- import type { Uri } from 'vscode';
- import type { Response } from '@env/fetch';
- import type { RequiredSubscriptionPlans, Subscription } from './subscription';
- import { isSubscriptionPaidPlan } from './subscription';
- export class AccessDeniedError extends Error {
- public readonly subscription: Subscription;
- public readonly required: RequiredSubscriptionPlans | undefined;
- constructor(subscription: Subscription, required: RequiredSubscriptionPlans | undefined) {
- let message;
- if (subscription.account?.verified === false) {
- message = 'Email verification required';
- } else if (required != null && isSubscriptionPaidPlan(required)) {
- message = 'Paid plan required';
- } else {
- message = 'Plan required';
- }
- super(message);
- this.subscription = subscription;
- this.required = required;
- Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, AccessDeniedError);
- }
- }
- export class AccountValidationError extends Error {
- readonly original?: Error;
- readonly statusCode?: number;
- readonly statusText?: string;
- constructor(message: string, original?: Error, statusCode?: number, statusText?: string) {
- message += `; status=${statusCode}: ${statusText}`;
- super(message);
- this.original = original;
- this.statusCode = statusCode;
- this.statusText = statusText;
- Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, AccountValidationError);
- }
- }
- export const enum AuthenticationErrorReason {
- UserDidNotConsent = 1,
- Unauthorized = 2,
- Forbidden = 3,
- }
- export class AuthenticationError extends Error {
- readonly id: string;
- readonly original?: Error;
- readonly reason: AuthenticationErrorReason | undefined;
- constructor(id: string, reason?: AuthenticationErrorReason, original?: Error);
- constructor(id: string, message?: string, original?: Error);
- constructor(id: string, messageOrReason: string | AuthenticationErrorReason | undefined, original?: Error) {
- let message;
- let reason: AuthenticationErrorReason | undefined;
- if (messageOrReason == null) {
- message = `Unable to get required authentication session for '${id}'`;
- } else if (typeof messageOrReason === 'string') {
- message = messageOrReason;
- reason = undefined;
- } else {
- reason = messageOrReason;
- switch (reason) {
- case AuthenticationErrorReason.UserDidNotConsent:
- message = `'${id}' authentication is required for this operation`;
- break;
- case AuthenticationErrorReason.Unauthorized:
- message = `Your '${id}' credentials are either invalid or expired`;
- break;
- case AuthenticationErrorReason.Forbidden:
- message = `Your '${id}' credentials do not have the required access`;
- break;
- }
- }
- super(message);
- this.id = id;
- this.original = original;
- this.reason = reason;
- Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, AuthenticationError);
- }
- }
- export class ExtensionNotFoundError extends Error {
- constructor(public readonly extensionId: string, public readonly extensionName: string) {
- super(
- `Unable to find the ${extensionName} extension (${extensionId}). Please ensure it is installed and enabled.`,
- );
- Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, ExtensionNotFoundError);
- }
- }
- export const enum OpenVirtualRepositoryErrorReason {
- RemoteHubApiNotFound = 1,
- NotAGitHubRepository = 2,
- GitHubAuthenticationNotFound = 3,
- GitHubAuthenticationDenied = 4,
- }
- export class OpenVirtualRepositoryError extends Error {
- readonly original?: Error;
- readonly reason: OpenVirtualRepositoryErrorReason | undefined;
- readonly repoPath: string;
- constructor(repoPath: string, reason?: OpenVirtualRepositoryErrorReason, original?: Error);
- constructor(repoPath: string, message?: string, original?: Error);
- constructor(
- repoPath: string,
- messageOrReason: string | OpenVirtualRepositoryErrorReason | undefined,
- original?: Error,
- ) {
- let message;
- let reason: OpenVirtualRepositoryErrorReason | undefined;
- if (messageOrReason == null) {
- message = `Unable to open the virtual repository: ${repoPath}`;
- } else if (typeof messageOrReason === 'string') {
- message = messageOrReason;
- reason = undefined;
- } else {
- reason = messageOrReason;
- message = `Unable to open the virtual repository: ${repoPath}; `;
- switch (reason) {
- case OpenVirtualRepositoryErrorReason.RemoteHubApiNotFound:
- message +=
- 'Unable to get required api from the GitHub Repositories extension. Please ensure that the GitHub Repositories extension is installed and enabled';
- break;
- case OpenVirtualRepositoryErrorReason.NotAGitHubRepository:
- message += 'Only GitHub repositories are supported currently';
- break;
- case OpenVirtualRepositoryErrorReason.GitHubAuthenticationNotFound:
- message += 'Unable to get required GitHub authentication';
- break;
- case OpenVirtualRepositoryErrorReason.GitHubAuthenticationDenied:
- message += 'GitHub authentication is required';
- break;
- }
- }
- super(message);
- this.original = original;
- this.reason = reason;
- this.repoPath = repoPath;
- Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, OpenVirtualRepositoryError);
- }
- }
- export class ProviderFetchError extends Error {
- get status() {
- return this.response.status;
- }
- get statusText() {
- return this.response.statusText;
- }
- constructor(provider: string, public readonly response: Response, errors?: { message: string }[]) {
- super(
- `${provider} request failed: ${!response.ok ? `(${response.status}) ${response.statusText}. ` : ''}${
- errors?.length ? errors[0].message : ''
- }`,
- );
- Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, ProviderFetchError);
- }
- }
- export class ProviderNotFoundError extends Error {
- constructor(pathOrUri: string | Uri | undefined) {
- super(
- `No provider registered for '${
- pathOrUri == null
- ? String(pathOrUri)
- : typeof pathOrUri === 'string'
- ? pathOrUri
- : pathOrUri.toString(true)
- }'`,
- );
- Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, ProviderNotFoundError);
- }
- }
- export class ProviderRequestClientError extends Error {
- constructor(public readonly original: Error) {
- super(original.message);
- Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, ProviderRequestClientError);
- }
- }
- export class ProviderRequestNotFoundError extends Error {
- constructor(public readonly original: Error) {
- super(original.message);
- Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, ProviderRequestNotFoundError);
- }
- }
- export class ProviderRequestRateLimitError extends Error {
- constructor(
- public readonly original: Error,
- public readonly token: string,
- public readonly resetAt: number | undefined,
- ) {
- super(original.message);
- Error.captureStackTrace?.(this, ProviderRequestRateLimitError);
- }
- }