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Adds clipboard default into commit search

Eric Amodio hace 7 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 126 adiciones y 120 borrados
  1. +126

+ 126
- 120
src/commands/showCommitSearch.ts Ver fichero

@ -1,122 +1,128 @@
'use strict';
import { commands, InputBoxOptions, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorCachedCommand, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { GitRepoSearchBy, GitService, GitUri } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { CommandQuickPickItem, CommitsQuickPick } from '../quickPicks';
import { ShowQuickCommitDetailsCommandArgs } from './showQuickCommitDetails';
const searchByRegex = /^([@:#])/;
const searchByMap = new Map<string, GitRepoSearchBy>([
['@', GitRepoSearchBy.Author],
[':', GitRepoSearchBy.Files],
['#', GitRepoSearchBy.Sha]
export interface ShowCommitSearchCommandArgs {
search?: string;
searchBy?: GitRepoSearchBy;
goBackCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem;
export class ShowCommitSearchCommand extends ActiveEditorCachedCommand {
constructor(private git: GitService) {
async execute(editor: TextEditor, uri?: Uri, args: ShowCommitSearchCommandArgs = {}) {
uri = getCommandUri(uri, editor);
if (uri === undefined) return undefined;
const gitUri = await GitUri.fromUri(uri, this.git);
if (gitUri.repoPath === undefined) return undefined;
'use strict';
import { commands, InputBoxOptions, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorCachedCommand, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { GitRepoSearchBy, GitService, GitUri } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { CommandQuickPickItem, CommitsQuickPick } from '../quickPicks';
import { ShowQuickCommitDetailsCommandArgs } from './showQuickCommitDetails';
import { paste } from 'copy-paste';
const searchByRegex = /^([@:#])/;
const searchByMap = new Map<string, GitRepoSearchBy>([
['@', GitRepoSearchBy.Author],
[':', GitRepoSearchBy.Files],
['#', GitRepoSearchBy.Sha]
export interface ShowCommitSearchCommandArgs {
search?: string;
searchBy?: GitRepoSearchBy;
goBackCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem;
export class ShowCommitSearchCommand extends ActiveEditorCachedCommand {
constructor(private git: GitService) {
async execute(editor: TextEditor, uri?: Uri, args: ShowCommitSearchCommandArgs = {}) {
uri = getCommandUri(uri, editor);
if (uri === undefined) return undefined;
const gitUri = await GitUri.fromUri(uri, this.git);
if (gitUri.repoPath === undefined) return undefined;
if (!args.search || args.searchBy == null) {
args.search = await window.showInputBox({
value: args.search,
prompt: `Please enter a search string`,
placeHolder: `search by message, author (use @<name>), files (use :<pattern>), or commit id (use #<sha>)`
} as InputBoxOptions);
if (args.search === undefined) return args.goBackCommand === undefined ? undefined : args.goBackCommand.execute();
const match = searchByRegex.exec(args.search);
if (match && match[1]) {
args.searchBy = searchByMap.get(match[1]);
args.search = args.search.substring((args.search[1] === ' ') ? 2 : 1);
else if (GitService.isSha(args.search)) {
args.searchBy = GitRepoSearchBy.Sha;
else {
args.searchBy = GitRepoSearchBy.Message;
try {
if (args.searchBy === undefined) {
args.searchBy = GitRepoSearchBy.Message;
const log = await this.git.getLogForRepoSearch(gitUri.repoPath, args.search, args.searchBy);
if (log === undefined) return undefined;
let originalSearch: string | undefined = undefined;
let placeHolder: string | undefined = undefined;
switch (args.searchBy) {
case GitRepoSearchBy.Author:
originalSearch = `@${args.search}`;
placeHolder = `commits with author matching '${args.search}'`;
case GitRepoSearchBy.Files:
originalSearch = `:${args.search}`;
placeHolder = `commits with files matching '${args.search}'`;
case GitRepoSearchBy.Message:
originalSearch = args.search;
placeHolder = `commits with message matching '${args.search}'`;
case GitRepoSearchBy.Sha:
originalSearch = `#${args.search}`;
placeHolder = `commits with id matching '${args.search}'`;
// Create a command to get back to here
const currentCommand = new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `go back \u21A9`,
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 to commit search`
}, Commands.ShowCommitSearch, [
search: originalSearch,
goBackCommand: args.goBackCommand
} as ShowCommitSearchCommandArgs
const pick = await CommitsQuickPick.show(this.git, log, placeHolder!, currentCommand);
if (pick === undefined) return undefined;
if (pick instanceof CommandQuickPickItem) return pick.execute();
return commands.executeCommand(Commands.ShowQuickCommitDetails,
new GitUri(pick.commit.uri, pick.commit),
sha: pick.commit.sha,
commit: pick.commit,
goBackCommand: new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `go back \u21A9`,
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 to search for ${placeHolder}`
}, Commands.ShowCommitSearch, [
} as ShowQuickCommitDetailsCommandArgs);
catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'ShowCommitSearchCommand');
return window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to find commits. See output channel for more details`);
if (!args.search) {
args.search = await new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
paste((err: Error, content: string) => resolve(err ? '' : content));
args.search = await window.showInputBox({
value: args.search,
prompt: `Please enter a search string`,
placeHolder: `search by message, author (use @<name>), files (use :<pattern>), or commit id (use #<sha>)`
} as InputBoxOptions);
if (args.search === undefined) return args.goBackCommand === undefined ? undefined : args.goBackCommand.execute();
const match = searchByRegex.exec(args.search);
if (match && match[1]) {
args.searchBy = searchByMap.get(match[1]);
args.search = args.search.substring((args.search[1] === ' ') ? 2 : 1);
else if (GitService.isSha(args.search)) {
args.searchBy = GitRepoSearchBy.Sha;
else {
args.searchBy = GitRepoSearchBy.Message;
try {
if (args.searchBy === undefined) {
args.searchBy = GitRepoSearchBy.Message;
const log = await this.git.getLogForRepoSearch(gitUri.repoPath, args.search, args.searchBy);
if (log === undefined) return undefined;
let originalSearch: string | undefined = undefined;
let placeHolder: string | undefined = undefined;
switch (args.searchBy) {
case GitRepoSearchBy.Author:
originalSearch = `@${args.search}`;
placeHolder = `commits with author matching '${args.search}'`;
case GitRepoSearchBy.Files:
originalSearch = `:${args.search}`;
placeHolder = `commits with files matching '${args.search}'`;
case GitRepoSearchBy.Message:
originalSearch = args.search;
placeHolder = `commits with message matching '${args.search}'`;
case GitRepoSearchBy.Sha:
originalSearch = `#${args.search}`;
placeHolder = `commits with id matching '${args.search}'`;
// Create a command to get back to here
const currentCommand = new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `go back \u21A9`,
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 to commit search`
}, Commands.ShowCommitSearch, [
search: originalSearch,
goBackCommand: args.goBackCommand
} as ShowCommitSearchCommandArgs
const pick = await CommitsQuickPick.show(this.git, log, placeHolder!, currentCommand);
if (pick === undefined) return undefined;
if (pick instanceof CommandQuickPickItem) return pick.execute();
return commands.executeCommand(Commands.ShowQuickCommitDetails,
new GitUri(pick.commit.uri, pick.commit),
sha: pick.commit.sha,
commit: pick.commit,
goBackCommand: new CommandQuickPickItem({
label: `go back \u21A9`,
description: `\u00a0 \u2014 \u00a0\u00a0 to search for ${placeHolder}`
}, Commands.ShowCommitSearch, [
} as ShowQuickCommitDetailsCommandArgs);
catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'ShowCommitSearchCommand');
return window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to find commits. See output channel for more details`);
