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- <p align="center">
- <br />
- <a title="Learn more about GitLens" href="https://gitlens.amod.io"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/gitlens-logo.png" alt="GitLens Logo" /></a>
- </p>
- > GitLens **supercharges** the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code. It helps you to **visualize code authorship** at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, **seamlessly navigate and explore** Git repositories, **gain valuable insights** via powerful comparison commands, and so much more.
- <p align="center">
- <br />
- <a title="What's New in GitLens 11" href="https://gitlens.amod.io/#whats-new"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/whats-new-button.png" alt="What's New in GitLens 11 Button" /></a>
- </p>
- ## Sponsor GitLens
- <p align="center">Sponsored by</p>
- <p align="center" style="margin:8px 0 8px 0;">
- <a title="Try CodeStream — Pull Requests and Code Reviews in your IDE" href="https://sponsorlink.codestream.com/?utm_source=vscmarket&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=gitlens"><img src="https://alt-images.codestream.com/codestream_logo_gitlens_vscmarket.png" alt="CodeStream Logo — Pull Requests and Code Reviews in your IDE" /></a>
- </p>
- <p align="center" style="margin:8px 0 8px 0;">
- <a title="Visit Embark Studios" href="https://embark-studios.com"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/sponsors/embark-studios_dark.png" alt="Embark Studios Logo"/></a>
- </p>
- <p align="center" style="margin:8px 0 8px 0;">
- <a title="Visit Localize" href="https://localizejs.com"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/sponsors/localize_dark.png" alt="Localize Logo"/></a>
- </p>
- If you find GitLens useful, please consider [**sponsoring**](https://gitlens.amod.io/#sponsor) it. And if you use GitLens for work, please encourage your employer to [**sponsor**](https://gitlens.amod.io/#sponsor) it. Also please [write a review](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=eamodio.gitlens#review-details 'Write a review'), [star it on GitHub](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens 'Star it on GitHub'), and [follow me on Twitter](https://twitter.com/eamodio 'Follow me on Twitter')
- # GitLens
- [GitLens](https://gitlens.amod.io 'Learn more about GitLens') is an [open-source](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens 'Open GitLens on GitHub') extension for [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com) created by [Eric Amodio](https://www.amod.io 'Learn more about Eric').
- GitLens simply helps you **better understand code**. Quickly glimpse into whom, why, and when a line or code block was changed. Jump back through history to **gain further insights** as to how and why the code evolved. Effortlessly explore the history and evolution of a codebase.
- GitLens is **powerful**, **feature rich**, and [highly customizable](#gitlens-settings- 'Jump to the GitLens settings docs') to meet your needs. Do you find code lens intrusive or the current line blame annotation distracting — no problem, quickly turn them off or change how they behave via the interactive [_GitLens Settings_ editor](#configuration 'Jump to Configuration'). For advanced customizations, refer to the [GitLens docs](#gitlens-settings- 'Jump to GitLens settings') and edit your [user settings](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/settings 'Open User settings').
- Here are just some of the **features** that GitLens provides,
- - effortless [**revision navigation**](#revision-navigation- 'Jump to Revision Navigation') (backwards and forwards) through the history of a file
- - an unobtrusive [**current line blame**](#current-line-blame- 'Jump to Current Line Blame') annotation at the end of the line showing the commit and author who last modified the line, with more detailed blame information accessible on [**hover**](#hovers- 'Jump to Hovers')
- - [**authorship code lens**](#git-code-lens- 'Jump to Git Code Lens') showing the most recent commit and number of authors at the top of files and/or on code blocks
- - a [**status bar blame**](#status-bar-blame- 'Jump to Status Bar Blame') annotation showing the commit and author who last modified the current line
- - on-demand **file annotations** in the editor gutter, including
- - [**blame**](#gutter-blame- 'Jump to Gutter Blame') — shows the commit and author who last modified each line of a file
- - [**changes**](#gutter-changes- 'Jump to Gutter Changes') — highlights any local (unpublished) changes or lines changed by the most recent commit
- - [**heatmap**](#gutter-heatmap- 'Jump to Gutter Heatmap') — shows how recently lines were changed, relative to all the other changes in the file and to now (hot vs. cold)
- - many rich **Side Bar views**
- - a [**_Commits_ view**](#commits-view- 'Jump to the Commits view') to visualize, explore, and manage Git commits
- - a [**_Repositories_ view**](#repositories-view- 'Jump to the Repositories view') to visualize, explore, and manage Git repositories
- - a [**_File History_ view**](#file-history-view- 'Jump to the File History view') to visualize, navigate, and explore the revision history of the current file or just the selected lines of the current file
- - a [**_Line History_ view**](#line-history-view- 'Jump to the Line History view') to visualize, navigate, and explore the revision history of the selected lines of the current file
- - a [**_Branches_ view**](#branches-view- 'Jump to the Branches view') to visualize, explore, and manage Git branches
- - a [**_Remotes_ view**](#remotes-view- 'Jump to the Remotes view') to visualize, explore, and manage Git remotes and remote branches
- - a [**_Stashes_ view**](#stashes-view- 'Jump to the Stashes view') to visualize, explore, and manage Git stashes
- - a [**_Tags_ view**](#tags-view- 'Jump to the Tags view') to visualize, explore, and manage Git tags
- - a [**_Contributors_ view**](#contributors-view- 'Jump to the Contributors view') to visualize, navigate, and explore contributors
- - a [**_Search & Compare_ view**](#search--compare-view- 'Jump to the Search & Compare view') to search and explore commit histories by message, author, files, id, etc, or visualize comparisons between branches, tags, commits, and more
- - a [**Git Command Palette**](#git-command-palette- 'Jump to the Git Command Palette') to provide guided (step-by-step) access to many common Git commands, as well as quick access to
- - [commits](#quick-commit-access- 'Jump to Quick Commit Access') — history and search
- - [stashes](#quick-stash-access- 'Jump to Quick Stash Access')
- - [status](#quick-status-access- 'Jump to Quick Status Access') — current branch and working tree status
- - a user-friendly [**interactive rebase editor**](#interactive-rebase-editor- 'Jump to the Interactive Rebase Editor') to easily configure an interactive rebase session
- - [**terminal links**](#terminal-links- 'Jump to Terminal Links') — `ctrl+click` on autolinks in the integrated terminal to quickly jump to more details for commits, branches, tags, and more
- - rich [**remote provider integrations**](#remote-provider-integrations- 'Jump to Remote Provider Integrations') — GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps
- - issue and pull request auto-linking
- - rich hover information provided for linked issues and pull requests (GitHub only)
- - associates pull requests with branches and commits (GitHub only)
- - many [**powerful commands**](#powerful-commands- 'Jump to Powerful Commands') for navigating and comparing revisions, and more
- - user-defined [**modes**](#modes- 'Jump to Modes') for quickly toggling between sets of settings
- - and so much more 😁
- # Features
- ## Revision Navigation [#](#revision-navigation- 'Revision Navigation')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/revision-navigation.gif" alt="Revision Navigation" />
- </p>
- - Adds an _Open Changes with Previous Revision_ command (`gitlens.diffWithPrevious`) to compare the current file or revision with the previous commit revision
- - Adds an _Open Changes with Next Revision_ command (`gitlens.diffWithNext`) to compare the current file or revision with the next commit revision
- - Adds an _Open Line Changes with Previous Revision_ command (`gitlens.diffLineWithPrevious`) to compare the current file or revision with the previous line commit revision
- - Adds an _Open Changes with Working File_ command (`gitlens.diffWithWorking`) to compare the current revision or most recent commit revision of the current file with the working tree
- - Adds an _Open Line Changes with Working File_ command (`gitlens.diffLineWithWorking`) to compare the commit revision of the current line with the working tree
- - Adds an _Open Changes with Branch or Tag..._ command (`gitlens.diffWithRevisionFrom`) to compare the current file or revision with another revision of the same file on the selected reference
- - Adds an _Open Changes with Revision..._ command (`gitlens.diffWithRevision`) to compare the current file or revision with another revision of the same file
- ## Current Line Blame [#](#current-line-blame- 'Current Line Blame')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/current-line-blame.png" alt="Current Line Blame" />
- </p>
- - Adds an unobtrusive, [customizable](#current-line-blame-settings- 'Jump to the Current Line Blame settings'), and [themable](#themable-colors- 'Jump to the Themable Colors'), **blame annotation** at the end of the current line
- - Contains the author, date, and message of the current line's most recent commit (by [default](#current-line-blame-settings- 'Jump to the Current Line Blame settings'))
- - Adds a _Toggle Line Blame Annotations_ command (`gitlens.toggleLineBlame`) to toggle the blame annotation on and off
- ## Git Code Lens [#](#git-code-lens- 'Git Code Lens')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/code-lens.png" alt="Git Code Lens" />
- </p>
- - Adds Git authorship **code lens** to the top of the file and on code blocks ([optional](#git-code-lens-settings- 'Jump to the Git Code Lens settings'), on by default)
- - **Recent Change** — author and date of the most recent commit for the file or code block
- - Click the code lens to show a **commit file details quick pick menu** with commands for comparing, navigating and exploring commits, and more (by [default](#git-code-lens-settings- 'Jump to the Code Lens settings'))
- - **Authors** — number of authors of the file or code block and the most prominent author (if there is more than one)
- - Click the code lens to toggle the file Git blame annotations on and off of the whole file (by [default](#git-code-lens-settings- 'Jump to the Git Code Lens settings'))
- - Will be hidden if the author of the most recent commit is also the only author of the file or block, to avoid duplicate information and reduce visual noise
- - Provides [customizable](#git-code-lens-settings- 'Jump to the Git Code Lens settings') click behavior for each code lens — choose between one of the following
- - Toggle file blame annotations on and off
- - Compare the commit with the previous commit
- - Show a quick pick menu with details and commands for the commit
- - Show a quick pick menu with file details and commands for the commit
- - Show a quick pick menu with the commit history of the file
- - Show a quick pick menu with the commit history of the current branch
- - Adds a _Toggle Git Code Lens_ command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) with a shortcut of `shift+alt+b` to toggle the code lens on and off
- ## Status Bar Blame [#](#status-bar-blame- 'Status Bar Blame')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/status-bar.png" alt="Status Bar Blame" />
- </p>
- - Adds a [customizable](#status-bar-settings- 'Jump to the Status Bar Blame settings') **Git blame annotation** showing the commit and author who last modified the current line to the **status bar** ([optional](#status-bar-settings- 'Jump to the Status Bar Blame settings'), on by default)
- - Contains the commit author and date (by [default](#status-bar-settings- 'Jump to the Status Bar Blame settings'))
- - Click the status bar item to show a **commit details quick pick menu** with commands for comparing, navigating and exploring commits, and more (by [default](#status-bar-settings- 'Jump to the Status Bar Blame settings'))
- - Provides [customizable](#status-bar-settings- 'Jump to the Status Bar Blame settings') click behavior — choose between one of the following
- - Toggle file blame annotations on and off
- - Toggle code lens on and off
- - Compare the line commit with the previous commit
- - Compare the line commit with the working tree
- - Show a quick pick menu with details and commands for the commit (default)
- - Show a quick pick menu with file details and commands for the commit
- - Show a quick pick menu with the commit history of the file
- - Show a quick pick menu with the commit history of the current branch
- ## Hovers [#](#hovers- 'Hovers')
- ### Current Line Hovers
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/hovers-current-line.png" alt="Current Line Hovers" />
- </p>
- - Adds [customizable](#hover-settings- 'Jump to the Hover settings') Git blame hovers accessible over the current line
- #### Details Hover
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/hovers-current-line-details.png" alt="Current Line Details Hover" />
- </p>
- - Adds a **details hover** annotation to the current line to show more commit details ([optional](#hover-settings- 'Jump to the Hover settings'), on by default)
- - Provides **automatic issue linking** to Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps in commit messages
- - Provides a **quick-access command bar** with _Open Changes_, _Blame Previous Revision_, _Open on Remote_, _Invite to Live Share_ (if available), and _Show More Actions_ command buttons
- - Click the commit SHA to execute the _Show Commit_ command
- #### Changes (diff) Hover
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/hovers-current-line-changes.png" alt="Current Line Changes (diff) Hover" />
- </p>
- - Adds a **changes (diff) hover** annotation to the current line to show the line's previous version ([optional](#hover-settings- 'Jump to the Hover settings'), on by default)
- - Click the **Changes** to execute the _Open Changes_ command
- - Click the current and previous commit SHAs to execute the _Show Commit_ command
- ### Annotation Hovers
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/hovers-annotations.png" alt="Annotation Hovers" />
- </p>
- - Adds [customizable](#hover-settings- 'Jump to the Hover settings') Git blame hovers accessible when annotating
- ### Details Hover
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/hovers-annotations-details.png" alt="Annotations Details Hover" />
- </p>
- - Adds a **details hover** annotation to each line while annotating to show more commit details ([optional](#hover-settings- 'Jump to the Hover settings'), on by default)
- - Provides **automatic issue linking** to Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, and Azure DevOps in commit messages
- - Provides a **quick-access command bar** with _Open Changes_, _Blame Previous Revision_, _Open on Remote_, _Invite to Live Share_ (if available), and _Show More Actions_ command buttons
- - Click the commit SHA to execute the _Show Commit_ command
- ### Changes (diff) Hover
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/hovers-annotations-changes.png" alt="Annotations Changes (diff) Hover" />
- </p>
- - Adds a **changes (diff) hover** annotation to each line while annotating to show the line's previous version ([optional](#hover-settings- 'Jump to the Hover settings'), on by default)
- - Click the **Changes** to execute the _Open Changes_ command
- - Click the current and previous commit SHAs to execute the _Show Commit_ command
- ## Gutter Blame [#](#gutter-blame- 'Gutter Blame')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/gutter-blame.png" alt="Gutter Blame">
- </p>
- - Adds on-demand, [customizable](#gutter-blame-settings- 'Jump to the Gutter Blame settings'), and [themable](#themable-colors- 'Jump to Themable Colors'), **gutter blame annotations** to show the commit and author who last modified each line of a file
- - Contains the commit message and date, by [default](#gutter-blame-settings- 'Jump to the Gutter Blame settings')
- - Adds a **heatmap** (age) indicator on right edge (by [default](#gutter-blame-settings- 'Jump to the Gutter Blame settings')) of the gutter to provide an easy, at-a-glance way to tell how recently lines were changed ([optional](#gutter-blame-settings- 'Jump to the Gutter Blame settings'), on by default)
- - See the [gutter heatmap](#gutter-Heatmap- 'Jump to Gutter Heatmap') section below for more details
- - Adds a _Toggle File Blame Annotations_ command (`gitlens.toggleFileBlame`) with a shortcut of `alt+b` to toggle the blame annotations on and off
- - Press `Escape` to turn off the annotations
- ## Gutter Changes [#](#gutter-changes- 'Gutter Changes')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/gutter-changes.png" alt="Gutter Changes" />
- </p>
- - Adds an on-demand, [customizable](#gutter-changes-settings- 'Jump to the Gutter Changes settings') and [themable](#themable-colors- 'Jump to Themable Colors'), **gutter changes annotation** to highlight any local (unpublished) changes or lines changed by the most recent commit
- - Adds _Toggle File Changes Annotations_ command (`gitlens.toggleFileChanges`) to toggle the changes annotations on and off
- - Press `Escape` to turn off the annotations
- ## Gutter Heatmap [#](#gutter-heatmap- 'Gutter Heatmap')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/gutter-heatmap.png" alt="Gutter Heatmap" />
- </p>
- - Adds an on-demand **heatmap** to the edge of the gutter to show how recently lines were changed
- - The indicator's [customizable](#gutter-heatmap-settings- 'Jump to the Gutter Heatmap settings') color will either be hot or cold based on the age of the most recent change (cold after 90 days by [default](#gutter-heatmap-settings- 'Jump to the Gutter Heatmap settings'))
- - The indicator's brightness ranges from bright (newer) to dim (older) based on the relative age, which is calculated from the median age of all the changes in the file
- - Adds _Toggle File Heatmap Annotations_ command (`gitlens.toggleFileHeatmap`) to toggle the heatmap on and off
- - Press `Escape` to turn off the annotations
- ## Side Bar Views [#](#side-bar-views- 'Side Bar Views')
- ### Commits view [#](#commits-view- 'Commits view')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/commits-view.png" alt="Commits view" />
- </p>
- A [customizable](#commits-view-settings- 'Jump to the Commits view settings') view to visualize, explore, and manage Git commits
- The _Commits_ view lists all of the commits on the current branch, and additionally provides,
- - a toggle to switch between showing all commits or just your own commits
- - a toggle to change the file layout: list, tree, auto
- - a branch comparison tool (**Compare <current branch> with <branch, tag, or ref>**) — [optionally](#commits-view-settings- 'Jump to the Commits view settings') shows a comparison of the current branch (or working tree) to a user-selected reference
- - **Behind** — lists the commits that are missing from the current branch (i.e. behind) but exist in the selected reference
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed in the behind commits
- - **Ahead** — lists the commits that the current branch has (i.e. ahead) but are missing in the selected reference
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed in the ahead commits
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed between the compared references
- - the current branch status — shows the upstream status of the current branch
- - **Publish <current branch> to <remote>** — shown when the current branch has not been published to a remote
- - **Up to date with <remote>** — shown when the current branch is up to date with the upstream remote
- - **Changes to push to <remote>** — lists of all the files changed in the unpublished commits when the current branch has (unpublished) commits that waiting to be pushed to the upstream remote
- - **Changes to pull from <remote>** — lists all of the commits waiting to be pulled when the current branch has commits that are waiting to be pulled from the upstream remote
- - any associated pull request — shows any opened pull request associated with the current branch
- ---
- ### Repositories view [#](#repositories-view- 'Repositories view')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/repositories-view.png" alt="Repositories view" />
- </p>
- A hidden by default, [customizable](#repositories-view-settings- 'Jump to the Repositories view settings') view to visualize, explore, and manage Git repositories
- The Repositories view lists opened Git repositories, and additionally provides,
- - a toggle to automatically refresh the repository on changes
- - a toggle to change the file layout: list, tree, auto
- - an icon indicator to show the current branch's upstream status (if available)
- - _No dot_ — unpushlished or up to date with the upstream remote
- - _Green dot_ — has changes unpublished (ahead)
- - _Red dot_ — has changes un-pulled (behind)
- - _Yellow dot_ — both unpublished and un-pulled changes
- - a branch comparison tool (**Compare <current branch> with <branch, tag, or ref>**) — [optionally](#repositories-view-settings- 'Jump to the Repositories view settings') shows a comparison of the current branch (or working tree) to a user-selected reference
- - the current branch status — shows the upstream status of the current branch (if not up to date)
- - **Publish <current branch> to remote** — shown when the current branch has not been published to a remote
- - **Changes to push to <remote>** — lists of all the files changed in the unpublished commits when the current branch has (unpublished) commits that waiting to be pushed to the upstream remote
- - **Changes to pull from <remote>** — lists all of the commits waiting to be pulled when the current branch has commits that are waiting to be pulled from the upstream remote
- - any associated pull request — shows any opened pull request associated with the current branch
- - **Behind** — lists the commits that are missing from the current branch (i.e. behind) but exist in the selected reference
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed between the compared references
- - **Ahead** — lists the commits that the current branch has (i.e. ahead) but are missing in the selected reference
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed between the compared references
- - the changed files — lists all of the files changed by the unpublished (unpushed) commits and [optionally](#repositories-view-settings- 'Jump to the Repositories view settings') any working tree changes
- - the current branch commits — similar to the [Commits view](#commits-view- 'Commits view')
- - the local branches — similar to the [Branches view](#branches-view- 'Branches view')
- - the contributors — similar to the [Contributors view](#contributors-view- 'Contributors view')
- - any incoming activity (experimental) — lists the command, branch (if available), and date of recent incoming activity (merges and pulls) to your local repository
- - the remotes and remote branches — similar to the [Remotes view](#remotes-view- 'Remotes view')
- - the stashes — similar to the [Stashes view](#stashes-view- 'Stashes view')
- - the tags — similar to the [Tags view](#tags-view- 'Tags view')
- ---
- ### File History view [#](#file-history-view- 'File History view')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/file-history-view.png" alt="File History view" />
- </p>
- A [customizable](#file-history-view-settings- 'Jump to the File History view settings') view to visualize, navigate, and explore the revision history of the current file or just the selected lines of the current file
- The file history view lists all of the commits that changed the current file on the current branch, and additionally provides,
- - a toggle to pin (pause) the automatic tracking of the current editor
- - a toggle to switch between file and line history, i.e. show all commits of the current file, or just the selected lines of the current file
- - the ability to change the current base branch or reference when computing the file or line history
- - (file history only) a toggle to follow renames across the current file
- - (file history only) a toggle to show commits from all branches rather than just from the current base branch or reference
- ---
- ### Line History view [#](#line-history-view- 'Line History view')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/line-history-view.png" alt="Line History view" />
- </p>
- A hidden by default, [customizable](#line-history-view-settings- 'Jump to the Line History view settings') view to visualize, navigate, and explore the revision history of the selected lines of the current file
- The line history view lists all of the commits that changed the selected lines of the current file on the current branch, and additionally provides,
- - a toggle to pin (pause) the automatic tracking of the current editor
- - the ability to change the current base branch or reference when computing the line history
- ---
- ### Branches view [#](#branches-view- 'Branches view')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/branches-view.png" alt="Branches view" />
- </p>
- A [customizable](#branches-view-settings- 'Jump to the Branches view settings') view to visualize, explore, and manage Git branches
- The _Branches_ view lists all of the local branches, and additionally provides,
- - a toggle to change the branch layout: list or tree
- - a toggle to change the file layout: list, tree, auto
- - an indicator (check-mark) if the branch is the current branch
- - an icon indicator to show the branch's upstream status (if available)
- - _No dot_ — unpushlished or up to date with the upstream remote
- - _Green dot_ — has changes unpublished (ahead)
- - _Red dot_ — has changes un-pulled (behind)
- - _Yellow dot_ — both unpublished and un-pulled changes
- - a branch comparison tool (**Compare <branch> with <branch, tag, or ref>**) — [optionally](#branches-view-settings- 'Jump to the Branches view settings') shows a comparison of the branch to a user-selected reference
- - **Behind** — lists the commits that are missing from the branch (i.e. behind) but exist in the selected reference
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed in the behind commits
- - **Ahead** — lists the commits that the branch has (i.e. ahead) but are missing in the selected reference
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed in the ahead commits
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed between the compared references
- - the branch status — shows the upstream status of the branch
- - **Publish <branch> to <remote>** — shown when the current branch has not been published to a remote
- - **Changes to push to <remote>** — lists of all the files changed in the unpublished commits when the branch has (unpublished) commits that waiting to be pushed to the upstream remote
- - **Changes to pull from <remote>** — lists all of the commits waiting to be pulled when the branch has commits that are waiting to be pulled from the upstream remote
- - any associated pull request — shows any pull request associated with the branch
- ---
- ### Remotes view [#](#remotes-view- 'Remotes view')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/remotes-view.png" alt="Remotes view" />
- </p>
- A [customizable](#remotes-view-settings- 'Jump to the Remotes view settings') view to visualize, explore, and manage Git remotes and remote branches
- The _Remotes_ view lists all of the remotes and their remote branches, and additionally provides,
- - a toggle to change the branch layout: list or tree
- - a toggle to change the file layout: list, tree, auto
- - a toggle to connect to a supported remote providers to enable a rich integration with pull requests, issues, avatars, and more
- ---
- ### Stashes view [#](#stashes-view- 'Stashes view')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/stashes-view.png" alt="Stashes view" />
- </p>
- A [customizable](#stashes-view-settings- 'Jump to the Stashes view settings') view to visualize, explore, and manage Git stashes
- The _Stashes_ view lists all of the stashes, and additionally provides,
- - a toggle to change the file layout: list, tree, auto
- ---
- ### Tags view [#](#tags-view- 'Tags view')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/tags-view.png" alt="Tags view" />
- </p>
- A [customizable](#tags-view-settings- 'Jump to the Tags view settings') view to visualize, explore, and manage Git tags
- The _Tags_ view lists all of the tags, and additionally provides,
- - a toggle to change the tag layout: list or tree
- - a toggle to change the file layout: list, tree, auto
- ---
- ### Contributors view [#](#contributors-view- 'Contributors view')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/contributors-view.png" alt="Contributors view" />
- </p>
- A hidden by default, [customizable](#contributors-view-settings- 'Jump to the Contributors view settings') view to visualize, navigate, and explore contributors
- The _Contributors_ view lists all of the contributors, and additionally provides,
- - a toggle to change the file layout: list, tree, auto
- ---
- ### Search & Compare view [#](#search--compare-view- 'Search & Compare view')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/search-and-compare-view.png" alt="Search & Compare view" />
- </p>
- A hidden by default, [customizable](#search--compare-view-settings- 'Jump to the Search & Compare view settings') view to search and explore commit histories by message, author, files, id, etc, or visualize comparisons between branches, tags, commits, and more
- The _Search & Compare_ view lists pinnable (saved) results for searching commit histories or for comparison operations, and additionally provides,
- - a toggle to keep previous results when new results are added
- - a toggle to change the file layout: list, tree, auto
- - pinnable search — lists all of the commits that match the search query
- - Search results can be provided by the following commands
- - _Search Commits_ command (`gitlens.showCommitSearch`) can search
- - by message — use `<message>` to find commits with messages that match `<message>` — See [Git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt---grepltpatterngt 'Open Git docs')
- - or, by author — use `@<pattern>` to find commits with authors that match `<pattern>` — See [Git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt---authorltpatterngt 'Open Git docs')
- - or, by commit SHA — use `#<sha>` to find a commit with SHA of `<sha>` — See [Git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt-ltrevisionrangegt 'Open Git docs')
- - or, by files — use `:<path/glob>` to find commits with file names that match `<path/glob>` — See [Git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt---ltpathgt82308203 'Open Git docs')
- - or, by changes — use `~<pattern>` to find commits with differences whose patch text contains added/removed lines that match `<pattern>` — See [Git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt--Gltregexgt 'Open Git docs')
- - _Show File History_ command (`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory`)
- - _Show Commit_ command (`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails`)
- - pinnable comparison — shows a comparison of the two user-selected references
- - **Behind** — lists the commits that are missing from the branch (i.e. behind) but exist in the selected reference
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed in the behind commits
- - **Ahead** — lists the commits that the branch has (i.e. ahead) but are missing in the selected reference
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed in the ahead commits
- - **# files changed** — lists all of the files changed between the compared references
- - Comparision results can be provided by the following commands
- - _Compare with Upstream_ command (`gitlens.views.compareWithUpstream`)
- - _Compare with Working Tree_ command (`gitlens.views.compareWithWorking`)
- - _Compare with HEAD_ command (`gitlens.views.compareWithHead`)
- - _Compare with Selected_ command (`gitlens.views.compareWithSelected`)
- - _Compare Ancestry with Working Tree_ command (`gitlens.views.compareAncestryWithWorking`)
- ## Git Command Palette [#](#git-command-palette- 'Git Command Palette')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/git-command-palette.png" alt="Git Command Palette" />
- </p>
- - Adds a [customizable](#git-command-palette-settings- 'Jump to the Git Command Palette settings') _Git Command Palette_ command (`gitlens.gitCommands`) to provide guided (step-by-step) access to many common Git commands, as well as quick access to commit history and search, stashes, and more
- - Quickly navigate and execute Git commands through easy-to-use menus where each command can require an explicit confirmation step before executing
- ### Quick Commit Access [#](#quick-commit-access- 'Quick Commit Access')
- - Adds a _Show Branch History_ command (`gitlens.showQuickBranchHistory`) to show a quick pick menu to explore the commit history of the selected branch
- - Adds a _Show Current Branch History_ command (`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory`) to show a quick pick menu to explore the commit history of the current branch
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/menu-branch-history.png" alt="Branch History Quick Pick Menu" />
- </p>
- - Adds a _Show File History_ command (`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory`) to show quick pick menu to explore the commit history of the current file
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/menu-file-history.png" alt="File History Quick Pick Menu" />
- </p>
- - Adds a _Search Commits_ command (`gitlens.showCommitSearch`) to show quick pick menu to search for commits
- - by message — use `<message>` to find commits with messages that match `<message>` — See [Git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt---grepltpatterngt 'Open Git docs')
- - or, by author — use `@<pattern>` to find commits with authors that match `<pattern>` — See [Git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt---authorltpatterngt 'Open Git docs')
- - or, by commit SHA — use `#<sha>` to find a commit with id of `<sha>` — See [Git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt-ltrevisionrangegt 'Open Git docs')
- - or, by files — use `:<path/glob>` to find commits with file names that match `<path/glob>` — See [Git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt---ltpathgt82308203 'Open Git docs')
- - or, by changes — use `~<pattern>` to find commits with differences whose patch text contains added/removed lines that match `<pattern>` — See [Git docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt--Gltregexgt 'Open Git docs')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/menu-commit-search.png" alt="Commit Search Quick Pick Menu" />
- </p>
- - Adds a _Show Commit_ command (`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails`) to show a quick pick menu to explore a commit and take action upon it
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/menu-commit-details.png" alt="Commit Details Quick Pick Menu" />
- </p>
- - Adds a _Show Line Commit_ command (`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails`) to show a quick pick menu to explore a file of a commit and take action upon it
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/menu-commit-file-details.png" alt="Commit File Details Quick Pick Menu" />
- </p>
- ### Quick Stash Access [#](#quick-stash-access- 'Quick Stash Access')
- - Adds a _Show Stashes_ command (`gitlens.showQuickStashList`) to show a quick pick menu to explore your stashes
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/menu-stash-list.png" alt="Stashes Quick Pick Menu" />
- </p>
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/menu-stash-details.png" alt="Stash Details Quick Pick Menu" />
- </p>
- ### Quick Status Access [#](#quick-status-access- 'Quick Status Access')
- - Adds a _Show Repository Status_ command (`gitlens.showQuickRepoStatus`) to show a quick pick menu to for visualizing the current repository status
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/menu-repo-status.png" alt="Repository Status Quick Pick Menu" />
- </p>
- ## Interactive Rebase Editor [#](#interactive-rebase-editor- 'Interactive Rebase Editor')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/rebase.gif" alt="Interactive Rebase Editor" />
- </p>
- - Adds a user-friendly interactive rebase editor to more easily configure an interactive rebase session
- - Quickly re-order, edit, squash, and drop commits
- - Includes drag & drop support!
- - To use this directly from your terminal, e.g. when running `git rebase -i`,
- - set VS Code as your default Git editor
- - `git config --global core.editor "code --wait"`
- - or, to only affect rebase, set VS Code as your Git rebase editor
- - `git config --global sequence.editor "code --wait"`
- > To use the Insiders edition of VS Code, replace `code` in the above with `code-insiders`
- ## Terminal Links [#](#terminal-links- 'Terminal Links')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/terminal-links.gif" alt="Terminal Links" />
- </p>
- - Adds autolinks for branches, tags, and commit ranges in the integrated terminal to quickly explore their commit history
- - Adds autolinks for commits in the integrated terminal to quickly explore the commit and take action upon it
- ## Remote Provider Integrations [#](#remote-provider-integrations- 'Remote Provider Integrations')
- GitLens provides rich integrations with many remote providers, including GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, Bitbucket, Bitbucket Server, Azure DevOps. You can also define [custom remote providers](#remote-provider-integration-settings- 'Jump to the Remote Provider Integration settings') or [remote providers with custom domains](#remote-provider-integration-settings- 'Jump to the Remote Provider Integration settings') as well.
- Basic integrations provide issue and pull request auto-linking, while richer integrations (e.g. GitHub) can provide rich hover information provided for auto-linked issues and pull requests, associate pull requests with branches and commits, and provide avatars.
- Additionally, these integrations provide commands to copy the url of or open, files, commits, branches, and the repository on the remote provider.
- - _Open File from Remote_ command (`gitlens.openFileFromRemote`) — opens the local file from a url of a file on a remote provider
- - _Open File on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openFileOnRemote`) — opens a file or revision on the remote provider
- - _Copy Remote File Url_ command (`gitlens.copyRemoteFileUrlToClipboard`) — copies the url of a file or revision on the remote provider
- - _Open File on Remote From..._ command (`gitlens.openFileOnRemoteFrom`) — opens a file or revision on a specific branch or tag on the remote provider
- - _Copy Remote File Url From..._ command (`gitlens.copyRemoteFileUrlFrom`) — copies the url of a file or revision on a specific branch or tag the remote provider
- - _Open Commit on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openCommitOnRemote`) — opens a commit on the remote provider
- - _Copy Remote Commit Url_ command (`gitlens.copyRemoteCommitUrl`) — copies the url of a commit on the remote provider
- - _Open Branch on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openBranchOnRemote`) — opens the branch on the remote provider
- - _Copy Remote Branch Url_ command (`gitlens.copyRemoteBranchUrl`) — copies the url of a branch on the remote provider
- - _Open Branches on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openBranchesOnRemote`) — opens the branches on the remote provider
- - _Copy Remote Branches Url_ command (`gitlens.copyRemoteBranchesUrl`) — copies the url of the branches on the remote provider
- - _Open Comparison on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openComparisonOnRemote`) — opens the comparison on the remote provider
- - _Copy Remote Comparison Url_ command (`gitlens.copyRemoteComparisonUrl`) — copies the url of the comparison on the remote provider
- - _Open Pull Request_ command (`gitlens.openPullRequestOnRemote`) — opens the pull request on the remote provider
- - _Copy Pull Request Url_ command (`gitlens.copyRemotePullRequestUrl`) — copies the url of the pull request on the remote provider
- - _Open Repository on Remote_ command (`gitlens.openRepoOnRemote`) — opens the repository on the remote provider
- - _Copy Remote Repository Url_ command (`gitlens.copyRemoteRepositoryUrl`) — copies the url of the repository on the remote provider
- ## Powerful Commands [#](#powerful-commands- 'Powerful Commands')
- - Adds an _Add Co-authors_ command (`gitlens.addAuthors`) to add a co-author to the commit message input box
- - Adds a _Copy SHA_ command (`gitlens.copyShaToClipboard`) to copy the commit SHA of the current line to the clipboard or from the most recent commit to the current branch, if there is no current editor
- - Adds a _Copy Message_ command (`gitlens.copyMessageToClipboard`) to copy the commit message of the current line to the clipboard or from the most recent commit to the current branch, if there is no current editor
- - Adds a _Switch to Another Branch_ (`gitlens.views.switchToAnotherBranch`) command — to quickly switch the current branch
- - Adds a _Compare References..._ command (`gitlens.compareWith`) to compare two selected references
- - Adds a _Compare HEAD with..._ command (`gitlens.compareHeadWith`) to compare the index (HEAD) with the selected reference
- - Adds a _Compare Working Tree with..._ command (`gitlens.compareWorkingWith`) to compare the working tree with the selected reference
- - Adds an _Open Changes (difftool)_ command (`gitlens.externalDiff`) to open the changes of a file or set of files with the configured git difftool
- - Adds an _Open All Changes (difftool)_ command (`gitlens.externalDiffAll`) to open all working changes with the configured git difftool
- - Adds an _Open Directory Compare (difftool)_ command (`gitlens.diffDirectoryWithHead`) to compare the working tree with HEAD with the configured Git difftool
- - Adds an _Open Directory Compare (difftool) with..._ command (`gitlens.diffDirectory`) to compare the working tree with the selected reference with the configured Git difftool
- - Adds an _Open File_ command (`gitlens.openWorkingFile`) to open the working file for the current file revision
- - Adds an _Open Revision..._ command (`gitlens.openFileRevision`) to open the selected revision for the current file
- - Adds an _Open Revision from..._ command (`gitlens.openFileRevisionFrom`) to open the revision of the current file from the selected reference
- - Adds a _Open Changed Files_ command (`gitlens.openChangedFiles`) to open any files with working tree changes
- - Adds a _Close Unchanged Files_ command (`gitlens.closeUnchangedFiles`) to close any files without working tree changes
- ## Modes [#](#modes- 'Modes')
- - GitLens supports [user-defined](#modes-settings- 'Jump to the Modes settings') modes for quickly toggling between sets of settings
- - Adds _Switch Mode_ command (`gitlens.switchMode`) to quickly switch the active mode
- - Adds a built-in _Zen_ mode which for a zen-like experience, disables many visual features
- - Adds _Toggle Zen Mode_ command (`gitlens.toggleZenMode`) to toggle Zen mode
- - Adds a built-in _Review_ mode which for reviewing code, enables many visual features
- - Adds _Toggle Review Mode_ command (`gitlens.toggleReviewMode`) to toggle Review mode
- - Adds the active mode to the **status bar** ([optional](#modes-settings- 'Jump to the Modes settings'), on by default)
- # Configuration [#](#configuration- 'Configuration')
- <p align="center">
- <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/main/images/docs/settings.png" alt="GitLens Interactive Settings" />
- </p>
- GitLens has a built-in **interactive settings editor** which provides an easy-to-use interface to configure many of GitLens' powerful features. It can be accessed via the _GitLens: Open Settings_ (`gitlens.showSettingsPage`) command from the [_Command Palette_](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/userinterface#_command-palette).
- For more advanced customizations, refer to the [settings documentation](#gitlens-settings- 'Jump to the GitLens settings docs') below.
- # GitLens Settings [#](#gitlens-settings- 'GitLens Settings')
- GitLens is highly customizable and provides many configuration settings to allow the personalization of almost all features.
- ## Current Line Blame Settings [#](#current-line-blame-settings- 'Current Line Blame Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.currentLine.dateFormat` | Specifies how to format absolute dates (e.g. using the `${date}` token) for the current line blame annotations. See the [Moment.js docs](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) for valid formats |
- | `gitlens.currentLine.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide a blame annotation for the current line, by default. Use the _Toggle Line Blame Annotations_ command (`gitlens.toggleLineBlame`) to toggle the annotations on and off for the current window |
- | `gitlens.currentLine.format` | Specifies the format of the current line blame annotation. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `gitlens.currentLine.dateFormat` setting |
- | `gitlens.currentLine.pullRequests.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide information about the Pull Request (if any) that introduced the commit in the current line blame annotation. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.currentLine.scrollable` | Specifies whether the current line blame annotation can be scrolled into view when it is outside the viewport |
- ## Git Code Lens Settings [#](#git-code-lens-settings- 'Git Code Lens Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.codeLens.authors.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when an _authors_ code lens is clicked, set to (`gitlens.toggleFileBlame`) by default. Can be set to `false` to disable click actions on the code lens.<br /><br />`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br />`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - opens changes with the previous revision<br />`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Side Bar<br />`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - searches for commits within the range<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - show file details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows the current file history<br />`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows the current branch history |
- | `gitlens.codeLens.authors.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide an _authors_ code lens, showing number of authors of the file or code block and the most prominent author (if there is more than one) |
- | `gitlens.codeLens.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens, by default. Use the _Toggle Git Code Lens_ command (`gitlens.toggleCodeLens`) to toggle the Git code lens on and off for the current window |
- | `gitlens.codeLens.includeSingleLineSymbols` | Specifies whether to provide any Git code lens on symbols that span only a single line |
- | `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when a _recent change_ code lens is clicked, set to (`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails`) by default. Can be set to `false` to disable click actions on the code lens.<br /><br />`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br />`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - opens changes with the previous revision<br />`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Side Bar<br />`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - searches for the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - show file details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows the current file history<br />`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows the current branch history |
- | `gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide a _recent change_ code lens, showing the author and date of the most recent commit for the file or code block |
- | `gitlens.codeLens.scopes` | Specifies where Git code lens will be shown in the document<br /><br />`document` - adds code lens at the top of the document<br />`containers` - adds code lens at the start of container-like symbols (modules, classes, interfaces, etc)<br />`blocks` - adds code lens at the start of block-like symbols (functions, methods, etc) lines |
- | `gitlens.codeLens.symbolScopes` | Specifies a set of document symbols where Git code lens will or will not be shown in the document. Prefix with `!` to avoid providing a Git code lens for the symbol. Must be a member of [`SymbolKind`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensionAPI/vscode-api#_a-namesymbolkindaspan-classcodeitem-id660symbolkindspan) |
- ## Status Bar Settings [#](#status-bar-settings- 'Status Bar Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | `gitlens.statusBar.alignment` | Specifies the blame alignment in the status bar<br /><br />`left` - aligns to the left<br />`right` - aligns to the right |
- | `gitlens.statusBar.command` | Specifies the command to be executed when the blame status bar item is clicked<br /><br />`gitlens.toggleFileBlame` - toggles file blame annotations<br />`gitlens.diffWithPrevious` - opens line changes with the previous revision<br />`gitlens.diffWithWorking` - opens line changes with the working file<br />`gitlens.revealCommitInView` - reveals the commit in the Side Bar<br />`gitlens.showCommitsInView` - searches for the commit<br />`gitlens.toggleCodeLens` - toggles the Git code lens<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitDetails` - shows details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickCommitFileDetails` - show file details of the commit<br />`gitlens.showQuickFileHistory` - shows the current file history<br />`gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory` - shows the current branch history |
- | `gitlens.statusBar.dateFormat` | Specifies how to format absolute dates (e.g. using the `${date}` token) in the blame information in the status bar. See the [Moment.js docs](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) for valid formats |
- | `gitlens.statusBar.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide blame information in the status bar |
- | `gitlens.statusBar.format` | Specifies the format of the blame information in the status bar. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `gitlens.statusBar.dateFormat` setting |
- | `gitlens.statusBar.pullRequests.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide information about the Pull Request (if any) that introduced the commit in the status bar. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.statusBar.reduceFlicker` | Specifies whether to avoid clearing the previous blame information when changing lines to reduce status bar "flashing" |
- ## Hover Settings [#](#hover-settings- 'Hover Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | `gitlens.hovers.annotations.changes` | Specifies whether to provide a _changes (diff)_ hover for all lines when showing blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.hovers.annotations.details` | Specifies whether to provide a _commit details_ hover for all lines when showing blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.hovers.annotations.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide any hovers when showing blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.hovers.annotations.over` | Specifies when to trigger hovers when showing blame annotations<br /><br />`annotation` - only shown when hovering over the line annotation<br />`line` - shown when hovering anywhere over the line |
- | `gitlens.hovers.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images in hovers |
- | `gitlens.hovers.avatarSize` | Specifies the size of the avatar images in hovers |
- | `gitlens.hovers.changesDiff` | Specifies whether to show just the changes to the line or the set of related changes in the _changes (diff)_ hover<br /><br />`line` - Shows only the changes to the line<br />`hunk` - Shows the set of related changes |
- | `gitlens.hovers.currentLine.changes` | Specifies whether to provide a _changes (diff)_ hover for the current line |
- | `gitlens.hovers.currentLine.details` | Specifies whether to provide a _commit details_ hover for the current line |
- | `gitlens.hovers.currentLine.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide any hovers for the current line |
- | `gitlens.hovers.currentLine.over` | Specifies when to trigger hovers for the current line<br /><br />`annotation` - only shown when hovering over the line annotation<br />`line` - shown when hovering anywhere over the line |
- | `gitlens.hovers.detailsMarkdownFormat` | Specifies the format (in markdown) of the _commit details_ hover. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs |
- | `gitlens.hovers.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide any hovers |
- | `gitlens.hovers.autolinks.enabled` | Specifies whether to automatically link external resources in commit messages |
- | `gitlens.hovers.autolinks.enhanced` | Specifies whether to lookup additional details about automatically link external resources in commit messages. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.hovers.pullRequests.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide information about the Pull Request (if any) that introduced the commit in the hovers. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- ## View Settings [#](#view-settings- 'View Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.views.defaultItemLimit` | Specifies the default number of items to show in a view list. Use 0 to specify no limit |
- | `gitlens.views.formats.commits.label` | Specifies the format of commits in the views. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs |
- | `gitlens.views.formats.commits.description` | Specifies the description format of commits in the views. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs |
- | `gitlens.views.formats.files.label` | Specifies the format of a file in the views. See [_File Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#file-tokens) in the GitLens docs |
- | `gitlens.views.formats.files.description` | Specifies the description format of a file in the views. See [_File Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#file-tokens) in the GitLens docs |
- | `gitlens.views.formats.stashes.label` | Specifies the format of stashes in the views. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs |
- | `gitlens.views.formats.stashes.description` | Specifies the description format of stashes in the views. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs |
- | `gitlens.views.pageItemLimit` | Specifies the number of items to show in a each page when paginating a view list. Use 0 to specify no limit |
- | `gitlens.views.showRelativeDateMarkers` | Specifies whether to show relative date markers (_Less than a week ago_, _Over a week ago_, _Over a month ago_, etc) on revision (commit) histories in the views |
- ## Commits View Settings [#](#commits-view-settings- 'Commits View Settings')
- See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.views.commits.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Commits_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.commits.files.compact` | Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Commits_ view.<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` | Specifies how the _Commits_ view will display files<br /><br />`auto` - automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.commits.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level<br />`list` - displays files as a list<br />`tree` - displays files as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.commits.files.threshold` | Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Commits_ view<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.commits.pullRequests.enabled` | Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with the current branch and commits in the _Commits_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.views.commits.pullRequests.showForBranches` | Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with the current branch and commits in the _Commits_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.views.commits.pullRequests.showForCommits` | Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with the current branch in the _Commits_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.views.commits.showBranchComparison` | Specifies whether to show a comparison of the current branch or the working tree with a user-selected reference (branch, tag. etc) in the _Commits_ view<br /><br />`false` - hides the branch comparison<br />`branch` - compares the current branch with a user-selected reference<br />`working` - compares the working tree with a user-selected reference |
- ## Repositories View Settings [#](#repositories-view-settings- 'Repositories View Settings')
- See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Repositories_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.autoRefresh` | Specifies whether to automatically refresh the _Repositories_ view when the repository or the file system changes |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.autoReveal` | Specifies whether to automatically reveal repositories in the _Repositories_ view when opening files |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.branches.layout` | Specifies how the _Repositories_ view will display branches<br /><br />`list` - displays branches as a list<br />`tree` - displays branches as a tree when branch names contain slashes `/` |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.compact` | Specifies whether to show the _Repositories_ view in a compact display density |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.enabled` | Specifies whether to show the _Repositories_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.files.compact` | Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Repositories_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.repositories.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.files.layout` | Specifies how the _Repositories_ view will display files<br /><br />`auto` - automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.repositories.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level<br />`list` - displays files as a list<br />`tree` - displays files as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.files.threshold` | Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Repositories_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.repositories.files.layout` is set to `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.includeWorkingTree` | Specifies whether to include working tree file status for each repository in the _Repositories_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.repositories.showBranchComparison` | Specifies whether to show a comparison of a user-selected reference (branch, tag. etc) to the current branch or the working tree in the _Repositories_ view |
- ## File History View Settings [#](#file-history-view-settings- 'File History View Settings')
- See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | `gitlens.views.fileHistory.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of status icons in the _File History_ view |
- ## Line History View Settings [#](#line-history-view-settings- 'Line History View Settings')
- See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | `gitlens.views.lineHistory.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of status icons in the _Line History_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.lineHistory.enabled` | Specifies whether to show the _Line History_ view |
- ## Branches View Settings [#](#branches-view-settings- 'Branches View Settings')
- See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.views.branches.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Branches_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.branches.branches.layout` | Specifies how the _Branches_ view will display branches<br /><br />`list` - displays branches as a list<br />`tree` - displays branches as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.branches.files.compact` | Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Branches_ view.<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.branches.files.layout` | Specifies how the _Branches_ view will display files<br /><br />`auto` - automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.commits.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level<br />`list` - displays files as a list<br />`tree` - displays files as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.branches.files.threshold` | Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Branches_ view<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.branches.pullRequests.enabled` | Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with the current branch and commits in the _Branches_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.views.branches.pullRequests.showForBranches` | Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with the current branch and commits in the _Branches_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.views.branches.pullRequests.showForCommits` | Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with the current branch in the _Branches_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.views.branches.showBranchComparison` | Specifies whether to show a comparison of the branch with a user-selected reference (branch, tag. etc) in the _Branches_ view<br /><br />`false` - hides the branch comparison<br />`branch` - compares the current branch with a user-selected reference |
- ## Remotes View Settings [#](#remotes-view-settings- 'Remotes View Settings')
- See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | `gitlens.views.remotes.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Remotes_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.remotes.branches.layout` | Specifies how the _Remotes_ view will display branches<br /><br />`list` - displays branches as a list<br />`tree` - displays branches as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.remotes.files.compact` | Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Remotes_ view.<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.remotes.files.layout` | Specifies how the _Remotes_ view will display files<br /><br />`auto` - automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.commits.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level<br />`list` - displays files as a list<br />`tree` - displays files as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.remotes.files.threshold` | Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Remotes_ view<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.remotes.pullRequests.enabled` | Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with the current branch and commits in the _Remotes_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.views.remotes.pullRequests.showForBranches` | Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with the current branch and commits in the _Remotes_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.views.remotes.pullRequests.showForCommits` | Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with the current branch in the _Remotes_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.views.remotes.showBranchComparison` | Specifies whether to show a comparison of the branch with a user-selected reference (branch, tag. etc) in the _Remotes_ view<br /><br />`false` - hides the branch comparison<br />`branch` - compares the current branch with a user-selected reference |
- ## Stashes View Settings [#](#stashes-view-settings- 'Stashes View Settings')
- See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | `gitlens.views.stashes.files.compact` | Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Stashes_ view.<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.stashes.files.layout` | Specifies how the _Stashes_ view will display files<br /><br />`auto` - automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.commits.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level<br />`list` - displays files as a list<br />`tree` - displays files as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.stashes.files.threshold` | Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Stashes_ view<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `auto` |
- ## Tags View Settings [#](#tags-view-settings- 'Tags View Settings')
- See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.views.tags.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Tags_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.tags.branches.layout` | Specifies how the _Tags_ view will display tags<br /><br />`list` - displays tags as a list<br />`tree` - displays tags as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.tags.files.compact` | Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Tags_ view.<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.tags.files.layout` | Specifies how the _Tags_ view will display files<br /><br />`auto` - automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.commits.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level<br />`list` - displays files as a list<br />`tree` - displays files as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.tags.files.threshold` | Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Tags_ view<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `auto` |
- ## Contributors View Settings [#](#contributors-view-settings- 'Contributors View Settings')
- See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.views.contributors.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Contributors_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.contributors.files.compact` | Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Contributors_ view.<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.contributors.files.layout` | Specifies how the _Contributors_ view will display files<br /><br />`auto` - automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.commits.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level<br />`list` - displays files as a list<br />`tree` - displays files as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.contributors.files.threshold` | Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Contributors_ view<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.commits.files.layout` is set to `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.contributors.pullRequests.enabled` | Specifies whether to query for pull requests associated with the current branch and commits in the _Contributors_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- | `gitlens.views.contributors.pullRequests.showForCommits` | Specifies whether to show pull requests (if any) associated with the current branch in the _Contributors_ view. Requires a connection to a supported remote service (e.g. GitHub) |
- ## Search & Compare View Settings [#](#search-&-compare-view-settings- 'Search & Compare View Settings')
- See also [View Settings](#view-settings- 'Jump to the View settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.views.compare.files.threshold` | Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Search Commits_ view<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.compare.files.layout` is set to `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.compare.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Compare_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.compare.files.compact` | Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Compare_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.compare.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.compare.files.layout` | Specifies how the _Compare_ view will display files<br /><br />`auto` - automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.compare.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level<br />`list` - displays files as a list<br />`tree` - displays files as a tree |
- | `gitlens.views.compare.files.threshold` | Specifies when to switch between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the number of files in a nesting level in the _Compare_ view. Only applies when `gitlens.views.compare.files.layout` is set to `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.search.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images instead of commit (or status) icons in the _Search Commits_ view |
- | `gitlens.views.search.files.compact` | Specifies whether to compact (flatten) unnecessary file nesting in the _Search Commits_ view<br />Only applies when `gitlens.views.compare.files.layout` is set to `tree` or `auto` |
- | `gitlens.views.search.files.layout` | Specifies how the _Search Commits_ view will display files<br />`auto` - automatically switches between displaying files as a `tree` or `list` based on the `gitlens.views.compare.files.threshold` value and the number of files at each nesting level<br />`list` - displays files as a list<br />`tree` - displays files as a tree |
- ## Gutter Blame Settings [#](#gutter-blame-settings- 'Gutter Blame Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ----------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.blame.avatars` | Specifies whether to show avatar images in the gutter blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.blame.compact` | Specifies whether to compact (deduplicate) matching adjacent gutter blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.blame.dateFormat` | Specifies how to format absolute dates (e.g. using the `${date}` token) in gutter blame annotations. See the [Moment.js docs](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) for valid formats |
- | `gitlens.blame.format` | Specifies the format of the gutter blame annotations. See [_Commit Tokens_](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/wiki/Custom-Formatting#commit-tokens) in the GitLens docs. Date formatting is controlled by the `gitlens.blame.dateFormat` setting |
- | `gitlens.blame.heatmap.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide a heatmap indicator in the gutter blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.blame.heatmap.location` | Specifies where the heatmap indicators will be shown in the gutter blame annotations<br /><br />`left` - adds a heatmap indicator on the left edge of the gutter blame annotations<br />`right` - adds a heatmap indicator on the right edge of the gutter blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.blame.highlight.enabled` | Specifies whether to highlight lines associated with the current line |
- | `gitlens.blame.highlight.locations` | Specifies where the associated line highlights will be shown<br /><br />`gutter` - adds a gutter indicator<br />`line` - adds a full-line highlight background color<br />`overview` - adds a decoration to the overview ruler (scroll bar) |
- | `gitlens.blame.ignoreWhitespace` | Specifies whether to ignore whitespace when comparing revisions during blame operations |
- | `gitlens.blame.separateLines` | Specifies whether gutter blame annotations will have line separators |
- | `gitlens.blame.toggleMode` | Specifies how the gutter blame annotations will be toggled<br /><br />`file` - toggles each file individually<br />`window` - toggles the window, i.e. all files at once |
- ## Gutter Changes Settings [#](#gutter-changes-settings- 'Gutter Changes Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.changes.locations` | Specifies where the indicators of the gutter changes annotations will be shown<br /><br />`gutter` - adds a gutter indicator<br />`overview` - adds a decoration to the overview ruler (scroll bar) |
- | `gitlens.changes.toggleMode` | Specifies how the gutter changes annotations will be toggled<br /><br />`file` - toggles each file individually<br />`window` - toggles the window, i.e. all files at once |
- ## Gutter Heatmap Settings [#](#gutter-heatmap-settings- 'Gutter Heatmap Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.heatmap.ageThreshold` | Specifies the age of the most recent change (in days) after which the gutter heatmap annotations will be cold rather than hot (i.e. will use `gitlens.heatmap.coldColor` instead of `gitlens.heatmap.hotColor`) |
- | `gitlens.heatmap.coldColor` | Specifies the base color of the gutter heatmap annotations when the most recent change is older (cold) than the `gitlens.heatmap.ageThreshold` value |
- | `gitlens.heatmap.hotColor` | Specifies the base color of the gutter heatmap annotations when the most recent change is newer (hot) than the `gitlens.heatmap.ageThreshold` value |
- | `gitlens.heatmap.locations` | Specifies where the indicators of the gutter heatmap annotations will be shown<br /><br />`gutter` - adds a gutter indicator<br />`overview` - adds a decoration to the overview ruler (scroll bar) |
- | `gitlens.heatmap.toggleMode` | Specifies how the gutter heatmap annotations will be toggled<br /><br />`file` - toggles each file individually<br />`window` - toggles the window, i.e. all files at once |
- ## Git Command Palette Settings [#](#git-command-palette-settings- 'Git Command Palette Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.gitCommands.closeOnFocusOut` | Specifies whether to dismiss the _Git Commands Palette_ when focus is lost (if not, press `ESC` to dismiss) |
- | `gitlens.gitCommands.search.matchAll` | Specifies whether to match all or any commit message search patterns |
- | `gitlens.gitCommands.search.matchCase` | Specifies whether to match commit search patterns with or without regard to casing |
- | `gitlens.gitCommands.search.matchRegex` | Specifies whether to match commit search patterns using regular expressions |
- | `gitlens.gitCommands.search.showResultsInSideBar` | Specifies whether to show the commit search results directly in the quick pick menu, in the Side Bar, or will be based on the context |
- | `gitlens.gitCommands.skipConfirmations` | Specifies which (and when) Git commands will skip the confirmation step, using the format: `git-command-name:(menu/command)` |
- | `gitlens.gitCommands.sortBy` | Specifies how Git commands are sorted in the _Git Command Palette_<br /><br />`name` - sorts commands by name<br />`usage` - sorts commands by last used date |
- ## Remote Provider Integration Settings [#](#remote-provider-integration-settings- 'Remote Provider Integration Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.integrations.enabled` | Specifies whether to enable rich integrations with any supported remote services |
- | `gitlens.remotes` | Specifies user-defined remote (code-hosting) services or custom domains for built-in remote services<br /><br />Example:<br />`"gitlens.remotes": [{ "domain": "git.corporate-url.com", "type": "GitHub" }]`<br /><br />Example:<br />`"gitlens.remotes": [{`<br /> `"domain": "git.corporate-url.com",`<br /> `"type": "Custom",`<br /> `"name": "My Company",`<br /> `"protocol": "https",`<br /> `"urls": {`<br /> `"repository": "https://git.corporate-url.com/${repo}",`<br /> `"branches": "https://git.corporate-url.com/${repo}/branches",`<br /> `"branch": "https://git.corporate-url.com/${repo}/commits/${branch}",`<br /> `"commit": "https://git.corporate-url.com/${repo}/commit/${id}",`<br /> `"file": "https://git.corporate-url.com/${repo}?path=${file}${line}",`<br /> `"fileInBranch": "https://git.corporate-url.com/${repo}/blob/${branch}/${file}${line}",`<br /> `"fileInCommit": "https://git.corporate-url.com/${repo}/blob/${id}/${file}${line}",`<br /> `"fileLine": "#L${line}",`<br /> `"fileRange": "#L${start}-L${end}"`<br /> `}`<br /> `}]`<br /><br />Example:<br />`"gitlens.remotes": [{`<br /> `"domain": "git.corporate-url.com",`<br /> `"type": "Custom",`<br /> `"name": "My Company",`<br /> `"protocol": "https",`<br /> `"urls": {`<br /> `"repository": "https://git.corporate-url.com/projects/${repoBase}/repos/${repoPath}",`<br /> `"branches": "https://git.corporate-url.com/projects/${repoBase}/repos/${repoPath}/branches",`<br /> `"branch": "https://git.corporate-url.com/projects/${repoBase}/repos/${repoPath}/commits/${branch}",`<br /> `"commit": "https://git.corporate-url.com/projects/${repoBase}/repos/${repoPath}/commit/${id}",`<br /> `"file": "https://git.corporate-url.com/projects/${repoBase}/repos/${repoPath}?path=${file}${line}",`<br /> `"fileInBranch": "https://git.corporate-url.com/projects/${repoBase}/repos/${repoPath}/blob/${branch}/${file}${line}",`<br /> `"fileInCommit": "https://git.corporate-url.com/projects/${repoBase}/repos/${repoPath}/blob/${id}/${file}${line}",`<br /> `"fileLine": "#L${line}",`<br /> `"fileRange": "#L${start}-L${end}"`<br /> `}`<br /> `}]` |
- ## Date & Time Settings [#](#date--time-settings- 'Date & Time Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.defaultDateFormat` | Specifies how absolute dates will be formatted by default. See the [Moment.js docs](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) for valid formats |
- | `gitlens.defaultDateShortFormat` | Specifies how short absolute dates will be formatted by default. See the [Moment.js docs](https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) for valid formats |
- | `gitlens.defaultDateStyle` | Specifies how dates will be displayed by default |
- | `gitlens.defaultDateSource` | Specifies whether commit dates should use the authored or committed date |
- ## Menu & Toolbar Settings [#](#menu--toolbar-settings- 'Menu & Toolbar Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | --------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.menus` | Specifies which commands will be added to which menus |
- | `gitlens.fileAnnotations.command` | Specifies whether the file annotations button in the editor title shows a menu or immediately toggles the specified file annotations<br />`null` (default) - shows a menu to choose which file annotations to toggle<br />`blame` - toggles gutter blame annotations<br />`heatmap` - toggles gutter heatmap annotations<br />`changes` - toggles gutter changes annotations |
- ## Keyboard Shortcut Settings [#](#keyboard-shortcut-settings- 'Keyboard Shortcut Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | `gitlens.keymap` | Specifies the keymap to use for GitLens shortcut keys<br /><br />`alternate` - adds an alternate set of shortcut keys that start with `Alt` (⌥ on macOS)<br />`chorded` - adds a chorded set of shortcut keys that start with `Ctrl+Shift+G` (<code>⌥⌘G</code> on macOS)<br />`none` - no shortcut keys will be added |
- ## Modes Settings [#](#modes-settings- 'Modes Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | `gitlens.mode.active` | Specifies the active GitLens mode, if any |
- | `gitlens.mode.statusBar.enabled` | Specifies whether to provide the active GitLens mode in the status bar |
- | `gitlens.mode.statusBar.alignment` | Specifies the active GitLens mode alignment in the status bar<br /><br />`left` - aligns to the left<br />`right` - aligns to the right |
- | `gitlens.modes` | Specifies the user-defined GitLens modes<br /><br />Example — adds heatmap annotations to the built-in _Reviewing_ mode<br />`"gitlens.modes": { "review": { "annotations": "heatmap" } }`<br /><br />Example — adds a new _Annotating_ mode with blame annotations<br />`"gitlens.modes": {`<br /> `"annotate": {`<br /> `"name": "Annotating",`<br /> `"statusBarItemName": "Annotating",`<br /> `"description": "for root cause analysis",`<br /> `"annotations": "blame",`<br /> `"codeLens": false,`<br /> `"currentLine": false,`<br /> `"hovers": true`<br /> `}`<br />`}` |
- ## Autolink Settingss [#](#autolink-settings- 'Autolink Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | `gitlens.autolinks` | Specifies autolinks to external resources in commit messages. Use `<num>` as the variable for the reference number<br /><br />Example to autolink Jira issues: (e.g. `JIRA-123 ⟶ https://jira.company.com/issue?query=123`)<br />`"gitlens.autolinks": [{ "prefix": "JIRA-", "url": "https://jira.company.com/issue?query=<num>" }]` |
- ## Misc Settings [#](#misc-settings- 'Misc Settings')
- | Name | Description |
- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.defaultGravatarsStyle` | Specifies the style of the gravatar default (fallback) images<br /><br />`identicon` - a geometric pattern<br />`mm` - a simple, cartoon-style silhouetted outline of a person (does not vary by email hash)<br />`monsterid` - a monster with different colors, faces, etc<br />`retro` - 8-bit arcade-style pixelated faces<br />`robohash` - a robot with different colors, faces, etc<br />`wavatar` - a face with differing features and backgrounds |
- | `gitlens.liveshare.allowGuestAccess` | Specifies whether to allow guest access to GitLens features when using Visual Studio Live Share |
- | `gitlens.outputLevel` | Specifies how much (if any) output will be sent to the GitLens output channel |
- | `gitlens.showWelcomeOnInstall` | Specifies whether to show the Welcome (Quick Setup) experience on first install |
- | `gitlens.showWhatsNewAfterUpgrades` | Specifies whether to show the What's New notification after upgrading to new feature releases |
- | `gitlens.advanced.abbreviatedShaLength` | Specifies the length of abbreviated commit SHAs (shas) |
- | `gitlens.advanced.blame.customArguments` | Specifies additional arguments to pass to the `git blame` command |
- | `gitlens.advanced.blame.delayAfterEdit` | Specifies the time (in milliseconds) to wait before re-blaming an unsaved document after an edit. Use 0 to specify an infinite wait |
- | `gitlens.advanced.blame.sizeThresholdAfterEdit` | Specifies the maximum document size (in lines) allowed to be re-blamed after an edit while still unsaved. Use 0 to specify no maximum |
- | `gitlens.advanced.caching.enabled` | Specifies whether git output will be cached — changing the default is not recommended |
- | `gitlens.advanced.fileHistoryFollowsRenames` | Specifies whether file histories will follow renames -- will affect how merge commits are shown in histories |
- | `gitlens.advanced.fileHistoryShowAllBranches` | Specifies whether file histories will show commits from all branches |
- | `gitlens.advanced.maxListItems` | Specifies the maximum number of items to show in a list. Use 0 to specify no maximum |
- | `gitlens.advanced.maxSearchItems` | Specifies the maximum number of items to show in a search. Use 0 to specify no maximum |
- | `gitlens.advanced.messages` | Specifies which messages should be suppressed |
- | `gitlens.advanced.quickPick.closeOnFocusOut` | Specifies whether to dismiss quick pick menus when focus is lost (if not, press `ESC` to dismiss) |
- | `gitlens.advanced.repositorySearchDepth` | Specifies how many folders deep to search for repositories |
- | `gitlens.advanced.similarityThreshold` | Specifies the amount (percent) of similarity a deleted and added file pair must have to be considered a rename |
- | `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.recentChangeAndAuthors` | Specifies the string to be shown in place of both the _recent change_ and _authors_ code lens when there are unsaved changes |
- | `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.recentChangeOnly` | Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _recent change_ code lens when there are unsaved changes |
- | `gitlens.strings.codeLens.unsavedChanges.authorsOnly` | Specifies the string to be shown in place of the _authors_ code lens when there are unsaved changes |
- ## Themable Colors [#](#themable-colors- 'Themable Colors')
- GitLens defines a set of themable colors which can be provided by vscode themes or directly by the user using [`workbench.colorCustomizations`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/themes#_customize-a-color-theme).
- | Name | Description |
- | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | `gitlens.gutterBackgroundColor` | Specifies the background color of the gutter blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.gutterForegroundColor` | Specifies the foreground color of the gutter blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.gutterUncommittedForegroundColor` | Specifies the foreground color of an uncommitted line in the gutter blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.trailingLineBackgroundColor` | Specifies the background color of the trailing blame annotation |
- | `gitlens.trailingLineForegroundColor` | Specifies the foreground color of the trailing blame annotation |
- | `gitlens.lineHighlightBackgroundColor` | Specifies the background color of the associated line highlights in blame annotations |
- | `gitlens.lineHighlightOverviewRulerColor` | Specifies the overview ruler color of the associated line highlights in blame annotations |
- # Contributors 🙏❤
- A big thanks to the people that have contributed to this project:
- - Zeeshan Adnan ([@zeeshanadnan](https://github.com/zeeshanadnan)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=zeeshanadnan)
- - Alex ([@deadmeu](https://github.com/deadmeu)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=deadmeu)
- - Abdulrahman (Abdu) Assabri ([@abdusabri](https://github.com/abdusabri)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=abdusabri)
- - Grey Baker ([@greysteil](https://github.com/greysteil)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=greysteil)
- - Loris Bettazza ([@Pustur](https://github.com/Pustur)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=Pustur)
- - Brian Bolte ([@bolte-17](https://github.com/bolte-17)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=bolte-17)
- - Zach Boyle ([@zaboyle](https://github.com/zaboyle)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=zaboyle)
- - Tony Brix ([@UziTech](https://github.com/UziTech)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=UziTech)
- - Amanda Cameron ([@AmandaCameron](https://github.com/AmandaCameron)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=AmandaCameron)
- - Martin Campbell ([@martin-css](https://github.com/martin-css)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=martin-css)
- - Brett Cannon ([@brettcannon](https://github.com/brettcannon)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=brettcannon)
- - Andrea Cigana ([@ciganandrea](https://github.com/ciganandrea)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=ciganandrea)
- - Ash Clarke ([@ashclarke](https://github.com/ashclarke)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=ashclarke)
- - Matt Cooper ([@vtbassmatt](https://github.com/vtbassmatt)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=vtbassmatt)
- - Andrii Dieiev ([@IllusionMH](https://github.com/IllusionMH)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=IllusionMH)
- - Segev Finer ([@segevfiner](https://github.com/segevfiner)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=segevfiner)
- - Cory Forsyth ([@bantic](https://github.com/bantic)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=bantic)
- - John Gee ([@shadowspawn](https://github.com/shadowspawn)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=shadowspawn)
- - Geoffrey ([@g3offrey](https://github.com/g3offrey)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=g3offrey)
- - grozan ([@grozan](https://github.com/grozan)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=grozan)
- - Guillem ([@guillemglez](https://github.com/guillemglez)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=guillemglez)
- - Yukai Huang ([@Yukaii](https://github.com/Yukaii)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=Yukaii)
- - Justin Hutchings ([@jhutchings1](https://github.com/jhutchings1)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=jhutchings1)
- - Roy Ivy III ([@rivy](https://github.com/rivy)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=rivy)
- - Helmut Januschka ([@hjanuschka](https://github.com/hjanuschka)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=hjanuschka)
- - Chris Kaczor ([@ckaczor](https://github.com/ckaczor)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=ckaczor)
- - Allan Karlson ([@bees4ever](https://github.com/bees4ever)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=bees4ever)
- - Mathew King ([@MathewKing](https://github.com/MathewKing)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=MathewKing)
- - Andrei Korigodski ([@korigod](https://github.com/korigod)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=korigod)
- - Kwok ([@mankwok](https://github.com/mankwok)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=mankwok)
- - Marc Lasson ([@mlasson](https://github.com/mlasson)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=mlasson)
- - John Letey ([@johnletey](https://github.com/johnletey)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=johnletey)
- - Peng Lyu ([@rebornix](https://github.com/rebornix)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=rebornix)
- - Cédric Malard ([@cmalard](https://github.com/cmalard)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=cmalard)
- - Nguyen Long Nhat ([@torn4dom4n](https://github.com/torn4dom4n)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=torn4dom4n)
- - Aurelio Ogliari ([@nobitagit](https://github.com/nobitagit)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=nobitagit)
- - Raaj Patil ([@arrpee](https://github.com/arrpee)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=arrpee)
- - Connor Peet ([@connor4312](https://github.com/connor4312)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=connor4312)
- - Maxim Pekurin ([@pmaxim25](https://github.com/pmaxim25)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=pmaxim25)
- - Arunprasad Rajkumar ([@arajkumar](https://github.com/arajkumar)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=arajkumar)
- - Rickard ([@rickardp](https://github.com/rickardp)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=rickardp)
- - Johannes Rieken ([@jrieken](https://github.com/jrieken)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=jrieken)
- - Guillaume Rozan ([@rozangu1](https://github.com/rozangu1)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=rozangu1)
- - ryenus ([@ryenus](https://github.com/ryenus)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=ryenus)
- - Zack Schuster ([@zackschuster](https://github.com/zackschuster)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=zackschuster)
- - Ahmadali Shafiee ([@ahmadalli](https://github.com/ahmadalli)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=ahmadalli)
- - Oleg Solomka ([@legomushroom](https://github.com/legomushroom)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=legomushroom)
- - Miguel Solorio ([@misolori](https://github.com/misolori)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=misolori)
- - SpaceEEC ([@SpaceEEC](https://github.com/SpaceEEC)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=SpaceEEC)
- - Skybbles ([@Luxray5474](https://github.com/Luxray5474)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=Luxray5474)
- - Mike Surcouf ([@mikes-gh](https://github.com/mikes-gh)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=mikes-gh)
- - Alexey Svetliakov ([@asvetliakov](https://github.com/asvetliakov)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=asvetliakov)
- - Alexey Vasyukov ([@notmedia](https://github.com/notmedia)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=notmedia)
- - x13machine ([@x13machine](https://github.com/x13machine)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=x13machine)
- - Ian Wilkinson ([@sgtwilko](https://github.com/sgtwilko)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=sgtwilko)
- - Yan Zhang ([@Eskibear](https://github.com/Eskibear)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=Eskibear)
- - Zyck ([@qzyse2017](https://github.com/qzyse2017)) — [contributions](https://github.com/eamodio/vscode-gitlens/commits?author=qzyse2017)
- Also special thanks to the people that have provided support, testing, brainstorming, etc:
- - Brian Canzanella ([@bcanzanella](https://github.com/bcanzanella))
- - Matt King ([@KattMingMing](https://github.com/KattMingMing))
- And of course the awesome [vscode](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/graphs/contributors) team!