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Adds stash list to Git Commands

Eric Amodio hace 5 años
Se han modificado 5 ficheros con 112 adiciones y 146 borrados
  1. +2
  2. +89
  3. +21
  4. +0
  5. +0

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CHANGELOG.md Ver fichero

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this p
- Adds a new _reset_ Git command to reset current HEAD to a specified commit
- Adds a new _revert_ Git command to revert specific commits
- Adds a new _search_ Git command to search for specific commits
- Adds a new _stash_ Git command with sub-commands for _apply_, _drop_, _pop_, and _push_
- Adds a new _stash_ Git command with sub-commands for _apply_, _drop_, _list_, _pop_, and _push_
- Adds a new _Fetch All & Prune_ option to the _fetch_ Git command
- Adds the last fetched on date to the confirmation step of the _fetch_ Git command (when a single repo is selected)
- Adds the last fetched on date to the confirmation step of the _pull_ Git command (when a single repo is selected)
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this p
- Changes the _Reset to Commit (via Terminal)_ command to use the _reset_ Git command
- Changes the _Revert Commit (via Terminal)_ command to use the _revert_ Git command
- Changes all the stash commands to use the new _stash_ Git command
- Changes _Stash All Changes_ commands in the Source Control view to toggle --kee-index appropriately — closes [#698](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/698)
- Changes _Stash All Changes_ commands in the Source Control view to toggle --keep-index appropriately — closes [#698](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/698)
- Changes the _Checkout_ command on branches, commits, and tags to use the _switch_ Git command
- Changes Ansible files to use document scope for code lens — thanks to [PR #813](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/pull/813) by Ahmadali Shafiee ([@ahmadalli](https://github.com/ahmadalli))
- Renames _Checkout_ command to _Switch_ for branches and tags for better clarity and to align with the new Git 2.23 commands

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src/commands/git/stash.ts Ver fichero

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
'use strict';
import { QuickInputButtons, QuickPickItem, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
/* eslint-disable no-loop-func */
import { commands, QuickInputButtons, QuickPickItem, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { Container } from '../../container';
import { GitStashCommit, GitUri, Repository } from '../../git/gitService';
import { BreakQuickCommand, QuickCommandBase, StepAsyncGenerator, StepSelection, StepState } from '../quickCommand';
import {
@ -15,6 +17,8 @@ import { Iterables, Strings } from '../../system';
import { GlyphChars } from '../../constants';
import { Logger } from '../../logger';
import { Messages } from '../../messages';
import { GitCommandsCommandArgs, ShowQuickCommitDetailsCommandArgs } from '../../commands';
import { Commands } from '../common';
interface ApplyState {
subcommand: 'apply';
@ -30,6 +34,11 @@ interface DropState {
flags: string[];
interface ListState {
subcommand: 'list';
repo: Repository;
interface PopState {
subcommand: 'pop';
repo: Repository;
@ -45,12 +54,13 @@ interface PushState {
flags: string[];
type State = ApplyState | DropState | PopState | PushState;
type State = ApplyState | DropState | ListState | PopState | PushState;
type StashStepState<T> = StepState<T> & { repo: Repository };
const subcommandToSubtitleMap = new Map<State['subcommand'], string>([
['apply', 'Apply'],
['drop', 'Drop'],
['list', 'List'],
['pop', 'Pop'],
['push', 'Push']
@ -109,7 +119,7 @@ export class StashGitCommand extends QuickCommandBase {
get canConfirm(): boolean {
return this._subcommand !== undefined;
return this._subcommand !== undefined && this._subcommand !== 'list';
get canSkipConfirm(): boolean {
@ -146,6 +156,12 @@ export class StashGitCommand extends QuickCommandBase {
item: 'drop'
label: 'list',
description: 'lists the saved stashes',
picked: state.subcommand === 'list',
item: 'list'
label: 'pop',
'integrates changes from the specified stash into the current branch and deletes the stash',
@ -215,6 +231,9 @@ export class StashGitCommand extends QuickCommandBase {
case 'drop':
yield* this.drop(state as StashStepState<DropState>);
case 'list':
yield* this.list(state as StashStepState<ListState>);
case 'push':
yield* this.push(state as StashStepState<PushState>);
@ -456,6 +475,73 @@ export class StashGitCommand extends QuickCommandBase {
return undefined;
private async *list(state: StashStepState<ListState>): StepAsyncGenerator {
let pickedStash: GitStashCommit | undefined;
while (true) {
const stash = await Container.git.getStashList(state.repo.path);
const step = this.createPickStep<CommitQuickPickItem<GitStashCommit>>({
title: `${this.title} ${getSubtitle(state.subcommand)}${Strings.pad(GlyphChars.Dot, 2, 2)}${
stash === undefined
? `${state.repo.formattedName} has no stashes`
: 'Choose a stash to show in the Repositories view',
matchOnDetail: true,
stash === undefined
? [
DirectiveQuickPickItem.create(Directive.Back, true),
: [
...Iterables.map(stash.commits.values(), c =>
CommitQuickPickItem.create(c, c.ref === (pickedStash && pickedStash.ref), {
compact: true
const selection: StepSelection<typeof step> = yield step;
if (!this.canPickStepMoveNext(step, state, selection)) {
pickedStash = selection[0].item;
// const node = await Container.repositoriesView.findStashNode(pickedStash);
// if (node !== undefined) {
// Container.repositoriesView.reveal(node, { select: true, expand: true });
// }
const gitCommandArgs: GitCommandsCommandArgs = {
command: 'search',
state: { ...state }
const commandArgs: ShowQuickCommitDetailsCommandArgs = {
sha: pickedStash.sha,
commit: pickedStash,
goBackCommand: new CommandQuickPickItem(
label: 'Back',
description: ''
void commands.executeCommand(Commands.ShowQuickCommitDetails, pickedStash.toGitUri(), commandArgs);
return undefined;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/require-await
private async *push(state: StashStepState<PushState>): StepAsyncGenerator {
while (true) {

+ 21
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src/commands/showQuickStashList.ts Ver fichero

@ -1,76 +1,37 @@
'use strict';
import { commands, TextEditor, Uri, window } from 'vscode';
import { GlyphChars } from '../constants';
import { commands } from 'vscode';
import { Container } from '../container';
import { Logger } from '../logger';
import { Messages } from '../messages';
import { CommandQuickPickItem, StashListQuickPick } from '../quickpicks';
import { ActiveEditorCachedCommand, command, Commands, getCommandUri, getRepoPathOrActiveOrPrompt } from './common';
import { ShowQuickCommitDetailsCommandArgs } from './showQuickCommitDetails';
import { CommandQuickPickItem } from '../quickpicks';
import { Command, command, Commands } from './common';
import { GitCommandsCommandArgs } from '../commands';
export interface ShowQuickStashListCommandArgs {
repoPath?: string;
goBackCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem;
export class ShowQuickStashListCommand extends ActiveEditorCachedCommand {
export class ShowQuickStashListCommand extends Command {
constructor() {
async execute(editor?: TextEditor, uri?: Uri, args?: ShowQuickStashListCommandArgs) {
uri = getCommandUri(uri, editor);
const repoPath = await getRepoPathOrActiveOrPrompt(
`Show stashes for which repository${GlyphChars.Ellipsis}`
if (!repoPath) return undefined;
const progressCancellation = StashListQuickPick.showProgress('list');
try {
const stash = await Container.git.getStashList(repoPath);
if (stash === undefined) return window.showWarningMessage('Unable to show stashes');
if (progressCancellation.token.isCancellationRequested) return undefined;
async execute(args?: ShowQuickStashListCommandArgs) {
args = { ...args };
// Create a command to get back to here
const currentCommandArgs: ShowQuickStashListCommandArgs = {
goBackCommand: args && args.goBackCommand
const currentCommand = new CommandQuickPickItem(
label: `go back ${GlyphChars.ArrowBack}`,
description: 'to stashes'
[uri, currentCommandArgs]
const pick = await StashListQuickPick.show(
args && args.goBackCommand,
if (pick === undefined) return undefined;
if (pick instanceof CommandQuickPickItem) return pick.execute();
const commandArgs: ShowQuickCommitDetailsCommandArgs = {
commit: pick.item,
sha: pick.item.sha,
goBackCommand: currentCommand
return commands.executeCommand(Commands.ShowQuickCommitDetails, pick.item.toGitUri(), commandArgs);
} catch (ex) {
Logger.error(ex, 'ShowQuickStashListCommand');
return Messages.showGenericErrorMessage('Unable to show stashes');
} finally {
let repo;
if (args.repoPath !== undefined) {
repo = await Container.git.getRepository(args.repoPath);
const gitCommandArgs: GitCommandsCommandArgs = {
command: 'stash',
state: {
subcommand: 'list',
repo: repo
return commands.executeCommand(Commands.GitCommands, gitCommandArgs);

+ 0
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src/quickpicks.ts Ver fichero

@ -13,4 +13,3 @@ export * from './quickpicks/referencesQuickPick';
export * from './quickpicks/remotesQuickPick';
export * from './quickpicks/repositoriesQuickPick';
export * from './quickpicks/repoStatusQuickPick';
export * from './quickpicks/stashListQuickPick';

+ 0
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src/quickpicks/stashListQuickPick.ts Ver fichero

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
import { CancellationTokenSource, window } from 'vscode';
import { Commands, StashSaveCommandArgs } from '../commands';
import { GlyphChars } from '../constants';
import { Container } from '../container';
import { GitStash, GitStashCommit } from '../git/gitService';
import { KeyNoopCommand } from '../keyboard';
import { Iterables } from '../system';
import { CommandQuickPickItem, getQuickPickIgnoreFocusOut, showQuickPickProgress } from './commonQuickPicks';
import { CommitQuickPickItem } from './gitQuickPicks';
export class StashListQuickPick {
static showProgress(mode: 'list' | 'apply') {
const message =
mode === 'apply'
? `Apply stash to your working tree${GlyphChars.Ellipsis}`
: `stashes ${GlyphChars.Dash} search by message, filename, or commit id`;
return showQuickPickProgress(message, {
left: KeyNoopCommand,
',': KeyNoopCommand,
'.': KeyNoopCommand
static async show(
stash: GitStash,
mode: 'list' | 'apply',
progressCancellation: CancellationTokenSource,
goBackCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem,
currentCommand?: CommandQuickPickItem
): Promise<CommitQuickPickItem<GitStashCommit> | CommandQuickPickItem | undefined> {
const items = ((stash &&
Array.from(Iterables.map(stash.commits.values(), c => CommitQuickPickItem.create<GitStashCommit>(c)))) ||
[]) as (CommitQuickPickItem<GitStashCommit> | CommandQuickPickItem)[];
if (mode === 'list') {
const commandArgs: StashSaveCommandArgs = {
goBackCommand: currentCommand
new CommandQuickPickItem(
label: '$(plus) Stash Changes',
description: 'stashes all changes'
if (goBackCommand) {
items.splice(0, 0, goBackCommand);
if (progressCancellation.token.isCancellationRequested) return undefined;
const scope = await Container.keyboard.beginScope({ left: goBackCommand });
const pick = await window.showQuickPick(items, {
matchOnDescription: true,
mode === 'apply'
? `Apply stash to your working tree${GlyphChars.Ellipsis}`
: `stashes ${GlyphChars.Dash} search by message, filename, or commit id`,
ignoreFocusOut: getQuickPickIgnoreFocusOut()
// onDidSelectItem: (item: QuickPickItem) => {
// scope.setKeyCommand('right', item);
// }
await scope.dispose();
return pick;
