@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { DiffWithCommand, OpenCommitInRemoteCommand, OpenFileRevisionCommand, Sh
import { FileAnnotationType } from './../configuration' ;
import { GlyphChars } from '../constants' ;
import { Container } from '../container' ;
import { CommitFormatter , GitCommit , GitDiffChunkLine , GitService , GitUri , ICommitFormatOptions } from '../gitService' ;
import { CommitFormatter , GitCommit , GitDiffChunkLine , GitRemote , Git Service , GitUri , ICommitFormatOptions } from '../gitService' ;
interface IHeatmapConfig {
enabled : boolean ;
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export class Annotations {
return commandBar ;
static getHoverMessage ( commit : GitCommit , dateFormat : string | null , hasRemote : boolean , annotationType? : FileAnnotationType , line : number = 0 ) : MarkdownString {
static getHoverMessage ( commit : GitCommit , dateFormat : string | null , remotes : GitRemote [ ] , annotationType? : FileAnnotationType , line : number = 0 ) : MarkdownString {
if ( dateFormat === null ) {
dateFormat = 'MMMM Do, YYYY h:mma' ;
@ -71,10 +71,18 @@ export class Annotations {
let commandBar = '' ;
let showCommitDetailsCommand = '' ;
if ( ! commit . isUncommitted ) {
commandBar = ` \ n \ n ${ this . getHoverCommandBar ( commit , hasRemote , annotationType , line ) } ` ;
commandBar = ` \ n \ n ${ this . getHoverCommandBar ( commit , remotes . length !== 0 , annotationType , line ) } ` ;
showCommitDetailsCommand = ` [ \` ${ commit . shortSha } \` ]( ${ ShowQuickCommitDetailsCommand . getMarkdownCommandArgs ( commit . sha ) } "Show Commit Details") ` ;
message = commit . message
message = commit . message ;
for ( const r of remotes ) {
if ( r . provider === undefined ) continue ;
message = r . provider . enrichMessage ( message ) ;
break ;
// Escape markdown
. replace ( escapeMarkdownRegEx , '\ $&' )
// Escape markdown header (since the above regex won't match it)
@ -135,12 +143,12 @@ export class Annotations {
} as DecorationOptions ;
static detailsHover ( commit : GitCommit , dateFormat : string | null , hasRemote : boolean , annotationType? : FileAnnotationType , line : number = 0 ) : DecorationOptions {
const message = this . getHoverMessage ( commit , dateFormat , hasRemote , annotationType ) ;
return {
hoverMessage : message
} as DecorationOptions ;
// static detailsHover(commit: GitCommit, dateFormat: string | null, hasRemote: boolean, annotationType?: FileAnnotationType, line: number = 0): DecorationOptions {
// const message = this.getHoverMessage(commit, dateFormat, hasRemote, annotationType);
// return {
// hoverMessage: message
// } as DecorationOptions;
// }
static gutter ( commit : GitCommit , format : string , dateFormatOrFormatOptions : string | null | ICommitFormatOptions , renderOptions : IRenderOptions ) : DecorationOptions {
const decoration = {
@ -227,28 +235,28 @@ export class Annotations {
} as IRenderOptions ;
static hover ( commit : GitCommit , renderOptions : IRenderOptions , now : number ) : DecorationOptions {
const decoration = {
renderOptions : { before : { . . . renderOptions } }
} as DecorationOptions ;
// static hover(commit: GitCommit, renderOptions: IRenderOptions, now: number): DecorationOptions {
// const decoration = {
// renderOptions: { before: { ...renderOptions } }
// } as DecorationOptions;
this . applyHeatmap ( decoration , commit . date , now ) ;
// this.applyHeatmap(decoration, commit.date, now);
return decoration ;
// return decoration;
// }
static hoverRenderOptions ( heatmap : IHeatmapConfig ) : IRenderOptions {
if ( ! heatmap . enabled ) return { before : undefined } ;
// static hoverRenderOptions(heatmap: IHeatmapConfig): IRenderOptions {
// if (!heatmap.enabled) return { before: undefined };
return {
borderStyle : 'solid' ,
borderWidth : '0 0 0 2px' ,
contentText : GlyphChars.ZeroWidthSpace ,
height : '100%' ,
margin : '0 26px 0 0' ,
textDecoration : 'none'
} as IRenderOptions ;
// return {
// borderStyle: 'solid',
// borderWidth: '0 0 0 2px',
// contentText: GlyphChars.ZeroWidthSpace,
// height: '100%',
// margin: '0 26px 0 0',
// textDecoration: 'none'
// } as IRenderOptions;
// }
static trailing ( commit : GitCommit , format : string , dateFormat : string | null ) : DecorationOptions {
const message = CommitFormatter . fromTemplate ( format , commit , {
@ -269,20 +277,20 @@ export class Annotations {
} as DecorationOptions ;
static withRange ( decoration : DecorationOptions , start? : number , end? : number ) : DecorationOptions {
let range = decoration . range ;
if ( start !== undefined ) {
range = range . with ( {
start : range.start.with ( { character : start } )
} ) ;
if ( end !== undefined ) {
range = range . with ( {
end : range.end.with ( { character : end } )
} ) ;
return { . . . decoration , range : range } ;
// static withRange(decoration: DecorationOptions, start?: number, end?: number): DecorationOptions {
// let range = decoration.range;
// if (start !== undefined) {
// range = range.with({
// start: range.start.with({ character: start })
// });
// }
// if (end !== undefined) {
// range = range.with({
// end: range.end.with({ character: end })
// });
// }
// return { ...decoration, range: range };
// }