@ -27,13 +27,27 @@ import { getSettledValue } from '../../../system/promise';
import type { IpcMessage } from '../../../webviews/protocol' ;
import { onIpc } from '../../../webviews/protocol' ;
import type { WebviewController , WebviewProvider } from '../../../webviews/webviewController' ;
import type { EnrichedItem , FocusItem } from '../../focus/focusService' ;
import type { SubscriptionChangeEvent } from '../../subscription/subscriptionService' ;
import type { ShowInCommitGraphCommandArgs } from '../graph/protocol' ;
import type { OpenBranchParams , OpenWorktreeParams , State , SwitchToBranchParams } from './protocol' ;
import type {
OpenBranchParams ,
OpenWorktreeParams ,
PinIssueParams ,
PinPrParams ,
SnoozeIssueParams ,
SnoozePrParams ,
State ,
SwitchToBranchParams ,
} from './protocol' ;
import {
DidChangeNotificationType ,
OpenBranchCommandType ,
OpenWorktreeCommandType ,
PinIssueCommandType ,
PinPrCommandType ,
SnoozeIssueCommandType ,
SnoozePrCommandType ,
SwitchToBranchCommandType ,
} from './protocol' ;
@ -51,15 +65,21 @@ interface SearchedPullRequestWithRemote extends SearchedPullRequest {
isCurrentBranch? : boolean ;
hasWorktree? : boolean ;
isCurrentWorktree? : boolean ;
rank : number ;
interface SearchedIssueWithRank extends SearchedIssue {
rank : number ;
export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider < State > {
private _pullRequests : SearchedPullRequestWithRemote [ ] = [ ] ;
private _issues : SearchedIssue [ ] = [ ] ;
private _issues : SearchedIssueWithRank [ ] = [ ] ;
private readonly _disposable : Disposable ;
private _etagSubscription? : number ;
private _repositoryEventsDisposable? : Disposable ;
private _repos? : RepoWithRichRemote [ ] ;
private _enrichedItems? : EnrichedItem [ ] ;
constructor (
private readonly container : Container ,
@ -90,7 +110,115 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
case OpenWorktreeCommandType . method :
onIpc ( OpenWorktreeCommandType , e , params = > this . onOpenWorktree ( params ) ) ;
break ;
case SnoozePrCommandType . method :
onIpc ( SnoozePrCommandType , e , params = > this . onSnoozePr ( params ) ) ;
break ;
case PinPrCommandType . method :
onIpc ( PinPrCommandType , e , params = > this . onPinPr ( params ) ) ;
break ;
case SnoozeIssueCommandType . method :
onIpc ( SnoozeIssueCommandType , e , params = > this . onSnoozeIssue ( params ) ) ;
break ;
case PinIssueCommandType . method :
onIpc ( PinIssueCommandType , e , params = > this . onPinIssue ( params ) ) ;
break ;
private async onPinIssue ( { issue , pin } : PinIssueParams ) {
const issueWithRemote = this . _issues ? . find ( r = > r . issue . id === issue . id ) ;
if ( issueWithRemote == null ) return ;
if ( pin ) {
await this . container . focus . unpinItem ( issueWithRemote . issue . id ) ;
this . _enrichedItems = this . _enrichedItems ? . filter ( e = > e . id !== pin ) ;
} else {
const focusItem : FocusItem = {
type : 'issue' ,
id : issueWithRemote.issue.id ,
// remote: issueWithRemote.issue.remote,
} ;
const enrichedItem = await this . container . focus . pinItem ( focusItem ) ;
if ( enrichedItem == null ) return ;
if ( this . _enrichedItems == null ) {
this . _enrichedItems = [ ] ;
this . _enrichedItems . push ( enrichedItem ) ;
void this . notifyDidChangeState ( ) ;
private async onSnoozeIssue ( { issue , snooze } : SnoozeIssueParams ) {
const issueWithRemote = this . _issues ? . find ( r = > r . issue . id === issue . id ) ;
if ( issueWithRemote == null ) return ;
if ( snooze ) {
await this . container . focus . unsnoozeItem ( snooze ) ;
this . _enrichedItems = this . _enrichedItems ? . filter ( e = > e . id !== snooze ) ;
} else {
const focusItem : FocusItem = {
type : 'issue' ,
id : issueWithRemote.issue.id ,
// remote: issueWithRemote.issue.remote,
} ;
const enrichedItem = await this . container . focus . snoozeItem ( focusItem ) ;
if ( enrichedItem == null ) return ;
if ( this . _enrichedItems == null ) {
this . _enrichedItems = [ ] ;
this . _enrichedItems . push ( enrichedItem ) ;
void this . notifyDidChangeState ( ) ;
private async onPinPr ( { pullRequest , pin } : PinPrParams ) {
const prWithRemote = this . _pullRequests ? . find ( r = > r . pullRequest . id === pullRequest . id ) ;
if ( prWithRemote == null ) return ;
if ( pin ) {
await this . container . focus . unpinItem ( pin ) ;
this . _enrichedItems = this . _enrichedItems ? . filter ( e = > e . id !== pin ) ;
} else {
const focusItem : FocusItem = {
type : 'pr' ,
id : prWithRemote.pullRequest.id ,
remote : prWithRemote.repoAndRemote.remote ,
} ;
const enrichedItem = await this . container . focus . pinItem ( focusItem ) ;
if ( enrichedItem == null ) return ;
if ( this . _enrichedItems == null ) {
this . _enrichedItems = [ ] ;
this . _enrichedItems . push ( enrichedItem ) ;
void this . notifyDidChangeState ( ) ;
private async onSnoozePr ( { pullRequest , snooze } : SnoozePrParams ) {
const prWithRemote = this . _pullRequests ? . find ( r = > r . pullRequest . id === pullRequest . id ) ;
if ( prWithRemote == null ) return ;
if ( snooze ) {
await this . container . focus . unsnoozeItem ( snooze ) ;
this . _enrichedItems = this . _enrichedItems ? . filter ( e = > e . id !== snooze ) ;
} else {
const focusItem : FocusItem = {
type : 'pr' ,
id : prWithRemote.pullRequest.id ,
remote : prWithRemote.repoAndRemote.remote ,
} ;
const enrichedItem = await this . container . focus . snoozeItem ( focusItem ) ;
if ( enrichedItem == null ) return ;
if ( this . _enrichedItems == null ) {
this . _enrichedItems = [ ] ;
this . _enrichedItems . push ( enrichedItem ) ;
void this . notifyDidChangeState ( ) ;
private findSearchedPullRequest ( pullRequest : PullRequestShape ) : SearchedPullRequestWithRemote | undefined {
@ -273,10 +401,11 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
const statePromise = Promise . allSettled ( [
this . getMyPullRequests ( connectedRepos ) ,
this . getMyIssues ( connectedRepos ) ,
this . getEnrichedItems ( ) ,
] ) ;
async function getStateCore() {
const [ prsResult , issuesResult ] = await statePromise ;
const [ prsResult , issuesResult , enrichedItems ] = await statePromise ;
return {
webviewId : webviewId ,
timestamp : Date.now ( ) ,
@ -289,10 +418,14 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
isCurrentWorktree : pr.isCurrentWorktree ? ? false ,
hasWorktree : pr.hasWorktree ? ? false ,
hasLocalBranch : pr.hasLocalBranch ? ? false ,
enriched : findEnrichedItem ( pr , getSettledValue ( enrichedItems ) ) ,
rank : pr.rank ,
} ) ) ,
issues : getSettledValue ( issuesResult ) ? . map ( issue = > ( {
issue : serializeIssue ( issue . issue ) ,
reasons : issue.reasons ,
enriched : findEnrichedItem ( issue , getSettledValue ( enrichedItems ) ) ,
rank : issue.rank ,
} ) ) ,
} ;
@ -374,6 +507,7 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
repoAndRemote : richRepo ,
isCurrentWorktree : false ,
isCurrentBranch : false ,
rank : getPrRank ( pr ) ,
} ;
const remoteBranchName = ` ${ entry . pullRequest . refs ! . head . owner } / ${ entry . pullRequest . refs ! . head . branch } ` ; // TODO@eamodio really need to check for upstream url rather than name
@ -397,36 +531,9 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
function getScore ( pr : SearchedPullRequest ) {
let score = 0 ;
if ( pr . reasons . includes ( 'authored' ) ) {
score += 1000 ;
} else if ( pr . reasons . includes ( 'assigned' ) ) {
score += 900 ;
} else if ( pr . reasons . includes ( 'review-requested' ) ) {
score += 800 ;
} else if ( pr . reasons . includes ( 'mentioned' ) ) {
score += 700 ;
if ( pr . pullRequest . reviewDecision === PullRequestReviewDecision . Approved ) {
if ( pr . pullRequest . mergeableState === PullRequestMergeableState . Mergeable ) {
score += 100 ;
} else if ( pr . pullRequest . mergeableState === PullRequestMergeableState . Conflicting ) {
score += 90 ;
} else {
score += 80 ;
} else if ( pr . pullRequest . reviewDecision === PullRequestReviewDecision . ChangesRequested ) {
score += 70 ;
return score ;
this . _pullRequests = allPrs . sort ( ( a , b ) = > {
const scoreA = getScore ( a ) ;
const scoreB = getScore ( b ) ;
const scoreA = a . rank ;
const scoreB = b . rank ;
if ( scoreA === scoreB ) {
return a . pullRequest . date . getTime ( ) - b . pullRequest . date . getTime ( ) ;
@ -437,26 +544,113 @@ export class FocusWebviewProvider implements WebviewProvider {
return this . _pullRequests ;
private async getMyIssues ( richRepos : RepoWithRichRemote [ ] ) : Promise < SearchedIssue [ ] > {
private async getMyIssues ( richRepos : RepoWithRichRemote [ ] ) : Promise < SearchedIssueWithRank [ ] > {
const allIssues = [ ] ;
for ( const { remote } of richRepos ) {
const issues = await this . container . git . getMyIssues ( remote ) ;
if ( issues == null ) {
continue ;
allIssues . push ( . . . issues . filter ( pr = > pr . reasons . length > 0 ) ) ;
for ( const issue of issues ) {
if ( issue . reasons . length === 0 ) {
continue ;
allIssues . push ( {
. . . issue ,
rank : 0 , // getIssueRank(issue),
} ) ;
// this._issues = allIssues.sort((a, b) => {
// const scoreA = a.rank;
// const scoreB = b.rank;
// if (scoreA === scoreB) {
// return b.issue.updatedDate.getTime() - a.issue.updatedDate.getTime();
// }
// return (scoreB ?? 0) - (scoreA ?? 0);
// });
this . _issues = allIssues . sort ( ( a , b ) = > b . issue . updatedDate . getTime ( ) - a . issue . updatedDate . getTime ( ) ) ;
return this . _issues ;
private async getEnrichedItems ( ) : Promise < EnrichedItem [ ] | undefined > {
// TODO needs cache invalidation
if ( this . _enrichedItems == null ) {
const enrichedItems = await this . container . focus . get ( ) ;
this . _enrichedItems = enrichedItems ;
return this . _enrichedItems ;
private async notifyDidChangeState ( deferState? : boolean ) {
void this . host . notify ( DidChangeNotificationType , { state : await this . getState ( deferState ) } ) ;
function findEnrichedItem ( item : SearchedPullRequestWithRemote | SearchedIssue , enrichedItems? : EnrichedItem [ ] ) {
if ( enrichedItems == null || enrichedItems . length === 0 ) return ;
let result ;
// TODO: filter by entity id, type, and gitRepositoryId
if ( ( item as SearchedPullRequestWithRemote ) . pullRequest != null ) {
result = enrichedItems . find ( e = > e . entityId === ( item as SearchedPullRequestWithRemote ) . pullRequest . id ) ;
} else {
result = enrichedItems . find ( e = > e . entityId === ( item as SearchedIssue ) . issue . id ) ;
if ( result == null ) return ;
return {
id : result.id ,
type : result . type ,
} ;
function getPrRank ( pr : SearchedPullRequest ) {
let score = 0 ;
if ( pr . reasons . includes ( 'authored' ) ) {
score += 1000 ;
} else if ( pr . reasons . includes ( 'assigned' ) ) {
score += 900 ;
} else if ( pr . reasons . includes ( 'review-requested' ) ) {
score += 800 ;
} else if ( pr . reasons . includes ( 'mentioned' ) ) {
score += 700 ;
if ( pr . pullRequest . reviewDecision === PullRequestReviewDecision . Approved ) {
if ( pr . pullRequest . mergeableState === PullRequestMergeableState . Mergeable ) {
score += 100 ;
} else if ( pr . pullRequest . mergeableState === PullRequestMergeableState . Conflicting ) {
score += 90 ;
} else {
score += 80 ;
} else if ( pr . pullRequest . reviewDecision === PullRequestReviewDecision . ChangesRequested ) {
score += 70 ;
return score ;
// function getIssueRank(issue: SearchedIssue) {
// let score = 0;
// if (issue.reasons.includes('authored')) {
// score += 1000;
// } else if (issue.reasons.includes('assigned')) {
// score += 900;
// } else if (issue.reasons.includes('mentioned')) {
// score += 700;
// }
// return score;
// }
function filterGithubRepos ( list : RepoWithRichRemote [ ] ) : RepoWithRichRemote [ ] {
return list . filter ( entry = > entry . isGitHub ) ;