@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
'use strict' ;
import { encodingExists } from 'iconv-lite' ;
import {
ConfigurationChangeEvent ,
Disposable ,
@ -16,9 +17,15 @@ import {
} from 'vscode' ;
import { resetAvatarCache } from '../avatars' ;
import { configuration } from '../configuration' ;
import { BuiltInGitConfiguration , ContextKeys , DocumentSchemes , GlyphChars , setContext } from '../constants' ;
import {
BuiltInGitConfiguration ,
ContextKeys ,
DocumentSchemes ,
GlyphChars ,
setContext ,
WorkspaceState ,
} from '../constants' ;
import { Container } from '../container' ;
import { setEnabled } from '../extension' ;
import { Logger } from '../logger' ;
import { Arrays , debug , gate , Iterables , log , Paths , Promises , Strings } from '../system' ;
import { vslsUriPrefixRegex } from '../vsls/vsls' ;
@ -28,7 +35,6 @@ import {
BranchDateFormatting ,
BranchSortOptions ,
CommitDateFormatting ,
Git ,
GitBlame ,
GitBlameLine ,
GitBlameLines ,
@ -68,7 +74,7 @@ import { GitProvider, GitProviderDescriptor, GitProviderId, PagedResult, ScmRepo
import { GitUri } from './gitUri' ;
import { RemoteProvider , RemoteProviders , RichRemoteProvider } from './remotes/factory' ;
export type { GitProviderDescriptor , GitProviderId } ;
export { type GitProviderDescriptor , GitProviderId } ;
const slash = '/' ;
@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
this . resetCaches ( 'providers' ) ;
void this . updateContext ( this . _repositories ) ;
void this . updateContext ( ) ;
} ) ,
) ;
@ -130,7 +136,7 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
CommitDateFormatting . reset ( ) ;
PullRequestDateFormatting . reset ( ) ;
void this . updateContext ( this . _repositories ) ;
void this . updateContext ( ) ;
dispose() {
@ -192,7 +198,7 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
if ( removed . length ) {
void this . updateContext ( this . _repositories ) ;
void this . updateContext ( ) ;
// Defer the event trigger enough to let everything unwind
queueMicrotask ( ( ) = > {
@ -203,70 +209,6 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
private async updateContext ( repositories : Map < string , Repository > ) {
const hasRepositories = this . openRepositoryCount !== 0 ;
await setEnabled ( hasRepositories ) ;
// Don't block for the remote context updates (because it can block other downstream requests during initialization)
async function updateRemoteContext() {
let hasRemotes = false ;
let hasRichRemotes = false ;
let hasConnectedRemotes = false ;
if ( hasRepositories ) {
for ( const repo of repositories . values ( ) ) {
if ( ! hasConnectedRemotes ) {
hasConnectedRemotes = await repo . hasRichRemote ( true ) ;
if ( hasConnectedRemotes ) {
hasRichRemotes = true ;
hasRemotes = true ;
if ( ! hasRichRemotes ) {
hasRichRemotes = await repo . hasRichRemote ( ) ;
if ( ! hasRemotes ) {
hasRemotes = await repo . hasRemotes ( ) ;
if ( hasRemotes && hasRichRemotes && hasConnectedRemotes ) break ;
await Promise . all ( [
setContext ( ContextKeys . HasRemotes , hasRemotes ) ,
setContext ( ContextKeys . HasRichRemotes , hasRichRemotes ) ,
setContext ( ContextKeys . HasConnectedRemotes , hasConnectedRemotes ) ,
] ) ;
void updateRemoteContext ( ) ;
// If we have no repositories setup a watcher in case one is initialized
if ( ! hasRepositories ) {
for ( const provider of this . _providers . values ( ) ) {
const watcher = provider . createRepositoryInitWatcher ? . ( ) ;
if ( watcher != null ) {
const disposable = Disposable . from (
watcher ,
watcher . onDidCreate ( uri = > {
const f = workspace . getWorkspaceFolder ( uri ) ;
if ( f == null ) return ;
void this . discoverRepositories ( [ f ] , { force : true } ) . then ( ( ) = > {
if ( Iterables . some ( this . repositories , r = > r . folder === f ) ) {
disposable . dispose ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ,
) ;
get hasProviders ( ) : boolean {
return this . _providers . size !== 0 ;
@ -330,20 +272,42 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
if ( this . _providers . has ( id ) ) throw new Error ( ` Provider ' ${ id } ' has already been registered ` ) ;
this . _providers . set ( id , provider ) ;
const disposable = provider . onDidChangeRepository ( e = > {
if ( e . changed ( RepositoryChange . Closed , RepositoryChangeComparisonMode . Any ) ) {
void this . updateContext ( this . _repositories ) ;
// Send a notification that the repositories changed
queueMicrotask ( ( ) = > this . _onDidChangeRepositories . fire ( { added : [ ] , removed : [ e . repository ] } ) ) ;
const disposables = [ ] ;
const watcher = provider . createRepositoryInitWatcher ? . ( ) ;
if ( watcher != null ) {
disposables . push (
watcher ,
watcher . onDidCreate ( uri = > {
const f = workspace . getWorkspaceFolder ( uri ) ;
if ( f == null ) return ;
void this . discoverRepositories ( [ f ] , { force : true } ) ;
} ) ,
) ;
this . _onDidChangeRepository . fire ( e ) ;
} ) ;
const disposable = Disposable . from (
. . . disposables ,
provider . onDidChangeRepository ( e = > {
if ( e . changed ( RepositoryChange . Closed , RepositoryChangeComparisonMode . Any ) ) {
void this . updateContext ( ) ;
// Send a notification that the repositories changed
queueMicrotask ( ( ) = > this . _onDidChangeRepositories . fire ( { added : [ ] , removed : [ e . repository ] } ) ) ;
this . _onDidChangeRepository . fire ( e ) ;
} ) ,
) ;
this . _onDidChangeProviders . fire ( { added : [ provider ] , removed : [ ] } ) ;
void this . onWorkspaceFoldersChanged ( { added : workspace.workspaceFolders ? ? [ ] , removed : [ ] } ) ;
// Don't kick off the discovery if we're still initializing (we'll do it at the end for all "known" providers)
if ( ! this . _initializing ) {
this . onWorkspaceFoldersChanged ( { added : workspace.workspaceFolders ? ? [ ] , removed : [ ] } ) ;
return {
dispose : ( ) = > {
@ -359,7 +323,7 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
void this . updateContext ( this . _repositories ) ;
void this . updateContext ( ) ;
if ( removed . length ) {
// Defer the event trigger enough to let everything unwind
@ -374,6 +338,27 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
} ;
private _initializing : boolean = true ;
registrationComplete() {
this . _initializing = false ;
const { workspaceFolders } = workspace ;
if ( workspaceFolders ? . length ) {
const autoRepositoryDetection =
configuration . getAny < boolean | ' subFolders ' | ' openEditors ' > (
BuiltInGitConfiguration . AutoRepositoryDetection ,
) ? ? true ;
if ( autoRepositoryDetection !== false ) {
void this . discoverRepositories ( workspaceFolders ) ;
return ;
void this . updateContext ( ) ;
private _discoveredWorkspaceFolders = new Map < WorkspaceFolder , Promise < Repository [ ] > > ( ) ;
async discoverRepositories ( folders : readonly WorkspaceFolder [ ] , options ? : { force? : boolean } ) : Promise < void > {
@ -408,9 +393,10 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
this . _repositories . set ( repository . path , repository ) ;
void this . updateContext ( ) ;
if ( added . length === 0 ) return ;
void this . updateContext ( this . _repositories ) ;
// Defer the event trigger enough to let everything unwind
queueMicrotask ( ( ) = > this . _onDidChangeRepositories . fire ( { added : added , removed : [ ] } ) ) ;
@ -434,16 +420,85 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
static getProviderId ( repoPath : string | Uri ) : GitProviderId {
if ( typeof repoPath !== 'string' && repoPath . scheme === DocumentSchemes . VirtualFS ) {
if ( repoPath . authority . startsWith ( 'github' ) ) {
return GitProviderId . GitHub ;
private _context : { enabled : boolean ; disabled : boolean } = { enabled : false , disabled : false } ;
async setEnabledContext ( enabled : boolean ) : Promise < void > {
let disabled = ! enabled ;
// If we think we should be disabled during startup, check if we have a saved value from the last time this repo was loaded
if ( ! enabled && this . _initializing ) {
disabled = ! (
this . container . context . workspaceState . get < boolean > ( WorkspaceState . AssumeRepositoriesOnStartup ) ? ? true
) ;
if ( this . _context . enabled === enabled && this . _context . disabled === disabled ) return ;
const promises = [ ] ;
if ( this . _context . enabled !== enabled ) {
this . _context . enabled = enabled ;
promises . push ( setContext ( ContextKeys . Enabled , enabled ) ) ;
if ( this . _context . disabled !== disabled ) {
this . _context . disabled = disabled ;
promises . push ( setContext ( ContextKeys . Disabled , disabled ) ) ;
await Promise . all ( promises ) ;
if ( ! this . _initializing ) {
void this . container . context . workspaceState . update ( WorkspaceState . AssumeRepositoriesOnStartup , enabled ) ;
private async updateContext() {
const hasRepositories = this . openRepositoryCount !== 0 ;
await this . setEnabledContext ( hasRepositories ) ;
// Don't bother trying to set the values if we're still starting up
if ( ! hasRepositories && this . _initializing ) return ;
// Don't block for the remote context updates (because it can block other downstream requests during initialization)
async function updateRemoteContext ( this : GitProviderService ) {
let hasRemotes = false ;
let hasRichRemotes = false ;
let hasConnectedRemotes = false ;
if ( hasRepositories ) {
for ( const repo of this . _repositories . values ( ) ) {
if ( ! hasConnectedRemotes ) {
hasConnectedRemotes = await repo . hasRichRemote ( true ) ;
if ( hasConnectedRemotes ) {
hasRichRemotes = true ;
hasRemotes = true ;
if ( ! hasRichRemotes ) {
hasRichRemotes = await repo . hasRichRemote ( ) ;
if ( hasRichRemotes ) {
hasRemotes = true ;
if ( ! hasRemotes ) {
hasRemotes = await repo . hasRemotes ( ) ;
if ( hasRemotes && hasRichRemotes && hasConnectedRemotes ) break ;
throw new Error ( ` Unsupported scheme: ${ repoPath . scheme } ` ) ;
await Promise . all ( [
setContext ( ContextKeys . HasRemotes , hasRemotes ) ,
setContext ( ContextKeys . HasRichRemotes , hasRichRemotes ) ,
setContext ( ContextKeys . HasConnectedRemotes , hasConnectedRemotes ) ,
] ) ;
return GitProviderId . Git ;
void updateRemoteContext . call ( this ) ;
private getProvider ( repoPath : string | Uri ) : { provider : GitProvider ; path : string } {
@ -467,6 +522,18 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
static getProviderId ( repoPath : string | Uri ) : GitProviderId {
if ( typeof repoPath !== 'string' && repoPath . scheme === DocumentSchemes . VirtualFS ) {
if ( repoPath . authority . startsWith ( 'github' ) ) {
return GitProviderId . GitHub ;
throw new Error ( ` Unsupported scheme: ${ repoPath . scheme } ` ) ;
return GitProviderId . Git ;
@log ( )
addRemote ( repoPath : string | Uri , name : string , url : string ) : Promise < void > {
const { provider , path } = this . getProvider ( repoPath ) ;
@ -1396,7 +1463,7 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
repo = provider . createRepository ( folder , rp , false ) ;
this . _repositories . set ( rp , repo ) ;
void this . updateContext ( this . _repositories ) ;
void this . updateContext ( ) ;
// Send a notification that the repositories changed
queueMicrotask ( ( ) = > this . _onDidChangeRepositories . fire ( { added : [ repo ! ] , removed : [ ] } ) ) ;
@ -1638,41 +1705,20 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
return repoPath === doc ? . uri . repoPath ;
isTrackable ( scheme : string ) : boolean ;
isTrackable ( uri : Uri ) : boolean ;
isTrackable ( schemeOruri : string | Uri ) : boolean {
const scheme = typeof schemeOruri === 'string' ? schemeOruri : schemeOruri.scheme ;
return (
scheme === DocumentSchemes . File ||
scheme === DocumentSchemes . Git ||
scheme === DocumentSchemes . GitLens ||
scheme === DocumentSchemes . PRs ||
scheme === DocumentSchemes . Vsls ||
scheme === DocumentSchemes . VirtualFS
) ;
isTrackable ( uri : Uri ) : boolean {
const { provider } = this . getProvider ( uri ) ;
return provider . isTrackable ( uri ) ;
async isTracked ( uri : GitUri ) : Promise < boolean > ;
async isTracked (
private async isTracked (
fileName : string ,
repoPath : string | Uri ,
options ? : { ref? : string ; skipCacheUpdate? : boolean } ,
) : Promise < boolean > ;
@log < GitProviderService [ ' isTracked ' ] > ( {
exit : tracked = > ` returned ${ tracked } ` ,
singleLine : true ,
} )
async isTracked (
fileNameOrUri : string | GitUri ,
repoPath? : string | Uri ,
options ? : { ref? : string ; skipCacheUpdate? : boolean } ,
) : Promise < boolean > {
if ( options ? . ref === GitRevision . deletedOrMissing ) return false ;
const { provider , path } = this . getProvider (
repoPath ? ? ( typeof fileNameOrUri === 'string' ? undefined ! : fileNameOrUri ) ,
) ;
return provider . isTracked ( fileNameOrUri , path , options ) ;
const { provider , path } = this . getProvider ( repoPath ) ;
return provider . isTracked ( fileName , path , options ) ;
@log ( )
@ -1814,7 +1860,8 @@ export class GitProviderService implements Disposable {
static getEncoding ( uri : Uri ) : string ;
static getEncoding ( repoPathOrUri : string | Uri , fileName? : string ) : string {
const uri = typeof repoPathOrUri === 'string' ? GitUri . resolveToUri ( fileName ! , repoPathOrUri ) : repoPathOrUri ;
return Git . getEncoding ( configuration . getAny < string > ( 'files.encoding' , uri ) ) ;
const encoding = configuration . getAny < string > ( 'files.encoding' , uri ) ;
return encoding != null && encodingExists ( encoding ) ? encoding : 'utf8' ;