@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
'use strict' ;
import { Functions , Objects } from './system' ;
import { DecorationOptions , DecorationInstanceRenderOptions , DecorationRenderOptions , Disposable , ExtensionContext , Range , StatusBarAlignment , StatusBarItem , TextEditor , TextEditorDecorationType , TextEditorSelectionChangeEvent , window , workspace } from 'vscode' ;
import { BlameabilityChangeEvent , BlameabilityTracker } from './blameabilityTracker' ;
import { BlameAnnotationController } from './blameAnnotationController' ;
import { BlameAnnotationFormat , BlameAnnotationFormatter } from './blameAnnotationFormatter' ;
import { TextEditorComparer } from './comparers' ;
@ -19,17 +20,17 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
private _activeEditorLineDisposable : Disposable | undefined ;
private _blame : Promise < IGitBlame > | undefined ;
private _blameable : boolean ;
private _config : IConfig ;
private _currentLine : number = - 1 ;
private _disposable : Disposable ;
private _editor : TextEditor | undefined ;
private _editorIsDirty : boolean ;
private _statusBarItem : StatusBarItem | undefined ;
private _updateBlameDebounced : ( line : number , editor : TextEditor ) = > Promise < void > ;
private _uri : GitUri ;
private _useCaching : boolean ;
constructor ( context : ExtensionContext , private git : GitProvider , private annotationController : BlameAnnotationController ) {
constructor ( context : ExtensionContext , private git : GitProvider , private blameabilityTracker : BlameabilityTracker , private annotationController : BlameAnnotationController ) {
super ( ( ) = > this . dispose ( ) ) ;
this . _updateBlameDebounced = Functions . debounce ( this . _updateBlame , 50 ) ;
@ -93,8 +94,8 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
const subscriptions : Disposable [ ] = [ ] ;
subscriptions . push ( window . onDidChangeActiveTextEditor ( this . _onActiveTextEditorChanged , this ) ) ;
subscriptions . push ( window . onDidChangeTextEditorSelection ( this . _onEditorSelectionChanged , this ) ) ;
subscriptions . push ( workspace . onDidChangeTextDocument ( this . _onDocument Changed , this ) ) ;
subscriptions . push ( window . onDidChangeTextEditorSelection ( this . _onText EditorSelectionChanged , this ) ) ;
subscriptions . push ( this . blameabilityTracker . onDidChange ( this . _onBlameability Changed , this ) ) ;
this . _activeEditorLineDisposable = Disposable . from ( . . . subscriptions ) ;
@ -106,35 +107,27 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
this . _onActiveTextEditorChanged ( window . activeTextEditor ) ;
private _onBlameAnnotationToggled() {
this . _onActiveTextEditorChanged ( window . activeTextEditor ) ;
private _onGitCacheChanged() {
this . _blame = undefined ;
this . _onActiveTextEditorChanged ( window . activeTextEditor ) ;
private _onActiveTextEditorChanged ( e : TextEditor ) {
private _onActiveTextEditorChanged ( editor : TextEditor ) {
this . _currentLine = - 1 ;
const previousEditor = this . _editor ;
previousEditor && previousEditor . setDecorations ( activeLineDecoration , [ ] ) ;
if ( ! e || ! e . document || ( e . document . isUntitled && e . document . uri . scheme !== DocumentSchemes . Git ) ||
( e . document . uri . scheme !== DocumentSchemes . File && e . document . uri . scheme !== DocumentSchemes . Git ) ||
( e . viewColumn === undefined && ! this . git . hasGitUriForFile ( e ) ) ) {
this . clear ( e ) ;
if ( ! editor || ! editor . document || ( editor . document . isUntitled && editor . document . uri . scheme !== DocumentSchemes . Git ) ||
( editor . document . uri . scheme !== DocumentSchemes . File && editor . document . uri . scheme !== DocumentSchemes . Git ) ||
( editor . viewColumn === undefined && ! this . git . hasGitUriForFile ( editor ) ) ) {
this . clear ( editor ) ;
this . _editor = undefined ;
return ;
this . _editor = e ;
this . _uri = GitUri . fromUri ( e . document . uri , this . git ) ;
this . _blameable = editor && editor . document && ! editor . document . isDirty ;
this . _editor = editor ;
this . _uri = GitUri . fromUri ( editor . document . uri , this . git ) ;
const maxLines = this . _config . advanced . caching . statusBar . maxLines ;
this . _useCaching = this . _config . advanced . caching . enabled && ( maxLines <= 0 || e . document . lineCount <= maxLines ) ;
this . _useCaching = this . _config . advanced . caching . enabled && ( maxLines <= 0 || editor . document . lineCount <= maxLines ) ;
if ( this . _useCaching ) {
this . _blame = this . git . getBlameForFile ( this . _uri . fsPath , this . _uri . sha , this . _uri . repoPath ) ;
@ -142,38 +135,53 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
this . _blame = undefined ;
this . _updateBlame ( e . selection . active . line , e ) ;
this . _updateBlame ( editor . selection . active . line , editor ) ;
private _onEditorSelectionChanged ( e : TextEditorSelectionChangeEvent ) : void {
private _onBlameabilityChanged ( e : BlameabilityChangeEvent ) {
this . _blameable = e . blameable ;
if ( ! e . blameable || ! this . _editor ) {
this . clear ( e . editor ) ;
return ;
// Make sure this is for the editor we are tracking
if ( ! TextEditorComparer . equals ( e . textEditor , this . _editor ) ) return ;
if ( ! TextEditorComparer . equals ( this . _editor , e . editor) ) return ;
const line = e . selections [ 0 ] . active . line ;
const line = this . _editor . selection . active . line ;
if ( line === this . _currentLine ) return ;
this . _currentLine = line ;
this . _updateBlameDebounced ( line , e . textEditor ) ;
this . _updateBlame ( this . _editor . selection . active . line , this . _editor ) ;
private _onBlameAnnotationToggled() {
this . _onActiveTextEditorChanged ( window . activeTextEditor ) ;
private _onDocumentChanged ( e : TextDocumentChangeEvent ) {
private _onGitCacheChanged() {
this . _blame = undefined ;
this . _onActiveTextEditorChanged ( window . activeTextEditor ) ;
private _onTextEditorSelectionChanged ( e : TextEditorSelectionChangeEvent ) : void {
// Make sure this is for the editor we are tracking
if ( ! this . _editor || ! TextDocumentComparer . equals ( e . document , this . _editor . document ) ) return ;
if ( ! this . _blameable || ! TextEditor Comparer . equals ( this . _editor , e . textEditor ) ) return ;
const line = this . _editor . selections [ 0 ] . active . line ;
if ( line === this . _currentLine && this . _editorIsDirty === this . _editor . document . isDirty ) return ;
const line = e . selections [ 0 ] . active . line ;
if ( line === this . _currentLine ) return ;
this . _currentLine = line ;
this . _editorIsDirty = this . _editor . document . isDirty ;
this . _updateBlame ( this . _editor . selections [ 0 ] . active . line , this . _e ditor) ;
this . _updateBlameDebounced ( line , e . textE ditor ) ;
private async _updateBlame ( line : number , editor : TextEditor ) {
line = line - this . _uri . offset ;
let commitLine : IGitCommitLine ;
let commit : GitCommit ;
if ( line >= 0 ) {
let commitLine : IGitCommitLine ;
// Since blame information isn't valid when there are unsaved changes -- don't show any status
if ( this . _blameable && line >= 0 ) {
if ( this . _useCaching ) {
const blame = this . _blame && await this . _blame ;
if ( ! blame || ! blame . lines . length ) {
@ -202,6 +210,10 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
clear ( editor : TextEditor , previousEditor? : TextEditor ) {
editor && editor . setDecorations ( activeLineDecoration , [ ] ) ;
// I have no idea why the decorators sometimes don't get removed, but if they don't try again with a tiny delay
if ( editor ) {
setTimeout ( ( ) = > editor . setDecorations ( activeLineDecoration , [ ] ) , 1 ) ;
this . _statusBarItem && this . _statusBarItem . hide ( ) ;
@ -258,20 +270,7 @@ export class BlameActiveLineController extends Disposable {
if ( this . _config . blame . annotation . activeLine !== 'off' ) {
let activeLine = this . _config . blame . annotation . activeLine ;
// Because the inline annotations can be noisy -- only show them if the document isn't dirty
if ( editor && editor . document && editor . document . isDirty ) {
editor . setDecorations ( activeLineDecoration , [ ] ) ;
switch ( activeLine ) {
case 'both' :
activeLine = 'hover' ;
break ;
case 'inline' :
return ;
const activeLine = this . _config . blame . annotation . activeLine ;
const offset = this . _uri . offset ;
const config = {