"contents":"✨ Worktrees are a [GitLens+ feature](command:gitlens.plus.learn) which can be used on public repos with a [free account](command:gitlens.plus.loginOrSignUp) and private repos with a [paid account](command:gitlens.plus.purchase).\n\n🛈 All other GitLens features can always be used on any repo, without an account.",
"contents":"✨ Worktrees are a [GitLens+ feature](command:gitlens.plus.learn) which can be used on public repos with a [free account](command:gitlens.plus.loginOrSignUp) and private repos with a [paid account](command:gitlens.plus.purchase).\n\n🛈 All other GitLens features can always be used on any repo, without an account.\n◴ GitLens+ [introductory pricing](command:gitlens.plus.purchase) will end with the next release (late Sept, early Oct).",