- 'use strict';
- import { Disposable, Event, EventEmitter, TextDocument, TextDocumentChangeEvent, TextEditor, window, workspace } from 'vscode';
- import { CommandContext, setCommandContext } from './commands';
- import { TextDocumentComparer } from './comparers';
- import { GitService } from './gitService';
- export interface BlameabilityChangeEvent {
- blameable: boolean;
- editor: TextEditor;
- }
- export class BlameabilityTracker extends Disposable {
- private _onDidChange = new EventEmitter<BlameabilityChangeEvent>();
- get onDidChange(): Event<BlameabilityChangeEvent> {
- return this._onDidChange.event;
- }
- private _disposable: Disposable;
- private _documentChangeDisposable: Disposable;
- private _editor: TextEditor;
- private _isBlameable: boolean;
- constructor(private git: GitService) {
- super(() => this.dispose());
- const subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
- subscriptions.push(window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(this._onActiveTextEditorChanged, this));
- subscriptions.push(workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument(this._onTextDocumentSaved, this));
- subscriptions.push(this.git.onDidBlameFail(this._onBlameFailed, this));
- this._disposable = Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
- this._onActiveTextEditorChanged(window.activeTextEditor);
- }
- dispose() {
- this._disposable && this._disposable.dispose();
- this._documentChangeDisposable && this._documentChangeDisposable.dispose();
- }
- private _onActiveTextEditorChanged(editor: TextEditor) {
- this._editor = editor;
- let blameable = editor && editor.document && !editor.document.isDirty;
- if (blameable) {
- blameable = this.git.getBlameability(editor.document.fileName);
- }
- this._subscribeToDocumentChanges();
- this.updateBlameability(blameable, true);
- }
- private _onBlameFailed(key: string) {
- const fileName = this._editor && this._editor.document && this._editor.document.fileName;
- if (!fileName || key !== this.git.getCacheEntryKey(fileName)) return;
- this.updateBlameability(false);
- }
- private _onTextDocumentChanged(e: TextDocumentChangeEvent) {
- if (!TextDocumentComparer.equals(this._editor && this._editor.document, e && e.document)) return;
- // Can't unsubscribe here because undo doesn't trigger any other event
- //this._unsubscribeToDocumentChanges();
- //this.updateBlameability(false);
- // We have to defer because isDirty is not reliable inside this event
- setTimeout(() => this.updateBlameability(!e.document.isDirty), 1);
- }
- private _onTextDocumentSaved(e: TextDocument) {
- if (!TextDocumentComparer.equals(this._editor && this._editor.document, e)) return;
- // Don't need to resubscribe as we aren't unsubscribing on document changes anymore
- //this._subscribeToDocumentChanges();
- this.updateBlameability(!e.isDirty);
- }
- private _subscribeToDocumentChanges() {
- this._unsubscribeToDocumentChanges();
- this._documentChangeDisposable = workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(this._onTextDocumentChanged, this);
- }
- private _unsubscribeToDocumentChanges() {
- this._documentChangeDisposable && this._documentChangeDisposable.dispose();
- this._documentChangeDisposable = undefined;
- }
- private updateBlameability(blameable: boolean, force: boolean = false) {
- if (!force && this._isBlameable === blameable) return;
- setCommandContext(CommandContext.IsBlameable, blameable);
- this._onDidChange.fire({
- blameable: blameable,
- editor: this._editor
- });
- }
- }