"deprecationMessage":"Deprecated. Use per-language `gitlens.codeLens.scopes` and `gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes` settings instead",
"deprecationMessage":"Deprecated. Use per-language `gitlens.codeLens.scopes` and `gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes` settings instead",
"description":"Specifies the language to which this code lens override applies"
"Adds code lens at the top of the document",
"Adds code lens at the start of container-like symbols (modules, classes, interfaces, etc)",
"Adds code lens at the start of block-like symbols (functions, methods, properties, etc) lines",
"Adds code lens at the start of symbols contained in `symbolScopes`"
"description":"Specifies where Git code lens will be shown in the document for the specified language"
"description":"Specifies the set of document symbols where Git code lens will be shown in the document for the specified language. Must be a member of `SymbolKind`"
"markdownDescription":"Specifies where Git code lens will be shown in the document for the specified languages",
"markdownDeprecationMessage":"Depreciated: Use the per-language `#gitlens.codeLens.scopes#` and `#gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes#` settings instead"