- import contextlib
- import os
- import platform
- import shutil
- import sysconfig
- from pathlib import Path
- from typing import List
- import setuptools
- from setuptools.command import build_ext
- IS_WINDOWS = platform.system() == "Windows"
- IS_MAC = platform.system() == "Darwin"
- def _get_long_description(fp: str) -> str:
- with open(fp, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- return f.read()
- def _get_version(fp: str) -> str:
- """Parse a version string from a file."""
- with open(fp, "r") as f:
- for line in f:
- if "__version__" in line:
- delim = '"'
- return line.split(delim)[1]
- raise RuntimeError(f"could not find a version string in file {fp!r}.")
- def _parse_requirements(fp: str) -> List[str]:
- with open(fp) as requirements:
- return [
- line.rstrip()
- for line in requirements
- if not (line.isspace() or line.startswith("#"))
- ]
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def temp_fill_include_path(fp: str):
- """Temporarily set the Python include path in a file."""
- with open(fp, "r+") as f:
- try:
- content = f.read()
- replaced = content.replace(
- Path(sysconfig.get_paths()['include']).as_posix(),
- )
- f.seek(0)
- f.write(replaced)
- f.truncate()
- yield
- finally:
- # revert to the original content after exit
- f.seek(0)
- f.write(content)
- f.truncate()
- class BazelExtension(setuptools.Extension):
- """A C/C++ extension that is defined as a Bazel BUILD target."""
- def __init__(self, name: str, bazel_target: str):
- super().__init__(name=name, sources=[])
- self.bazel_target = bazel_target
- stripped_target = bazel_target.split("//")[-1]
- self.relpath, self.target_name = stripped_target.split(":")
- class BuildBazelExtension(build_ext.build_ext):
- """A command that runs Bazel to build a C/C++ extension."""
- def run(self):
- for ext in self.extensions:
- self.bazel_build(ext)
- build_ext.build_ext.run(self)
- def bazel_build(self, ext: BazelExtension):
- """Runs the bazel build to create the package."""
- with temp_fill_include_path("WORKSPACE"):
- temp_path = Path(self.build_temp)
- bazel_argv = [
- "bazel",
- "build",
- ext.bazel_target,
- f"--symlink_prefix={temp_path / 'bazel-'}",
- f"--compilation_mode={'dbg' if self.debug else 'opt'}",
- # C++17 is required by nanobind
- f"--cxxopt={'/std:c++17' if IS_WINDOWS else '-std=c++17'}",
- ]
- # Link with python*.lib.
- for library_dir in self.library_dirs:
- bazel_argv.append("--linkopt=/LIBPATH:" + library_dir)
- elif IS_MAC:
- if platform.machine() == "x86_64":
- # C++17 needs macOS 10.14 at minimum
- bazel_argv.append("--macos_minimum_os=10.14")
- # cross-compilation for Mac ARM64 on GitHub Mac x86 runners.
- # ARCHFLAGS is set by cibuildwheel before macOS wheel builds.
- archflags = os.getenv("ARCHFLAGS", "")
- if "arm64" in archflags:
- bazel_argv.append("--cpu=darwin_arm64")
- bazel_argv.append("--macos_cpus=arm64")
- elif platform.machine() == "arm64":
- bazel_argv.append("--macos_minimum_os=11.0")
- self.spawn(bazel_argv)
- shared_lib_suffix = '.dll' if IS_WINDOWS else '.so'
- ext_name = ext.target_name + shared_lib_suffix
- ext_bazel_bin_path = temp_path / 'bazel-bin' / ext.relpath / ext_name
- ext_dest_path = Path(self.get_ext_fullpath(ext.name))
- shutil.copyfile(ext_bazel_bin_path, ext_dest_path)
- # explicitly call `bazel shutdown` for graceful exit
- self.spawn(["bazel", "shutdown"])
- setuptools.setup(
- name="google_benchmark",
- version=_get_version("bindings/python/google_benchmark/__init__.py"),
- url="https://github.com/google/benchmark",
- description="A library to benchmark code snippets.",
- long_description=_get_long_description("README.md"),
- long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
- author="Google",
- author_email="benchmark-py@google.com",
- # Contained modules and scripts.
- package_dir={"": "bindings/python"},
- packages=setuptools.find_packages("bindings/python"),
- install_requires=_parse_requirements("bindings/python/requirements.txt"),
- cmdclass=dict(build_ext=BuildBazelExtension),
- ext_modules=[
- BazelExtension(
- "google_benchmark._benchmark",
- "//bindings/python/google_benchmark:_benchmark",
- )
- ],
- zip_safe=False,
- # PyPI package information.
- classifiers=[
- "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
- "Intended Audience :: Developers",
- "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
- "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
- "Topic :: Software Development :: Testing",
- "Topic :: System :: Benchmark",
- ],
- license="Apache 2.0",
- keywords="benchmark",
- )