Przeglądaj źródła

Improves open editor repo locator perf

Reduces startup git calls
Eric Amodio 3 lat temu
5 zmienionych plików z 181 dodań i 167 usunięć
  1. +1
  2. +126
  3. +43
  4. +7
  5. +4

+ 1
- 6
src/git/gitProvider.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ export interface GitProvider {
// options?: { ref?: string | undefined },
// ): Promise<string | undefined>;
getRepoPath(filePath: string, isDirectory: boolean): Promise<string | undefined>;
getRepoPath(filePath: string, isDirectory?: boolean): Promise<string | undefined>;
// getRepoPathOrActive(uri: Uri | undefined, editor: TextEditor | undefined): Promise<string | undefined>;
// getRepositories(predicate?: (repo: Repository) => boolean): Promise<Iterable<Repository>>;
@ -397,11 +397,6 @@ export interface GitProvider {
isActiveRepoPath(repoPath: string | undefined, editor?: TextEditor): Promise<boolean>;
isTrackable(uri: Uri): boolean;
fileNameOrUri: string | GitUri,
repoPath?: string,
options?: { ref?: string | undefined; skipCacheUpdate?: boolean | undefined },
): Promise<boolean>;
getDiffTool(repoPath?: string): Promise<string | undefined>;

+ 126
- 107
src/git/gitProviderService.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import {
import { Container } from '../container';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { Arrays, debug, gate, Iterables, log, Paths, Promises, Strings } from '../system';
import { PromiseOrValue } from '../system/promise';
import { vslsUriPrefixRegex } from '../vsls/vsls';
import { ProviderNotFoundError } from './errors';
import {
@ -105,6 +106,20 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
private fireProvidersChanged(added?: GitProvider[], removed?: GitProvider[]) {
this._etag =;
if (this._pathToRepoPathCache.size !== 0) {
if (removed?.length) {
// If a repository was removed, clear the cache for all paths
} else if (added?.length) {
// If a provider was added, only preserve paths with a resolved repoPath
for (const [key, value] of this._pathToRepoPathCache) {
if (value === null || {
}{ added: added ?? [], removed: removed ?? [] });
@ -115,6 +130,20 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
private fireRepositoriesChanged(added?: Repository[], removed?: Repository[]) {
this._etag =;
if (this._pathToRepoPathCache.size !== 0) {
if (removed?.length) {
// If a repository was removed, clear the cache for all paths
} else if (added?.length) {
// If a repository was added, only preserve paths with a resolved repoPath
for (const [key, value] of this._pathToRepoPathCache) {
if (value === null || {
}{ added: added ?? [], removed: removed ?? [] });
@ -193,7 +222,7 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
configuration.getAny<boolean | 'subFolders' | 'openEditors'>(
) ?? true;
if (autoRepositoryDetection !== false) {
if (autoRepositoryDetection !== false && autoRepositoryDetection !== 'openEditors') {
void this.discoverRepositories(e.added);
@ -273,7 +302,7 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
// }
getCachedRepository(repoPath: string): Repository | undefined {
return this._repositories.get(repoPath);
return repoPath && this._repositories.size !== 0 ? this._repositories.get(repoPath) : undefined;
@ -367,7 +396,7 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
) ?? true;
if (autoRepositoryDetection !== false) {
if (autoRepositoryDetection !== false && autoRepositoryDetection !== 'openEditors') {
void this.discoverRepositories(workspaceFolders);
@ -1371,66 +1400,25 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
return provider.getRemotesCore(path, providers, options);
async getRepoPath(filePath: string, options?: { ref?: string }): Promise<string | undefined>;
async getRepoPath(uri: Uri | undefined, options?: { ref?: string }): Promise<string | undefined>;
async getRepoPath(filePath: string): Promise<string | undefined>;
async getRepoPath(uri: Uri | undefined): Promise<string | undefined>;
@log<GitProviderService['getRepoPath']>({ exit: path => `returned ${path}` })
async getRepoPath(
filePathOrUri: string | Uri | undefined,
options?: { ref?: string },
): Promise<string | undefined> {
async getRepoPath(filePathOrUri: string | Uri | undefined): Promise<string | undefined> {
if (filePathOrUri == null) return this.highlanderRepoPath;
if ( return filePathOrUri.repoPath;
const cc = Logger.getCorrelationContext();
// const autoRepositoryDetection =
// configuration.getAny<boolean | 'subFolders' | 'openEditors'>(
// BuiltInGitConfiguration.AutoRepositoryDetection,
// ) ?? true;
// Don't save the tracking info to the cache, because we could be looking in the wrong place (e.g. looking in the root when the file is in a submodule)
let repo = await this.getRepository(filePathOrUri, { ...options, skipCacheUpdate: true });
if (repo != null) return repo.path;
const { provider, path } = this.getProvider(filePathOrUri);
const rp = await provider.getRepoPath(path, false);
// const rp = await this.getRepoPathCore(
// typeof filePathOrUri === 'string' ? filePathOrUri : filePathOrUri.fsPath,
// false,
// const repo = await this.getRepository(
// filePathOrUri,
// autoRepositoryDetection === true || autoRepositoryDetection === 'openEditors',
// );
if (rp == null) return undefined;
// Recheck this._repositoryTree.get(rp) to make sure we haven't already tried adding this due to awaits
if (this._repositories.get(rp) != null) return rp;
const isVslsScheme =
typeof filePathOrUri === 'string' ? undefined : filePathOrUri.scheme === DocumentSchemes.Vsls;
// If this new repo is inside one of our known roots and we we don't already know about, add it
const root = this.findRepositoryForPath(rp, isVslsScheme);
let folder;
if (root != null) {
// Not sure why I added this for vsls (I can't see a reason for it anymore), but if it is added it will break submodules
// rp = root.path;
folder = root.folder;
} else {
folder = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(GitUri.file(rp, isVslsScheme));
if (folder == null) {
const parts = rp.split(slash);
folder = {
uri: GitUri.file(rp, isVslsScheme),
name: parts[parts.length - 1],
index: this.container.git.repositoryCount,
Logger.log(cc, `Repository found in '${rp}'`);
repo = provider.createRepository(folder, rp, false);
this._repositories.set(rp, repo);
void this.updateContext();
// Send a notification that the repositories changed
queueMicrotask(() => this.fireRepositoriesChanged([repo!]));
return rp;
const repo = await this.getRepository(filePathOrUri, true);
return repo?.path;
@ -1443,60 +1431,102 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
return this.getActiveRepoPath(editor);
async getRepository(
repoPath: string,
options?: { ref?: string; skipCacheUpdate?: boolean },
): Promise<Repository | undefined>;
async getRepository(
uri: Uri,
options?: { ref?: string; skipCacheUpdate?: boolean },
): Promise<Repository | undefined>;
async getRepository(
repoPathOrUri: string | Uri,
options?: { ref?: string; skipCacheUpdate?: boolean },
): Promise<Repository | undefined>;
exit: repo => `returned ${repo != null ? `${repo.path}` : 'undefined'}`,
async getRepository(
repoPathOrUri: string | Uri,
options: { ref?: string; skipCacheUpdate?: boolean } = {},
): Promise<Repository | undefined> {
let isVslsScheme;
private _pathToRepoPathCache = new Map<string, PromiseOrValue<string | null>>();
let path: string;
if (typeof repoPathOrUri === 'string') {
const repo = this._repositories.get(repoPathOrUri);
if (repo != null) return repo;
async getRepository(repoPath: string, createIfNeeded?: boolean): Promise<Repository | undefined>;
async getRepository(uri: Uri, createIfNeeded?: boolean): Promise<Repository | undefined>;
async getRepository(repoPathOrUri: string | Uri, createIfNeeded?: boolean): Promise<Repository | undefined>;
@log<GitProviderService['getRepository']>({ exit: repo => `returned ${repo?.path ?? 'undefined'}` })
async getRepository(repoPathOrUri: string | Uri, createIfNeeded: boolean = false): Promise<Repository | undefined> {
if (!createIfNeeded && this.repositoryCount === 0) return undefined;
path = repoPathOrUri;
isVslsScheme = undefined;
const cc = Logger.getCorrelationContext();
let isVslsScheme: boolean | undefined;
let repo: Repository | undefined;
let rp: string | null;
let filePath: string;
if (typeof repoPathOrUri === 'string') {
filePath = Strings.normalizePath(repoPathOrUri);
} else {
if ( {
if (repoPathOrUri.repoPath) {
const repo = this._repositories.get(repoPathOrUri.repoPath);
if (repo != null) return repo;
if ( && repoPathOrUri.repoPath) {
repo = this.getCachedRepository(repoPathOrUri.repoPath);
if (repo != null) return repo;
filePath = Strings.normalizePath(repoPathOrUri.fsPath);
isVslsScheme = repoPathOrUri.scheme === DocumentSchemes.Vsls;
repo = this.getCachedRepository(filePath);
if (repo != null) return repo;
let repoPathOrPromise = this._pathToRepoPathCache.get(filePath);
if (repoPathOrPromise !== undefined) {
rp = ? await repoPathOrPromise : repoPathOrPromise;
// If the repoPath is explicitly null, then we know no repo exists
if (rp === null) return undefined;
repo = this.getCachedRepository(rp);
// If the repo exists or if we aren't creating it, just return what we found cached
if (!createIfNeeded || repo != null) return repo;
async function findRepoPath(this: GitProviderService): Promise<string | null> {
const { provider, path } = this.getProvider(filePath);
rp = (await provider.getRepoPath(path)) ?? null;
// Store the found repoPath for this filePath, so we can avoid future lookups for the filePath
this._pathToRepoPathCache.set(filePath, rp);
if (rp == null) return null;
// Store the found repoPath for itself, so we can avoid future lookups for the repoPath
this._pathToRepoPathCache.set(rp, rp);
path = repoPathOrUri.fsPath;
if (!createIfNeeded || this._repositories.has(rp)) return rp;
// If this new repo is inside one of our known roots and we we don't already know about, add it
const root = this.findRepositoryForPath(rp, isVslsScheme);
let folder;
if (root != null) {
// Not sure why I added this for vsls (I can't see a reason for it anymore), but if it is added it will break submodules
// rp = root.path;
folder = root.folder;
} else {
path = repoPathOrUri.fsPath;
folder = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(GitUri.file(rp, isVslsScheme));
if (folder == null) {
const parts = rp.split(slash);
folder = {
uri: GitUri.file(rp, isVslsScheme),
name: parts[parts.length - 1],
index: this.repositoryCount,
isVslsScheme = repoPathOrUri.scheme === DocumentSchemes.Vsls;
Logger.log(cc, `Repository found in '${rp}'`);
repo = provider.createRepository(folder, rp, false);
this._repositories.set(rp, repo);
void this.updateContext();
// Send a notification that the repositories changed
queueMicrotask(() => this.fireRepositoriesChanged([repo!]));
return rp;
const repo = this.findRepositoryForPath(path, isVslsScheme);
if (repo == null) return undefined;
repoPathOrPromise =;
this._pathToRepoPathCache.set(filePath, repoPathOrPromise);
// Make sure the file is tracked in this repo before returning -- it could be from a submodule
if (!(await this.isTracked(path, repo.path, options))) return undefined;
return repo;
rp = await repoPathOrPromise;
return rp != null ? this.getCachedRepository(rp) : undefined;
private findRepositoryForPath(path: string, isVslsScheme: boolean | undefined): Repository | undefined {
if (this._repositories.size === 0) return undefined;
if (this.repositoryCount === 0) return undefined;
function findBySubPath(repositories: Map<string, Repository>, path: string) {
const repos = [...repositories.values()].sort((a, b) => a.path.length - b.path.length);
@ -1668,17 +1698,6 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
return provider.isTrackable(uri);
private async isTracked(
fileName: string,
repoPath: string | Uri,
options?: { ref?: string; skipCacheUpdate?: boolean },
): Promise<boolean> {
if (options?.ref === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return false;
const { provider, path } = this.getProvider(repoPath);
return provider.isTracked(fileName, path, options);
async getDiffTool(repoPath?: string | Uri): Promise<string | undefined> {
if (repoPath == null) return undefined;

+ 43
- 45
src/git/providers/localGitProvider.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import { Container } from '../../container';
import { LogCorrelationContext, Logger } from '../../logger';
import { Messages } from '../../messages';
import { Arrays, debug, Functions, gate, Iterables, log, Paths, Promises, Strings, Versions } from '../../system';
import { PromiseOrValue } from '../../system/promise';
import {
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
private readonly _remotesWithApiProviderCache = new Map<string, GitRemote<RichRemoteProvider> | null>();
private readonly _stashesCache = new Map<string, GitStash | null>();
private readonly _tagsCache = new Map<string, Promise<GitTag[]>>();
private readonly _trackedCache = new Map<string, boolean | Promise<boolean>>();
private readonly _trackedCache = new Map<string, PromiseOrValue<boolean>>();
private readonly _userMapCache = new Map<string, GitUser | null>();
constructor(private readonly container: Container) {
@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
configuration.getAny<boolean | 'subFolders' | 'openEditors'>(
) ?? true;
if (autoRepositoryDetection === false) return [];
if (autoRepositoryDetection === false || autoRepositoryDetection === 'openEditors') return [];
try {
void (await this.ensureGit());
@ -2079,7 +2080,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
key: string,
cc: LogCorrelationContext | undefined,
): Promise<GitLog | undefined> {
if (!(await this.isTracked(fileName, repoPath, { ref: ref }))) {
if (!(await this.isTracked(fileName, repoPath, ref))) {
Logger.log(cc, `Skipping log; '${fileName}' is not tracked`);
return emptyPromise as Promise<GitLog>;
@ -3014,13 +3015,22 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
async getRepoPath(filePath: string, isDirectory: boolean): Promise<string | undefined> {
async getRepoPath(filePath: string, isDirectory?: boolean): Promise<string | undefined> {
const cc = Logger.getCorrelationContext();
let repoPath: string | undefined;
try {
const path = isDirectory ? filePath : paths.dirname(filePath);
let path: string;
if (isDirectory) {
path = filePath;
} else {
const stat = await new Promise<fs.Stats | undefined>(resolve =>
fs.stat(filePath, (err, stat) => resolve(err == null ? stat : undefined)),
path = stat?.isDirectory() ? filePath : paths.dirname(filePath);
repoPath = await Git.rev_parse__show_toplevel(path);
if (repoPath == null) return repoPath;
@ -3406,69 +3416,57 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
@log<LocalGitProvider['isTracked']>({ exit: tracked => `returned ${tracked}`, singleLine: true })
async isTracked(
fileNameOrUri: string | GitUri,
repoPath?: string,
options: { ref?: string; skipCacheUpdate?: boolean } = {},
): Promise<boolean> {
if (options.ref === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return false;
let ref = options.ref;
private async isTracked(filePath: string, repoPath?: string, ref?: string): Promise<boolean>;
private async isTracked(uri: GitUri): Promise<boolean>;
@log<LocalGitProvider['isTracked']>({ exit: tracked => `returned ${tracked}` /*, singleLine: true }*/ })
private async isTracked(filePathOrUri: string | GitUri, repoPath?: string, ref?: string): Promise<boolean> {
let cacheKey: string;
let fileName: string;
if (typeof fileNameOrUri === 'string') {
[fileName, repoPath] = Paths.splitPath(fileNameOrUri, repoPath);
cacheKey = GitUri.toKey(fileNameOrUri);
let relativeFilePath: string;
if (typeof filePathOrUri === 'string') {
if (ref === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return false;
cacheKey = ref ? `${ref}:${Strings.normalizePath(filePathOrUri)}` : Strings.normalizePath(filePathOrUri);
[relativeFilePath, repoPath] = Paths.splitPath(filePathOrUri, repoPath);
} else {
if (!this.isTrackable(fileNameOrUri)) return false;
if (!this.isTrackable(filePathOrUri)) return false;
fileName = fileNameOrUri.fsPath;
repoPath = fileNameOrUri.repoPath;
ref = fileNameOrUri.sha;
cacheKey = GitUri.toKey(fileName);
// Always use the ref of the GitUri
ref = filePathOrUri.sha;
cacheKey = ref
? `${ref}:${Strings.normalizePath(filePathOrUri.fsPath)}`
: Strings.normalizePath(filePathOrUri.fsPath);
relativeFilePath = filePathOrUri.fsPath;
repoPath = filePathOrUri.repoPath;
if (ref != null) {
cacheKey += `:${ref}`;
cacheKey = `${ref}:${cacheKey}`;
let tracked = this._trackedCache.get(cacheKey);
if (tracked != null) {
tracked = await tracked;
return tracked;
tracked = this.isTrackedCore(fileName, repoPath == null ? emptyStr : repoPath, ref);
if (options.skipCacheUpdate) {
tracked = await tracked;
return tracked;
if (tracked != null) return tracked;
tracked = this.isTrackedCore(relativeFilePath, repoPath ?? emptyStr, ref);
this._trackedCache.set(cacheKey, tracked);
tracked = await tracked;
this._trackedCache.set(cacheKey, tracked);
return tracked;
private async isTrackedCore(fileName: string, repoPath: string, ref?: string) {
if (ref === GitRevision.deletedOrMissing) return false;
try {
// Even if we have a ref, check first to see if the file exists (that way the cache will be better reused)
let tracked = Boolean(await Git.ls_files(repoPath == null ? emptyStr : repoPath, fileName));
if (!tracked && ref != null) {
tracked = Boolean(await Git.ls_files(repoPath == null ? emptyStr : repoPath, fileName, { ref: ref }));
let tracked = Boolean(await Git.ls_files(repoPath, fileName));
if (!tracked && ref != null && !GitRevision.isUncommitted(ref)) {
tracked = Boolean(await Git.ls_files(repoPath, fileName, { ref: ref }));
// If we still haven't found this file, make sure it wasn't deleted in that ref (i.e. check the previous)
if (!tracked) {
tracked = Boolean(
await Git.ls_files(repoPath == null ? emptyStr : repoPath, fileName, {
ref: `${ref}^`,
tracked = Boolean(await Git.ls_files(repoPath, fileName, { ref: `${ref}^` }));
return tracked;

+ 7
- 7
src/system/path.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -74,19 +74,19 @@ export function isDescendent(uriOrPath: Uri | string, baseUriOrPath: Uri | strin
export function splitPath(fileName: string, repoPath: string | undefined, extract: boolean = true): [string, string] {
export function splitPath(filePath: string, repoPath: string | undefined, extract: boolean = true): [string, string] {
if (repoPath) {
fileName = normalizePath(fileName);
filePath = normalizePath(filePath);
repoPath = normalizePath(repoPath);
const normalizedRepoPath = (repoPath.endsWith(slash) ? repoPath : `${repoPath}/`).toLowerCase();
if (fileName.toLowerCase().startsWith(normalizedRepoPath)) {
fileName = fileName.substring(normalizedRepoPath.length);
if (filePath.toLowerCase().startsWith(normalizedRepoPath)) {
filePath = filePath.substring(normalizedRepoPath.length);
} else {
repoPath = normalizePath(extract ? paths.dirname(fileName) : repoPath!);
fileName = normalizePath(extract ? paths.basename(fileName) : fileName);
repoPath = normalizePath(extract ? paths.dirname(filePath) : repoPath!);
filePath = normalizePath(extract ? paths.basename(filePath) : filePath);
return [fileName, repoPath];
return [filePath, repoPath];

+ 4
- 2
src/system/promise.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
import { CancellationToken } from 'vscode';
import { map } from './iterable';
export type PromiseOrValue<T> = Promise<T> | T;
export class CancellationError<T extends Promise<any> = Promise<any>> extends Error {
constructor(public readonly promise: T, message: string) {
@ -81,8 +83,8 @@ export function first(promises: Promise[], predicate: (value: T) => boolea
return Promise.race(newPromises);
export function is<T>(obj: T | Promise<T>): obj is Promise<T> {
return obj != null && typeof (obj as Promise<T>).then === 'function';
export function is<T>(obj: PromiseLike<T> | T): obj is Promise<T> {
return obj instanceof Promise || typeof (obj as PromiseLike<T>)?.then === 'function';
export function raceAll<TPromise>(
