@ -179,8 +179,7 @@ export async function showWhatsNewMessage(version: string) {
constreset={title:'Switch to New Layout'};
// TODO@eamodio GL14: update links
`Upgraded to GitLens ${version} — [see what's new](https://help.gitkraken.com/gitlens/gitlens-release-notes-current/ "See what's new in GitLens ${version}").\nWe've rearranged our views for greater focus and productivity, and recommend switching to the new layout — [learn more](https://help.gitkraken.com/gitlens/gitlens-release-notes-current/ "Learn more about what's changed").`,
`Upgraded to GitLens ${version} — [see what's new](https://help.gitkraken.com/gitlens/gitlens-release-notes-current/ "See what's new in GitLens ${version}").\nWe've rearranged our views for greater focus and productivity, and recommend switching to the new layout — [learn more and tell us what you think](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/discussions/2721 "Learn more about what's changed")!`,