@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ |
/* eslint-disable no-loop-func */ |
'use strict'; |
import { Container } from '../../container'; |
import { GitContributor, GitService, Repository } from '../../git/gitService'; |
import { QuickCommandBase, StepAsyncGenerator, StepSelection, StepState } from '../quickCommand'; |
import { ContributorQuickPickItem, Directive, DirectiveQuickPickItem, RepositoryQuickPickItem } from '../../quickpicks'; |
import { Logger } from '../../logger'; |
import { Strings } from '../../system'; |
interface State { |
repo: Repository; |
contributors: GitContributor[]; |
} |
export interface CoAuthorsGitCommandArgs { |
readonly command: 'co-authors'; |
state?: Partial<State>; |
confirm?: boolean; |
} |
export class CoAuthorsGitCommand extends QuickCommandBase<State> { |
constructor(args?: CoAuthorsGitCommandArgs) { |
super('co-authors', 'co-authors', 'Add Co-Authors', { description: 'adds co-authors to a commit message' }); |
if (args == null || args.state === undefined) return; |
let counter = 0; |
if (args.state.repo !== undefined) { |
counter++; |
} |
if (args.state.contributors !== undefined) { |
counter++; |
} |
this._initialState = { |
counter: counter, |
confirm: args.confirm, |
...args.state |
}; |
} |
get canConfirm() { |
return false; |
} |
get hidden(): boolean { |
return true; |
} |
async execute(state: State) { |
const gitApi = await GitService.getBuiltInGitApi(); |
if (gitApi === undefined) return; |
const repo = gitApi.repositories.find(r => Strings.normalizePath(r.rootUri.fsPath) === state.repo.path); |
if (repo === undefined) return; |
for (const c of state.contributors) { |
const coauthor = `${c.name}${c.email ? ` <${c.email}>` : ''}`; |
const message = repo.inputBox.value; |
if (message.includes(coauthor)) continue; |
let newlines; |
if (message.includes('Co-authored-by: ')) { |
newlines = '\n'; |
} else if (message.length !== 0 && message.endsWith('\n')) { |
newlines = '\n\n'; |
} else { |
newlines = '\n\n\n'; |
} |
repo.inputBox.value = `${message}${newlines}Co-authored-by: ${coauthor}`; |
} |
} |
protected async *steps(): StepAsyncGenerator { |
const state: StepState<State> = this._initialState === undefined ? { counter: 0 } : this._initialState; |
let activeRepo: Repository | undefined; |
let repos; |
while (true) { |
try { |
if (repos === undefined) { |
repos = [...(await Container.git.getOrderedRepositories())]; |
const gitApi = await GitService.getBuiltInGitApi(); |
if (gitApi !== undefined) { |
// Filter out any repo's that are not known to the built-in git
repos = repos.filter(repo => |
gitApi.repositories.find(r => Strings.normalizePath(r.rootUri.fsPath) === repo.path) |
); |
// Ensure that the active repo is known to the built-in git
activeRepo = await Container.git.getActiveRepository(); |
if ( |
activeRepo !== undefined && |
!gitApi.repositories.some(r => r.rootUri.fsPath === activeRepo!.path) |
) { |
activeRepo = undefined; |
} |
} |
} |
if (state.repo === undefined || !repos.includes(state.repo) || state.counter < 1) { |
if (repos.length === 1) { |
state.counter++; |
state.repo = repos[0]; |
} else { |
const active = state.repo ? state.repo : await Container.git.getActiveRepository(); |
const step = this.createPickStep<RepositoryQuickPickItem>({ |
title: this.title, |
placeholder: 'Choose a repository', |
items: |
repos.length === 0 |
? [DirectiveQuickPickItem.create(Directive.Cancel)] |
: await Promise.all( |
repos.map(r => |
RepositoryQuickPickItem.create(r, r.id === (active && active.id), { |
branch: true, |
fetched: true, |
status: true |
}) |
) |
) |
}); |
const selection: StepSelection<typeof step> = yield step; |
if (!this.canPickStepMoveNext(step, state, selection)) { |
break; |
} |
state.repo = selection[0].item; |
} |
} |
if (state.contributors === undefined || state.counter < 2) { |
const step = this.createPickStep<ContributorQuickPickItem>({ |
title: `${this.title} to ${state.repo.formattedName}`, |
multiselect: true, |
placeholder: 'Choose contributors to add as co-authors', |
matchOnDescription: true, |
items: (await Container.git.getContributors(state.repo.path)).map(c => |
ContributorQuickPickItem.create(c) |
) |
}); |
const selection: StepSelection<typeof step> = yield step; |
if (!this.canPickStepMoveNext(step, state, selection)) { |
if (repos.length === 1) { |
break; |
} |
continue; |
} |
state.contributors = selection.map(i => i.item); |
} |
await this.execute(state as State); |
break; |
} catch (ex) { |
Logger.error(ex, this.title); |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
return undefined; |
} |
} |