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Fixes Focus View actions

- fixes disabled states on the pull request actions
- updates create worktree workflow
- tracking existance of local branch and worktree

Co-authored-by: Eric Amodio <>
Keith Daulton 1 year ago
9 changed files with 219 additions and 74 deletions
  1. +23
  2. +32
  3. +16
  4. +39
  5. +30
  6. +49
  7. +3
  8. +12
  9. +15

+ 23
- 14
src/commands/ghpr/openOrCreateWorktree.ts View File

@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ import { Commands } from '../../constants';
import type { Container } from '../../container';
import { add as addRemote } from '../../git/actions/remote';
import { create as createWorktree, open as openWorktree } from '../../git/actions/worktree';
import { createReference } from '../../git/models/reference';
import { getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream } from '../../git/models/branch';
import type { GitBranchReference } from '../../git/models/reference';
import { createReference, getReferenceFromBranch } from '../../git/models/reference';
import type { GitRemote } from '../../git/models/remote';
import { getWorktreeForBranch } from '../../git/models/worktree';
import { parseGitRemoteUrl } from '../../git/parsers/remoteParser';
import { command } from '../../system/command';
import { Logger } from '../../system/logger';
@ -109,28 +112,34 @@ export class OpenOrCreateWorktreeCommand extends Command {
const remoteBranchName = `${}/${ref}`;
const localBranchName = `pr/${rootUri.toString() === remoteUri.toString() ? ref : remoteBranchName}`;
const qualifiedRemoteBranchName = `remotes/${remoteBranchName}`;
const worktrees = await repo.getWorktrees();
const worktree = worktrees.find(w => w.branch === localBranchName);
const worktree = await getWorktreeForBranch(repo, localBranchName, remoteBranchName);
if (worktree != null) {
void openWorktree(worktree);
let branchRef: GitBranchReference;
let createBranch: string | undefined;
const localBranch = await getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream(repo, localBranchName, remoteBranchName);
if (localBranch != null) {
branchRef = getReferenceFromBranch(localBranch);
// TODO@eamodio check if we are behind and if so ask the user to fast-forward
} else {
branchRef = createReference(qualifiedRemoteBranchName, repo.path, {
refType: 'branch',
name: qualifiedRemoteBranchName,
remote: true,
createBranch = localBranchName;
await waitUntilNextTick();
try {
await createWorktree(
createReference(remoteBranchName, repo.path, {
refType: 'branch',
name: remoteBranchName,
remote: true,
{ createBranch: localBranchName },
await createWorktree(repo, undefined, branchRef, { createBranch: createBranch });
// Ensure that the worktree was created
const worktree = await this.container.git.getWorktree(repo.path, w => w.branch === localBranchName);

+ 32
- 16
src/commands/git/worktree.ts View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ interface CreateState {
repo: string | Repository;
uri: Uri;
reference?: GitReference;
createBranch: string;
createBranch?: string;
flags: CreateFlags[];
reveal?: boolean;
@ -375,23 +375,39 @@ export class WorktreeGitCommand extends QuickCommand {
if (state.flags.includes('-b') && state.createBranch == null) {
const result = yield* inputBranchNameStep(state, context, {
placeholder: 'Please provide a name for the new branch',
titleContext: ` from ${getReferenceLabel(state.reference, {
capitalize: true,
icon: false,
label: state.reference.refType !== 'branch',
value: state.createBranch ?? getNameWithoutRemote(state.reference),
if (result === StepResultBreak) {
// Clear the flags, since we can backup after the confirm step below (which is non-standard)
state.flags = [];
if (state.flags.includes('-b')) {
let createBranchOverride: string | undefined;
if (state.createBranch != null) {
let valid = await this.container.git.validateBranchOrTagName(state.repo.path, state.createBranch);
if (valid) {
const alreadyExists = await state.repo.getBranch(state.createBranch);
valid = alreadyExists == null;
if (!valid) {
createBranchOverride = state.createBranch;
state.createBranch = undefined;
state.createBranch = result;
if (state.createBranch == null) {
const result = yield* inputBranchNameStep(state, context, {
placeholder: 'Please provide a name for the new branch',
titleContext: ` from ${getReferenceLabel(state.reference, {
capitalize: true,
icon: false,
label: state.reference.refType !== 'branch',
value: createBranchOverride ?? state.createBranch ?? getNameWithoutRemote(state.reference),
if (result === StepResultBreak) {
// Clear the flags, since we can backup after the confirm step below (which is non-standard)
state.flags = [];
state.createBranch = result;
const uri = state.flags.includes('--direct')

+ 16
- 2
src/commands/quickCommand.steps.ts View File

@ -523,7 +523,16 @@ export async function* inputBranchNameStep<
if ('repo' in state) {
const valid = await Container.instance.git.validateBranchOrTagName(state.repo.path, value);
return [valid, valid ? undefined : `'${value}' isn't a valid branch name`];
if (!valid) {
return [false, `'${value}' isn't a valid branch name`];
const alreadyExists = await state.repo.getBranch(value);
if (alreadyExists) {
return [false, `A branch named '${value}' already exists`];
return [true, undefined];
let valid = true;
@ -533,6 +542,11 @@ export async function* inputBranchNameStep<
if (!valid) {
return [false, `'${value}' isn't a valid branch name`];
const alreadyExists = await repo.getBranch(value);
if (alreadyExists) {
return [false, `A branch named '${value}' already exists`];
return [true, undefined];
@ -572,7 +586,7 @@ export async function* inputRemoteNameStep<
if ('repo' in state) {
const alreadyExists = (await state.repo.getRemotes({ filter: r => === value })).length !== 0;
if (alreadyExists) {
return [false, `Remote named '${value}' already exists`];
return [false, `A remote named '${value}' already exists`];

+ 39
- 5
src/git/models/branch.ts View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import type { PullRequest, PullRequestState } from './pullRequest';
import type { GitBranchReference, GitReference } from './reference';
import { shortenRevision } from './reference';
import type { GitRemote } from './remote';
import type { Repository } from './repository';
import { getUpstreamStatus } from './status';
const whitespaceRegex = /\s/;
@ -133,12 +134,12 @@ export class GitBranch implements GitBranchReference {
getNameWithoutRemote(): string {
return this.remote ?'/') + 1) :;
return this.remote ? + 1) :;
getTrackingWithoutRemote(): string | undefined {
return this.upstream?.name.substring('/') + 1);
return this.upstream?.name.substring(getRemoteNameSlashIndex( + 1);
@ -219,12 +220,16 @@ export function formatDetachedHeadName(sha: string): string {
return `(${shortenRevision(sha)}...)`;
function getRemoteNameSlashIndex(name: string): number {
return name.startsWith('remotes/') ? name.indexOf('/', 8) : name.indexOf('/');
export function getBranchNameWithoutRemote(name: string): string {
return name.substring(name.indexOf('/') + 1);
return name.substring(getRemoteNameSlashIndex(name) + 1);
export function getRemoteNameFromBranchName(name: string): string {
return name.substring(0, name.indexOf('/'));
return name.substring(0, getRemoteNameSlashIndex(name));
export function isBranch(branch: any): branch is GitBranch {
@ -242,7 +247,7 @@ export function isOfBranchRefType(branch: GitReference | undefined) {
export function splitBranchNameAndRemote(name: string): [name: string, remote: string | undefined] {
const index = name.indexOf('/');
const index = getRemoteNameSlashIndex(name);
if (index === -1) return [name, undefined];
return [name.substring(index + 1), name.substring(0, index)];
@ -297,3 +302,32 @@ export function sortBranches(branches: GitBranch[], options?: BranchSortOptions)
export async function getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream(
repo: Repository,
branchName: string,
upstreamNames?: string | string[],
): Promise<GitBranch | undefined> {
if (upstreamNames != null && !Array.isArray(upstreamNames)) {
upstreamNames = [upstreamNames];
let branches;
do {
branches = await repo.getBranches(branches != null ? { paging: branches.paging } : undefined);
for (const branch of branches.values) {
if ( === branchName ||
(upstreamNames != null &&
branch.upstream?.name != null &&
(upstreamNames.includes(branch.upstream?.name) ||
('remotes/') &&
) {
return branch;
} while (branches.paging?.more);
return undefined;

+ 30
- 0
src/git/models/worktree.ts View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { memoize } from '../../system/decorators/memoize';
import { normalizePath, relative } from '../../system/path';
import type { GitBranch } from './branch';
import { shortenRevision } from './reference';
import type { Repository } from './repository';
import type { GitStatus } from './status';
export class GitWorktree {
@ -79,3 +80,32 @@ export class GitWorktree {
return relativePath.length === 0 ? : relativePath;
export async function getWorktreeForBranch(
repo: Repository,
branchName: string,
upstreamNames?: string | string[],
): Promise<GitWorktree | undefined> {
if (upstreamNames != null && !Array.isArray(upstreamNames)) {
upstreamNames = [upstreamNames];
const worktrees = await repo.getWorktrees();
for (const worktree of worktrees) {
if (worktree.branch === branchName) return worktree;
if (upstreamNames == null || worktree.branch == null) continue;
const branch = await repo.getBranch(worktree.branch);
if (
branch?.upstream?.name != null &&
(upstreamNames.includes( ||
('remotes/') &&
) {
return worktree;
return undefined;

+ 49
- 19
src/plus/webviews/focus/focusWebview.ts View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import { setContext } from '../../../context';
import { PlusFeatures } from '../../../features';
import { add as addRemote } from '../../../git/actions/remote';
import * as RepoActions from '../../../git/actions/repository';
import type { GitBranch } from '../../../git/models/branch';
import { getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream } from '../../../git/models/branch';
import type { SearchedIssue } from '../../../git/models/issue';
import { serializeIssue } from '../../../git/models/issue';
import type { PullRequestShape, SearchedPullRequest } from '../../../git/models/pullRequest';
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ import { createReference } from '../../../git/models/reference';
import type { GitRemote } from '../../../git/models/remote';
import type { Repository, RepositoryChangeEvent } from '../../../git/models/repository';
import { RepositoryChange, RepositoryChangeComparisonMode } from '../../../git/models/repository';
import type { GitWorktree } from '../../../git/models/worktree';
import { getWorktreeForBranch } from '../../../git/models/worktree';
import { parseGitRemoteUrl } from '../../../git/parsers/remoteParser';
import type { RichRemoteProvider } from '../../../git/remotes/richRemoteProvider';
import type { Subscription } from '../../../subscription';
@ -45,7 +47,10 @@ interface RepoWithRichRemote {
interface SearchedPullRequestWithRemote extends SearchedPullRequest {
repoAndRemote: RepoWithRichRemote;
branch?: GitBranch;
hasLocalBranch?: boolean;
isCurrentBranch?: boolean;
hasWorktree?: boolean;
isCurrentWorktree?: boolean;
@ -170,7 +175,16 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
private async onSwitchBranch({ pullRequest }: SwitchToBranchParams) {
const searchedPullRequestWithRemote = this.findSearchedPullRequest(pullRequest);
if (searchedPullRequestWithRemote == null) return Promise.resolve();
if (searchedPullRequestWithRemote == null || searchedPullRequestWithRemote.isCurrentBranch) {
return Promise.resolve();
if (searchedPullRequestWithRemote.branch != null) {
return RepoActions.switchTo(
const remoteBranch = await this.getRemoteBranch(searchedPullRequestWithRemote);
if (remoteBranch == null) return Promise.resolve();
@ -179,9 +193,13 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
private async onOpenWorktree({ pullRequest }: OpenWorktreeParams) {
const searchedPullRequestWithRemote = this.findSearchedPullRequest(pullRequest);
if (searchedPullRequestWithRemote?.repoAndRemote == null) {
const baseUri = Uri.parse(pullRequest.refs!.base.url);
const repoAndRemote = this.findSearchedPullRequest(pullRequest)?.repoAndRemote;
const localInfo = repoAndRemote!.repo.folder;
const localInfo = searchedPullRequestWithRemote.repoAndRemote.repo.folder;
return executeCommand<GHPRPullRequest>(Commands.OpenOrCreateWorktreeForGHPR, {
base: {
repositoryCloneUrl: {
@ -266,7 +284,9 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
pullRequest: serializePullRequest(pr.pullRequest),
reasons: pr.reasons,
isCurrentBranch: pr.isCurrentBranch ?? false,
iscurrentWorktree: pr.isCurrentWorktree ?? false,
isCurrentWorktree: pr.isCurrentWorktree ?? false,
hasWorktree: pr.hasWorktree ?? false,
hasLocalBranch: pr.hasLocalBranch ?? false,
const issues = await this.getMyIssues(connectedRepos);
@ -333,20 +353,13 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
private async getWorktreeForPullRequest(
searchedPullRequest: SearchedPullRequestWithRemote,
): Promise<GitWorktree | undefined> {
const worktree = await this.container.git.getWorktree(
w => w.branch === searchedPullRequest.pullRequest.refs!.head.branch,
return worktree;
private async getMyPullRequests(richRepos: RepoWithRichRemote[]): Promise<SearchedPullRequestWithRemote[]> {
const allPrs: SearchedPullRequestWithRemote[] = [];
for (const richRepo of richRepos) {
const { remote } = richRepo;
const remotes = await richRepo.repo.getRemotes();
const remoteNames = =>;
const remote = richRepo.remote;
const prs = await this.container.git.getMyPullRequests(remote);
if (prs == null) {
@ -362,10 +375,27 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
isCurrentWorktree: false,
isCurrentBranch: false,
const worktree = await this.getWorktreeForPullRequest(entry);
const upstreams = => `${r}/${entry.pullRequest.refs!.head.branch}`);
const worktree = await getWorktreeForBranch(
entry.hasWorktree = worktree != null;
entry.isCurrentWorktree = worktree?.opened === true;
const branch = await richRepo.repo.getBranch();
entry.isCurrentBranch = branch?.name === entry.pullRequest.refs!.head.branch;
const branch = await getLocalBranchByNameOrUpstream(
if (branch) {
entry.branch = branch;
entry.hasLocalBranch = true;
entry.isCurrentBranch = branch.current;

+ 3
- 1
src/plus/webviews/focus/protocol.ts View File

@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ export interface IssueResult extends SearchResultBase {
export interface PullRequestResult extends SearchResultBase {
pullRequest: PullRequestShape;
isCurrentBranch: boolean;
iscurrentWorktree: boolean;
isCurrentWorktree: boolean;
hasWorktree: boolean;
hasLocalBranch: boolean;
export interface RepoWithRichProvider {

+ 12
- 6
src/webviews/apps/plus/focus/components/pull-request-row.ts View File

@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ const template = html`
<table-cell class="vcenter actions">
tabindex="${x => (x.iscurrentWorktree ? -1 : null)}"
title="${x => (x.iscurrentWorktree ? 'Already on this workree' : 'Open Worktree...')}"
aria-label="${x => (x.iscurrentWorktree ? 'Already on this workree' : 'Open Worktree...')}"
tabindex="${x => (x.isCurrentWorktree || x.isCurrentBranch ? -1 : null)}"
title="${x => (x.isCurrentWorktree ? 'Already on this workree' : 'Open Worktree...')}"
aria-label="${x => (x.isCurrentWorktree ? 'Already on this workree' : 'Open Worktree...')}"
@click="${(x, c) => x.onOpenWorktreeClick(c.event)}"
><code-icon icon="gl-worktrees-view"></code-icon></a
tabindex="${x => (x.isCurrentBranch ? -1 : null)}"
tabindex="${x => (x.hasWorktree || x.isCurrentBranch ? -1 : null)}"
title="${x => (x.isCurrentBranch ? 'Already on this branch' : 'Switch to Branch...')}"
aria-label="${x => (x.isCurrentBranch ? 'Already on this branch' : 'Switch to Branch...')}"
@click="${(x, c) => x.onSwitchBranchClick(c.event)}"
@ -285,7 +285,13 @@ export class PullRequestRow extends FASTElement {
public isCurrentBranch = false;
public iscurrentWorktree = false;
public isCurrentWorktree = false;
public hasWorktree = false;
public hasLocalBranch = false;
get lastUpdatedDate() {
@ -358,7 +364,7 @@ export class PullRequestRow extends FASTElement {
onOpenWorktreeClick(e: Event) {
if (this.iscurrentWorktree) {
if (this.isCurrentWorktree) {

+ 15
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src/webviews/apps/plus/focus/focus.ts View File

@ -154,17 +154,21 @@ export class FocusApp extends App {
} else {
noneEl.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
loadingEl.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
this.state.pullRequests.forEach(({ pullRequest, reasons, isCurrentBranch, iscurrentWorktree }) => {
if (this._prFilter == null || this._prFilter === '' || reasons.includes(this._prFilter)) {
const rowEl = document.createElement('pull-request-row') as PullRequestRow;
rowEl.pullRequest = pullRequest;
rowEl.reasons = reasons;
rowEl.isCurrentBranch = isCurrentBranch;
rowEl.iscurrentWorktree = iscurrentWorktree;
({ pullRequest, reasons, isCurrentBranch, isCurrentWorktree, hasWorktree, hasLocalBranch }) => {
if (this._prFilter == null || this._prFilter === '' || reasons.includes(this._prFilter)) {
const rowEl = document.createElement('pull-request-row') as PullRequestRow;
rowEl.pullRequest = pullRequest;
rowEl.reasons = reasons;
rowEl.isCurrentBranch = isCurrentBranch;
rowEl.isCurrentWorktree = isCurrentWorktree;
rowEl.hasWorktree = hasWorktree;
rowEl.hasLocalBranch = hasLocalBranch;
