@ -39,38 +39,49 @@ const GitWarnings = [
/no upstream configured for branch/
] ;
async function gitCommand ( options : { cwd : string , encoding? : string , onError ? : ( ex : Error ) = > string | undefined } , . . . args : any [ ] ) {
try {
// Fixes https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/73
// See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4144417/how-to-handle-asian-characters-in-file-names-in-git-on-os-x
args . splice ( 0 , 0 , '-c' , 'core.quotepath=false' ) ;
interface GitCommandOptions {
cwd : string ;
encoding? : string ;
overrideErrorHandling? : boolean ;
const opts = { encoding : 'utf8' , . . . options } ;
const s = await spawnPromise ( git . path , args , { cwd : options.cwd , encoding : ( opts . encoding === 'utf8' ) ? 'utf8' : 'binary' } ) ;
Logger . log ( 'git' , . . . args , ` cwd=' ${ options . cwd } ' ` ) ;
if ( opts . encoding === 'utf8' || opts . encoding === 'binary' ) return s ;
async function gitCommand ( options : GitCommandOptions , . . . args : any [ ] ) : Promise < string > {
if ( options . overrideErrorHandling ) return gitCommandCore ( options , . . . args ) ;
return iconv . decode ( Buffer . from ( s , 'binary' ) , opts . encoding ) ;
try {
return await gitCommandCore ( options , . . . args ) ;
catch ( ex ) {
if ( options . onError !== undefined ) {
const result = options . onError ( ex ) ;
if ( result !== undefined ) return result ;
return gitCommandDefaultErrorHandler ( ex , options , . . . args ) ;
async function gitCommandCore ( options : GitCommandOptions , . . . args : any [ ] ) : Promise < string > {
// Fixes https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/73
// See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4144417/how-to-handle-asian-characters-in-file-names-in-git-on-os-x
args . splice ( 0 , 0 , '-c' , 'core.quotepath=false' ) ;
const msg = ex && ex . toString ( ) ;
if ( msg ) {
for ( const warning of GitWarnings ) {
if ( warning . test ( msg ) ) {
Logger . warn ( 'git' , . . . args , ` cwd=' ${ options . cwd } ' ` , msg && ` \ n ${ msg . replace ( /\r?\n|\r/g , ' ' ) } ` ) ;
return '' ;
const opts = { encoding : 'utf8' , . . . options } ;
const s = await spawnPromise ( git . path , args , { cwd : options.cwd , encoding : ( opts . encoding === 'utf8' ) ? 'utf8' : 'binary' } ) ;
Logger . log ( 'git' , . . . args , ` cwd=' ${ options . cwd } ' ` ) ;
if ( opts . encoding === 'utf8' || opts . encoding === 'binary' ) return s ;
return iconv . decode ( Buffer . from ( s , 'binary' ) , opts . encoding ) ;
function gitCommandDefaultErrorHandler ( ex : Error , options : GitCommandOptions , . . . args : any [ ] ) : string {
const msg = ex && ex . toString ( ) ;
if ( msg ) {
for ( const warning of GitWarnings ) {
if ( warning . test ( msg ) ) {
Logger . warn ( 'git' , . . . args , ` cwd=' ${ options . cwd } ' ` , msg && ` \ n ${ msg . replace ( /\r?\n|\r/g , ' ' ) } ` ) ;
return '' ;
Logger . error ( ex , 'git' , . . . args , ` cwd=' ${ options . cwd } ' ` , msg && ` \ n ${ msg . replace ( /\r?\n|\r/g , ' ' ) } ` ) ;
throw ex ;
Logger . error ( ex , 'git' , . . . args , ` cwd=' ${ options . cwd } ' ` , msg && ` \ n ${ msg . replace ( /\r?\n|\r/g , ' ' ) } ` ) ;
throw ex ;
export class Git {
@ -99,6 +110,7 @@ export class Git {
static async getVersionedFile ( repoPath : string | undefined , fileName : string , branchOrSha : string ) {
const data = await Git . show ( repoPath , fileName , branchOrSha , 'binary' ) ;
if ( data === undefined ) return undefined ;
const suffix = Strings . truncate ( Strings . sanitizeForFS ( Git . isSha ( branchOrSha ) ? Git . shortenSha ( branchOrSha ) : branchOrSha ) , 50 , '' ) ;
const ext = path . extname ( fileName ) ;
@ -189,16 +201,20 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand ( { cwd : repoPath } , . . . params ) ;
static branch_current ( repoPath : string ) {
static async branch_current ( repoPath : string ) {
const params = [ ` rev-parse ` , ` --abbrev-ref ` , ` --symbolic-full-name ` , ` @ ` , ` @{u} ` ] ;
const onError = ( ex : Error ) = > {
const opts = { cwd : repoPath , overrideErrorHandling : true } ;
try {
return await gitCommand ( opts , . . . params ) ;
catch ( ex ) {
if ( /no upstream configured for branch/ . test ( ex && ex . toString ( ) ) ) {
return ex . message . split ( '\n' ) [ 0 ] ;
return undefined ;
} ;
return gitCommand ( { cwd : repoPath , onError : onError } , . . . params ) ;
return gitCommandDefaultErrorHandler ( ex , opts , . . . params ) ;
static checkout ( repoPath : string , fileName : string , sha : string ) {
@ -209,9 +225,9 @@ export class Git {
static async config_get ( key : string , repoPath? : string ) {
try {
return await gitCommand ( { cwd : repoPath || '' } , ` config ` , ` --get ` , key ) ;
return await gitCommand ( { cwd : repoPath || '' , overrideErrorHandling : true } , ` config ` , ` --get ` , key ) ;
catch ( ex ) {
catch {
return '' ;
@ -315,9 +331,9 @@ export class Git {
static async ls_files ( repoPath : string , fileName : string ) : Promise < string > {
try {
return await gitCommand ( { cwd : repoPath } , 'ls-files' , fileName ) ;
return await gitCommand ( { cwd : repoPath , overrideErrorHandling : true } , 'ls-files' , fileName ) ;
catch ( ex ) {
catch {
return '' ;
@ -330,12 +346,24 @@ export class Git {
return gitCommand ( { cwd : repoPath } , 'remote' , 'get-url' , remote ) ;
static show ( repoPath : string | undefined , fileName : string , branchOrSha : string , encoding? : string ) {
static async show ( repoPath : string | undefined , fileName : string , branchOrSha : string , encoding? : string ) {
const [ file , root ] = Git . splitPath ( fileName , repoPath ) ;
branchOrSha = branchOrSha . replace ( '^' , '' ) ;
if ( Git . isUncommitted ( branchOrSha ) ) return Promise . reject ( new Error ( ` sha= ${ branchOrSha } is uncommitted ` ) ) ;
return gitCommand ( { cwd : root , encoding : encoding || defaultEncoding } , 'show' , ` ${ branchOrSha } :./ ${ file } ` ) ;
if ( Git . isUncommitted ( branchOrSha ) ) throw new Error ( ` sha= ${ branchOrSha } is uncommitted ` ) ;
const opts = { cwd : root , encoding : encoding || defaultEncoding , overrideErrorHandling : true } ;
const args = ` ${ branchOrSha } :./ ${ file } ` ;
try {
return await gitCommand ( opts , 'show' , args ) ;
catch ( ex ) {
if ( /Path \'.*?\' does not exist in/ . test ( ex && ex . toString ( ) ) ) {
return undefined ;
return gitCommandDefaultErrorHandler ( ex , opts , args ) ;
static stash_apply ( repoPath : string , stashName : string , deleteAfter : boolean ) {