- import type { MessageItem } from 'vscode';
- import { ConfigurationTarget, window } from 'vscode';
- import { SuppressedMessages } from './config';
- import { Commands } from './constants';
- import type { GitCommit } from './git/models/commit';
- import { executeCommand } from './system/command';
- import { configuration } from './system/configuration';
- import { Logger } from './system/logger';
- import { LogLevel } from './system/logger.constants';
- export function showCommitHasNoPreviousCommitWarningMessage(commit?: GitCommit): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- if (commit == null) {
- return showMessage('info', 'There is no previous commit.', SuppressedMessages.CommitHasNoPreviousCommitWarning);
- }
- return showMessage(
- 'info',
- `Commit ${commit.shortSha} (${commit.author.name}, ${commit.formattedDate}) has no previous commit.`,
- SuppressedMessages.CommitHasNoPreviousCommitWarning,
- );
- }
- export function showCommitNotFoundWarningMessage(message: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- return showMessage('warn', `${message}. The commit could not be found.`, SuppressedMessages.CommitNotFoundWarning);
- }
- export async function showCreatePullRequestPrompt(branch: string): Promise<boolean> {
- const create = { title: 'Create Pull Request...' };
- const result = await showMessage(
- 'info',
- `Would you like to create a Pull Request for branch '${branch}'?`,
- SuppressedMessages.CreatePullRequestPrompt,
- { title: "Don't Show Again" },
- create,
- );
- return result === create;
- }
- export async function showDebugLoggingWarningMessage(): Promise<boolean> {
- const disable = { title: 'Disable Debug Logging' };
- const result = await showMessage(
- 'warn',
- 'GitLens debug logging is currently enabled. Unless you are reporting an issue, it is recommended to be disabled. Would you like to disable it?',
- SuppressedMessages.SuppressDebugLoggingWarning,
- { title: "Don't Show Again" },
- disable,
- );
- return result === disable;
- }
- export async function showGenericErrorMessage(message: string): Promise<void> {
- if (Logger.enabled(LogLevel.Error)) {
- const result = await showMessage('error', `${message}. See output channel for more details.`, undefined, null, {
- title: 'Open Output Channel',
- });
- if (result != null) {
- Logger.showOutputChannel();
- }
- } else {
- const result = await showMessage(
- 'error',
- `${message}. If the error persists, please enable debug logging and try again.`,
- undefined,
- null,
- {
- title: 'Enable Debug Logging',
- },
- );
- if (result != null) {
- void executeCommand(Commands.EnableDebugLogging);
- }
- }
- }
- export function showFileNotUnderSourceControlWarningMessage(message: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- return showMessage(
- 'warn',
- `${message}. The file is probably not under source control.`,
- SuppressedMessages.FileNotUnderSourceControlWarning,
- );
- }
- export function showGitDisabledErrorMessage() {
- return showMessage(
- 'error',
- 'GitLens requires Git to be enabled. Please re-enable Git \u2014 set `git.enabled` to true and reload.',
- SuppressedMessages.GitDisabledWarning,
- );
- }
- export function showGitInvalidConfigErrorMessage() {
- return showMessage(
- 'error',
- 'GitLens is unable to use Git. Your Git configuration seems to be invalid. Please resolve any issues with your Git configuration and reload.',
- );
- }
- export function showGitMissingErrorMessage() {
- return showMessage(
- 'error',
- "GitLens was unable to find Git. Please make sure Git is installed. Also ensure that Git is either in the PATH, or that 'git.path' is pointed to its installed location.",
- SuppressedMessages.GitMissingWarning,
- );
- }
- export function showGitVersionUnsupportedErrorMessage(
- version: string,
- required: string,
- ): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- return showMessage(
- 'error',
- `GitLens requires a newer version of Git (>= ${required}) than is currently installed (${version}). Please install a more recent version of Git.`,
- SuppressedMessages.GitVersionWarning,
- );
- }
- export function showPreReleaseExpiredErrorMessage(version: string) {
- return showMessage(
- 'error',
- `This GitLens pre-release version (${version}) has expired. Please upgrade to a more recent version.`,
- );
- }
- export function showLineUncommittedWarningMessage(message: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- return showMessage(
- 'warn',
- `${message}. The line has uncommitted changes.`,
- SuppressedMessages.LineUncommittedWarning,
- );
- }
- export function showNoRepositoryWarningMessage(message: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- return showMessage('warn', `${message}. No repository could be found.`, SuppressedMessages.NoRepositoryWarning);
- }
- export function showRebaseSwitchToTextWarningMessage(): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- return showMessage(
- 'warn',
- 'Closing either the git-rebase-todo file or the Rebase Editor will start the rebase.',
- SuppressedMessages.RebaseSwitchToTextWarning,
- );
- }
- export function showIntegrationDisconnectedTooManyFailedRequestsWarningMessage(
- providerName: string,
- ): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- return showMessage(
- 'error',
- `Rich integration with ${providerName} has been disconnected for this session, because of too many failed requests.`,
- SuppressedMessages.IntegrationDisconnectedTooManyFailedRequestsWarning,
- undefined,
- {
- title: 'OK',
- },
- );
- }
- export function showIntegrationRequestFailed500WarningMessage(message: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- return showMessage('error', message, SuppressedMessages.IntegrationRequestFailed500Warning, undefined, {
- title: 'OK',
- });
- }
- export function showIntegrationRequestTimedOutWarningMessage(providerName: string): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- return showMessage(
- 'error',
- `${providerName} request timed out.`,
- SuppressedMessages.IntegrationRequestTimedOutWarning,
- undefined,
- {
- title: 'OK',
- },
- );
- }
- export async function showWhatsNewMessage(version: string) {
- const reset = { title: 'Switch to New Layout' };
- const result = await showMessage(
- 'info',
- `Upgraded to GitLens ${version} — [see what's new](https://help.gitkraken.com/gitlens/gitlens-release-notes-current/ "See what's new in GitLens ${version}").\nWe've reimagined and rearranged our views for greater focus and productivity, and recommend switching to the new layout — [learn more and tell us what you think](https://github.com/gitkraken/vscode-gitlens/discussions/2721 "Learn more about what's changed")!`,
- undefined,
- null,
- reset,
- );
- if (result === reset) {
- void executeCommand(Commands.ResetViewsLayout);
- }
- }
- export async function showMessage(
- type: 'info' | 'warn' | 'error',
- message: string,
- suppressionKey?: SuppressedMessages,
- dontShowAgain: MessageItem | null = { title: "Don't Show Again" },
- ...actions: MessageItem[]
- ): Promise<MessageItem | undefined> {
- Logger.log(`ShowMessage(${type}, '${message}', ${suppressionKey}, ${JSON.stringify(dontShowAgain)})`);
- if (suppressionKey != null && configuration.get(`advanced.messages.${suppressionKey}` as const)) {
- Logger.log(`ShowMessage(${type}, '${message}', ${suppressionKey}, ${JSON.stringify(dontShowAgain)}) skipped`);
- return undefined;
- }
- if (suppressionKey != null && dontShowAgain !== null) {
- actions.push(dontShowAgain);
- }
- let result: MessageItem | undefined = undefined;
- switch (type) {
- case 'info':
- result = await window.showInformationMessage(message, ...actions);
- break;
- case 'warn':
- result = await window.showWarningMessage(message, ...actions);
- break;
- case 'error':
- result = await window.showErrorMessage(message, ...actions);
- break;
- }
- if (suppressionKey != null && (dontShowAgain === null || result === dontShowAgain)) {
- Logger.log(
- `ShowMessage(${type}, '${message}', ${suppressionKey}, ${JSON.stringify(
- dontShowAgain,
- )}) don't show again requested`,
- );
- await suppressedMessage(suppressionKey);
- if (result === dontShowAgain) return undefined;
- }
- Logger.log(
- `ShowMessage(${type}, '${message}', ${suppressionKey}, ${JSON.stringify(dontShowAgain)}) returned ${
- result != null ? result.title : result
- }`,
- );
- return result;
- }
- function suppressedMessage(suppressionKey: SuppressedMessages) {
- const messages = { ...configuration.get('advanced.messages') };
- messages[suppressionKey] = true;
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(messages)) {
- if (value !== true) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete
- delete messages[key as keyof typeof messages];
- }
- }
- return configuration.update('advanced.messages', messages, ConfigurationTarget.Global);
- }