with your team or organization
- Adds support for cloning, adding a remote, and fetching from the target remote during a deep link
- Adds support for deep links using repository disk paths
- Adds new _Commit Graph_ features and improvements
- Adds a file count to the _Changes_ column
- Explore and interact with any repository in a GitKraken cloud workspace, some actions are currently limited to repositories which are open in your current window &mdash; ones highlighted in green
- (Coming soon) Share your GitKraken cloud workspaces with your team or organization
- Adds new _Commit Graph_ ✨ features and improvements
- Makes the _Panel_ layout the default for easy access to the Commit Graph with a dedicated details view
- Adds two new options to the graph header context menu
- `Reset Columns to Default Layout` - resets column widths, ordering, visibility, and graph column mode to default settings
- `Reset Columns to Compact Layout` - resets column widths, ordering, visibility, and graph column mode to compact settings
- Adds a _Toggle Commit Graph_ command to quickly toggle the graph on and off (requires the _Panel_ layout)
- Adds a _Toggle Maximized Commit Graph_ command to maximize and restore the graph for a quick full screen experience (requires the _Panel_ layout)
- Enables the _Minimap_ by default, as its no longer experimental, to provide a quick overview of of commit activity above the graph
- Adds ability to toggle between showing commits vs lines changed in the minimap (note: choosing lines changed requires more computation)
- Adds a legend and quick toggles for the markers shown on the minimap
- Defers the loading of the minimap to avoid impacting graph performance
- Adds a `gitlens.graph.minimap.enabled` setting to specify whether to show the minimap
- Adds a `gitlens.graph.minimap.dataType` setting to specify whether to show commits or lines changed in the minimap
- Adds a `gitlens.graph.minimap.additionalTypes` setting to specify additional markers to show on the minimap
- Makes the _Changes_ column visible by default (previously hidden)
- Adds extra width to the bar for outlier rows in the _Changes_ column so that they stand out a bit more
- Defers the loading of the _Changes_ column to avoid impacting graph performance
- Adds a changed file count in addition to the changed lines visualization
- Improves the rendering of the changed line visualization and adds extra width to the bar for outlier changes so that they stand out a bit more
- Adds an _Open Repo on Remote_ button to left of the repo name in the graph header
- Improves tooltips on _Branch/Tag_ icons to be more uniform and descriptive
- Fixes a bug where _Branch/Tag_ nodes sometimes wouldn't expand on hover
- Moves content in the last column out from behind the scrollbar
- Improves alignment of scroll markers with the scrollbar
- Adds new context menu options to the _Commit Graph Settings_ (cog) to toggle scroll marker types
- Adds new context menu options to the _Commit Graph Settings_ (cog, above the scrollbar) to toggle which scroll marker to show
- Improves alignment of scroll markers on the scrollbar, and adds a gap between the last column and the scrollbar
- Adds the ability to choose which AI provider, OpenAI or Anthropic, and AI model are used for GitLens' experimental AI features
- Adds a _Switch AI Model_ command to the command palette and from the _Explain (AI)_ panel on the _Commit Details_ view
- Adds a `gitlens.ai.experimental.provider` setting to specify the AI provider to use (defaults to `openai`)
- Adds a `gitlens.ai.experimental.openai.model` setting to specify the OpenAI model (defaults to `gpt-3.5-turbo`) &mdash; closes [#2636](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2636) thanks to [PR #2637](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/pull/2637) by Daniel Rodríguez ([@sadasant](https://github.com/sadasant))
- Adds a `gitlens.ai.experimental.anthropic.model` setting to specify the Anthropic model (defaults to `claude-v1`)
- Adds expanded deep link support
- Adds cloning, adding a remote, and fetching from the target remote when resolving a deep link
- Adds deep linking to a repository with direct file path support
- Adds ability to control encoding for custom remote configuration &mdash; closes [#2336](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2336)
- Adds a _Full history_ option to the _Visual File History_ &mdash; closes [#2690](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2690)
### Fixed
- Fixes [#2336](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2336) - Apply encodeURIComponent() to pieces of the custom remote URL
- Fixes [#2728](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2728) - Submodule commit graph will not open in the panel layout
- Fixes [#2734](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2734) - 🐛 File History: Browse ... not working
- Fixes [#2671](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2671) - Incorrect locale information provided GitLens
- Fixes [#2689](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2689) - GitLens hangs on github.dev on Safari
- Fixes [#2680](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2680) - Git path with spaces is not properly quoted in the command
- Fixes [#2677](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/issues/2677) - Merging branch produces path error
- Fixes an issue where _Branch / Tag_ items on the _Commit Graph_ sometimes wouldn't expand on hover
## [13.6.0] - 2023-05-11
