- ## Release Notes
- ### 3.0.2
- - Changes required Git version to `2.11.0`
- ### 3.0.1
- - Adds basic telemetry -- honors the vscode telemetry configuration setting
- ### 3.0.0
- - Adds experimental support for `Open in GitHub` to the relevant quick picks -- need to enable it via `"gitlens.insiders": true`
- - Adds an update notification for feature releases
- - Adds `Show Branch History` command (`gitlens.showQuickBranchHistory`) to show the history of the selected branch
- - Adds `Show Last Opened Quick Pick` command (`gitlens.showLastQuickPick`) to re-open the previously opened quick pick - helps to get back to previous context
- - Adds `alt+-` shortcut for the `Show Last Opened Quick Pick` command (`gitlens.showLastQuickPick`)
- - Adds upstream status information (if available) to the repository status pick pick
- - Adds file status rollup information to the repository status pick pick
- - Adds file status rollup information to the commit details quick pick
- - Adds `Compare with...` (`gitlens.diffWithBranch`) command to compare working file to another branch (via branch quick pick)
- - Adds branch quick pick to `Directory Compare` (`gitlens.diffDirectory`) command
- - Adds support for `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` command execution via CodeLens to limit results to the CodeLens block
- - Adds current branch to branch quick pick placeholder
- - Adds `Show Branch History` command to the branch history quick pick when showing only limited commits (e.g. starting at a specified commit)
- - Adds `Show File History` command to the file history quick pick when showing only limited commits (e.g. starting at a specified commit)
- - Adds `Don't Show Again` option to the unsupported git version notification
- - Changes `Show Repository History` command to `Show Current Branch History`
- - Changes `Repository History` terminology to `Branch History`
- - Fixes issue with `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command execution via CodeLens when the CodeLens was not at the document/file level
- - Fixes issue where full shas were displayed on the file/blame history explorers
- - Fixes [#30](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/30) - Diff with Working Tree fails from repo/commit quickpick list if file was renamed (and the commit was before the rename)
- - Fixes various other quick pick command issues when a file was renamed
- - Fixes various issues when caching is disabled
- - Fixes issues with parsing commits history
- - Fixes various issues with merge commits
- ### 2.12.2
- - Fixes [#50](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/50) - excludes container-level CodeLens from `html` and `vue` language files
- ### 2.12.1
- - Adds `gitlens.advanced.codeLens.debug` setting to control whether or not to show debug information in CodeLens
- - Fixes issue where `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` command fails to open when there is no active editor
- ### 2.12.0
- - Adds progress indicator for the `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` & `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` quick picks
- - Adds paging support to the `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` & `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` quick picks
- - Adds `Show Previous Commits` command
- - Adds `Show Next Commits` command
- - Adds keyboard page navigation via `alt+,` (previous) & `alt+.` (next) on the `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` & `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` quick picks
- - Adds keyboard commit navigation via `alt+,` (previous) & `alt+.` (next) on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` & `gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` quick picks
- - Changes behavior of `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` & `gitlens.showFileHistory` to no longer show merge commits
- - Changes `gitlens.copyShaToClipboard` to copy the full sha, rather than short sha
- - Changes internal tracking to use full sha (rather than short sha)
- ### 2.11.2
- - Adds `gitlens.diffWithNext` command to open a diff with the next commit
- - Adds `alt+.` shortcut for the `gitlens.diffWithNext` command
- - Changes `shift+alt+p` shortcut to `alt+,` for the `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command
- - Changes `alt+p` shortcut to `shift+alt+,` for the `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` command
- - Removes `gitlens.toggleCodeLens` from Command Palette when not available
- - Removes `gitlens.toggleCodeLens` shortcut key when not available
- - Fixes (#45)[https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/45] - Keyboard Shortcut collision with Project Manager
- ### 2.11.1
- - Adds blame and active line annotation support to git diff split view (right side)
- - Adds command (compare, copy sha/message, etc) support to git diff split view (right side)
- - Fixes intermittent issues when toggling whitespace for blame annotations
- ### 2.11.0
- - Adds `gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` command to show a quick pick list of details for a file commit
- - Adds `gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` command to CodeLens
- - Adds `gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` command to the status bar
- - Adds `gitlens.closeUnchangedFiles` command to close any editors that don't have uncommitted changes
- - Adds `gitlens.openChangedFiles` command to open all files that have uncommitted changes
- - Adds `Directory Compare` (`gitlens.diffDirectory`) command to open the configured git difftool to compare directory versions
- - Adds `Directory Compare with Previous Commit` command on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick
- - Adds `Directory Compare with Working Tree` command on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick
- - Adds a `Changed Files` grouping on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick
- - Adds a `Close Unchanged Files` command on the `gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus` quick pick
- - Adds a contextual description to the `go back` command in quick pick lists
- - Changes layout of the `gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus` quick pick for better clarity
- - Changes behavior of `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` to show commit a quick pick list of details for a commit
- - Changes default of `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command` to be `gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` (though there is no visible behavior change)
- - Renames `Open Files` to `Open Changed Files` on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick
- - Renames `Open Working Files` to `Open Changed Working Files` on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick
- - Renames `Show Changed Files` to `Show Commit Details` on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` quick pick
- - Renames `Open Files` to `Open Changed Files` on the `gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus` quick pick
- - Fixes [#44](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/43) by adding a warning message about Git version requirements
- - Fixes intermittent errors when adding active line annotations
- - Fixes intermittent errors when opening multiple files via quick picks
- ### 2.10.1
- - Fixes [#43](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/43) - File-level CodeLens isn't using the blame of the whole file as it should
- - Fixes issue with single quotes (') in annotations
- - Fixes output channel logging (also adds more debug information to CodeLens -- when enabled)
- ### 2.10.0
- - Adds blame and active line annotation support to git diff split view
- - Adds command (compare, copy sha/message, etc) support to git diff split view
- - Fixes startup failure if caching was disabled
- - Fixes missing `Compare Line with Previous Commit` context menu item
- - Fixes [#41](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/41) - Toggle Blame annotations on compare files page
- - Fixes issue with undo (to a saved state) not causing annotations to reappear properly
- - Attempts to fix [#42](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/42) - Cursor on Uncommitted message
- ### 2.9.0
- - To accomodate the realization that blame information is invalid when a file has unsaved changes, the following behavior changes have been made
- - Status bar blame information will hide
- - CodeLens change to a `Cannot determine...` message and become unclickable
- - Many menu choices and commands will hide
- - Fixes [#38](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/38) - Toggle Blame Annotation button shows even when it isn't valid
- - Fixes [#36](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/36) - Blame information is invalid when a file has unsaved changes
- ### 2.8.2
- - Adds `gitlens.blame.annotation.dateFormat` to specify how absolute commit dates will be shown in the blame annotations
- - Adds `gitlens.statusBar.date` to specify whether and how the commit date will be shown in the blame status bar
- - Adds `gitlens.statusBar.dateFormat` to specify how absolute commit dates will be shown in the blame status bar
- - Fixes [#39](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/39) - Add date format options for status bar blame
- ### 2.8.1
- - Fixes issue where `Compare with *` commands fail to open when there is no active editor
- ### 2.8.0
- - Adds new `Open File` command on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list to open the commit version of the file
- - Adds new `Open File` command on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list to open the commit version of the files
- - Adds `alt+left` keyboard shortcut in quick pick list to `go back`
- - Adds `alt+right` keyboard shortcut in quick pick list to execute the currently selected item while keeping the quick pick open (in most cases)
- - `alt+right` keyboard shortcut on commit details file name, will open the commit version of the file
- - Indents the file statuses on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Renames `Open File` to `Open Working File` on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Renames `Open File` and `Open Working Files` on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Reorders some quick pick lists
- - Fixes [#34](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/34) - Open file should open the selected version of the file
- - Fixes some issue where some editors opened by the quickpick would not be opened in preview tabs
- - Fixes issue where copy to clipboard commands would fail if there was no active editor
- - Fixes issue where active line annotations would show for opened versioned files
- - Fixes issue where CodeLens compare commands on opened versioned files would fail
- ### 2.7.1
- - Adds proper support for multi-line commit messages
- - Fixes [#33](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/33) - Commit message styled as title in popup, when message starts with hash symbol
- ### 2.7.0
- - Adds file status icons (added, modified, deleted, etc) to the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Adds `Copy Commit Sha to Clipboard` command to commit files quick pick list
- - Adds `Copy Commit Message to Clipboard` command to commit files quick pick list
- - Changes `Show Commit History` to `Show File History` on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Changes `Show Previous Commit History` to `Show Previous File History` on the `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Fixes issue with repository status when there are no changes
- - Fixes issue with `.` showing in the path of quick pick lists
- - Fixes logging to clean up on extension deactivate
- ### 2.6.0
- - Adds `gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus` command to show a quick pick list of files changed including status icons (added, modified, deleted, etc)
- - Adds `alt+s` shortcut for the `gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus` command
- ### 2.5.6
- - Fixes [#32](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/32) - 00000000 Uncommitted changes distracting
- ### 2.5.5
- - Fixes [#25](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/25) - Blame information isn't updated after git operations (commit, reset, etc)
- ### 2.5.4
- - Fixes extra spacing in annotations
- ### 2.5.3
- - Fixes [#27](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/27) - Annotations are broken in vscode insider build
- ### 2.5.2
- - Adds `Open File` command to `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Adds `Open Files` command to `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Changes `Not Committed Yet` author for uncommitted changes to `Uncommitted`
- - Improves performance of git-log operations in `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` and `gitlens.diffWithWorking` commands
- - Fixes showing `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list for uncommitted changes -- now shows the previous commit details
- ### 2.5.1
- - Adds `gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard` command to copy commit message to the clipboard
- - Adds `gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard` to the editor content menu
- - Adds `Copy Commit Message to Clipboard` command to `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Changes behavior of `gitlens.copyShaToClipboard` to copy the sha of the most recent commit to the repository if there is no active editor
- - Changes behavior of `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` to execute `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` if there is no active editor
- - Fixes issue where shortcut keys weren't disabled if GitLens was disabled
- ### 2.5.0
- - Overhauls the `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory`, `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory`, and `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick lists
- - Adds `Show Repository History` command to `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` quick pick list
- - Adds `Show Previous Commits History` command to `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Adds `Show Commits History` command to `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Adds `Copy Commit Sha to Clipboard` command to `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Adds `Show Changed Files` command to `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` quick pick list
- - Adds more robust `go back` navigation in quick pick lists
- - Adds commit message to placeholder text of many quick pick lists
- - Adds icons for some commands
- - Adds `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command to the editor content menu
- - Adds `gitlens.diffWithWorking` command to the editor content menu
- - Adds `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` and `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` commands to CodeLens
- - Adds `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` and `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` commands to the status bar
- - Changes the default command of `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command` to `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails`
- - Changes the default command of `gitlens.statusBar.command` to `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails`
- - Changes behavior of `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` to show commit commands rather than file set (use `Show Changed Files` command to get to the file set)
- - Changes `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command to behave as `gitlens.diffWithWorking` if the file has uncommitted changes
- - Renames `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command from `Diff Commit with Previous` to `Compare with Previous Commit`
- - Renames `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` command from `Diff Commit (line) with Previous` to `Compare Line with Previous Commit`
- - Renames `gitlens.diffWithWorking` command from `Diff Commit with Working Tree` to `Compare with Working Tree`
- - Renames `gitlens.diffLineWithWorking` command from `Diff Commit (line) with Working Tree` to `Compare Line with Working Tree`
- - Fixes issues with certain git commands not working on Windows
- - Fixes [#31](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/31) - Disable gitlens if the project does not have `.git` folder
- - Fixes issue where quick pick lists could fail if there was no active editor
- - Fixes CodeLens not updating in response to configuration changes
- ### 2.1.1
- - Fixes overzealous active line annotation updating on document changes
- ### 2.1.0
- - Adds a new GitLens logo and changes all images to svg
- - Adds `alt+p` shortcut for the `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` command
- - Adds `shift+alt+p` shortcut for the `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command
- - Adds `alt+w` shortcut for the `gitlens.diffLineWithWorking` command
- - Adds `shift+alt+w` shortcut for the `gitlens.diffWithWorking` command
- - Adds `gitlens.copyShaToClipboard` command to copy commit sha to the clipboard ([#28](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/28))
- - Adds `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` command to show a quick pick list of details for a commit
- - Adds `go back` choice to `gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails`, `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory`, and `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` quick pick lists
- - Adds `gitlens.blame.annotation.highlight` to specify whether and how to highlight blame annotations ([#24](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/24))
- - Greatly improves performance of line navigation when either active line annotations or status bar blame is enabled
- - Fixes [#29](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/29) - Commit info tooltip duplicated for current line when blame is enabled
- - Fixes issue where sometimes the commit history shown wasn't complete
- - Fixes issues with `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` and `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` not following renames properly
- - Fixes issues with `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` and `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` not always grabbing the correct commit
- ### 2.0.2
- - Adds auto-enable of whitespace toggling when using font-ligatures because of [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/11485)
- - Adds `gitlens.blame.annotation.characters.*` settings to provide some control over how annotations are displayed
- - Fixes [#22](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/22) - Cannot read property 'sha' of undefined
- ### 2.0.1
- - Fixes [#26](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/26) - Active line annotation doesn't disappear properly after delete
- ### 2.0.0
- - Adds `gitlens.blame.annotation.activeLine` to specify whether and how to show blame annotations on the active line
- - Adds full commit message (rather than just summary) to active line hover if `gitlens.blame.annotation.activeLine` is not `off`
- - Adds new `trailing` blame annotation style -- adds annotations after the code lines rather than before
- - Adds `gitlens.blame.annotation.message` to show the commit message in `expanded` and `trailing` blame annotation styles
- - Adds support for relative dates in blame annotations. Use `gitlens.blame.annotation.date`
- - Changes the design of hover annotations -- much cleaner now
- - Disables automatic whitespace toggling by default as it is seemingly no longer needed as [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/11485) seems fixed. It can be re-enabled with `gitlens.advanced.toggleWhitespace.enabled`
- - Fixes issue where the status bar blame would get stuck switching between editors
- - Fixes issue where CodeLens aren't updated properly after a file is saved
- - Re-adds context menu for `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` -- since [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/15395)
- - Re-adds context menu for `gitlens.diffLineWithWorking` -- since [vscode issue](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/15395)
- ### 1.4.3
- - Adds some logging to hopefully trap [#22](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/22) - Cannot read property 'sha' of undefined
- - Fixes issue with the latest insiders build (1.9.0-insider f67f87c5498d9361c0b29781c341fd032815314b) where there is a collision of document schemes
- ### 1.4.2
- - Fixes issue where file history wouldn't compare correctly to working tree if the filename had changed
- ### 1.4.1
- - Adds `gitlens.advanced.gitignore.enabled` to enable/disable .gitignore parsing. Addresses [#20](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/20) - Nested .gitignore files can cause blame to fail with a repo within another repo
- ### 1.4.0
- - Adds `alt+h` shortcut for the `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` command
- - Adds `shift+alt+h` shortcut for the `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` command
- - Adds `gitlens.advanced.maxQuickHistory` to limit the number of quick history entries to show (for better performance); Defaults to 200
- - Adds `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` as `alt` context menu item for `gitlens.diffWithPrevious`
- - Adds `gitlens.diffLineWithWorking` as `alt` context menu item for `gitlens.diffWithWorking`
- - Adds `gitlens.showFileHistory` as `alt` context menu item for `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory`
- - Removes context menu for `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` -- since it is now the `alt` of `gitlens.diffWithPrevious`
- - Removes context menu for `gitlens.diffLineWithWorking` -- since it is now the `alt` of `gitlens.diffWithWorking`
- - Replaces `gitlens.menus.fileDiff.enabled` and `gitlens.menus.lineDiff.enabled` with `gitlens.menus.diff.enabled` -- since the switch between file and line diff is now controlled by the `alt` key
- ### 1.3.1
- - Renames `Diff` commands for better clarity
- - Removes `Git` from the commands as it feels unnecessary
- - Reorders the context menu commands
- - Adds `Diff Commit with Working Tree` to the explorer context menu (assuming `gitlens.menus.fileDiff.enabled` is `true`)
- - Adds `Diff Commit with Working Tree` & `Diff Commit with Previous` to the editor title context menu (assuming `gitlens.menus.fileDiff.enabled` is `true`)
- ### 1.3.0
- - Adds support for blame and history (log) on files opened via compare commands -- allows for deep navigation through git history
- ### 1.2.0
- - Adds compare (working vs previous) options to repository history
- - Adds compare (working vs previous) options to file history
- - Fixes issue with repository history compare with commits with multiple files
- ### 1.1.1
- - Allows `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` command to run without an open editor (falls back to the folder repository)
- - Adds logging for tracking [#18](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/18) - GitLens only displayed for some files
- ### 1.1.0
- - Adds new `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` command to show the file history in a quick-pick list (palette)
- - Adds new `gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` command to show the repository history in a quick-pick list (palette)
- - Adds `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` option to the `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command`, `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command`, and `gitlens.statusBar.command` settings
- - Removes `git.viewFileHistory` option from the `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command`, `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command`, and `gitlens.statusBar.command` settings
- - Changes the `gitlens.statusBar.command` settings default to `gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` instead of `gitlens.toggleBlame`
- ### 1.0.2
- - Fixes [#16](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/16) - incorrect 'Unable to find Git' message
- ### 1.0.0
- - Adds support for git history (log)!
- - Adds support for blame annotations and git commands on file revisions
- - Adds ability to show multiple blame annotation at the same time (one per vscode editor)
- - Adds new `gitlens.showFileHistory` command to open the history explorer
- - Adds new `gitlens.showFileHistory` option to the `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command`, `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command`, and `gitlens.statusBar.command` settings
- - Adds per-language CodeLens location customization using the `gitlens.codeLens.languageLocations` setting
- - Adds new `gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious` command for line sensitive diffs
- - Adds new `gitlens.diffLineWithWorking` command for line sensitive diffs
- - Adds `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command to the explorer context menu
- - Adds output channel logging, controlled by the `gitlens.advanced.output.level` setting
- - Switches on-demand CodeLens to be a global toggle (rather than per file)
- - Complete rewrite of the blame annotation provider to reduce overhead and provide better performance
- - Improves performance of the CodeLens support
- - Improves performance (significantly) when only showing CodeLens at the document level
- - Improves performance of status bar blame support
- - Changes `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` command to always be file sensitive diffs
- - Changes `gitlens.diffWithWorking` command to always be file sensitive diffs
- - Removes all debug logging, unless the `gitlens.advanced.debug` settings it on
- - Fixes many (most?) issues with whitespace toggling (required because of https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/11485)
- - Fixes issue where blame annotations would not be cleared properly when switching between open files
- ### 0.5.5
- - Fixes another off-by-one issue when diffing with caching
- ### 0.5.4
- - Fixes off-by-one issues with blame annotations without caching and when diffing with a previous version
- ### 0.5.3
- - Adds better uncommitted hover message in blame annotations
- - Adds more protection for dealing with uncommitted lines
- ### 0.5.2
- - Fixes loading issue on Linux
- ### 0.5.1
- - Adds blame information in the status bar
- - Add new status bar settings -- see **Extension Settings** above for details
- - Renames the `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command` & `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command` settings options (to align with command names)
- - Adds new `gitlens.diffWithPrevious` option to the `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command` & `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command` settings
- - Fixes Diff with Previous when the selection is uncommitted
- - Removes `gitlens.blame.annotation.useCodeActions` setting and behavior
- ### 0.3.3
- - Fixes [#7](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/7) - missing spawn-rx dependency (argh!)
- ### 0.3.2
- - Fixes [#7](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/7) - missing lodash dependency
- ### 0.3.1
- - Adds new CodeLens visibility & location settings -- see **Extension Settings** above for details
- - Adds new command to toggle CodeLens on and off when `gitlens.codeLens.visibility` is set to `ondemand`
- ### 0.2.0
- - Fixes [#1](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/1) - Support blame on files outside the workspace repository
- - Replaces blame regex parsing with a more robust parser
- - Fixes failures with Diff with Previous command
- - Fixes issues with blame explorer CodeLens when dealing with previous commits
- - Fixes display issues with compact blame annotations (now skips blank lines)
- ### 0.1.3
- - Improved blame annotations, now with sha and author by default
- - Add new blame annotation styles -- compact and expanded (default)
- - Adds many new configuration settings; see **Extension Settings** above for details
- ### 0.0.7
- - Fixes [#4](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/4) - Absolute paths fail on Windows due to backslash (Really!)
- - Fixes [#5](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/5) - Finding first non-white-space fails sometimes
- - Adds .gitignore checks to reduce the number of blame calls
- ### 0.0.6
- - Fixes [#2](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/2) - [request] Provide some debug info when things fail
- - Fixes [#4](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/issues/4) - Absolute paths fail on Windows due to backslash
- - Attempts to scroll to the correct position when opening a diff
- ### 0.0.5
- - Fixes issues where filename changes in history would cause diffs to fails
- - Fixes some issues with uncommitted blames
- - Removes CodeLens from fields and single-line properties to reduce visual noise
- - Automatically turns off blame only when required now
- ### 0.0.4
- - Candidate for preview release on the vscode marketplace.
- ### 0.0.1
- - Initial release but still heavily a work in progress.