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童毓泽 4 years ago
8 changed files with 749 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +30
  2. +204
  3. +55
  4. +43
  5. +148
  6. +121
  7. +82
  8. +66

+ 30
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App.code/Bll/address.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
/// <summary>
/// 网站配置
/// </summary>
namespace Basic.BLL
public class address
public static DataTable GetListByUser(Basic.Model.user muser)
Basic.DAL.address daladd = new Basic.DAL.address();
string strWhere = " id=0 ";
if (muser != null)
strWhere = " user_id=" +;
DataTable dst = daladd.GetList(0,strWhere," status desc , id desc ").Tables[0];
return dst;

+ 204
- 0
App.code/Bll/attribute.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
/// <summary>
/// 网站配置
/// </summary>
namespace Basic.BLL
public class attribute
/// <summary>
/// 读取attribute分类的名字
/// </summary>
public static string GetTitle(int id)
Basic.DAL.attribute dala = new Basic.DAL.attribute();
Basic.Model.attribute modela = dala.GetModel(id);
string strTitle = "";
if (modela != null)
strTitle = modela.title;
return strTitle;
/// <summary>
/// 获取根据产品id和属性id获取属性的名字
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_attrid"></param>
/// <param name="_proid"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetListTitle(int _attrid, int _proid)
Basic.DAL.product_attribute_list dal = new Basic.DAL.product_attribute_list();
Basic.Model.product_attribute_list model = dal.GetModel(_attrid, _proid);
if (model != null)
return model.title;
return "";
public static string GetAllAttrId(int _color, string _size, int _proid)
string strAttrId = "";
strAttrId += _color + ",";
if (_size != "")
string[] ArraySize = _size.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize.Length; i++)
strAttrId += ArraySize[i] + ",";
if (strAttrId != "")
strAttrId = strAttrId.Substring(0, strAttrId.Length - 1);
return strAttrId;
public static string GetAllAttr(int _color, string _size, int _proid)
string strAttrId = "";
strAttrId += GetListTitle(_color, _proid) + ",";
if (_size != "")
string[] ArraySize = _size.Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize.Length; i++)
strAttrId += GetListTitle(Convert.ToInt32(ArraySize[i]), _proid) + ",";
if (strAttrId != "")
strAttrId = strAttrId.Substring(0, strAttrId.Length - 1);
return strAttrId;
public static string GetAttriString(int _color, string _size)
string strWhereSize = "";
if (_size != "")
strWhereSize += "-" + _size.Replace(",", "-") + "-";
string strWhereColor = "";
if (_color != 0)
strWhereColor += "-" + _color + "-";
string strWhere = strWhereColor + strWhereSize;
strWhere = strWhere.Replace("--", "-");
return strWhere;
public static string ShowSizeAttribute(string _size, int _proid)
string strResult = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_size))
string[] ArraySzie = _size.Split(',');
for (int m = 0; m < ArraySzie.Length; m++)
strResult += attribute.GetListTitle(Convert.ToInt32(ArraySzie[m]), _proid) + ",";
strResult = strResult.Trim();
return strResult;
public static string ShowAttribute(int _color, string _size, int _proid)
string strResult = "";
Basic.DAL.product_attribute_list dala = new Basic.DAL.product_attribute_list();
Basic.Model.product_attribute_list modela = dala.GetModel(_color, _proid);
if (modela != null)
strResult += modela.title + ",";
strResult += ShowSizeAttribute(_size, _proid);
strResult = strResult.Trim(',');
return strResult;
public static int GetKucun(string attrid, int _proid)
int Kucun = 0;
Basic.DAL.product_attribute_value dalpav = new Basic.DAL.product_attribute_value();
Basic.Model.product_attribute_value modelpayv = dalpav.GetModel(_proid, ("-" + attrid.Replace(",", "-") + "-"));
if (modelpayv != null)
Kucun = modelpayv.count;
Basic.DAL.product dalp = new Basic.DAL.product();
Basic.Model.product modelp = dalp.GetModel(_proid);
if (modelp != null)
Kucun = modelp.kucun;
return Kucun;
public static string CountKucun(string attrid,int _proid,int _count,string strProInfo)
bool Flag = true;
int Kucun = 0;
int yiyouCount = 0;
Basic.DAL.product_attribute_value dalpav = new Basic.DAL.product_attribute_value();
Basic.Model.product_attribute_value modelpayv = dalpav.GetModel(_proid,("-"+attrid.Replace(",","-")+"-"));
if (modelpayv != null)
Kucun = modelpayv.count;
if (Kucun < _count)
Flag = false;
Basic.DAL.product dalp = new Basic.DAL.product();
Basic.Model.product modelp = dalp.GetModel(_proid);
if (modelp != null)
if (modelp.kucun < _count)
Flag = false;
Flag = false;
if (!Flag)
return "产品["+strProInfo.Trim()+"]库存少于购买数量。 ";
return "";

+ 55
- 0
App.code/Bll/manager_role.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace Basic.BLL
/// <summary>
/// 管理员
/// </summary>
public class manager_role
/// <summary>
/// 检查是否有权限
/// </summary>
public bool Exists(int role_id, string channel_name, string action_type)
Model.manager_role model = new DAL.manager_role().GetModel(role_id);
if (model != null)
if (model.role_type == 1)
return true;
Model.manager_role_value modelt = model.manager_role_values.Find(p => p.channel_name == channel_name && p.action_type == action_type);
if (modelt != null)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// 检查是否有权限
/// </summary>
public bool Exists(int role_id, int channel_id, string action_type)
Model.manager_role model = new DAL.manager_role().GetModel(role_id);
if (model != null)
if (model.role_type == 1)
return true;
Model.manager_role_value modelt = model.manager_role_values.Find(p => p.channel_id == channel_id && p.action_type == action_type);
if (modelt != null)
return true;
return false;

+ 43
- 0
App.code/Bll/news_class.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
using Basic;
using System.Collections;
/// <summary>
/// 网站配置
/// </summary>
namespace Basic.BLL
public class news_class
/// <summary>
/// 获取父级列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_classid"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Hashtable GetParentList(int _classid)
Hashtable htList = new Hashtable();
int _parentId = _classid;
int i = 0;
while (_parentId > 0)
Basic.DAL.news_class dalp = new Basic.DAL.news_class();
Basic.Model.news_class modelparent = dalp.GetModel(_parentId);
htList.Add("title"+i, modelparent.title);
htList.Add("url"+i, modelparent.url);
if (modelparent != null)
_parentId = modelparent.parent_id;
return htList;

+ 148
- 0
App.code/Bll/order.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
/// <summary>
/// 网站配置
/// </summary>
namespace Basic.BLL
public class order
public static int GetPayNum(string orderid)
int Num = 0;
Basic.DAL.order dalo = new Basic.DAL.order();
Basic.Model.order modelo = dalo.GetModel(orderid);
if (modelo != null)
Num = modelo.paynum;
return Num;
public static void assetOrder(string orderid, string paytype)
if (orderid.IndexOf("_") != (-1))
orderid = orderid.Split('_')[0];
Basic.DAL.order dalo = new Basic.DAL.order();
Basic.Model.order modelo = dalo.GetModel(orderid);
DateTime dtPay = DateTime.Now;
if (modelo != null)
#region 将订单状态标记为已结算
modelo.paystate = 1;
modelo.zhifutype = paytype;
modelo.paydate =dtPay.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") ;
#region 将订单的商品库存减少
Basic.DAL.orderdetail dalod = new Basic.DAL.orderdetail();
DataTable dstOd = dalod.GetList(0, " orderid='" + orderid + "' ", " id desc").Tables[0];
string strProInfo = "";
for (int i = 0; i < dstOd.Rows.Count; i++)
//if (i < 3)
// strProInfo += dstOd.Rows[i]["product_name"].ToString() + dstOd.Rows[i]["attribute"].ToString() + " ,";
int count = Convert.ToInt32(dstOd.Rows[i]["count"].ToString());
int proid = Convert.ToInt32(dstOd.Rows[i]["product_id"].ToString());
Basic.DAL.product dalp = new Basic.DAL.product();
Basic.Model.product modelp = dalp.GetModel(proid);
modelp.kucun -= count;
#region 不同的款式也要精确一下,去扣相应的库存
string strAttri = dstOd.Rows[i]["attribute_id"].ToString();
if (!(strAttri == "" || strAttri == "0,"))
Basic.DAL.product_attribute_value dalpav = new Basic.DAL.product_attribute_value();
Basic.Model.product_attribute_value modelpav = dalpav.GetModel(proid, ("-" + strAttri.Replace(",", "-") + "-"));
if (modelpav != null)
modelpav.count -= count;
string[] ArrayProAttr = modelp.attribute_content.Split('|');
string strAttrContent = "";
for (int m = 0; m < ArrayProAttr.Length - 1; m++)
string strAttrId = ArrayProAttr[m].Split(',')[0];
string strAttrCount = ArrayProAttr[m].Split(',')[1];
if (strAttrId == dstOd.Rows[i]["attribute_id"].ToString().Replace(",", "-") + "_0")
int intAttrCount = Convert.ToInt32(strAttrCount) - count;
strAttrContent += strAttrId + "," + intAttrCount.ToString() + "|";
strAttrContent += ArrayProAttr[m] + "|";
if (ArrayProAttr.Length > 1)
modelp.attribute_content = strAttrContent;
modelp.sales += count;
strProInfo = dstOd.Rows.Count + "件";
//strProInfo = strProInfo.Trim(',');
//if (dstOd.Rows.Count > 3)
// strProInfo += "等";
//wxutil.WX_Util.log(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "_即将发短信:" + strProInfo + "__" + orderid + "<br/>");
if (modelo.smsstatus == "" || modelo.smsstatus==null) { modelo.smsstatus = "|"; }
if (modelo.smsstatus.IndexOf("|pay|") == (-1))
if (Basic.Tools.SendSms.SendPayTz(orderid, strProInfo, modelo.price.ToString(), modelo.userid, paytype, dtPay) == "发送成功")
modelo.smsstatus += "pay|";
if (modelo.smsstatus.IndexOf("|pay2|") == (-1))
if (Basic.Tools.SendSms.SendPayTz2(orderid, strProInfo, modelo.price.ToString(), modelo.userid, paytype, dtPay) == "发送成功")
modelo.smsstatus += "pay2|";
catch (Exception ex)
wxutil.WX_Util.log(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "_error:" + ex.Message.ToString() + " ex.StackTrace:" + ex.StackTrace + "<br/>");

+ 121
- 0
App.code/Bll/product.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
using Basic;
using System.Collections;
/// <summary>
/// 网站配置
/// </summary>
namespace Basic.BLL
public class product
public static string GetParentWhere(int _parentid)
Basic.BLL.product bllp = new Basic.BLL.product();
string strWhereParentId = _parentid.ToString();
strWhereParentId += bllp.GetChild("", _parentid);
return strWhereParentId;
private string GetChild(string strAllChild, int _parentid)
Basic.DAL.pro_class dalpc = new Basic.DAL.pro_class();
DataTable dt = dalpc.GetList(_parentid);
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
int childId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString());
strAllChild += "," + childId;
strAllChild = GetChild(strAllChild, childId);
return strAllChild;
/// <summary>
/// 取顶级父级的id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_classid"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static int GetParentId(int _classid)
int _parentId = _classid;
int _parent2 = 0;
while (_parentId > 0)
_parent2 = _parentId;
Basic.DAL.pro_class dalp = new Basic.DAL.pro_class();
Basic.Model.pro_class modelp = dalp.GetModel(_parentId);
if (modelp != null)
_parentId = modelp.parent_id;
return _parent2;
public static Hashtable GetParentListName(int _classid)
Hashtable htList = new Hashtable();
int _parentId = _classid;
int i = 0;
while (_parentId > 0)
Basic.DAL.pro_class dalp = new Basic.DAL.pro_class();
Basic.Model.pro_class modelparent = dalp.GetModel(_parentId);
htList.Add("title"+i, modelparent.title);
if (modelparent != null)
_parentId = modelparent.parent_id;
return htList;
/// <summary>
/// 根据某一个列,来获得排列的值
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strWhere"></param>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static DataTable GetListGroup(string strWhere,string key)
BasicPage bp=new BasicPage();
DataTable dt = bp.SelectDataBase("news", "select " + key + ",count(id) as countid from tb_product where " + key + "<>'' and " + key + " is not null and " + strWhere + " group by " + key + " order by count(id) desc").Tables[0];
return dt;
/// <summary>
/// 获取价格范围
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strWhere"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string[] GetPriceRange(string strWhere)
Basic.DAL.product dalp = new Basic.DAL.product();
Decimal deMax = dalp.GetMaxPrice(strWhere);
int intCount = 0;
if (deMax % 100.00m > 0.00m)
intCount = (Convert.ToInt32((deMax-(deMax % 100.00m)) / 100.00m) + 1);
intCount = Convert.ToInt32( deMax / 100.00m) ;
string[] ArrayRange=new string[ intCount ];
for (int i = 0; i < intCount; i++)
ArrayRange[i] = (i*100)+"-"+((i+1)*100);
return ArrayRange;

+ 82
- 0
App.code/Bll/siteconfig.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
/// <summary>
/// 网站配置
/// </summary>
namespace Basic.BLL
public class siteconfig
private readonly Basic.DAL.siteconfig dal = new Basic.DAL.siteconfig();
/// <summary>
/// 读取配置文件
/// </summary>
public Basic.Model.siteconfig loadConfig(string configFilePath)
Basic.Model.siteconfig model = CacheHelper.Get<Basic.Model.siteconfig>(Keys.CACHE_SITE_CONFIG);
if (model == null)
CacheHelper.Insert(Keys.CACHE_SITE_CONFIG, dal.loadConfig(configFilePath), configFilePath);
model = CacheHelper.Get<Basic.Model.siteconfig>(Keys.CACHE_SITE_CONFIG);
return model;
/// <summary>
/// 读取客户端站点配置信息
/// </summary>
public Basic.Model.siteconfig loadConfig(string configFilePath, bool isClient)
Basic.Model.siteconfig model = CacheHelper.Get<Basic.Model.siteconfig>(Keys.CACHE_SITE_CONFIG_CLIENT);
if (model == null)
model = dal.loadConfig(configFilePath);
model.templateskin = model.webpath + "templates/" + model.templateskin;
CacheHelper.Insert(Keys.CACHE_SITE_CONFIG_CLIENT, model, configFilePath);
return model;
public static string getConfig(string valueName)
Basic.BLL.siteconfig bll = new Basic.BLL.siteconfig();
Basic.Model.siteconfig model = bll.loadConfig(Basic.Tools.Utils.GetXmlMapPath(Basic.Keys.FILE_SITE_XML_CONFING));
string strResult = "";
if (model != null)
switch (valueName)
case "appid":
strResult = model.Wechat_appid;
case "appsecret":
strResult = model.Wechat_appsecret;
case "mchid":
strResult = model.Wechat_hchid;
case "key":
strResult = model.Wechat_key;
return strResult;
/// <summary>
/// 保存配置文件
/// </summary>
public Basic.Model.siteconfig saveConifg(Basic.Model.siteconfig model, string configFilePath)
return dal.saveConifg(model, configFilePath);

+ 66
- 0
App.code/Bll/sms.cs View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Data;
/// <summary>
/// 网站配置
/// </summary>
namespace Basic.BLL
public class sms
public static DataTable GetListByUser(Basic.Model.user muser)
Basic.DAL.address daladd = new Basic.DAL.address();
string strWhere = " id=0 ";
if (muser != null)
strWhere = " user_id=" +;
DataTable dst = daladd.GetList(0,strWhere," status desc , id desc ").Tables[0];
return dst;
/// <summary>
/// 判断当前这个手机号是否可以再发一次验证码
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool IsRepeat(string strMobile)
bool Flag = false;
Basic.DAL.sms dals = new Basic.DAL.sms();
Basic.Model.sms models = dals.GetModel(strMobile);
if (models != null)
if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(models.add_time).TotalSeconds < 60)
Flag = true;
return Flag;
/// <summary>
/// 获取一个随机的验证码,然后添加一条sms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strPhone"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetSmsCode(string strPhone)
long ran = new Random().Next(10000, 100000);
Basic.DAL.sms dals=new Basic.DAL.sms();
Basic.Model.sms models=new Basic.Model.sms();;
return models.smscode;
