- # GitLens
- Provides Git CodeLens information (most recent commit, # of authors), on-demand inline blame annotations, status bar blame information, file and blame history explorers, and commands to compare changes with the working tree or previous versions.
- ## Features
- - Provides (optional) **CodeLens** on code blocks:
- - **Recent Change** - author and date of the most recent check-in for that block
- - Clicking on the CodeLens opens a **file history explorer** (by default) with the all the file commits in the right pane and the commit (file) contents on the left
- - **Authors** - number of authors of a block and the most prominent author (if there are more than one)
- - Clicking on the CodeLens toggles Git blame annotations on/off (by default)
- - Provides on-demand **inline blame annotations** with multiple styles (compact, expanded, and trailing)
- - Provides (optional) Git blame information about the selected line in the **status bar**
- - Clicking on the status bar toggles Git blame annotations on/off (by default)
- - Provides (optional) Git blame information about the selected line to the right of the line
- - Provides a Git **file history explorer** to visualize the history of a file
- - Provides a Git **blame history explorer** to visualize the blame history of a file or block
- - Provides ability to **compare diffs** with the working tree as well as with previous versions
- - Provides many configuration settings to allow the **customization** of almost all features
- ## Screenshots
- ## Extension Settings
- |Name | Description
- |-----|------------
- |`gitlens.blame.annotation.style`|Specifies the style of the blame annotations. `compact` - groups annotations to limit the repetition and also adds author and date when possible. `expanded` - shows an annotation on every line
- |`gitlens.blame.annotation.highlight`|Specifies whether and how to highlight blame annotations. `none` - no highlight. `gutter` - adds a gutter icon. `line` - adds a full-line highlight. `both` - adds both `gutter` and `line` highlights
- |`gitlens.blame.annotation.sha`|Specifies whether the commit sha will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
- |`gitlens.blame.annotation.author`|Specifies whether the committer will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
- |`gitlens.blame.annotation.date`|Specifies whether the commit date will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
- |`gitlens.blame.annotation.message`|Specifies whether the commit message will be shown in the blame annotations. Applies only to the `expanded` & `trailing` annotation styles
- |`gitlens.blame.annotation.activeLine`|Specifies whether and how to show blame annotations on the active line. `off` - no annotation. `inline` - adds a trailing annotation to the active line. `hover` - adds hover annotation to the active line. `both` - adds both `inline` and `hover` annotations
- |`gitlens.codeLens.visibility`|Specifies when CodeLens will be triggered in the active document. `auto` - automatically. `ondemand` - only when requested. `off` - disables all active document CodeLens
- |`gitlens.codeLens.location`|Specifies where CodeLens will be rendered in the active document. `all` - render at the top of the document, on container-like (classes, modules, etc), and on member-like (methods, functions, properties, etc) lines. `document+containers` - render at the top of the document and on container-like lines. `document` - only render at the top of the document. `custom` - rendering controlled by `gitlens.codeLens.locationCustomSymbols`
- |`gitlens.codeLens.locationCustomSymbols`|Specifies the set of document symbols to render active document CodeLens on. Must be a member of `SymbolKind`
- |`gitlens.codeLens.languageLocations`|Specifies where CodeLens will be rendered in the active document for the specified languages
- |`gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.enabled`|Specifies whether the recent change CodeLens is shown
- |`gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command`|Specifies the command executed when the recent change CodeLens is clicked. `gitlens.toggleBlame` - toggles blame annotations. `gitlens.showBlameHistory` - opens the blame history explorer. `gitlens.showFileHistory` - opens the file history explorer. `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - compares the current checked-in file with the previous commit. `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows a file history picker
- |`gitlens.codeLens.authors.enabled`|Specifies whether the authors CodeLens is shown
- |`gitlens.codeLens.authors.command`|Specifies the command executed when the authors CodeLens is clicked. `gitlens.toggleBlame` - toggles blame annotations. `gitlens.showBlameHistory` - opens the blame history explorer. `gitlens.showFileHistory` - opens the file history explorer. `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - compares the current checked-in file with the previous commit. `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows a file history picker
- |`gitlens.menus.diff.enabled`|Specifies whether diff commands will be added to the context menus
- |`gitlens.statusBar.enabled`|Specifies whether blame information is shown in the status bar
- |`gitlens.statusBar.command`|"Specifies the command executed when the blame status bar item is clicked. `gitlens.toggleBlame` - toggles blame annotations. `gitlens.showBlameHistory` - opens the blame history explorer. `gitlens.showFileHistory` - opens the file history explorer. `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - compares the current checked-in file with the previous commit. `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows a file history picker
- ## Known Issues
- - Visible whitespace causes issue ([vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/11485)) with `expanded` & `compact` blame annotations when using a non-monospace font -- use `gitlens.advanced.toggleWhitespace.enabled` if you are using a non-monospace font
- - Menu `alt` commands aren't working: [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/15395)