
Adds commit search support for GitHub

Hides unsupported search options
Eric Amodio 2年前
  1. +7
  2. +22
  3. +4
  4. +5
  5. +1
  6. +81
  7. +164

+ 7
- 1
package.json ファイルの表示

@ -10013,7 +10013,13 @@
"view": "gitlens.views.searchAndCompare",
"contents": "Search for commits by [message](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22message%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D), [author](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22author%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D), [SHA](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22commit%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D), [file](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22file%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D), or [changes](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22change%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D)\n\n[Search Commits...](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits)"
"contents": "Search for commits by [message](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22message%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D), [author](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22author%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D), [SHA](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22commit%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D), [file](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22file%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D), or [changes](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22change%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D)\n\n[Search Commits...](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits)",
"when": "!gitlens:hasVirtualFolders"
"view": "gitlens.views.searchAndCompare",
"contents": "Search for commits by [message](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22message%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D), [author](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22author%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D), or [SHA](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits?%7B%22search%22%3A%7B%22pattern%22%3A%22commit%3A%22%7D%2C%22prefillOnly%22%3Atrue%7D)\n\n[Search Commits...](command:gitlens.views.searchAndCompare.searchCommits)",
"when": "gitlens:hasVirtualFolders"
"view": "gitlens.views.searchAndCompare",

+ 22
- 15
src/commands/git/search.ts ファイルの表示

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { GlyphChars } from '../../constants';
import { ContextKeys, GlyphChars } from '../../constants';
import { Container } from '../../container';
import { getContext } from '../../context';
import { GitCommit, GitLog, Repository } from '../../git/models';
import { searchOperators, SearchOperators, SearchPattern } from '../../git/search';
import { ActionQuickPickItem, QuickPickItemOfT } from '../../quickpicks/items/common';
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ interface Context {
repos: Repository[];
associatedView: ViewsWithRepositoryFolders;
commit: GitCommit | undefined;
hasVirtualFolders: boolean;
resultsKey: string | undefined;
resultsPromise: Promise<GitLog | undefined> | undefined;
title: string;
@ -96,6 +98,7 @@ export class SearchGitCommand extends QuickCommand {
repos: this.container.git.openRepositories,
associatedView: this.container.searchAndCompareView,
commit: undefined,
hasVirtualFolders: getContext<boolean>(ContextKeys.HasVirtualFolders, false),
resultsKey: undefined,
resultsPromise: undefined,
title: this.title,
@ -263,29 +266,33 @@ export class SearchGitCommand extends QuickCommand {
label: searchOperatorToTitleMap.get('')!,
description: `pattern or message: pattern or =: pattern ${GlyphChars.Dash} use quotes to search for phrases`,
item: 'message:',
item: 'message:' as const,
label: searchOperatorToTitleMap.get('author:')!,
description: 'author: pattern or @: pattern',
item: 'author:',
item: 'author:' as const,
label: searchOperatorToTitleMap.get('commit:')!,
description: 'commit: sha or #: sha',
item: 'commit:',
item: 'commit:' as const,
label: searchOperatorToTitleMap.get('file:')!,
description: 'file: glob or ?: glob',
item: 'file:',
label: searchOperatorToTitleMap.get('change:')!,
description: 'change: pattern or ~: pattern',
item: 'change:',
? undefined
: {
label: searchOperatorToTitleMap.get('file:')!,
description: 'file: glob or ?: glob',
item: 'file:' as const,
? undefined
: {
label: searchOperatorToTitleMap.get('change:')!,
description: 'change: pattern or ~: pattern',
item: 'change:' as const,
].filter(<T>(i?: T): i is T => i != null);
const matchCaseButton = new QuickCommandButtons.MatchCaseToggle(state.matchCase);
const matchAllButton = new QuickCommandButtons.MatchAllToggle(state.matchAll);

+ 4
- 6
src/env/node/git/localGitProvider.ts ファイルの表示

@ -2095,7 +2095,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
async getLogForSearch(
repoPath: string,
search: SearchPattern,
options?: { limit?: number; ordering?: string | null; skip?: number },
options?: { limit?: number; ordering?: 'date' | 'author-date' | 'topo' | null; skip?: number },
): Promise<GitLog | undefined> {
search = { matchAll: false, matchCase: false, matchRegex: true, ...search };
@ -2216,7 +2216,7 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
private getLogForSearchMoreFn(
log: GitLog,
search: SearchPattern,
options?: { limit?: number; ordering?: string | null },
options?: { limit?: number; ordering?: 'date' | 'author-date' | 'topo' | null },
): (limit: number | undefined) => Promise<GitLog> {
return async (limit: number | undefined) => {
limit = limit ?? this.container.config.advanced.maxSearchItems ?? 0;
@ -2226,10 +2226,8 @@ export class LocalGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
limit: limit,
skip: log.count,
if (moreLog == null) {
// If we can't find any more, assume we have everything
return { ...log, hasMore: false };
// If we can't find any more, assume we have everything
if (moreLog == null) return { ...log, hasMore: false };
const commits = new Map([...log.commits, ...moreLog.commits]);

+ 5
- 1
src/git/gitProvider.ts ファイルの表示

@ -283,7 +283,11 @@ export interface GitProvider extends Disposable {
repoPath: string,
search: SearchPattern,
options?: { limit?: number | undefined; ordering?: string | null | undefined; skip?: number | undefined },
options?: {
limit?: number | undefined;
ordering?: 'date' | 'author-date' | 'topo' | null | undefined;
skip?: number | undefined;
): Promise<GitLog | undefined>;
repoPath: string,

+ 1
- 1
src/git/gitProviderService.ts ファイルの表示

@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
async getLogForSearch(
repoPath: string | Uri,
search: SearchPattern,
options?: { limit?: number; ordering?: string | null; skip?: number },
options?: { limit?: number; ordering?: 'date' | 'author-date' | 'topo' | null; skip?: number },
): Promise<GitLog | undefined> {
const { provider, path } = this.getProvider(repoPath);
return provider.getLogForSearch(path, search, options);

+ 81
- 3
src/premium/github/github.ts ファイルの表示

@ -1528,6 +1528,84 @@ export class GitHubApi {
@debug<GitHubApi['searchCommits']>({ args: { 0: '<token>' } })
async searchCommits(
token: string,
query: string,
options?: {
cursor?: string;
limit?: number;
order?: 'asc' | 'desc' | undefined;
sort?: 'author-date' | 'committer-date' | undefined;
): Promise<GitHubPagedResult<GitHubCommit> | undefined> {
const cc = Logger.getCorrelationContext();
const limit = Math.min(100, options?.limit ?? 100);
let page;
let pageSize;
let previousCount;
if (options?.cursor != null) {
[page, pageSize, previousCount] = options.cursor.split(' ', 3);
page = parseInt(page, 10);
// TODO@eamodio need to figure out how allow different page sizes if the limit changes
pageSize = parseInt(pageSize, 10);
previousCount = parseInt(previousCount, 10);
} else {
page = 1;
pageSize = limit;
previousCount = 0;
try {
const rsp = await this.request(token, 'GET /search/commits', {
q: query,
sort: options?.sort,
order: options?.order,
per_page: pageSize,
page: page,
const data = rsp?.data;
if (data == null) return undefined;
const commits = data.items.map<GitHubCommit>(result => ({
oid: result.sha,
parents: { nodes: result.parents.map(p => ({ oid: p.sha! })) },
message: result.commit.message,
author: {
avatarUrl: result.author?.avatar_url ?? undefined,
date: result.commit.author?.date ?? result.commit.author?.date ?? new Date().toString(),
email: result.author?.email ?? result.commit.author?.email ?? undefined,
name: result.author?.name ?? result.commit.author?.name ?? '',
committer: {
date: result.commit.committer?.date ?? result.committer?.date ?? new Date().toString(),
email: result.committer?.email ?? result.commit.committer?.email ?? undefined,
name: result.committer?.name ?? result.commit.committer?.name ?? '',
const count = previousCount + data.items.length;
const hasMore = data.incomplete_results || data.total_count > count;
return {
pageInfo: {
startCursor: `${page} ${pageSize} ${previousCount}`,
endCursor: hasMore ? `${page + 1} ${pageSize} ${count}` : undefined,
hasPreviousPage: data.total_count > 0 && page > 1,
hasNextPage: hasMore,
totalCount: data.total_count,
values: commits,
} catch (ex) {
return this.handleRequestError(ex, cc, undefined);
private _octokits = new Map<string, Octokit>();
private octokit(token: string, options?: ConstructorParameters<typeof Octokit>[0]): Octokit {
let octokit = this._octokits.get(token);
@ -1665,9 +1743,9 @@ export interface GitHubCommit {
oid: string;
parents: { nodes: { oid: string }[] };
message: string;
additions: number | undefined;
changedFiles: number | undefined;
deletions: number | undefined;
additions?: number | undefined;
changedFiles?: number | undefined;
deletions?: number | undefined;
author: { avatarUrl: string | undefined; date: string; email: string | undefined; name: string };
committer: { date: string; email: string | undefined; name: string };

+ 164
- 25
src/premium/github/githubGitProvider.ts ファイルの表示

@ -1166,7 +1166,6 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
since: options?.since ? new Date(options.since) : undefined,
const authors = new Map<string, GitBlameAuthor>();
const commits = new Map<string, GitCommit>();
const { viewer = session.account.label } = result;
@ -1175,15 +1174,6 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
const committerName =
viewer != null && commit.committer.name === viewer ? 'You' : commit.committer.name;
let author = authors.get(authorName);
if (author == null) {
author = {
name: authorName,
lineCount: 0,
authors.set(authorName, author);
let c = commits.get(commit.oid);
if (c == null) {
c = new GitCommit(
@ -1330,7 +1320,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
limit: moreUntil == null ? (log.limit ?? 0) + moreLimit : undefined,
hasMore: moreUntil == null ? moreLog.hasMore : true,
cursor: moreLog.cursor,
query: moreLog.query,
query: log.query,
mergedLog.more = this.getLogMoreFn(mergedLog, options);
@ -1342,13 +1332,16 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
async getLogForSearch(
repoPath: string,
search: SearchPattern,
_options?: { limit?: number; ordering?: string | null; skip?: number },
options?: { cursor?: string; limit?: number; ordering?: 'date' | 'author-date' | 'topo' | null; skip?: number },
): Promise<GitLog | undefined> {
if (repoPath == null) return undefined;
const cc = Logger.getCorrelationContext();
const operations = SearchPattern.parseSearchOperations(search.pattern);
const values = operations.get('commit:');
let op;
let values = operations.get('commit:');
if (values != null) {
const commit = await this.getCommit(repoPath, values[0]);
if (commit == null) return undefined;
@ -1364,10 +1357,166 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
// TODO@eamodio try implementing with the commit search api
const query = [];
for ([op, values] of operations.entries()) {
switch (op) {
case 'message:':
query.push(...values.map(m => m.replace(/ /g, '+')));
case 'author:':
...values.map(a => {
a = a.replace(/ /g, '+');
if (a.startsWith('@')) return `author:${a.slice(1)}`;
if (a.startsWith('"@')) return `author:"${a.slice(2)}`;
if (a.includes('@')) return `author-email:${a}`;
return `author-name:${a}`;
// case 'change:':
// case 'file:':
// break;
if (query.length === 0) return undefined;
const limit = this.getPagingLimit(options?.limit);
try {
const { metadata, github, session } = await this.ensureRepositoryContext(repoPath);
const result = await github.searchCommits(
cursor: options?.cursor,
limit: limit,
options?.ordering === 'date'
? 'committer-date'
: options?.ordering === 'author-date'
? 'author-date'
: undefined,
if (result == null) return undefined;
const commits = new Map<string, GitCommit>();
const viewer = session.account.label;
for (const commit of result.values) {
const authorName = viewer != null && commit.author.name === viewer ? 'You' : commit.author.name;
const committerName =
viewer != null && commit.committer.name === viewer ? 'You' : commit.committer.name;
let c = commits.get(commit.oid);
if (c == null) {
c = new GitCommit(
new GitCommitIdentity(
new Date(commit.author.date),
new GitCommitIdentity(committerName, commit.committer.email, new Date(commit.committer.date)),
commit.message.split('\n', 1)[0],
commit.parents.nodes.map(p => p.oid),
f =>
new GitFileChange(
f.filename ?? '',
fromCommitFileStatus(f.status) ?? GitFileIndexStatus.Modified,
additions: f.additions ?? 0,
deletions: f.deletions ?? 0,
changes: f.changes ?? 0,
changedFiles: commit.changedFiles ?? 0,
additions: commit.additions ?? 0,
deletions: commit.deletions ?? 0,
commits.set(commit.oid, c);
const log: GitLog = {
repoPath: repoPath,
commits: commits,
sha: undefined,
range: undefined,
count: commits.size,
limit: limit,
hasMore: result.pageInfo?.hasNextPage ?? false,
cursor: result.pageInfo?.endCursor ?? undefined,
query: (limit: number | undefined) => this.getLog(repoPath, { ...options, limit: limit }),
if (log.hasMore) {
log.more = this.getLogForSearchMoreFn(log, search, options);
return log;
} catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, cc);
return undefined;
return undefined;
private getLogForSearchMoreFn(
log: GitLog,
search: SearchPattern,
options?: { limit?: number; ordering?: 'date' | 'author-date' | 'topo' | null; skip?: number },
): (limit: number | undefined) => Promise<GitLog> {
return async (limit: number | undefined) => {
limit = this.getPagingLimit(limit);
const moreLog = await this.getLogForSearch(log.repoPath, search, {
limit: limit,
cursor: log.cursor,
// If we can't find any more, assume we have everything
if (moreLog == null) return { ...log, hasMore: false };
const commits = new Map([...log.commits, ...moreLog.commits]);
const mergedLog: GitLog = {
repoPath: log.repoPath,
commits: commits,
sha: log.sha,
range: undefined,
count: commits.size,
limit: (log.limit ?? 0) + limit,
hasMore: moreLog.hasMore,
cursor: moreLog.cursor,
query: log.query,
mergedLog.more = this.getLogForSearchMoreFn(mergedLog, search, options);
return mergedLog;
async getLogForFile(
repoPath: string | undefined,
@ -1571,7 +1720,6 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
since: options?.since ? new Date(options.since) : undefined,
const authors = new Map<string, GitBlameAuthor>();
const commits = new Map<string, GitCommit>();
const { viewer = session.account.label } = result;
@ -1580,15 +1728,6 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
const committerName =
viewer != null && commit.committer.name === viewer ? 'You' : commit.committer.name;
let author = authors.get(authorName);
if (author == null) {
author = {
name: authorName,
lineCount: 0,
authors.set(authorName, author);
let c = commits.get(commit.oid);
if (c == null) {
const files = commit.files?.map(
@ -1724,7 +1863,7 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable {
limit: moreUntil == null ? (log.limit ?? 0) + moreLimit : undefined,
hasMore: moreUntil == null ? moreLog.hasMore : true,
cursor: moreLog.cursor,
query: moreLog.query,
query: log.query,
// if (options.renames) {
