- import fs from 'fs';
- const packageJSONPromises = Promise.all([
- import('../package.json', { assert: { type: 'json' } }),
- import('../dist/icons-contribution.json', { assert: { type: 'json' } }),
- ]);
- const scssPromises = Promise.all([
- fs.promises.readFile('./dist/glicons.scss', 'utf8'),
- fs.promises.readFile('./src/webviews/apps/shared/glicons.scss', 'utf8'),
- ]);
- let pending = [];
- // Update the icons contribution point in package.json
- const [{ default: packageJSON }, { default: icons }] = await packageJSONPromises;
- if (JSON.stringify(packageJSON.contributes.icons) !== JSON.stringify(icons.icons)) {
- packageJSON.contributes.icons = icons;
- const json = `${JSON.stringify(packageJSON, undefined, '\t')}\n`;
- pending.push(fs.promises.writeFile('./package.json', json));
- }
- // Update the scss file
- const [newScss, scss] = await scssPromises;
- if (scss !== newScss) {
- pending.push(fs.promises.writeFile('./src/webviews/apps/shared/glicons.scss', newScss));
- }
- pending.push(fs.promises.rm('./dist/icons-contribution.json'), fs.promises.rm('./dist/glicons.scss'));
- await Promise.allSettled(pending);