@ -1,121 +1,187 @@
'use strict' ;
import { Disposable , QuickInputButtons , QuickPickItem , window } from 'vscode' ;
import { Disposable , InputBox , QuickInputButtons, QuickPick , QuickPickItem , window } from 'vscode' ;
import { command , Command , Commands } from './common' ;
import { log } from '../system' ;
import {
isQuickInputStep ,
isQuickPickStep ,
QuickCommandBase ,
QuickInputStep ,
} from './quick/quickCommand' ;
import { CommandArgs as CheckoutCommandArgs , CheckoutQuickCommand } from './quick/checkout' ;
import { CherryPickQuickCommand } from './quick/cherry-pick' ;
import { QuickCommandBase , QuickPickStep } from './quick/quickCommand' ;
import { FetchQuickCommand } from './quick/fetch' ;
import { CommandArgs as FetchCommandArgs , FetchQuickCommand } from './quick/fetch' ;
import { MergeQuickCommand } from './quick/merge' ;
import { PushQuickCommand } from './quick/push' ;
import { PullQuickCommand } from './quick/pull' ;
import { CheckoutQuickCommand } from './quick/checkout' ;
import { CommandArgs as PullCommandArgs , PullQuickCommand } from './quick/pull' ;
import { CommandArgs as PushCommandArgs , PushQuickCommand } from './quick/push' ;
import { RebaseQuickCommand } from './quick/rebase' ;
const sanitizeLabel = /\$\(.+?\)|\W/g ;
@command ( )
export class GitCommandsCommand extends Command {
constructor ( ) {
super ( Commands . GitCommands ) ;
export type GitCommandsCommandArgs = CheckoutCommandArgs | FetchCommandArgs | PullCommandArgs | PushCommandArgs ;
@log ( { args : false , correlate : true , singleLine : true , timed : false } )
async execute() {
const commands : QuickCommandBase [ ] = [
new CheckoutQuickCommand ( ) ,
class PickCommandStep implements QuickPickStep {
readonly buttons = [ ] ;
readonly items : QuickCommandBase [ ] ;
readonly placeholder = 'Select command...' ;
readonly title = 'GitLens' ;
constructor ( args? : GitCommandsCommandArgs ) {
this . items = [
new CheckoutQuickCommand ( args && args . command === 'checkout' ? args : undefined ) ,
new CherryPickQuickCommand ( ) ,
new MergeQuickCommand ( ) ,
new FetchQuickCommand ( ) ,
new PullQuickCommand ( ) ,
new PushQuickCommand ( ) ,
new FetchQuickCommand ( args && args . command === 'fetch' ? args : undefined ) ,
new PullQuickCommand ( args && args . command === 'pull' ? args : undefined ) ,
new PushQuickCommand ( args && args . command === 'push' ? args : undefined ) ,
new RebaseQuickCommand ( )
] ;
const quickpick = window . createQuickPick ( ) ;
quickpick . ignoreFocusOut = true ;
private _active : QuickCommandBase | undefined ;
get command ( ) : QuickCommandBase | undefined {
return this . _active ;
set command ( value : QuickCommandBase | undefined ) {
if ( this . _active !== undefined ) {
this . _active . picked = false ;
let inCommand : QuickCommandBase | undefined ;
this . _active = value ;
function showCommand ( command : QuickPickStep | undefined ) {
if ( command === undefined ) {
const previousLabel = inCommand && inCommand . label ;
inCommand = undefined ;
if ( this . _active !== undefined ) {
this . _active . picked = true ;
quickpick . buttons = [ ] ;
quickpick . title = 'GitLens' ;
quickpick . placeholder = 'Select command...' ;
quickpick . canSelectMany = false ;
quickpick . items = commands ;
find ( commandName : string ) {
const cmd = commandName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
return this . items . find ( c = > c . label . replace ( sanitizeLabel , '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) === cmd ) ;
if ( previousLabel ) {
const active = quickpick . items . find ( i = > i . label === previousLabel ) ;
if ( active ) {
quickpick . activeItems = [ active ] ;
else {
quickpick . buttons = command . buttons || [ QuickInputButtons . Back ] ;
quickpick . title = command . title ;
quickpick . placeholder = command . placeholder ;
quickpick . canSelectMany = Boolean ( command . multiselect ) ;
@command ( )
export class GitCommandsCommand extends Command {
constructor ( ) {
super ( Commands . GitCommands ) ;
quickpick . items = command . items ;
@log ( { args : false , correlate : true , singleLine : true , timed : false } )
async execute ( args? : GitCommandsCommandArgs ) {
const commandsStep = new PickCommandStep ( args ) ;
if ( quickpick . canSelectMany ) {
quickpick . selectedItems = command . selectedItems || quickpick . items . filter ( i = > i . picked ) ;
quickpick . activeItems = quickpick . selectedItems ;
else {
quickpick . activeItems = command . selectedItems || quickpick . items . filter ( i = > i . picked ) ;
let step : QuickPickStep | QuickInputStep | undefined = commandsStep ;
// // BUG: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/75046
// // If we can multiselect, then ensure the selectedItems gets reset (otherwise it could end up included the current selected items)
// if (quickpick.canSelectMany && quickpick.selectedItems.length !== 0) {
// quickpick.selectedItems = [];
// }
if ( args ) {
const command = commandsStep . find ( args . command ) ;
if ( command !== undefined ) {
commandsStep . command = command ;
const next = await command . next ( ) ;
if ( next . done ) return ;
step = next . value ;
async function next ( command : QuickCommandBase , items : QuickPickItem [ ] | undefined ) {
quickpick . busy = true ;
// quickpick.enabled = false;
while ( step !== undefined ) {
if ( isQuickPickStep ( step ) ) {
step = await this . showPickStep ( step , commandsStep ) ;
continue ;
const next = await command . next ( items ) ;
if ( next . done ) {
return fals e;
if ( isQuickInputStep ( step ) ) {
step = await this . showInputStep ( step , commandsStep ) ;
continu e;
quickpick . value = '' ;
showCommand ( next . value ) ;
break ;
private async showInputStep ( step : QuickInputStep , commandsStep : PickCommandStep ) {
const input = window . createInputBox ( ) ;
input . ignoreFocusOut = true ;
// quickpick.enabled = true;
quickpick . busy = false ;
const disposables : Disposable [ ] = [ ] ;
return true ;
try {
return await new Promise < QuickPickStep | QuickInputStep | undefined > ( resolve = > {
disposables . push (
input . onDidHide ( ( ) = > resolve ( ) ) ,
input . onDidTriggerButton ( async e = > {
if ( e === QuickInputButtons . Back ) {
input . value = '' ;
if ( commandsStep . command !== undefined ) {
input . busy = true ;
resolve ( ( await commandsStep . command . previous ( ) ) || commandsStep ) ;
return ;
const step = commandsStep . command && commandsStep . command . value ;
if ( step === undefined || ! isQuickInputStep ( step ) || step . onDidClickButton === undefined )
return ;
step . onDidClickButton ( input , e ) ;
} ) ,
input . onDidChangeValue ( async e = > {
if ( step . validate === undefined ) return ;
const [ , message ] = await step . validate ( e ) ;
input . validationMessage = message ;
} ) ,
input . onDidAccept ( async ( ) = > {
resolve ( await this . nextStep ( input , commandsStep . command ! , input . value ) ) ;
} )
) ;
input . buttons = step . buttons || [ QuickInputButtons . Back ] ;
input . title = step . title ;
input . placeholder = step . placeholder ;
if ( step . value !== undefined ) {
input . value = step . value ;
// If we are starting over clear the previously active command
if ( commandsStep . command !== undefined && step === commandsStep ) {
commandsStep . command = undefined ;
input . show ( ) ;
} ) ;
finally {
input . dispose ( ) ;
disposables . forEach ( d = > d . dispose ( ) ) ;
showCommand ( undefined ) ;
private async showPickStep ( step : QuickPickStep , commandsStep : PickCommandStep ) {
const quickpick = window . createQuickPick ( ) ;
quickpick . ignoreFocusOut = true ;
const disposables : Disposable [ ] = [ ] ;
try {
void ( await new Promise < void > ( resolve = > {
return await new Promise < QuickPickStep | QuickInputStep | undefine d> ( resolve = > {
disposables . push (
quickpick . onDidHide ( ( ) = > resolve ( ) ) ,
quickpick . onDidTriggerButton ( async e = > {
if ( e === QuickInputButtons . Back ) {
quickpick . value = '' ;
if ( inCommand !== undefined ) {
showCommand ( await inCommand . previous ( ) ) ;
if ( commandsStep . command !== undefined ) {
quickpick . busy = true ;
resolve ( ( await commandsStep . command . previous ( ) ) || commandsStep ) ;
return ;
const step = inCommand && inCommand . value ;
if ( step === undefined || step . onDidClickButton === undefined ) return ;
const step = commandsStep . command && commandsStep . c ommand. value ;
if ( step === undefined || ! isQuickPickStep ( step ) || step . onDidClickButton === undefined ) return ;
step . onDidClickButton ( quickpick , e ) ;
} ) ,
@ -133,21 +199,18 @@ export class GitCommandsCommand extends Command {
return ;
const cmd = quickpick . value . toLowerCase ( ) . trim ( ) ;
let items ;
if ( inCommand === undefined ) {
const command = commands . find (
c = > c . label . replace ( sanitizeLabel , '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) === cmd
) ;
if ( commandsStep . command === undefined ) {
const command = commandsStep . find ( quickpick . value . trim ( ) ) ;
if ( command === undefined ) return ;
inC ommand = command ;
commandsStep . c ommand = command ;
else {
const step = inC ommand. value ;
if ( step === undefined ) return ;
const step = commandsStep . c ommand. value ;
if ( step === undefined || ! isQuickPickStep ( step ) ) return ;
const cmd = quickpick . value . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
const item = step . items . find (
i = > i . label . replace ( sanitizeLabel , '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) === cmd
) ;
@ -156,40 +219,89 @@ export class GitCommandsCommand extends Command {
items = [ item ] ;
if ( ! ( await next ( inCommand , items ) ) ) {
resolve ( ) ;
resolve ( await this . nextStep ( quickpick , commandsStep . command , items ) ) ;
} ) ,
quickpick . onDidAccept ( async ( ) = > {
let items = quickpick . selectedItems ;
if ( items . length === 0 ) {
if ( ! quickpick . canSelectMany || quickpick . activeItems . length === 0 ) return ;
if ( ! quickpick . canSelectMany || quickpick . activeItems . length === 0 ) {
const value = quickpick . value . trim ( ) ;
if ( value . length === 0 ) return ;
const step = commandsStep . command && commandsStep . command . value ;
if ( step === undefined || ! isQuickPickStep ( step ) || step . onDidAccept === undefined )
return ;
quickpick . busy = true ;
if ( await step . onDidAccept ( quickpick ) ) {
resolve ( await this . nextStep ( quickpick , commandsStep . command ! , value ) ) ;
quickpick . busy = false ;
return ;
items = quickpick . activeItems ;
if ( inCommand === undefined ) {
if ( commandsStep . c ommand === undefined ) {
const command = items [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! QuickCommandBase . is ( command ) ) return ;
inCommand = command ;
commandsStep . c ommand = command ;
if ( ! ( await next ( inCommand , items as QuickPickItem [ ] ) ) ) {
resolve ( ) ;
resolve ( await this . nextStep ( quickpick , commandsStep . command , items as QuickPickItem [ ] ) ) ;
} )
) ;
quickpick . show ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
quickpick . buttons = step . buttons || [ QuickInputButtons . Back ] ;
quickpick . title = step . title ;
quickpick . placeholder = step . placeholder ;
quickpick . canSelectMany = Boolean ( step . multiselect ) ;
quickpick . items = step . items ;
if ( quickpick . canSelectMany ) {
quickpick . selectedItems = step . selectedItems || quickpick . items . filter ( i = > i . picked ) ;
quickpick . activeItems = quickpick . selectedItems ;
else {
quickpick . activeItems = step . selectedItems || quickpick . items . filter ( i = > i . picked ) ;
// If we are starting over clear the previously active command
if ( commandsStep . command !== undefined && step === commandsStep ) {
commandsStep . command = undefined ;
if ( step . value !== undefined ) {
quickpick . value = step . value ;
quickpick . hide ( ) ;
quickpick . show ( ) ;
} ) ;
finally {
quickpick . dispose ( ) ;
disposables . forEach ( d = > d . dispose ( ) ) ;
private async nextStep (
quickInput : QuickPick < QuickPickItem > | InputBox ,
command : QuickCommandBase ,
value : QuickPickItem [ ] | string | undefined
) {
quickInput . busy = true ;
// quickInput.enabled = false;
const next = await command . next ( value ) ;
if ( next . done ) return undefined ;
quickInput . value = '' ;
return next . value ;