void hnsw_approximate_knn(HNSWContext *ctx, VecData *q, int *results, int k);
HNSWContext *hnsw_init_context(const char *filename, size_t dim, size_t len); // load data and build graph
void hnsw_approximate_knn(HNSWContext *ctx, VecData *q, int *results, int k); // search KNN results
We have implemented data loading and provided a simplest KNN algorithm. But our implementation can only handle small batches of data(SIFTSMALL dataset), please implement a new approximate KNN algorithm based on the HNSW algorithm so that it can handle large batches of data(SIFT dataset).
We have implemented data loading and provided a simplest KNN algorithm. But our implementation can only handle small batches of data(SIFTSMALL dataset), please implement a new approximate KNN algorithm based on the HNSW algorithm so that it can handle large batches of data(SIFT dataset) efficiently.
### 3. Data Download
### 3. Data Download
Please visit http://corpus-texmex.irisa.fr/
Please visit http://corpus-texmex.irisa.fr/
TODO: We should provide a script to download datasets automatically