@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ import { getRemoteHubApi } from '../remotehub'; |
import type { GitHubApi } from './github'; |
import { fromCommitFileStatus } from './models'; |
const doubleQuoteRegex = /"/g; |
const emptyPagedResult: PagedResult<any> = Object.freeze({ values: [] }); |
const emptyPromise: Promise<GitBlame | GitDiff | GitLog | undefined> = Promise.resolve(undefined); |
@ -1070,8 +1071,12 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable { |
ref?: string; |
}, |
): Promise<GitGraph> { |
const defaultLimit = options?.limit ?? configuration.get('graph.defaultItemLimit') ?? 5000; |
// const defaultPageLimit = configuration.get('graph.pageItemLimit') ?? 1000;
const ordering = configuration.get('graph.commitOrdering', undefined, 'date'); |
const [logResult, branchResult, remotesResult, tagsResult] = await Promise.allSettled([ |
this.getLog(repoPath, { all: true, ordering: 'date', limit: options?.limit }), |
this.getLog(repoPath, { all: true, ordering: ordering, limit: defaultLimit }), |
this.getBranch(repoPath), |
this.getRemotes(repoPath), |
this.getTags(repoPath), |
@ -1213,7 +1218,6 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable { |
paging: { |
limit: log.limit, |
// endingCursor: log.endingCursor,
startingCursor: log.startingCursor, |
hasMore: log.hasMore, |
}, |
@ -1582,104 +1586,133 @@ export class GitHubGitProvider implements GitProvider, Disposable { |
} |
@log() |
async searchForCommitsSimple( |
async searchForCommitShas( |
repoPath: string, |
search: SearchQuery, |
_options?: { cancellation?: CancellationToken; limit?: number; ordering?: 'date' | 'author-date' | 'topo' }, |
options?: { cancellation?: CancellationToken; limit?: number; ordering?: 'date' | 'author-date' | 'topo' }, |
): Promise<GitSearch> { |
// const scope = getLogScope();
search = { matchAll: false, matchCase: false, matchRegex: true, ...search }; |
const comparisonKey = getSearchQueryComparisonKey(search); |
return { |
repoPath: repoPath, |
query: search, |
comparisonKey: comparisonKey, |
results: new Set<string>(), |
}; |
// try {
// const { args: searchArgs, files, commits } = this.getArgsFromSearchPattern(search);
// if (commits?.length) {
// return {
// repoPath: repoPath,
// pattern: search,
// results: commits,
// };
// }
// const refParser = getGraphRefParser();
// const limit = options?.limit ?? configuration.get('advanced.maxSearchItems') ?? 0;
// const similarityThreshold = configuration.get('advanced.similarityThreshold');
// const args = [
// 'log',
// ...refParser.arguments,
// `-M${similarityThreshold == null ? '' : `${similarityThreshold}%`}`,
// '--use-mailmap',
// ];
// if (limit) {
// args.push(`-n${limit + 1}`);
// }
// if (options?.ordering) {
// args.push(`--${options.ordering}-order`);
// }
// searchArgs.push(`-M${similarityThreshold == null ? '' : `${similarityThreshold}%`}`, '--');
// if (files.length !== 0) {
// searchArgs.push(...files);
// }
// async function searchForCommitsCore(
// this: LocalGitProvider,
// limit: number,
// cursor?: { sha: string; skip: number },
// ): Promise<GitSearch> {
// const data = await this.git.log2(
// repoPath,
// undefined,
// ...args,
// ...(cursor?.skip ? [`--skip=${cursor.skip}`] : []),
// ...searchArgs,
// '--',
// ...files,
// );
// const results = [...refParser.parse(data)];
// const last = results[results.length - 1];
// cursor =
// last != null
// ? {
// sha: last,
// skip: results.length,
// }
// : undefined;
// return {
// repoPath: repoPath,
// pattern: search,
// results: results,
// paging:
// limit !== 0 && results.length > limit
// ? {
// limit: limit,
// startingCursor: cursor?.sha,
// more: true,
// }
// : undefined,
// more: async (limit: number): Promise<GitSearch | undefined> =>
// searchForCommitsCore.call(this, limit, cursor),
// };
// }
// return searchForCommitsCore.call(this, limit);
// } catch (ex) {
// // TODO@eamodio handle error reporting -- just invalid patterns? or more detailed?
// return {
// repoPath: repoPath,
// pattern: search,
// results: [],
// };
// }
try { |
const results = new Set<string>(); |
const operations = parseSearchQuery(search.query); |
let op; |
let values = operations.get('commit:'); |
if (values != null) { |
for (const value of values) { |
results.add(value.replace(doubleQuoteRegex, '')); |
} |
return { |
repoPath: repoPath, |
query: search, |
comparisonKey: comparisonKey, |
results: results, |
}; |
} |
const queryValues: string[] = []; |
for ([op, values] of operations.entries()) { |
switch (op) { |
case 'message:': |
queryValues.push(...values.map(m => m.replace(/ /g, '+'))); |
break; |
case 'author:': |
queryValues.push( |
...values.map(a => { |
a = a.replace(/ /g, '+'); |
if (a.startsWith('@')) return `author:${a.slice(1)}`; |
if (a.startsWith('"@')) return `author:"${a.slice(2)}`; |
if (a.includes('@')) return `author-email:${a}`; |
return `author-name:${a}`; |
}), |
); |
break; |
// case 'change:':
// case 'file:':
// break;
} |
} |
if (queryValues.length === 0) { |
return { |
repoPath: repoPath, |
query: search, |
comparisonKey: comparisonKey, |
results: results, |
}; |
} |
const { metadata, github, session } = await this.ensureRepositoryContext(repoPath); |
const query = `repo:${metadata.repo.owner}/${metadata.repo.name}+${queryValues.join('+').trim()}`; |
async function searchForCommitsCore( |
this: GitHubGitProvider, |
limit: number | undefined, |
cursor?: string, |
): Promise<GitSearch> { |
if (options?.cancellation?.isCancellationRequested) { |
// TODO@eamodio: Should we throw an error here?
return { repoPath: repoPath, query: search, comparisonKey: comparisonKey, results: results }; |
} |
limit = this.getPagingLimit(limit ?? configuration.get('advanced.maxSearchItems')); |
const result = await github.searchCommitShas(session.accessToken, query, { |
cursor: cursor, |
limit: limit, |
sort: |
options?.ordering === 'date' |
? 'committer-date' |
: options?.ordering === 'author-date' |
? 'author-date' |
: undefined, |
}); |
if (result == null || options?.cancellation?.isCancellationRequested) { |
// TODO@eamodio: Should we throw an error if cancelled?
return { repoPath: repoPath, query: search, comparisonKey: comparisonKey, results: results }; |
} |
for (const sha of result.values) { |
results.add(sha); |
} |
cursor = result.pageInfo?.endCursor ?? undefined; |
return { |
repoPath: repoPath, |
query: search, |
comparisonKey: comparisonKey, |
results: results, |
paging: result.pageInfo?.hasNextPage |
? { |
limit: limit, |
hasMore: true, |
} |
: undefined, |
more: async (limit: number): Promise<GitSearch> => searchForCommitsCore.call(this, limit, cursor), |
}; |
} |
return searchForCommitsCore.call(this, options?.limit); |
} catch (ex) { |
// TODO@eamodio: Should we throw an error here?
// TODO@eamodio handle error reporting -- just invalid queries? or more detailed?
return { |
repoPath: repoPath, |
query: search, |
comparisonKey: comparisonKey, |
results: new Set<string>(), |
}; |
} |
} |
@log() |