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Adds diff info to the active line hover for uncommitted changes

Eric Amodio 7 lat temu
6 zmienionych plików z 208 dodań i 13 usunięć
  1. +34
  2. +13
  3. +18
  4. +1
  5. +45
  6. +97

+ 34
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src/blameActiveLineController.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { BlameAnnotationFormat, BlameAnnotationFormatter } from './blameAnnotati
import { TextEditorComparer } from './comparers';
import { IBlameConfig, IConfig, StatusBarCommand } from './configuration';
import { DocumentSchemes, ExtensionKey } from './constants';
import { BlameabilityChangeEvent, GitCommit, GitContextTracker, GitService, GitUri, IGitCommitLine } from './gitService';
import { BlameabilityChangeEvent, GitCommit, GitContextTracker, GitService, GitUri, IGitCommitLine } from './gitService';
import * as moment from 'moment';
const activeLineDecoration: TextEditorDecorationType = window.createTextEditorDecorationType({
@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
this._blameable = editor !== undefined && editor.document !== undefined && !editor.document.isDirty;
this._editor = editor;
this._uri = await GitUri.fromUri(editor.document.uri, this.git);
const maxLines = this._config.advanced.caching.statusBar.maxLines;
// If caching is on and the file is small enough -- kick off a blame for the whole file
if (this._config.advanced.caching.enabled && (maxLines <= 0 || editor.document.lineCount <= maxLines)) {
// If caching is on and the file is small enough -- kick off a blame for the whole file
if (this._config.advanced.caching.enabled && (maxLines <= 0 || editor.document.lineCount <= maxLines)) {
this._updateBlame(, editor);
@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
let commitLine: IGitCommitLine | undefined = undefined;
// Since blame information isn't valid when there are unsaved changes -- don't show any status
if (this._blameable && line >= 0) {
const blameLine = await this.git.getBlameForLine(this._uri, line);
commitLine = blameLine === undefined ? undefined : blameLine.line;
commit = blameLine === undefined ? undefined : blameLine.commit;
const blameLine = await this.git.getBlameForLine(this._uri, line);
commitLine = blameLine === undefined ? undefined : blameLine.line;
commit = blameLine === undefined ? undefined : blameLine.commit;
if (commit !== undefined && commitLine !== undefined) {
@ -297,7 +297,33 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
// If we don't have a possible dupe or we aren't showing annotations get the hover message
if (!commit.isUncommitted && (!possibleDuplicate || !this.annotationController.isAnnotating(editor))) {
hoverMessage = BlameAnnotationFormatter.getAnnotationHover(cfg, blameLine, logCommit || commit);
// if (commit.previousSha !== undefined) {
// const changes = await this.git.getDiffForLine(this._uri.repoPath, this._uri.fsPath, blameLine.line + offset, commit.previousSha);
// if (changes !== undefined) {
// const previous = changes[0];
// if (previous !== undefined) {
// hoverMessage += `\n\n\`Before ${commit.shortSha}\`\n\`\`\`\n${previous.trim().replace(/\n/g, '\`\n>\n> \`')}\n\`\`\``;
// }
// else {
// hoverMessage += `\n\n\`Added in ${commit.shortSha}\``;
// }
// }
// }
else if (commit.isUncommitted) {
const changes = await this.git.getDiffForLine(this._uri.repoPath, this._uri.fsPath, blameLine.line + offset);
if (changes !== undefined) {
let original = changes[0];
if (original !== undefined) {
original = original.replace(/\n/g, '\`\n>\n> \`').trim();
hoverMessage = `\`${'0'.repeat(8)}\` &nbsp; __Uncommitted change__\n\n\---\n\`\`\`\n${original}\n\`\`\``;
// else {
// hoverMessage = `\`${'0'.repeat(8)}\` &nbsp; __Uncommitted change__\n\n\`Added\``;
// }
let decorationOptions: DecorationOptions | undefined = undefined;

+ 13
- 0
src/git/git.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import * as tmp from 'tmp';
export { IGit };
export * from './models/models';
export * from './parsers/blameParser';
export * from './parsers/diffParser';
export * from './parsers/logParser';
export * from './parsers/stashParser';
export * from './parsers/statusParser';
@ -160,6 +161,18 @@ export class Git {
static diff(repoPath: string, fileName: string, sha1?: string, sha2?: string) {
const params = [`diff`, `--diff-filter=M`, `-M`];
if (sha1) {
if (sha2) {
return gitCommand(repoPath, ...params, '--', fileName);
static diff_nameStatus(repoPath: string, sha1?: string, sha2?: string) {
const params = [`diff`, `--name-status`, `-M`];
if (sha1) {

+ 18
- 0
src/git/models/diff.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
'use strict';
export interface IGitDiffChunk {
chunk?: string;
original: (string | undefined)[];
originalStart: number;
originalEnd: number;
changes: (string | undefined)[];
changesStart: number;
changesEnd: number;
export interface IGitDiff {
diff?: string;
chunks: IGitDiffChunk[];

+ 1
- 0
src/git/models/models.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
export * from './blame';
export * from './branch';
export * from './commit';
export * from './diff';
export * from './log';
export * from './logCommit';
export * from './remote';

+ 45
- 0
src/git/parsers/diffParser.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
'use strict';
import { IGitDiff, IGitDiffChunk } from './../git';
const unifiedDiffRegex = /^@@ -([\d]+),([\d]+) [+]([\d]+),([\d]+) @@([\s\S]*?)(?=^@@)/gm;
export class GitDiffParser {
static parse(data: string, debug: boolean = false): IGitDiff | undefined {
if (!data) return undefined;
const chunks: IGitDiffChunk[] = [];
let match: RegExpExecArray | null = null;
do {
match = unifiedDiffRegex.exec(`${data}\n@@`);
if (match == null) break;
const originalStart = +match[1];
const changedStart = +match[3];
const chunk = match[5];
const lines = chunk.split('\n').slice(1);
const original = lines.filter(l => l[0] !== '+').map(l => (l[0] === '-') ? l.substring(1) : undefined);
const changed = lines.filter(l => l[0] !== '-').map(l => (l[0] === '+') ? l.substring(1) : undefined);
chunk: debug ? chunk : undefined,
original: original,
originalStart: originalStart,
originalEnd: originalStart + +match[2],
changes: changed,
changesStart: changedStart,
changesEnd: changedStart + +match[4]
} while (match != null);
if (!chunks.length) return undefined;
const diff = {
diff: debug ? data : undefined,
chunks: chunks
} as IGitDiff;
return diff;

+ 97
- 5
src/gitService.ts Wyświetl plik

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { Disposable, Event, EventEmitter, ExtensionContext, FileSystemWatcher, l
import { CommandContext, setCommandContext } from './commands';
import { CodeLensVisibility, IConfig } from './configuration';
import { DocumentSchemes, ExtensionKey } from './constants';
import { Git, GitBlameParser, GitBranch, GitCommit, GitLogCommit, GitLogParser, GitRemote, GitStashParser, GitStatusFile, GitStatusParser, IGit, IGitAuthor, IGitBlame, IGitBlameLine, IGitBlameLines, IGitLog, IGitStash, IGitStatus } from './git/git';
import { Git, GitBlameParser, GitBranch, GitCommit, GitDiffParser, GitLogCommit, GitLogParser, GitRemote, GitStashParser, GitStatusFile, GitStatusParser, IGit, IGitAuthor, IGitBlame, IGitBlameLine, IGitBlameLines, IGitDiff, IGitLog, IGitStash, IGitStatus } from './git/git';
import { GitUri, IGitCommitInfo, IGitUriData } from './git/gitUri';
import { GitCodeLensProvider } from './gitCodeLensProvider';
import { Logger } from './logger';
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class UriCacheEntry {
class GitCacheEntry {
private cache: Map<string, ICachedBlame | ICachedLog> = new Map();
private cache: Map<string, ICachedBlame | ICachedDiff | ICachedLog> = new Map();
constructor(public key: string) { }
@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ class GitCacheEntry {
return Iterables.every(this.cache.values(), _ => _.errorMessage !== undefined);
get<T extends ICachedBlame | ICachedLog > (key: string): T | undefined {
get<T extends ICachedBlame | ICachedDiff | ICachedLog > (key: string): T | undefined {
return this.cache.get(key) as T;
set<T extends ICachedBlame | ICachedLog > (key: string, value: T) {
set<T extends ICachedBlame | ICachedDiff | ICachedLog > (key: string, value: T) {
this.cache.set(key, value);
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ interface ICachedItem {
interface ICachedBlame extends ICachedItem<IGitBlame> { }
interface ICachedDiff extends ICachedItem<IGitDiff> { }
interface ICachedLog extends ICachedItem<IGitLog> { }
enum RemoveCacheReason {
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
private _fsWatcher: FileSystemWatcher | undefined;
private _gitignore: Promise<ignore.Ignore>;
static EmptyPromise: Promise<IGitBlame | IGitLog | undefined> = Promise.resolve(undefined);
static EmptyPromise: Promise<IGitBlame | IGitDiff | IGitLog | undefined> = Promise.resolve(undefined);
constructor(private context: ExtensionContext, public repoPath: string) {
super(() => this.dispose());
@ -565,6 +566,97 @@ export class GitService extends Disposable {
return entry && entry.uri;
async getDiffForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, sha1?: string, sha2?: string): Promise<IGitDiff | undefined> {
let key: string = 'diff';
if (sha1 !== undefined) {
key += `:${sha1}`;
if (sha2 !== undefined) {
key += `:${sha2}`;
let entry: GitCacheEntry | undefined;
if (this.UseCaching) {
const cacheKey = this.getCacheEntryKey(fileName);
entry = this._gitCache.get(cacheKey);
if (entry !== undefined) {
const cachedDiff = entry.get<ICachedDiff>(key);
if (cachedDiff !== undefined) {
Logger.log(`Cached(${key}): getDiffForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha1}, ${sha2})`);
return cachedDiff.item;
Logger.log(`Not Cached(${key}): getDiffForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha1}, ${sha2})`);
if (entry === undefined) {
entry = new GitCacheEntry(cacheKey);
this._gitCache.set(entry.key, entry);
else {
Logger.log(`getDiffForFile('${repoPath}', '${fileName}', ${sha1}, ${sha2})`);
const promise = this._getDiffForFile(repoPath, fileName, sha1, sha2, entry, key);
if (entry) {
Logger.log(`Add log cache for '${entry.key}:${key}'`);
entry.set<ICachedDiff>(key, {
//date: new Date(),
item: promise
} as ICachedDiff);
return promise;
private async _getDiffForFile(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, sha1: string | undefined, sha2: string | undefined, entry: GitCacheEntry | undefined, key: string): Promise<IGitDiff | undefined> {
const [file, root] = Git.splitPath(fileName, repoPath, false);
try {
const data = await Git.diff(root, file, sha1, sha2);
return GitDiffParser.parse(data, this.config.debug);
catch (ex) {
// Trap and cache expected diff errors
if (entry) {
const msg = ex && ex.toString();
Logger.log(`Replace diff cache with empty promise for '${entry.key}:${key}'`);
entry.set<ICachedDiff>(key, {
//date: new Date(),
item: GitService.EmptyPromise,
errorMessage: msg
} as ICachedDiff);
return await GitService.EmptyPromise as IGitDiff;
return undefined;
async getDiffForLine(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, line: number, sha1?: string, sha2?: string): Promise<[string | undefined, string | undefined] | undefined> {
try {
const diff = await this.getDiffForFile(repoPath, fileName, sha1, sha2);
if (diff === undefined) return undefined;
const chunk = diff.chunks.find(_ => Math.min(_.originalStart, _.changesStart) <= line && Math.max(_.originalEnd, _.changesEnd) >= line);
if (chunk === undefined) return undefined;
return [
chunk.original[line - chunk.originalStart + 1],
chunk.changes[line - chunk.changesStart + 1]
catch (ex) {
return undefined;
async getLogCommit(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, options?: { firstIfMissing?: boolean, previous?: boolean }): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined>;
async getLogCommit(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, sha: string | undefined, options?: { firstIfMissing?: boolean, previous?: boolean }): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined>;
async getLogCommit(repoPath: string | undefined, fileName: string, shaOrOptions?: string | undefined | { firstIfMissing?: boolean, previous?: boolean }, options?: { firstIfMissing?: boolean, previous?: boolean }): Promise<GitLogCommit | undefined> {
