diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dfdcd72..2f70f40 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ The repositories explorer provides the following features,
- Provides additional upstream status nodes, if the current branch is tracking a remote branch and,
- is behind the upstream — quickly see and explore the specific commits behind the upstream (i.e. commits that haven't been pulled)
- is ahead of the upstream — quickly see and explore the specific commits ahead of the upstream (i.e. commits that haven't been pushed)
- - A context menu provides _Open Repository in Remote_, and _Refresh_ commands
+ - A context menu provides _Open Repository on Remote_, and _Refresh_ commands
- **Changed Files** — lists all the "working" changes
- Expands to a file-based view of all changed files in the working tree ([optionally](#repositories-explorer-settings 'Jump to the Repositories explorer settings')) and/or all files in all commits ahead of the upstream
- **History (current-branch)** — lists the revision (commit) history of the current branch
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ The repositories explorer provides the following features,
- **Branches** — lists the local branches
- Indicates which branch is the current branch and [optionally](#repositories-explorer-settings 'Jump to the Repositories explorer settings') shows the remote tracking branch
- - A context menu provides _Open Branches in Remote_, and _Refresh_ commands
+ - A context menu provides _Open Branches on Remote_, and _Refresh_ commands
- Branches expand to show its revision (commit) history
- Provides indicator dots on each branch icon which denote the following:
- _None_ — no upstream or up-to-date with the upstream
@@ -136,12 +136,12 @@ The repositories explorer provides the following features,
- _Red_ — behind the upstream
- _Yellow_ — both ahead of and behind the upstream
- Context menus for each branch provide
- - _Open Branch in Remote_ (if available), _Compare with Remote_ (if available), _Compare with HEAD_, _Compare with Working Tree_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Compare Ancestry with Working Tree_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, _Open Directory Compare with Working Tree_, _Checkout Branch (via Terminal)_, _Merge Branch (via Terminal)_, _Rebase (Interactive) Branch (via Terminal)_, _Rebase (Interactive) Branch to Remote (via Terminal)_, _Squash Branch into Commit (via Terminal)_, _Create Branch (via Terminal)..._, _Delete Branch (via Terminal)_, _Create Tag (via Terminal)..._, and _Refresh_ commands
+ - _Open Branch on Remote_ (if available), _Compare with Remote_ (if available), _Compare with HEAD_, _Compare with Working Tree_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Compare Ancestry with Working Tree_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, _Open Directory Compare with Working Tree_, _Checkout Branch (via Terminal)_, _Merge Branch (via Terminal)_, _Rebase (Interactive) Branch (via Terminal)_, _Rebase (Interactive) Branch to Remote (via Terminal)_, _Squash Branch into Commit (via Terminal)_, _Create Branch (via Terminal)..._, _Delete Branch (via Terminal)_, _Create Tag (via Terminal)..._, and _Refresh_ commands
- Revisions (commits) expand to show the set of files changed, complete with status indicators for adds, changes, renames, and deletes
- Context menus for each revision (commit) provide
- - _Open Commit in Remote_ (if available), _Open All Changes_, _Open All Changes with Working Tree_, _Open Files_, _Open Revisions_, _Copy Commit ID to Clipboard_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Show Commit Details_, _Compare with HEAD_, _Compare with Working Tree_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, _Cherry Pick Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Push to Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Revert Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Checkout Commit (via Terminal)_, _Rebase to Commit (via Terminal)_, _Reset to Commit (via Terminal)_, _Create Branch (via Terminal)..._, _Create Tag (via Terminal)..._, and _Refresh_ commands
+ - _Open Commit on Remote_ (if available), _Open All Changes_, _Open All Changes with Working Tree_, _Open Files_, _Open Revisions_, _Copy Commit ID to Clipboard_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Show Commit Details_, _Compare with HEAD_, _Compare with Working Tree_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, _Cherry Pick Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Push to Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Revert Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Checkout Commit (via Terminal)_, _Rebase to Commit (via Terminal)_, _Reset to Commit (via Terminal)_, _Create Branch (via Terminal)..._, _Create Tag (via Terminal)..._, and _Refresh_ commands
- Context menus for each changed file provide
- - _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File in Remote_, _Open Revision in Remote_, _Copy Commit ID to Clipboard_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Copy Remote File Url to Clipboard_, _Apply Changes_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show Commit File Details_ commands
+ - _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File on Remote_, _Open Revision on Remote_, _Copy Commit ID to Clipboard_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Copy Remote File Url to Clipboard_, _Apply Changes_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show Commit File Details_ commands
- Inline toolbars for each changed file provide an _Open File_ command
- **Remotes** — lists the remotes
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ The repositories explorer provides the following features,
- A context menu provides a _Refresh_ command
- Remotes expands show its list of branches
- Context menus for each remote provide
- - _Open Branches in Remote_, _Open Repository in Remote_, _Remove Remote (via Terminal)_, and _Refresh_ commands
+ - _Open Branches on Remote_, _Open Repository on Remote_, _Remove Remote (via Terminal)_, and _Refresh_ commands
- Branches expand to show its revision (commit) history
- See the _Branches expand_ section under **Branches** above for more details
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ The repositories explorer provides the following features,
- Context menus for each stash provide
- _Apply Stashed Changes_ (confirmation required), _Delete Stashed Changes_ (confirmation required), _Open All Changes_, _Open All Changes with Working Tree_, _Open Files_, _Open Revisions_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Compare with HEAD_, _Compare with Working Tree_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Refresh_ commands
- Context menus for each stashed file provide
- - _Apply Changes_, _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File in Remote_ (if available), _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show File History_ commands
+ - _Apply Changes_, _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File on Remote_ (if available), _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show File History_ commands
- **Tags** — lists the tags
- A context menu provides a _Refresh_ command
@@ -187,10 +187,10 @@ A [customizable](#file-history-explorer-settings 'Jump to the File History explo
The file history explorer provides the following features,
- Automatically updates to track the current editor
-- A context menu provides _Open File_, _Open File in Remote_ (if available), _Copy Remote File Url to Clipboard_ (if available), and _Refresh_ commands
+- A context menu provides _Open File_, _Open File on Remote_ (if available), _Copy Remote File Url to Clipboard_ (if available), and _Refresh_ commands
- An inline toolbar provides an _Open File_ command
- Context menus for each revision (commit) provides
- - _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File in Remote_ (if available), _Open Revision in Remote_ (if available), _Apply Changes_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show Commit File Details_ commands
+ - _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File on Remote_ (if available), _Open Revision on Remote_ (if available), _Apply Changes_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show Commit File Details_ commands
@@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ A [customizable](#line-history-explorer-settings 'Jump to the Line History explo
The line history explorer provides the following features,
- Automatically updates to track the selection of the current editor
-- A context menu provides _Open File_, _Open File in Remote_ (if available), _Copy Remote File Url to Clipboard_ (if available), and _Refresh_ commands
+- A context menu provides _Open File_, _Open File on Remote_ (if available), _Copy Remote File Url to Clipboard_ (if available), and _Refresh_ commands
- An inline toolbar provides an _Open File_ command
- Context menus for each revision (commit) provides
- - _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File in Remote_ (if available), _Open Revision in Remote_ (if available), _Apply Changes_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show Commit File Details_ commands
+ - _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File on Remote_ (if available), _Open Revision on Remote_ (if available), _Apply Changes_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show Commit File Details_ commands
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ The results explorer provides the following features,
- A context menu provides _Clear Results_, and _Refresh_ commands
- Revisions (commits) expand show the set of files changed, complete with status indicators for adds, changes, renames, and deletes
- Context menus for each revision (commit) provide
- - _Open Commit in Remote_ (if available), _Open All Changes_, _Open All Changes with Working Tree_, _Open Files_, _Open Revisions_, _Copy Commit ID to Clipboard_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Show Commit Details_, _Compare with HEAD_, _Compare with Working Tree_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, _Cherry Pick Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Push to Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Revert Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Checkout Commit (via Terminal)_, _Rebase to Commit (via Terminal)_, _Reset to Commit (via Terminal)_, _Create Branch (via Terminal)..._, _Create Tag (via Terminal)..._, and _Refresh_ commands
+ - _Open Commit on Remote_ (if available), _Open All Changes_, _Open All Changes with Working Tree_, _Open Files_, _Open Revisions_, _Copy Commit ID to Clipboard_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Show Commit Details_, _Compare with HEAD_, _Compare with Working Tree_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, _Cherry Pick Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Push to Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Revert Commit (via Terminal)_ (when available), _Checkout Commit (via Terminal)_, _Rebase to Commit (via Terminal)_, _Reset to Commit (via Terminal)_, _Create Branch (via Terminal)..._, _Create Tag (via Terminal)..._, and _Refresh_ commands
- Context menus for each changed file provide
- - _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File in Remote_, _Open Revision in Remote_, _Copy Commit ID to Clipboard_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Copy Remote File Url to Clipboard_, _Apply Changes_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show Commit File Details_ commands
+ - _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File on Remote_, _Open Revision on Remote_, _Copy Commit ID to Clipboard_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Copy Remote File Url to Clipboard_, _Apply Changes_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show Commit File Details_ commands
#### Compare
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ The results explorer provides the following features,
- **Changed Files** — lists the files changed between the compared revisions (branches or commits)
- Expands to a file-based view of all changed files
- Context menus for each changed file provide
- - _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File in Remote_, _Open Revision in Remote_, _Copy Commit ID to Clipboard_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Copy Remote File Url to Clipboard_, _Apply Changes_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show Commit File Details_ commands
+ - _Open Changes_, _Open Changes with Working File_, _Open File_, _Open Revision_, _Open File on Remote_, _Open Revision on Remote_, _Copy Commit ID to Clipboard_, _Copy Commit Message to Clipboard_, _Copy Remote File Url to Clipboard_, _Apply Changes_, _Compare with Selected_ (when available), _Select for Compare_, and _Show Commit File Details_ commands
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ The results explorer provides the following features,
- Adds a **details hover** annotation to the current line to show more commit details ([optional](#hover-settings 'Jump to the Hover settings'), on by default)
- Provides automatic issue linking to Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, and Visual Studio Team Services in commit messages
- - Provides a **quick-access command bar** with _Open Changes_, _Blame Previous Revision_, _Open in Remote_, and _Show More Actions_ command buttons
+ - Provides a **quick-access command bar** with _Open Changes_, _Blame Previous Revision_, _Open on Remote_, and _Show More Actions_ command buttons
- Click the commit id to execute the _Show Commit Details_ command
##### Changes (diff) Hover
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ The results explorer provides the following features,
- Adds a **details hover** annotation to each line while annotating to show more commit details ([optional](#hover-settings 'Jump to the Hover settings'), on by default)
- Provides automatic issue linking to Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, and Visual Studio Team Services in commit messages
- - Provides a **quick-access command bar** with _Open Changes_, _Blame Previous Revision_, _Open in Remote_, and _Show More Actions_ command buttons
+ - Provides a **quick-access command bar** with _Open Changes_, _Blame Previous Revision_, _Open on Remote_, and _Show More Actions_ command buttons
- Click the commit id to execute the _Show Commit Details_ command
##### Changes (diff) Hover
@@ -462,13 +462,13 @@ The results explorer provides the following features,
- Adds a _Show Last Opened Quick Pick_ command (`gitlens.showLastQuickPick`) with a shortcut of `alt+-` to quickly get back to where you were when the last GitLens quick pick menu closed
-- Adds commands to open files, commits, branches, and the repository in the supported remote services, **Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, and Visual Studio Team Services** or a [**user-defined** remote services](#custom-remotes-settings 'Jump to Custom Remotes settings') — only available if a Git upstream service is configured in the repository
+- Adds commands to Open files, commits, branches, and the repository on the supported remote services, **Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, and Visual Studio Team Services** or a [**user-defined** remote services](#custom-remotes-settings 'Jump to Custom Remotes settings') — only available if a Git upstream service is configured in the repository
- Also supports [remote services with custom domains](#custom-remotes-settings 'Jump to Custom Remotes settings'), such as **Bitbucket, Bitbucket Server (previously called Stash), GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab**
- - _Open Branches in Remote_ command (`gitlens.openBranchesInRemote`) — opens the branches in the supported remote service
- - _Open Branch in Remote_ command (`gitlens.openBranchInRemote`) — opens the current branch commits in the supported remote service
- - _Open Commit in Remote_ command (`gitlens.openCommitInRemote`) — opens the commit revision of the current line in the supported remote service
- - _Open File in Remote_ command (`gitlens.openFileInRemote`) — opens the current file/revision in the supported remote service
- - _Open Repository in Remote_ command (`gitlens.openRepoInRemote`) — opens the repository in the supported remote service
+ - _Open Branches on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openBranchesInRemote`) — opens the branches on the supported remote service
+ - _Open Branch on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openBranchInRemote`) — opens the current branch commits on the supported remote service
+ - _Open Commit on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openCommitInRemote`) — opens the commit revision of the current line on the supported remote service
+ - _Open File on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openFileInRemote`) — opens the current file/revision on the supported remote service
+ - _Open Repository on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openRepoInRemote`) — opens the repository on the supported remote service
#### Branch History
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ The results explorer provides the following features,
- Adds a _Show Current Branch History_ command (`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory`) with a shortcut of `shift+alt+h` to show a paged **branch history quick pick menu** of the current branch for exploring its commit history
- - Provides entries to _Show Commit Search_ and _Open Branch in \