- # Reducing Variance
- <a name="disabling-cpu-frequency-scaling" />
- ## Disabling CPU Frequency Scaling
- If you see this error:
- ```
- ***WARNING*** CPU scaling is enabled, the benchmark real time measurements may be noisy and will incur extra overhead.
- ```
- you might want to disable the CPU frequency scaling while running the
- benchmark, as well as consider other ways to stabilize the performance of
- your system while benchmarking.
- See [Reducing Variance](reducing_variance.md) for more information.
- Exactly how to do this depends on the Linux distribution,
- desktop environment, and installed programs. Specific details are a moving
- target, so we will not attempt to exhaustively document them here.
- One simple option is to use the `cpupower` program to change the
- performance governor to "performance". This tool is maintained along with
- the Linux kernel and provided by your distribution.
- It must be run as root, like this:
- ```bash
- sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor performance
- ```
- After this you can verify that all CPUs are using the performance governor
- by running this command:
- ```bash
- cpupower frequency-info -o proc
- ```
- The benchmarks you subsequently run will have less variance.
- <a name="reducing-variance" />
- ## Reducing Variance in Benchmarks
- The Linux CPU frequency governor [discussed
- above](user_guide#disabling-cpu-frequency-scaling) is not the only source
- of noise in benchmarks. Some, but not all, of the sources of variance
- include:
- 1. On multi-core machines not all CPUs/CPU cores/CPU threads run the same
- speed, so running a benchmark one time and then again may give a
- different result depending on which CPU it ran on.
- 2. CPU scaling features that run on the CPU, like Intel's Turbo Boost and
- AMD Turbo Core and Precision Boost, can temporarily change the CPU
- frequency even when the using the "performance" governor on Linux.
- 3. Context switching between CPUs, or scheduling competition on the CPU the
- benchmark is running on.
- 4. Intel Hyperthreading or AMD SMT causing the same issue as above.
- 5. Cache effects caused by code running on other CPUs.
- 6. Non-uniform memory architectures (NUMA).
- These can cause variance in benchmarks results within a single run
- (`--benchmark_repetitions=N`) or across multiple runs of the benchmark
- program.
- Reducing sources of variance is OS and architecture dependent, which is one
- reason some companies maintain machines dedicated to performance testing.
- Some of the easier and and effective ways of reducing variance on a typical
- Linux workstation are:
- 1. Use the performance governor as [discussed
- above](user_guide#disabling-cpu-frequency-scaling).
- 1. Disable processor boosting by:
- ```sh
- echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost
- ```
- See the Linux kernel's
- [boost.txt](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cpu-freq/boost.txt)
- for more information.
- 2. Set the benchmark program's task affinity to a fixed cpu. For example:
- ```sh
- taskset -c 0 ./mybenchmark
- ```
- 3. Disabling Hyperthreading/SMT. This can be done in the Bios or using the
- `/sys` file system (see the LLVM project's [Benchmarking
- tips](https://llvm.org/docs/Benchmarking.html)).
- 4. Close other programs that do non-trivial things based on timers, such as
- your web browser, desktop environment, etc.
- 5. Reduce the working set of your benchmark to fit within the L1 cache, but
- do be aware that this may lead you to optimize for an unrelistic
- situation.
- Further resources on this topic:
- 1. The LLVM project's [Benchmarking
- tips](https://llvm.org/docs/Benchmarking.html).
- 1. The Arch Wiki [Cpu frequency
- scaling](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/CPU_frequency_scaling) page.