@ -1,344 +1,347 @@ |
'use strict'; |
import { commands, Disposable, SourceControlResourceGroup, SourceControlResourceState, TextDocumentShowOptions, TextEditor, TextEditorEdit, Uri, ViewColumn, window, workspace } from 'vscode'; |
import { BuiltInCommands, DocumentSchemes, ImageExtensions } from '../constants'; |
import { Container } from '../container'; |
import { ExplorerNode, ExplorerRefNode } from '../views/explorerNodes'; |
import { GitBranch, GitCommit, GitRemote, GitUri } from '../gitService'; |
import { Logger } from '../logger'; |
// import { Telemetry } from '../telemetry';
import * as path from 'path'; |
export enum Commands { |
ClearFileAnnotations = 'gitlens.clearFileAnnotations', |
CloseUnchangedFiles = 'gitlens.closeUnchangedFiles', |
ComputingFileAnnotations = 'gitlens.computingFileAnnotations', |
CopyMessageToClipboard = 'gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard', |
CopyShaToClipboard = 'gitlens.copyShaToClipboard', |
DiffDirectory = 'gitlens.diffDirectory', |
DiffHeadWithBranch = 'gitlens.diffHeadWithBranch', |
DiffWorkingWithBranch = 'gitlens.diffWorkingWithBranch', |
ExternalDiffAll = 'gitlens.externalDiffAll', |
DiffWith = 'gitlens.diffWith', |
DiffWithBranch = 'gitlens.diffWithBranch', |
DiffWithNext = 'gitlens.diffWithNext', |
DiffWithPrevious = 'gitlens.diffWithPrevious', |
'use strict'; |
import { commands, Disposable, SourceControlResourceGroup, SourceControlResourceState, TextDocumentShowOptions, TextEditor, TextEditorEdit, Uri, ViewColumn, window, workspace } from 'vscode'; |
import { BuiltInCommands, DocumentSchemes, ImageExtensions } from '../constants'; |
import { Container } from '../container'; |
import { ExplorerNode, ExplorerRefNode } from '../views/explorerNodes'; |
import { GitBranch, GitCommit, GitRemote, GitUri } from '../gitService'; |
import { Logger } from '../logger'; |
// import { Telemetry } from '../telemetry';
import * as path from 'path'; |
export enum Commands { |
ClearFileAnnotations = 'gitlens.clearFileAnnotations', |
CloseUnchangedFiles = 'gitlens.closeUnchangedFiles', |
ComputingFileAnnotations = 'gitlens.computingFileAnnotations', |
CopyMessageToClipboard = 'gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard', |
CopyShaToClipboard = 'gitlens.copyShaToClipboard', |
DiffDirectory = 'gitlens.diffDirectory', |
DiffHeadWithBranch = 'gitlens.diffHeadWithBranch', |
DiffWorkingWithBranch = 'gitlens.diffWorkingWithBranch', |
ExternalDiffAll = 'gitlens.externalDiffAll', |
DiffWith = 'gitlens.diffWith', |
DiffWithBranch = 'gitlens.diffWithBranch', |
DiffWithNext = 'gitlens.diffWithNext', |
DiffWithPrevious = 'gitlens.diffWithPrevious', |
DiffWithPreviousInDiff = 'gitlens.diffWithPreviousInDiff', |
DiffLineWithPrevious = 'gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious', |
DiffWithRevision = 'gitlens.diffWithRevision', |
DiffWithWorking = 'gitlens.diffWithWorking', |
DiffLineWithWorking = 'gitlens.diffLineWithWorking', |
ExternalDiff = 'gitlens.externalDiff', |
ExplorersOpenDirectoryDiff = 'gitlens.explorers.openDirectoryDiff', |
ExplorersOpenDirectoryDiffWithWorking = 'gitlens.explorers.openDirectoryDiffWithWorking', |
OpenChangedFiles = 'gitlens.openChangedFiles', |
OpenBranchesInRemote = 'gitlens.openBranchesInRemote', |
OpenBranchInRemote = 'gitlens.openBranchInRemote', |
OpenCommitInRemote = 'gitlens.openCommitInRemote', |
OpenFileInRemote = 'gitlens.openFileInRemote', |
OpenFileRevision = 'gitlens.openFileRevision', |
OpenInRemote = 'gitlens.openInRemote', |
OpenRepoInRemote = 'gitlens.openRepoInRemote', |
OpenWorkingFile = 'gitlens.openWorkingFile', |
ResetSuppressedWarnings = 'gitlens.resetSuppressedWarnings', |
ShowCommitSearch = 'gitlens.showCommitSearch', |
ShowLastQuickPick = 'gitlens.showLastQuickPick', |
ShowQuickCommitDetails = 'gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails', |
ShowQuickCommitFileDetails = 'gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails', |
ShowQuickFileHistory = 'gitlens.showQuickFileHistory', |
ShowQuickBranchHistory = 'gitlens.showQuickBranchHistory', |
ShowQuickCurrentBranchHistory = 'gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory', |
ShowQuickRepoStatus = 'gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus', |
ShowQuickStashList = 'gitlens.showQuickStashList', |
ShowSettingsPage = 'gitlens.showSettingsPage', |
ShowWelcomePage = 'gitlens.showWelcomePage', |
StashApply = 'gitlens.stashApply', |
StashDelete = 'gitlens.stashDelete', |
StashSave = 'gitlens.stashSave', |
ToggleCodeLens = 'gitlens.toggleCodeLens', |
ToggleFileBlame = 'gitlens.toggleFileBlame', |
ToggleFileHeatmap = 'gitlens.toggleFileHeatmap', |
ToggleFileRecentChanges = 'gitlens.toggleFileRecentChanges', |
ToggleLineBlame = 'gitlens.toggleLineBlame' |
} |
export function getCommandUri(uri?: Uri, editor?: TextEditor): Uri | undefined { |
if (uri instanceof Uri) return uri; |
if (editor === undefined || editor.document === undefined) return undefined; |
return editor.document.uri; |
} |
export interface CommandContextParsingOptions { |
editor: boolean; |
uri: boolean; |
} |
export interface CommandBaseContext { |
command: string; |
editor?: TextEditor; |
uri?: Uri; |
} |
export interface CommandScmGroupsContext extends CommandBaseContext { |
type: 'scm-groups'; |
scmResourceGroups: SourceControlResourceGroup[]; |
} |
export interface CommandScmStatesContext extends CommandBaseContext { |
type: 'scm-states'; |
scmResourceStates: SourceControlResourceState[]; |
} |
export interface CommandUnknownContext extends CommandBaseContext { |
type: 'unknown'; |
} |
export interface CommandUriContext extends CommandBaseContext { |
type: 'uri'; |
} |
export interface CommandViewContext extends CommandBaseContext { |
type: 'view'; |
node: ExplorerNode; |
} |
export function isCommandViewContextWithBranch(context: CommandContext): context is CommandViewContext & { node: (ExplorerNode & { branch: GitBranch }) } { |
return context.type === 'view' && (context.node as any).branch && (context.node as any).branch instanceof GitBranch; |
} |
export function isCommandViewContextWithCommit<T extends GitCommit>(context: CommandContext): context is CommandViewContext & { node: (ExplorerNode & { commit: T }) } { |
return context.type === 'view' && (context.node as any).commit && (context.node as any).commit instanceof GitCommit; |
} |
export function isCommandViewContextWithRef(context: CommandContext): context is CommandViewContext & { node: (ExplorerNode & { ref: string }) } { |
return context.type === 'view' && (context.node instanceof ExplorerRefNode); |
} |
export function isCommandViewContextWithRemote(context: CommandContext): context is CommandViewContext & { node: (ExplorerNode & { remote: GitRemote }) } { |
return context.type === 'view' && (context.node as any).remote && (context.node as any).remote instanceof GitRemote; |
} |
export type CommandContext = CommandScmGroupsContext | CommandScmStatesContext | CommandUnknownContext | CommandUriContext | CommandViewContext; |
function isScmResourceGroup(group: any): group is SourceControlResourceGroup { |
if (group === undefined) return false; |
return (group as SourceControlResourceGroup).id !== undefined && (group.handle !== undefined || (group as SourceControlResourceGroup).label !== undefined || (group as SourceControlResourceGroup).resourceStates !== undefined); |
} |
function isScmResourceState(state: any): state is SourceControlResourceState { |
if (state === undefined) return false; |
return (state as SourceControlResourceState).resourceUri !== undefined; |
} |
function isTextEditor(editor: any): editor is TextEditor { |
if (editor === undefined) return false; |
return editor.id !== undefined && ((editor as TextEditor).edit !== undefined || (editor as TextEditor).document !== undefined); |
} |
export abstract class Command extends Disposable { |
static getMarkdownCommandArgsCore<T>(command: Commands, args: T): string { |
return `command:${command}?${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(args))}`; |
} |
protected readonly contextParsingOptions: CommandContextParsingOptions = { editor: false, uri: false }; |
private _disposable: Disposable; |
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) { |
super(() => this.dispose()); |
if (typeof command === 'string') { |
this._disposable = commands.registerCommand(command, (...args: any[]) => this._execute(command, ...args), this); |
return; |
} |
const subscriptions = command.map(cmd => commands.registerCommand(cmd, (...args: any[]) => this._execute(cmd, ...args), this)); |
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions); |
} |
dispose() { |
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose(); |
} |
protected async preExecute(context: CommandContext, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> { |
return this.execute(...args); |
} |
abstract execute(...args: any[]): any; |
protected _execute(command: string, ...args: any[]): any { |
// Telemetry.trackEvent(command);
const [context, rest] = Command.parseContext(command, this.contextParsingOptions, ...args); |
return this.preExecute(context, ...rest); |
} |
private static parseContext(command: string, options: CommandContextParsingOptions, ...args: any[]): [CommandContext, any[]] { |
let editor: TextEditor | undefined = undefined; |
let firstArg = args[0]; |
if (options.editor && (firstArg === undefined || isTextEditor(firstArg))) { |
editor = firstArg; |
args = args.slice(1); |
firstArg = args[0]; |
} |
if (options.uri && (firstArg === undefined || firstArg instanceof Uri)) { |
const [uri, ...rest] = args as [Uri, any]; |
return [{ command: command, type: 'uri', editor: editor, uri: uri }, rest]; |
} |
if (firstArg instanceof ExplorerNode) { |
const [node, ...rest] = args as [ExplorerNode, any]; |
return [{ command: command, type: 'view', node: node, uri: node.uri }, rest]; |
} |
if (isScmResourceState(firstArg)) { |
const states = []; |
let count = 0; |
for (const arg of args) { |
if (!isScmResourceState(arg)) break; |
count++; |
states.push(arg); |
} |
return [{ command: command, type: 'scm-states', scmResourceStates: states, uri: states[0].resourceUri }, args.slice(count)]; |
} |
if (isScmResourceGroup(firstArg)) { |
const groups = []; |
let count = 0; |
for (const arg of args) { |
if (!isScmResourceGroup(arg)) break; |
count++; |
groups.push(arg); |
} |
return [{ command: command, type: 'scm-groups', scmResourceGroups: groups }, args.slice(count)]; |
} |
return [{ command: command, type: 'unknown', editor: editor }, args]; |
} |
} |
export abstract class ActiveEditorCommand extends Command { |
protected readonly contextParsingOptions: CommandContextParsingOptions = { editor: true, uri: true }; |
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) { |
super(command); |
} |
protected async preExecute(context: CommandContext, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> { |
return this.execute(context.editor, context.uri, ...args); |
} |
protected _execute(command: string, ...args: any[]): any { |
return super._execute(command, window.activeTextEditor, ...args); |
} |
abstract execute(editor?: TextEditor, ...args: any[]): any; |
} |
let lastCommand: { command: string, args: any[] } | undefined = undefined; |
export function getLastCommand() { |
return lastCommand; |
} |
export abstract class ActiveEditorCachedCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand { |
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) { |
super(command); |
} |
protected _execute(command: string, ...args: any[]): any { |
lastCommand = { |
command: command, |
args: args |
}; |
return super._execute(command, ...args); |
} |
abstract execute(editor: TextEditor, ...args: any[]): any; |
} |
export abstract class EditorCommand extends Disposable { |
private _disposable: Disposable; |
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) { |
super(() => this.dispose()); |
if (!Array.isArray(command)) { |
command = [command]; |
} |
const subscriptions = []; |
for (const cmd of command) { |
subscriptions.push(commands.registerTextEditorCommand(cmd, (editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, ...args: any[]) => this.executeCore(cmd, editor, edit, ...args), this)); |
} |
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions); |
} |
dispose() { |
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose(); |
} |
private executeCore(command: string, editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, ...args: any[]): any { |
// Telemetry.trackEvent(command);
return this.execute(editor, edit, ...args); |
} |
abstract execute(editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, ...args: any[]): any; |
} |
export async function openEditor(uri: Uri, options: TextDocumentShowOptions & { rethrow?: boolean } = {}): Promise<TextEditor | undefined> { |
const { rethrow, ...opts } = options; |
try { |
if (uri instanceof GitUri) { |
uri = uri.fileUri({ noSha: true }); |
} |
// TODO: revist this
// This is a bit of an ugly hack, but I added it because there a bunch of call sites and toRevisionUri can't be easily made async because of its use in ctors
if (uri.scheme === DocumentSchemes.GitLensGit) { |
const gitUri = GitUri.fromRevisionUri(uri); |
if (ImageExtensions.includes(path.extname(gitUri.fsPath))) { |
const fileName = await Container.git.getVersionedFile(gitUri.repoPath, gitUri.fsPath, gitUri.sha); |
if (fileName !== undefined) { |
uri = Uri.file(fileName); |
await commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.Open, uri); |
return undefined; |
} |
} |
} |
const document = await workspace.openTextDocument(uri); |
return window.showTextDocument(document, { |
preserveFocus: false, |
preview: true, |
viewColumn: ViewColumn.Active, |
...opts |
}); |
} |
catch (ex) { |
const msg = ex.toString(); |
if (msg.includes('File seems to be binary and cannot be opened as text')) { |
await commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.Open, uri); |
return undefined; |
} |
if (rethrow) throw ex; |
Logger.error(ex, 'openEditor'); |
return undefined; |
} |
DiffLineWithPrevious = 'gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious', |
DiffWithRevision = 'gitlens.diffWithRevision', |
DiffWithWorking = 'gitlens.diffWithWorking', |
DiffLineWithWorking = 'gitlens.diffLineWithWorking', |
ExternalDiff = 'gitlens.externalDiff', |
ExplorersOpenDirectoryDiff = 'gitlens.explorers.openDirectoryDiff', |
ExplorersOpenDirectoryDiffWithWorking = 'gitlens.explorers.openDirectoryDiffWithWorking', |
OpenChangedFiles = 'gitlens.openChangedFiles', |
OpenBranchesInRemote = 'gitlens.openBranchesInRemote', |
OpenBranchInRemote = 'gitlens.openBranchInRemote', |
OpenCommitInRemote = 'gitlens.openCommitInRemote', |
OpenFileInRemote = 'gitlens.openFileInRemote', |
OpenFileRevision = 'gitlens.openFileRevision', |
OpenInRemote = 'gitlens.openInRemote', |
OpenLineCommitInRemote = 'gitlens.openLineCommitInRemote', |
OpenLineInRemote = 'gitlens.openLineInRemote', |
OpenRepoInRemote = 'gitlens.openRepoInRemote', |
OpenWorkingFile = 'gitlens.openWorkingFile', |
ResetSuppressedWarnings = 'gitlens.resetSuppressedWarnings', |
ShowCommitSearch = 'gitlens.showCommitSearch', |
ShowLastQuickPick = 'gitlens.showLastQuickPick', |
ShowQuickCommitDetails = 'gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails', |
ShowQuickCommitFileDetails = 'gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails', |
ShowQuickLineCommitFileDetails = 'gitlens.showQuickLineCommitFileDetails', |
ShowQuickFileHistory = 'gitlens.showQuickFileHistory', |
ShowQuickBranchHistory = 'gitlens.showQuickBranchHistory', |
ShowQuickCurrentBranchHistory = 'gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory', |
ShowQuickRepoStatus = 'gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus', |
ShowQuickStashList = 'gitlens.showQuickStashList', |
ShowSettingsPage = 'gitlens.showSettingsPage', |
ShowWelcomePage = 'gitlens.showWelcomePage', |
StashApply = 'gitlens.stashApply', |
StashDelete = 'gitlens.stashDelete', |
StashSave = 'gitlens.stashSave', |
ToggleCodeLens = 'gitlens.toggleCodeLens', |
ToggleFileBlame = 'gitlens.toggleFileBlame', |
ToggleFileHeatmap = 'gitlens.toggleFileHeatmap', |
ToggleFileRecentChanges = 'gitlens.toggleFileRecentChanges', |
ToggleLineBlame = 'gitlens.toggleLineBlame' |
} |
export function getCommandUri(uri?: Uri, editor?: TextEditor): Uri | undefined { |
if (uri instanceof Uri) return uri; |
if (editor === undefined || editor.document === undefined) return undefined; |
return editor.document.uri; |
} |
export interface CommandContextParsingOptions { |
editor: boolean; |
uri: boolean; |
} |
export interface CommandBaseContext { |
command: string; |
editor?: TextEditor; |
uri?: Uri; |
} |
export interface CommandScmGroupsContext extends CommandBaseContext { |
type: 'scm-groups'; |
scmResourceGroups: SourceControlResourceGroup[]; |
} |
export interface CommandScmStatesContext extends CommandBaseContext { |
type: 'scm-states'; |
scmResourceStates: SourceControlResourceState[]; |
} |
export interface CommandUnknownContext extends CommandBaseContext { |
type: 'unknown'; |
} |
export interface CommandUriContext extends CommandBaseContext { |
type: 'uri'; |
} |
export interface CommandViewContext extends CommandBaseContext { |
type: 'view'; |
node: ExplorerNode; |
} |
export function isCommandViewContextWithBranch(context: CommandContext): context is CommandViewContext & { node: (ExplorerNode & { branch: GitBranch }) } { |
return context.type === 'view' && (context.node as any).branch && (context.node as any).branch instanceof GitBranch; |
} |
export function isCommandViewContextWithCommit<T extends GitCommit>(context: CommandContext): context is CommandViewContext & { node: (ExplorerNode & { commit: T }) } { |
return context.type === 'view' && (context.node as any).commit && (context.node as any).commit instanceof GitCommit; |
} |
export function isCommandViewContextWithRef(context: CommandContext): context is CommandViewContext & { node: (ExplorerNode & { ref: string }) } { |
return context.type === 'view' && (context.node instanceof ExplorerRefNode); |
} |
export function isCommandViewContextWithRemote(context: CommandContext): context is CommandViewContext & { node: (ExplorerNode & { remote: GitRemote }) } { |
return context.type === 'view' && (context.node as any).remote && (context.node as any).remote instanceof GitRemote; |
} |
export type CommandContext = CommandScmGroupsContext | CommandScmStatesContext | CommandUnknownContext | CommandUriContext | CommandViewContext; |
function isScmResourceGroup(group: any): group is SourceControlResourceGroup { |
if (group === undefined) return false; |
return (group as SourceControlResourceGroup).id !== undefined && (group.handle !== undefined || (group as SourceControlResourceGroup).label !== undefined || (group as SourceControlResourceGroup).resourceStates !== undefined); |
} |
function isScmResourceState(state: any): state is SourceControlResourceState { |
if (state === undefined) return false; |
return (state as SourceControlResourceState).resourceUri !== undefined; |
} |
function isTextEditor(editor: any): editor is TextEditor { |
if (editor === undefined) return false; |
return editor.id !== undefined && ((editor as TextEditor).edit !== undefined || (editor as TextEditor).document !== undefined); |
} |
export abstract class Command extends Disposable { |
static getMarkdownCommandArgsCore<T>(command: Commands, args: T): string { |
return `command:${command}?${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(args))}`; |
} |
protected readonly contextParsingOptions: CommandContextParsingOptions = { editor: false, uri: false }; |
private _disposable: Disposable; |
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) { |
super(() => this.dispose()); |
if (typeof command === 'string') { |
this._disposable = commands.registerCommand(command, (...args: any[]) => this._execute(command, ...args), this); |
return; |
} |
const subscriptions = command.map(cmd => commands.registerCommand(cmd, (...args: any[]) => this._execute(cmd, ...args), this)); |
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions); |
} |
dispose() { |
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose(); |
} |
protected async preExecute(context: CommandContext, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> { |
return this.execute(...args); |
} |
abstract execute(...args: any[]): any; |
protected _execute(command: string, ...args: any[]): any { |
// Telemetry.trackEvent(command);
const [context, rest] = Command.parseContext(command, this.contextParsingOptions, ...args); |
return this.preExecute(context, ...rest); |
} |
private static parseContext(command: string, options: CommandContextParsingOptions, ...args: any[]): [CommandContext, any[]] { |
let editor: TextEditor | undefined = undefined; |
let firstArg = args[0]; |
if (options.editor && (firstArg === undefined || isTextEditor(firstArg))) { |
editor = firstArg; |
args = args.slice(1); |
firstArg = args[0]; |
} |
if (options.uri && (firstArg === undefined || firstArg instanceof Uri)) { |
const [uri, ...rest] = args as [Uri, any]; |
return [{ command: command, type: 'uri', editor: editor, uri: uri }, rest]; |
} |
if (firstArg instanceof ExplorerNode) { |
const [node, ...rest] = args as [ExplorerNode, any]; |
return [{ command: command, type: 'view', node: node, uri: node.uri }, rest]; |
} |
if (isScmResourceState(firstArg)) { |
const states = []; |
let count = 0; |
for (const arg of args) { |
if (!isScmResourceState(arg)) break; |
count++; |
states.push(arg); |
} |
return [{ command: command, type: 'scm-states', scmResourceStates: states, uri: states[0].resourceUri }, args.slice(count)]; |
} |
if (isScmResourceGroup(firstArg)) { |
const groups = []; |
let count = 0; |
for (const arg of args) { |
if (!isScmResourceGroup(arg)) break; |
count++; |
groups.push(arg); |
} |
return [{ command: command, type: 'scm-groups', scmResourceGroups: groups }, args.slice(count)]; |
} |
return [{ command: command, type: 'unknown', editor: editor }, args]; |
} |
} |
export abstract class ActiveEditorCommand extends Command { |
protected readonly contextParsingOptions: CommandContextParsingOptions = { editor: true, uri: true }; |
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) { |
super(command); |
} |
protected async preExecute(context: CommandContext, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> { |
return this.execute(context.editor, context.uri, ...args); |
} |
protected _execute(command: string, ...args: any[]): any { |
return super._execute(command, window.activeTextEditor, ...args); |
} |
abstract execute(editor?: TextEditor, ...args: any[]): any; |
} |
let lastCommand: { command: string, args: any[] } | undefined = undefined; |
export function getLastCommand() { |
return lastCommand; |
} |
export abstract class ActiveEditorCachedCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand { |
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) { |
super(command); |
} |
protected _execute(command: string, ...args: any[]): any { |
lastCommand = { |
command: command, |
args: args |
}; |
return super._execute(command, ...args); |
} |
abstract execute(editor: TextEditor, ...args: any[]): any; |
} |
export abstract class EditorCommand extends Disposable { |
private _disposable: Disposable; |
constructor(command: Commands | Commands[]) { |
super(() => this.dispose()); |
if (!Array.isArray(command)) { |
command = [command]; |
} |
const subscriptions = []; |
for (const cmd of command) { |
subscriptions.push(commands.registerTextEditorCommand(cmd, (editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, ...args: any[]) => this.executeCore(cmd, editor, edit, ...args), this)); |
} |
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions); |
} |
dispose() { |
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose(); |
} |
private executeCore(command: string, editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, ...args: any[]): any { |
// Telemetry.trackEvent(command);
return this.execute(editor, edit, ...args); |
} |
abstract execute(editor: TextEditor, edit: TextEditorEdit, ...args: any[]): any; |
} |
export async function openEditor(uri: Uri, options: TextDocumentShowOptions & { rethrow?: boolean } = {}): Promise<TextEditor | undefined> { |
const { rethrow, ...opts } = options; |
try { |
if (uri instanceof GitUri) { |
uri = uri.fileUri({ noSha: true }); |
} |
// TODO: revist this
// This is a bit of an ugly hack, but I added it because there a bunch of call sites and toRevisionUri can't be easily made async because of its use in ctors
if (uri.scheme === DocumentSchemes.GitLensGit) { |
const gitUri = GitUri.fromRevisionUri(uri); |
if (ImageExtensions.includes(path.extname(gitUri.fsPath))) { |
const fileName = await Container.git.getVersionedFile(gitUri.repoPath, gitUri.fsPath, gitUri.sha); |
if (fileName !== undefined) { |
uri = Uri.file(fileName); |
await commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.Open, uri); |
return undefined; |
} |
} |
} |
const document = await workspace.openTextDocument(uri); |
return window.showTextDocument(document, { |
preserveFocus: false, |
preview: true, |
viewColumn: ViewColumn.Active, |
...opts |
}); |
} |
catch (ex) { |
const msg = ex.toString(); |
if (msg.includes('File seems to be binary and cannot be opened as text')) { |
await commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.Open, uri); |
return undefined; |
} |
if (rethrow) throw ex; |
Logger.error(ex, 'openEditor'); |
return undefined; |
} |
} |