Explorar el Código

Reworks more commands deal with context

Eric Amodio hace 7 años
Se han modificado 5 ficheros con 220 adiciones y 144 borrados
  1. +95
  2. +74
  3. +18
  4. +16
  5. +17

+ 95
- 79
src/commands/closeUnchangedFiles.ts Ver fichero

@ -1,85 +1,101 @@
'use strict';
import { commands, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorTracker } from '../activeEditorTracker';
import { ActiveEditorCommand, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { TextEditorComparer, UriComparer } from '../comparers';
import { BuiltInCommands } from '../constants';
import { GitService } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { Messages } from '../messages';
export interface CloseUnchangedFilesCommandArgs {
uris?: Uri[];
export class CloseUnchangedFilesCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitService) {
async execute(editor: TextEditor, uri?: Uri, args: CloseUnchangedFilesCommandArgs = {}) {
uri = getCommandUri(uri, editor);
try {
if (args.uris === undefined) {
const repoPath = await this.git.getRepoPathFromUri(uri);
if (!repoPath) return Messages.showNoRepositoryWarningMessage(`Unable to close unchanged files`);
const status = await this.git.getStatusForRepo(repoPath);
if (status === undefined) return window.showWarningMessage(`Unable to close unchanged files`);
args.uris = status.files.map(_ => _.Uri);
if (args.uris.length === 0) return commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.CloseAllEditors);
const editorTracker = new ActiveEditorTracker();
let count = 0;
let previous = undefined;
let editor = window.activeTextEditor;
while (true) {
if (editor !== undefined) {
if (TextEditorComparer.equals(previous, editor, { useId: true, usePosition: true })) {
if (editor.document !== undefined &&
(editor.document.isDirty || args.uris.some(_ => UriComparer.equals(_, editor!.document && editor!.document.uri)))) {
'use strict';
import { commands, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorTracker } from '../activeEditorTracker';
import { ActiveEditorCommand, CommandContext, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { TextEditorComparer, UriComparer } from '../comparers';
import { BuiltInCommands } from '../constants';
import { GitService } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { Messages } from '../messages';
export interface CloseUnchangedFilesCommandArgs {
uris?: Uri[];
export class CloseUnchangedFilesCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitService) {
async run(context: CommandContext, args: CloseUnchangedFilesCommandArgs = {}): Promise<any> {
// Since we can change the args and they could be cached -- make a copy
switch (context.type) {
case 'uri':
return this.execute(context.editor, context.uri, { ...args });
case 'scm-states':
return undefined;
case 'scm-groups':
// const group = context.scmResourceGroups[0];
// args.uris = group.resourceStates.map(_ => _.resourceUri);
return this.execute(undefined, undefined, { ...args });
return this.execute(context.editor, undefined, { ...args });
async execute(editor: TextEditor | undefined, uri?: Uri, args: CloseUnchangedFilesCommandArgs = {}) {
uri = getCommandUri(uri, editor);
try {
if (args.uris === undefined) {
const repoPath = await this.git.getRepoPathFromUri(uri);
if (!repoPath) return Messages.showNoRepositoryWarningMessage(`Unable to close unchanged files`);
const status = await this.git.getStatusForRepo(repoPath);
if (status === undefined) return window.showWarningMessage(`Unable to close unchanged files`);
args.uris = status.files.map(_ => _.Uri);
if (args.uris.length === 0) return commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.CloseAllEditors);
const editorTracker = new ActiveEditorTracker();
let count = 0;
let previous = undefined;
let editor = window.activeTextEditor;
while (true) {
if (editor !== undefined) {
if (TextEditorComparer.equals(previous, editor, { useId: true, usePosition: true })) {
if (editor.document !== undefined &&
(editor.document.isDirty || args.uris.some(_ => UriComparer.equals(_, editor!.document && editor!.document.uri)))) {
const lastPrevious = previous;
previous = editor;
editor = await editorTracker.awaitNext(500);
previous = editor;
editor = await editorTracker.awaitNext(500);
if (TextEditorComparer.equals(lastPrevious, editor, { useId: true, usePosition: true })) {
previous = editor;
editor = await editorTracker.awaitClose(500);
if (previous === undefined && editor === undefined) {
// This is such a shitty hack, but I can't figure out any other reliable way to know that we've cycled through all the editors :(
if (count >= 4) {
else {
count = 0;
return undefined;
catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'CloseUnchangedFilesCommand');
return window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to close unchanged files. See output channel for more details`);
previous = editor;
editor = await editorTracker.awaitClose(500);
if (previous === undefined && editor === undefined) {
// This is such a shitty hack, but I can't figure out any other reliable way to know that we've cycled through all the editors :(
if (count >= 4) {
else {
count = 0;
return undefined;
catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'CloseUnchangedFilesCommand');
return window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to close unchanged files. See output channel for more details`);

+ 74
- 59
src/commands/diffWithBranch.ts Ver fichero

@ -1,63 +1,78 @@
'use strict';
import { commands, TextDocumentShowOptions, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorCommand, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { BuiltInCommands, GlyphChars } from '../constants';
import { GitService, GitUri } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { Messages } from '../messages';
import { BranchesQuickPick, CommandQuickPickItem } from '../quickPicks';
import * as path from 'path';
export interface DiffWithBranchCommandArgs {
line?: number;
showOptions?: TextDocumentShowOptions;
goBackCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem;
export class DiffWithBranchCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitService) {
async execute(editor: TextEditor, uri?: Uri, args: DiffWithBranchCommandArgs = {}): Promise<any> {
uri = getCommandUri(uri, editor);
if (uri === undefined) return undefined;
'use strict';
import { commands, TextDocumentShowOptions, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorCommand, CommandContext, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { BuiltInCommands, GlyphChars } from '../constants';
import { GitService, GitUri } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { Messages } from '../messages';
import { BranchesQuickPick, CommandQuickPickItem } from '../quickPicks';
import * as path from 'path';
export interface DiffWithBranchCommandArgs {
line?: number;
showOptions?: TextDocumentShowOptions;
goBackCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem;
export class DiffWithBranchCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand {
constructor(private git: GitService) {
async run(context: CommandContext, args: DiffWithBranchCommandArgs = {}): Promise<any> {
// Since we can change the args and they could be cached -- make a copy
switch (context.type) {
case 'uri':
return this.execute(context.editor, context.uri, { ...args });
case 'scm-states':
const resource = context.scmResourceStates[0];
return this.execute(undefined, resource.resourceUri, { ...args });
case 'scm-groups':
return undefined;
return this.execute(context.editor, undefined, { ...args });
async execute(editor: TextEditor | undefined, uri?: Uri, args: DiffWithBranchCommandArgs = {}): Promise<any> {
uri = getCommandUri(uri, editor);
if (uri === undefined) return undefined;
if (args.line === undefined) {
args.line = editor === undefined ? 0 : editor.selection.active.line;
const gitUri = await GitUri.fromUri(uri, this.git);
if (!gitUri.repoPath) return Messages.showNoRepositoryWarningMessage(`Unable to open branch compare`);
const branches = await this.git.getBranches(gitUri.repoPath);
const pick = await BranchesQuickPick.show(branches, `Compare ${path.basename(gitUri.fsPath)} to ${GlyphChars.Ellipsis}`, args.goBackCommand);
if (pick === undefined) return undefined;
if (pick instanceof CommandQuickPickItem) return pick.execute();
const branch = pick.branch.name;
if (branch === undefined) return undefined;
try {
const compare = await this.git.getVersionedFile(gitUri.repoPath, gitUri.fsPath, branch);
await commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.Diff,
`${path.basename(gitUri.fsPath)} (${branch}) ${GlyphChars.ArrowLeftRight} ${path.basename(gitUri.fsPath)}`,
if (args.line === undefined || args.line === 0) return undefined;
// TODO: Figure out how to focus the left pane
return await commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.RevealLine, { lineNumber: args.line, at: 'center' });
catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'DiffWithBranchCommand', 'getVersionedFile');
return window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to open branch compare. See output channel for more details`);
const gitUri = await GitUri.fromUri(uri, this.git);
if (!gitUri.repoPath) return Messages.showNoRepositoryWarningMessage(`Unable to open branch compare`);
const branches = await this.git.getBranches(gitUri.repoPath);
const pick = await BranchesQuickPick.show(branches, `Compare ${path.basename(gitUri.fsPath)} to ${GlyphChars.Ellipsis}`, args.goBackCommand);
if (pick === undefined) return undefined;
if (pick instanceof CommandQuickPickItem) return pick.execute();
const branch = pick.branch.name;
if (branch === undefined) return undefined;
try {
const compare = await this.git.getVersionedFile(gitUri.repoPath, gitUri.fsPath, branch);
await commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.Diff,
`${path.basename(gitUri.fsPath)} (${branch}) ${GlyphChars.ArrowLeftRight} ${path.basename(gitUri.fsPath)}`,
if (args.line === undefined || args.line === 0) return undefined;
// TODO: Figure out how to focus the left pane
return await commands.executeCommand(BuiltInCommands.RevealLine, { lineNumber: args.line, at: 'center' });
catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'DiffWithBranchCommand', 'getVersionedFile');
return window.showErrorMessage(`Unable to open branch compare. See output channel for more details`);

+ 18
- 2
src/commands/openChangedFiles.ts Ver fichero

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
import { TextDocumentShowOptions, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorCommand, Commands, getCommandUri, openEditor } from './common';
import { ActiveEditorCommand, CommandContext, Commands, getCommandUri, openEditor } from './common';
import { GitService } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { Messages } from '../messages';
@ -15,7 +15,23 @@ export class OpenChangedFilesCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand {
async execute(editor: TextEditor, uri?: Uri, args: OpenChangedFilesCommandArgs = {}) {
async run(context: CommandContext, args: OpenChangedFilesCommandArgs = {}): Promise<any> {
// Since we can change the args and they could be cached -- make a copy
switch (context.type) {
case 'uri':
return this.execute(context.editor, context.uri, { ...args });
case 'scm-states':
return undefined;
case 'scm-groups':
// const group = context.scmResourceGroups[0];
// args.uris = group.resourceStates.map(_ => _.resourceUri);
return this.execute(undefined, undefined, { ...args });
return this.execute(context.editor, undefined, { ...args });
async execute(editor: TextEditor | undefined, uri?: Uri, args: OpenChangedFilesCommandArgs = {}) {
uri = getCommandUri(uri, editor);
try {

+ 16
- 2
src/commands/openFileInRemote.ts Ver fichero

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
import { Arrays } from '../system';
import { commands, Range, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorCommand, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { ActiveEditorCommand, CommandContext, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { GitService, GitUri } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { OpenInRemoteCommandArgs } from './openInRemote';
@ -12,7 +12,21 @@ export class OpenFileInRemoteCommand extends ActiveEditorCommand {
async execute(editor: TextEditor, uri?: Uri) {
async run(context: CommandContext): Promise<any> {
switch (context.type) {
case 'uri':
return this.execute(context.editor, context.uri);
case 'scm-states':
const resource = context.scmResourceStates[0];
return this.execute(undefined, resource.resourceUri);
case 'scm-groups':
return undefined;
return this.execute(context.editor, undefined);
async execute(editor: TextEditor | undefined, uri?: Uri) {
uri = getCommandUri(uri, editor);
if (uri === undefined) return undefined;

+ 17
- 2
src/commands/showQuickFileHistory.ts Ver fichero

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
import { Strings } from '../system';
import { commands, Range, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { ActiveEditorCachedCommand, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { ActiveEditorCachedCommand, CommandContext, Commands, getCommandUri } from './common';
import { GlyphChars } from '../constants';
import { GitLog, GitService, GitUri } from '../gitService';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
@ -25,7 +25,22 @@ export class ShowQuickFileHistoryCommand extends ActiveEditorCachedCommand {
async execute(editor: TextEditor, uri?: Uri, args: ShowQuickFileHistoryCommandArgs = {}) {
async run(context: CommandContext, args: ShowQuickFileHistoryCommandArgs = {}): Promise<any> {
// Since we can change the args and they could be cached -- make a copy
switch (context.type) {
case 'uri':
return this.execute(context.editor, context.uri, { ...args });
case 'scm-states':
const resource = context.scmResourceStates[0];
return this.execute(undefined, resource.resourceUri, { ...args });
case 'scm-groups':
return undefined;
return this.execute(context.editor, undefined, { ...args });
async execute(editor: TextEditor | undefined, uri?: Uri, args: ShowQuickFileHistoryCommandArgs = {}) {
uri = getCommandUri(uri, editor);
if (uri === undefined) return commands.executeCommand(Commands.ShowQuickCurrentBranchHistory);
