Title: What is Apache Petri? version: 1.0 ![[]Apache Petri Logo](images/logo.svg) {.float-right} The Apache Template is an effort to show how to use **Pelican ASF** Here are various data inclusions: ["Title: %0, Version: %1" title version] [include "projects/projects.snippet"] {{ relative_source_path }} - {{ version }} - [{ board[1].name }] - {{ tester }} [{ ci[boardchair][roster] }] - [{ ci[tac][chair] }] - [{ ci[infrastructureadministrator][roster] }] [{ board[30].name }] - [{ eccn[11].product[0].name }] - [{ eccn[11].product[0].versions[0].version }] ## About "The Apache Way" {#the-way} - [[]The Apache Way](https://www.apache.org/theapacheway/index.html) - [[]Sustainable Open Source](https://s.apache.org/GhnI) - [[]How it Works](https://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html) - [[]Merit](https://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html#meritocracy) - [[]Success at Apache](https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/category/SuccessAtApache) Please read our [[]FAQ](/faq) ## Repositories and Issue Tracking - [[]Website](https://github.com/apache/template-site) - [[]Issues](https://github.com/apache/template-site/issues)

["Title: %0, Version: %1" title version]