"markdownDescription":"Specifies whether to provide a blame annotation for the current line, by default. Use the `Toggle Line Blame Annotations` command (`gitlens.toggleLineBlame`) to toggle the annotations on and off for the current window",
"markdownDescription":"Specifies whether to provide an inline blame annotation for the current line, by default. Use the `Toggle Line Blame Annotations` command (`gitlens.toggleLineBlame`) to toggle the annotations on and off for the current window",
"markdownDescription":"Specifies whether to provide information about the Pull Request (if any) that introduced the commit in the current line blame annotation. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)",
"markdownDescription":"Specifies whether to provide information about the Pull Request (if any) that introduced the commit in the inline blame annotation. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub)",
"default":"{agoOrDate}{ • message|50?}",
"markdownDescription":"Specifies the format of the current line blame annotation. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `#gitlens.currentLine.dateFormat#` setting",
"markdownDescription":"Specifies the format of the inline blame annotation. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `#gitlens.currentLine.dateFormat#` setting",
"markdownDescription":"Specifies the uncommitted changes format of the current line blame annotation. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `#gitlens.currentLine.dateFormat#` setting.\n\n**NOTE**: Setting this to an empty string will disable current line blame annotations for uncommitted changes.",
"markdownDescription":"Specifies the uncommitted changes format of the inline blame annotation. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `#gitlens.currentLine.dateFormat#` setting.\n\n**NOTE**: Setting this to an empty string will disable inline blame annotations for uncommitted changes.",
"markdownDescription":"Specifies whether the current line blame annotation can be scrolled into view when it is outside the viewport. **NOTE**: Setting this to `false` will inhibit the hovers from showing over the annotation; Set `#gitlens.hovers.currentLine.over#` to `line` to enable the hovers to show anywhere over the line.",
"markdownDescription":"Specifies whether the inline blame annotation can be scrolled into view when it is outside the viewport. **NOTE**: Setting this to `false` will inhibit the hovers from showing over the annotation; Set `#gitlens.hovers.currentLine.over#` to `line` to enable the hovers to show anywhere over the line.",
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
"markdownDescription":"Specifies how to format absolute dates (e.g. using the `${date}` token) for the current line blame annotation. See the [Moment.js docs](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) for supported formats",
"markdownDescription":"Specifies how to format absolute dates (e.g. using the `${date}` token) for the cinline blame annotation. See the [Moment.js docs](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) for supported formats",
@ -3444,7 +3444,7 @@
"description":"Specifies whether to show a blame annotation for the current line when this user-defined mode is active"
"description":"Specifies whether to show an inline blame annotation for the current line when this user-defined mode is active"
@ -3477,7 +3477,7 @@
"description":"Specifies whether to show a blame annotation for the current line when this user-defined mode is active"
"description":"Specifies whether to show an inline blame annotation for the current line when this user-defined mode is active"
@ -3528,7 +3528,7 @@
"description":"Specifies whether to show a blame annotation for the current line when this user-defined mode is active"
"description":"Specifies whether to show an inline blame annotation for the current line when this user-defined mode is active"
@ -4024,7 +4024,7 @@
"description":"Specifies the background color of the blame annotation for the current line",
"description":"Specifies the background color of the inline blame annotation for the current line",
@ -4033,7 +4033,7 @@
"description":"Specifies the foreground color of the blame annotation for the current line",
"description":"Specifies the foreground color of the inline blame annotation for the current line",