- 'use strict';
- import * as fs from 'fs';
- import { EventEmitter, Uri } from 'vscode';
- import { GravatarDefaultStyle } from './config';
- import { GlobalState } from './constants';
- import { Container } from './container';
- import { GitRevisionReference } from './git/git';
- import { Functions, Iterables, Strings } from './system';
- import { MillisecondsPerDay, MillisecondsPerHour, MillisecondsPerMinute } from './system/date';
- import { ContactPresenceStatus } from './vsls/vsls';
- const _onDidFetchAvatar = new EventEmitter<{ email: string }>();
- _onDidFetchAvatar.event(
- Functions.debounce(() => {
- const avatars =
- avatarCache != null
- ? [
- ...Iterables.filterMap(avatarCache, ([key, avatar]) =>
- avatar.uri != null
- ? [
- key,
- {
- uri: avatar.uri.toString(),
- timestamp: avatar.timestamp,
- },
- ]
- : undefined,
- ),
- ]
- : undefined;
- void Container.context.globalState.update(GlobalState.Avatars, avatars);
- }, 1000),
- );
- export namespace Avatars {
- export const onDidFetch = _onDidFetchAvatar.event;
- }
- interface Avatar {
- uri?: Uri;
- fallback?: Uri;
- timestamp: number;
- retries: number;
- }
- interface SerializedAvatar {
- uri: string;
- timestamp: number;
- }
- let avatarCache: Map<string, Avatar> | undefined;
- const avatarQueue = new Map<string, Promise<Uri>>();
- const missingGravatarHash = '00000000000000000000000000000000';
- const presenceCache = new Map<ContactPresenceStatus, string>();
- const gitHubNoReplyAddressRegex = /^(?:(?<userId>\d+)\+)?(?<userName>[a-zA-Z\d-]{1,39})@users\.noreply\.github\.com$/;
- const retryDecay = [
- MillisecondsPerDay * 7, // First item is cache expiration (since retries will be 0)
- MillisecondsPerMinute,
- MillisecondsPerMinute * 5,
- MillisecondsPerMinute * 10,
- MillisecondsPerHour,
- MillisecondsPerDay,
- MillisecondsPerDay * 7,
- ];
- export function getAvatarUri(
- email: string | undefined,
- repoPathOrCommit: string | GitRevisionReference | undefined,
- { defaultStyle, size = 16 }: { defaultStyle?: GravatarDefaultStyle; size?: number } = {},
- ): Uri | Promise<Uri> {
- ensureAvatarCache(avatarCache);
- if (email == null || email.length === 0) {
- const avatar = createOrUpdateAvatar(
- `${missingGravatarHash}:${size}`,
- undefined,
- missingGravatarHash,
- size,
- defaultStyle,
- );
- return avatar.uri ?? avatar.fallback!;
- }
- const hash = Strings.md5(email.trim().toLowerCase(), 'hex');
- const key = `${hash}:${size}`;
- const avatar = createOrUpdateAvatar(
- key,
- getAvatarUriFromGitHubNoReplyAddress(email, size),
- hash,
- size,
- defaultStyle,
- );
- if (avatar.uri != null) return avatar.uri;
- let query = avatarQueue.get(key);
- if (query == null && repoPathOrCommit != null && hasAvatarExpired(avatar)) {
- query = getAvatarUriFromRemoteProvider(avatar, key, email, repoPathOrCommit, { size: size }).then(
- uri => uri ?? avatar.uri ?? avatar.fallback!,
- );
- avatarQueue.set(
- key,
- query.finally(() => avatarQueue.delete(key)),
- );
- }
- if (query != null) return query;
- return avatar.uri ?? avatar.fallback!;
- }
- function createOrUpdateAvatar(
- key: string,
- uri: Uri | undefined,
- hash: string,
- size: number,
- defaultStyle?: GravatarDefaultStyle,
- ): Avatar {
- let avatar = avatarCache!.get(key);
- if (avatar == null) {
- avatar = {
- uri: uri,
- fallback: getAvatarUriFromGravatar(hash, size, defaultStyle),
- timestamp: 0,
- retries: 0,
- };
- avatarCache!.set(key, avatar);
- } else if (avatar.fallback == null) {
- avatar.fallback = getAvatarUriFromGravatar(hash, size, defaultStyle);
- }
- return avatar;
- }
- function ensureAvatarCache(cache: Map<string, Avatar> | undefined): asserts cache is Map<string, Avatar> {
- if (cache == null) {
- const avatars: [string, Avatar][] | undefined = Container.context.globalState
- .get<[string, SerializedAvatar][]>(GlobalState.Avatars)
- ?.map<[string, Avatar]>(([key, avatar]) => [
- key,
- {
- uri: Uri.parse(avatar.uri),
- timestamp: avatar.timestamp,
- retries: 0,
- },
- ]);
- avatarCache = new Map<string, Avatar>(avatars);
- }
- }
- function hasAvatarExpired(avatar: Avatar) {
- return Date.now() >= avatar.timestamp + retryDecay[Math.min(avatar.retries, retryDecay.length - 1)];
- }
- function getAvatarUriFromGravatar(
- hash: string,
- size: number,
- defaultStyle: GravatarDefaultStyle = GravatarDefaultStyle.Robot,
- ): Uri {
- return Uri.parse(`https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/${hash}.jpg?s=${size}&d=${defaultStyle}`);
- }
- function getAvatarUriFromGitHubNoReplyAddress(email: string, size: number = 16): Uri | undefined {
- const match = gitHubNoReplyAddressRegex.exec(email);
- if (match == null) return undefined;
- const [, userId, userName] = match;
- return Uri.parse(`https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/${userId ? `u/${userId}` : userName}?size=${size}`);
- }
- async function getAvatarUriFromRemoteProvider(
- avatar: Avatar,
- key: string,
- email: string,
- repoPathOrCommit: string | GitRevisionReference,
- { size = 16 }: { size?: number } = {},
- ) {
- ensureAvatarCache(avatarCache);
- try {
- let account;
- if (Container.config.integrations.enabled) {
- // if (typeof repoPathOrCommit === 'string') {
- // const remote = await Container.git.getRichRemoteProvider(repoPathOrCommit);
- // account = await remote?.provider.getAccountForEmail(email, { avatarSize: size });
- // } else {
- if (typeof repoPathOrCommit !== 'string') {
- const remote = await Container.git.getRichRemoteProvider(repoPathOrCommit.repoPath);
- account = await remote?.provider.getAccountForCommit(repoPathOrCommit.ref, { avatarSize: size });
- }
- }
- if (account == null) {
- // If we have no account assume that won't change (without a reset), so set the timestamp to "never expire"
- avatar.uri = undefined;
- avatar.timestamp = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
- avatar.retries = 0;
- return undefined;
- }
- avatar.uri = Uri.parse(account.avatarUrl);
- avatar.timestamp = Date.now();
- avatar.retries = 0;
- if (account.email != null && Strings.equalsIgnoreCase(email, account.email)) {
- avatarCache.set(`${Strings.md5(account.email.trim().toLowerCase(), 'hex')}:${size}`, { ...avatar });
- }
- _onDidFetchAvatar.fire({ email: email });
- return avatar.uri;
- } catch {
- avatar.uri = undefined;
- avatar.timestamp = Date.now();
- avatar.retries++;
- return undefined;
- }
- }
- export function getPresenceDataUri(status: ContactPresenceStatus) {
- let dataUri = presenceCache.get(status);
- if (dataUri == null) {
- const contents = fs
- .readFileSync(Container.context.asAbsolutePath(`images/dark/icon-presence-${status}.svg`))
- .toString('base64');
- dataUri = encodeURI(`data:image/svg+xml;base64,${contents}`);
- presenceCache.set(status, dataUri);
- }
- return dataUri;
- }
- export function resetAvatarCache(reset: 'all' | 'failed' | 'fallback') {
- switch (reset) {
- case 'all':
- void Container.context.globalState.update(GlobalState.Avatars, undefined);
- avatarCache?.clear();
- avatarQueue.clear();
- break;
- case 'failed':
- for (const avatar of avatarCache?.values() ?? []) {
- // Reset failed requests
- if (avatar.uri == null) {
- avatar.timestamp = 0;
- avatar.retries = 0;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'fallback':
- for (const avatar of avatarCache?.values() ?? []) {
- avatar.fallback = undefined;
- }
- break;
- }
- }