
Change appinsights to load dynamically

appinsights seems to monkey patch even if explicitly disabled, so instead just only load it if needed
Eric Amodio 7 年之前
共有 2 個檔案被更改,包括 540 行新增42 行删除
  1. +511
  2. +29

+ 511
- 0
src/@types/applicationinsights/index.d.ts 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
In 0.15.33 `setOfflineMode` is missing from the interfaces `ApplicationInsights` and `Channel`.
When a version > 0.15.33 of @types/applicationinsights is available on npm, this file can be
deleted and the dev dependency can be resurrected in `package.json`.
// Type definitions for Application Insights v0.15.12
// Project: https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-node.js
// Definitions by: Scott Southwood <https://github.com/scsouthw/>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
interface AutoCollectConsole {
constructor(client: Client): AutoCollectConsole;
enable(isEnabled: boolean): void;
isInitialized(): boolean;
interface AutoCollectExceptions {
constructor(client:Client): AutoCollectExceptions;
isInitialized(): boolean;
enable(isEnabled:boolean): void;
interface AutoCollectPerformance {
constructor(client: Client): AutoCollectPerformance;
enable(isEnabled: boolean): void;
isInitialized(): boolean;
interface AutoCollectRequests {
constructor(client: Client): AutoCollectRequests;
enable(isEnabled: boolean): void;
isInitialized(): boolean;
declare namespace ContractsModule {
enum DataPointType {
Measurement = 0,
Aggregation = 1,
enum DependencyKind {
SQL = 0,
Http = 1,
Other = 2,
enum DependencySourceType {
Undefined = 0,
Aic = 1,
Apmc = 2,
enum SessionState {
Start = 0,
End = 1,
enum SeverityLevel {
Verbose = 0,
Information = 1,
Warning = 2,
Error = 3,
Critical = 4,
interface ContextTagKeys {
applicationVersion: string;
applicationBuild: string;
deviceId: string;
deviceIp: string;
deviceLanguage: string;
deviceLocale: string;
deviceModel: string;
deviceNetwork: string;
deviceOEMName: string;
deviceOS: string;
deviceOSVersion: string;
deviceRoleInstance: string;
deviceRoleName: string;
deviceScreenResolution: string;
deviceType: string;
deviceMachineName: string;
locationIp: string;
operationId: string;
operationName: string;
operationParentId: string;
operationRootId: string;
operationSyntheticSource: string;
operationIsSynthetic: string;
sessionId: string;
sessionIsFirst: string;
sessionIsNew: string;
userAccountAcquisitionDate: string;
userAccountId: string;
userAgent: string;
userId: string;
userStoreRegion: string;
sampleRate: string;
internalSdkVersion: string;
internalAgentVersion: string;
constructor(): ContextTagKeys;
interface Domain {
ver: number;
properties: any;
constructor(): Domain;
interface Data<TDomain extends ContractsModule.Domain> {
baseType: string;
baseData: TDomain;
constructor(): Data<TDomain>;
interface Envelope {
ver: number;
name: string;
time: string;
sampleRate: number;
seq: string;
iKey: string;
flags: number;
deviceId: string;
os: string;
osVer: string;
appId: string;
appVer: string;
userId: string;
tags: {
[key: string]: string;
data: Data<Domain>;
constructor(): Envelope;
interface EventData extends ContractsModule.Domain {
ver: number;
name: string;
properties: any;
measurements: any;
constructor(): EventData;
interface MessageData extends ContractsModule.Domain {
ver: number;
message: string;
severityLevel: ContractsModule.SeverityLevel;
properties: any;
constructor(): MessageData;
interface ExceptionData extends ContractsModule.Domain {
ver: number;
handledAt: string;
exceptions: ExceptionDetails[];
severityLevel: ContractsModule.SeverityLevel;
problemId: string;
crashThreadId: number;
properties: any;
measurements: any;
constructor(): ExceptionData;
interface StackFrame {
level: number;
method: string;
assembly: string;
fileName: string;
line: number;
constructor(): StackFrame;
interface ExceptionDetails {
id: number;
outerId: number;
typeName: string;
message: string;
hasFullStack: boolean;
stack: string;
parsedStack: StackFrame[];
constructor(): ExceptionDetails;
interface DataPoint {
name: string;
kind: ContractsModule.DataPointType;
value: number;
count: number;
min: number;
max: number;
stdDev: number;
constructor(): DataPoint;
interface MetricData extends ContractsModule.Domain {
ver: number;
metrics: DataPoint[];
properties: any;
constructor(): MetricData;
interface PageViewData extends ContractsModule.EventData {
ver: number;
url: string;
name: string;
duration: string;
properties: any;
measurements: any;
constructor(): PageViewData;
interface PageViewPerfData extends ContractsModule.PageViewData {
ver: number;
url: string;
perfTotal: string;
name: string;
duration: string;
networkConnect: string;
sentRequest: string;
receivedResponse: string;
domProcessing: string;
properties: any;
measurements: any;
constructor(): PageViewPerfData;
interface RemoteDependencyData extends ContractsModule.Domain {
ver: number;
name: string;
kind: ContractsModule.DataPointType;
value: number;
count: number;
min: number;
max: number;
stdDev: number;
dependencyKind: ContractsModule.DependencyKind;
success: boolean;
async: boolean;
dependencySource: ContractsModule.DependencySourceType;
commandName: string;
dependencyTypeName: string;
properties: any;
constructor(): RemoteDependencyData;
interface AjaxCallData extends ContractsModule.PageViewData {
ver: number;
url: string;
ajaxUrl: string;
name: string;
duration: string;
requestSize: number;
responseSize: number;
timeToFirstByte: string;
timeToLastByte: string;
callbackDuration: string;
responseCode: string;
success: boolean;
properties: any;
measurements: any;
constructor(): AjaxCallData;
interface RequestData extends ContractsModule.Domain {
ver: number;
id: string;
name: string;
startTime: string;
duration: string;
responseCode: string;
success: boolean;
httpMethod: string;
url: string;
properties: any;
measurements: any;
constructor(): RequestData;
interface SessionStateData extends ContractsModule.Domain {
ver: number;
state: ContractsModule.SessionState;
constructor(): SessionStateData;
interface PerformanceCounterData extends ContractsModule.Domain {
ver: number;
categoryName: string;
counterName: string;
instanceName: string;
kind: DataPointType;
count: number;
min: number;
max: number;
stdDev: number;
value: number;
properties: any;
constructor(): PerformanceCounterData;
interface Channel {
constructor(isDisabled: () => boolean, getBatchSize: () => number, getBatchIntervalMs: () => number, sender: Sender): Channel;
* Add a telemetry item to the send buffer
send(envelope: ContractsModule.Envelope): void;
handleCrash(envelope: ContractsModule.Envelope): void;
* Immediately send buffered data
triggerSend(isNodeCrashing?: boolean): void;
setOfflineMode(value: boolean, resentIntervall?: number): void;
interface Client {
config: Config;
context: Context;
commonProperties: {
[key: string]: string;
channel: Channel;
* Constructs a new client of the client
* @param iKey the instrumentation key to use (read from environment variable if not specified)
constructor(iKey?: string): Client;
* Log a user action or other occurrence.
* @param name A string to identify this event in the portal.
* @param properties map[string, string] - additional data used to filter events and metrics in the portal. Defaults to empty.
* @param measurements map[string, number] - metrics associated with this event, displayed in Metrics Explorer on the portal. Defaults to empty.
trackEvent(name: string, properties?: {
[key: string]: string;
}, measurements?: {
[key: string]: number;
}): void;
* Log a trace message
* @param message A string to identify this event in the portal.
* @param properties map[string, string] - additional data used to filter events and metrics in the portal. Defaults to empty.
trackTrace(message: string, severityLevel?: ContractsModule.SeverityLevel, properties?: {
[key: string]: string;
}): void;
* Log an exception you have caught.
* @param exception An Error from a catch clause, or the string error message.
* @param properties map[string, string] - additional data used to filter events and metrics in the portal. Defaults to empty.
* @param measurements map[string, number] - metrics associated with this event, displayed in Metrics Explorer on the portal. Defaults to empty.
trackException(exception: Error, properties?: {
[key: string]: string;
}): void;
* Log a numeric value that is not associated with a specific event. Typically used to send regular reports of performance indicators.
* To send a single measurement, use just the first two parameters. If you take measurements very frequently, you can reduce the
* telemetry bandwidth by aggregating multiple measurements and sending the resulting average at intervals.
* @param name A string that identifies the metric.
* @param value The value of the metric
* @param count the number of samples used to get this value
* @param min the min sample for this set
* @param max the max sample for this set
* @param stdDev the standard deviation of the set
trackMetric(name: string, value: number, count?:number, min?: number, max?: number, stdDev?: number, properties?: {
[key: string]: string;
}): void;
* Log an incoming http request to your server. The request data will be tracked during the response "finish" event if it is successful or the request "error"
* event if it fails. The request duration is automatically calculated as the timespan between when the trackRequest method was called, and when the response "finish"
* or request "error" events were fired.
* @param request The http.IncomingMessage object to track
* @param response The http.ServerResponse object for this request
* @param properties map[string, string] - additional data used to filter requests in the portal. Defaults to empty.
trackRequest(request: any /* http.IncomingMessage */, response: any /* http.ServerResponse */, properties?: {
[key: string]: string;
}): void;
* Log an incoming http request to your server. The request data is tracked synchronously rather than waiting for the response "finish"" or request "error"" events.
* Use this if you need your request telemetry to respect custom app insights operation and user context (for example if you set any appInsights.client.context.tags).
* @param request The http.IncomingMessage object to track
* @param response The http.ServerResponse object for this request
* @param ellapsedMilliseconds The duration for this request. Defaults to 0.
* @param properties map[string, string] - additional data used to filter requests in the portal. Defaults to empty.
* @param error An error that was returned for this request if it was unsuccessful. Defaults to null.
trackRequestSync(request: any /*http.IncomingMessage */, response: any /*http.ServerResponse */, ellapsedMilliseconds?: number, properties?: {
[key: string]: string;}, error?: any) : void;
* Log information about a dependency of your app. Typically used to track the time database calls or outgoing http requests take from your server.
* @param name The name of the dependency (i.e. "myDatabse")
* @param commandname The name of the command executed on the dependency
* @param elapsedTimeMs The amount of time in ms that the dependency took to return the result
* @param success True if the dependency succeeded, false otherwise
* @param dependencyTypeName The type of the dependency (i.e. "SQL" "HTTP"). Defaults to empty.
* @param properties map[string, string] - additional data used to filter events and metrics in the portal. Defaults to empty.
* @param dependencyKind ContractsModule.DependencyKind of this dependency. Defaults to Other.
* @param async True if the dependency was executed asynchronously, false otherwise. Defaults to false
* @param dependencySource ContractsModule.DependencySourceType of this dependency. Defaults to Undefined.
trackDependency(name: string, commandName: string, elapsedTimeMs: number, success: boolean, dependencyTypeName?: string, properties?: {}, dependencyKind?: any, async?: boolean, dependencySource?: number): void;
* Immediately send all queued telemetry.
sendPendingData(callback?: (response: string) => void): void;
getEnvelope(data: ContractsModule.Data<ContractsModule.Domain>, tagOverrides?: {
[key: string]: string;
}): ContractsModule.Envelope;
* Generic track method for all telemetry types
* @param data the telemetry to send
* @param tagOverrides the context tags to use for this telemetry which overwrite default context values
track(data: ContractsModule.Data<ContractsModule.Domain>, tagOverrides?: {
[key: string]: string;
}): void;
interface Config {
instrumentationKey: string;
sessionRenewalMs: number;
sessionExpirationMs: number;
endpointUrl: string;
maxBatchSize: number;
maxBatchIntervalMs: number;
disableAppInsights: boolean;
constructor(instrumentationKey?: string): Config;
interface Context {
keys: ContractsModule.ContextTagKeys;
tags: {
[key: string]: string;
constructor(packageJsonPath?: string): Context;
interface Sender {
constructor(getUrl: () => string, onSuccess?: (response: string) => void, onError?: (error: Error) => void): Sender;
send(payload: any/* Buffer */): void;
saveOnCrash(payload: string): void;
* enable caching events locally on error
enableCacheOnError(): void;
* disable caching events locally on error
disableCacheOnError(): void;
* The singleton meta interface for the default client of the client. This interface is used to setup/start and configure
* the auto-collection behavior of the application insights module.
interface ApplicationInsights {
client: Client;
* Initializes a client with the given instrumentation key, if this is not specified, the value will be
* read from the environment variable APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY
* @returns {ApplicationInsights/Client} a new client
getClient(instrumentationKey?: string): Client;
* Initializes the default client of the client and sets the default configuration
* @param instrumentationKey the instrumentation key to use. Optional, if this is not specified, the value will be
* read from the environment variable APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY
* @returns {ApplicationInsights} this interface
setup(instrumentationKey?: string): ApplicationInsights;
* Starts automatic collection of telemetry. Prior to calling start no telemetry will be collected
* @returns {ApplicationInsights} this interface
start(): ApplicationInsights;
* Sets the state of console tracking (enabled by default)
* @param value if true console activity will be sent to Application Insights
* @returns {ApplicationInsights} this interface
setAutoCollectConsole(value: boolean): ApplicationInsights;
* Sets the state of dependency tracking (enabled by default)
* @param value if true dependencies will be sent to Application Insights
* @returns {ApplicationInsights} this interface
setAutoCollectDependencies(value: boolean): ApplicationInsights;
* Sets the state of exception tracking (enabled by default)
* @param value if true uncaught exceptions will be sent to Application Insights
* @returns {ApplicationInsights} this interface
setAutoCollectExceptions(value: boolean): ApplicationInsights;
* Sets the state of performance tracking (enabled by default)
* @param value if true performance counters will be collected every second and sent to Application Insights
* @returns {ApplicationInsights} this interface
setAutoCollectPerformance(value: boolean): ApplicationInsights;
* Sets the state of request tracking (enabled by default)
* @param value if true requests will be sent to Application Insights
* @returns {ApplicationInsights} this interface
setAutoCollectRequests(value: boolean): ApplicationInsights;
* Enables verbose debug logging
* @returns {ApplicationInsights} this interface
enableVerboseLogging(): ApplicationInsights;
setOfflineMode(value: boolean, resentIntervall?: number): ApplicationInsights;
declare module "applicationinsights" {
const applicationinsights: ApplicationInsights;
export = applicationinsights;

+ 29
- 42
src/telemetry.ts 查看文件

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
import { Disposable, workspace } from 'vscode';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as appInsights from 'applicationinsights';
import { env, Disposable, version, workspace } from 'vscode';
import { ExtensionKey } from './constants';
import * as os from 'os';
let _reporter: TelemetryReporter;
@ -9,6 +8,9 @@ let _reporter: TelemetryReporter;
export class Telemetry extends Disposable {
static configure(key: string) {
if (!workspace.getConfiguration('telemetry').get<boolean>('enableTelemetry', true)) return;
if (workspace.getConfiguration(ExtensionKey).get<boolean>('debug')) return;
_reporter = new TelemetryReporter(key);
@ -25,43 +27,34 @@ export class Telemetry extends Disposable {
export class TelemetryReporter extends Disposable {
export class TelemetryReporter {
private _client: typeof appInsights.client;
private appInsights: ApplicationInsights;
private _client: Client;
private _context: { [key: string]: string };
private _disposable: Disposable;
private _enabled: boolean;
constructor(key: string) {
super(() => this.dispose());
this.appInsights = require('applicationinsights') as ApplicationInsights;
(appInsights as any)
this._client = appInsights.start().client;
if (this.appInsights.client) {
this._client = this.appInsights.getClient(key);
// no other way to enable offline mode
else {
this._client = this.appInsights.setup(key)
const subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
subscriptions.push(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(this._onConfigurationChanged, this));
this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
dispose() {
this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose();
setContext(context?: { [key: string]: string }) {
@ -69,9 +62,9 @@ export class TelemetryReporter extends Disposable {
this._context = Object.create(null);
// Add vscode properties
this._context['code.language'] = vscode.env.language;
this._context['code.version'] = vscode.version;
this._context[this._client.context.keys.sessionId] = vscode.env.sessionId;
this._context['code.language'] = env.language;
this._context['code.version'] = version;
this._context[this._client.context.keys.sessionId] = env.sessionId;
// Add os properties
this._context['os.platform'] = os.platform();
@ -86,20 +79,14 @@ export class TelemetryReporter extends Disposable {
trackEvent(name: string, properties?: { [key: string]: string }, measurements?: { [key: string]: number; }) {
if (!this._enabled) return;
this._client.trackEvent(name, properties, measurements);
trackException(ex: Error) {
if (!this._enabled) return;
private _onConfigurationChanged() {
this._enabled = workspace.getConfiguration('telemetry').get<boolean>('enableTelemetry', true);
private _stripPII(client: typeof appInsights.client) {
private _stripPII(client: Client) {
if (client && client.context && client.context.keys && client.context.tags) {
const machineNameKey = client.context.keys.deviceMachineName;
client.context.tags[machineNameKey] = '';
