@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import {
GitTagParser ,
GitTree ,
GitTreeParser ,
maxGitCliLength ,
PullRequest ,
PullRequestDateFormatting ,
PullRequestState ,
@ -3897,21 +3898,39 @@ export class GitService implements Disposable {
) {
if ( uris == null ) return Git . stash__push ( repoPath , message , options ) ;
GitService . ensureGitVersion ( '2.13.2' , 'Stashing individual files' ) ;
GitService . ensureGitVersion (
'2.13.2' ,
'Stashing individual files' ,
' Please retry by stashing everything or install a more recent version of Git.' ,
) ;
const pathspecs = uris . map ( u = > ` ./ ${ Git . splitPath ( u . fsPath , repoPath ) [ 0 ] } ` ) ;
return Git . stash__push ( repoPath , message , { . . . options , pathspecs : pathspecs } ) ;
const stdinVersion = '2.30.0' ;
const stdin = GitService . compareGitVersion ( stdinVersion ) !== - 1 ;
// If we don't support stdin, then error out if we are over the maximum allowed git cli length
if ( ! stdin && Arrays . countStringLength ( pathspecs ) > maxGitCliLength ) {
GitService . ensureGitVersion (
stdinVersion ,
` Stashing so many files ( ${ pathspecs . length } ) at once ` ,
' Please retry by stashing fewer files or install a more recent version of Git.' ,
) ;
return Git . stash__push ( repoPath , message , {
. . . options ,
pathspecs : pathspecs ,
stdin : stdin ,
} ) ;
static compareGitVersion ( version : string ) {
return Versions . compare ( Versions . fromString ( Git . getGitVersion ( ) ) , Versions . fromString ( version ) ) ;
static ensureGitVersion ( version : string , feature : string ) : void {
const gitVersion = Git . getGitVersion ( ) ;
if ( Versions . compare ( Versions . fromString ( gitVersion ) , Versions . fromString ( version ) ) === - 1 ) {
static ensureGitVersion ( version : string , prefix : string , suffix : string ) : void {
if ( GitService . compareGitVersion ( version ) === - 1 ) {
throw new Error (
` ${ feature } requires a newer version of Git (>= ${ version } ) than is currently installed ( ${ gitVersion } ). Please install a more recent version of Git to use this GitLens feature. ` ,
` ${ prefix } requires a newer version of Git (>= ${ version } ) than is currently installed ( ${ Git . getGitVersion ( ) } ). ${ suffix } ` ,
) ;