- # gMock Cookbook
- You can find recipes for using gMock here. If you haven't yet, please read
- [the dummy guide](gmock_for_dummies.md) first to make sure you understand the
- basics.
- {: .callout .note}
- **Note:** gMock lives in the `testing` name space. For readability, it is
- recommended to write `using ::testing::Foo;` once in your file before using the
- name `Foo` defined by gMock. We omit such `using` statements in this section for
- brevity, but you should do it in your own code.
- ## Creating Mock Classes
- Mock classes are defined as normal classes, using the `MOCK_METHOD` macro to
- generate mocked methods. The macro gets 3 or 4 parameters:
- ```cpp
- class MyMock {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(ReturnType, MethodName, (Args...));
- MOCK_METHOD(ReturnType, MethodName, (Args...), (Specs...));
- };
- ```
- The first 3 parameters are simply the method declaration, split into 3 parts.
- The 4th parameter accepts a closed list of qualifiers, which affect the
- generated method:
- * **`const`** - Makes the mocked method a `const` method. Required if
- overriding a `const` method.
- * **`override`** - Marks the method with `override`. Recommended if overriding
- a `virtual` method.
- * **`noexcept`** - Marks the method with `noexcept`. Required if overriding a
- `noexcept` method.
- * **`Calltype(...)`** - Sets the call type for the method (e.g. to
- `STDMETHODCALLTYPE`), useful in Windows.
- * **`ref(...)`** - Marks the method with the reference qualification
- specified. Required if overriding a method that has reference
- qualifications. Eg `ref(&)` or `ref(&&)`.
- ### Dealing with unprotected commas
- Unprotected commas, i.e. commas which are not surrounded by parentheses, prevent
- `MOCK_METHOD` from parsing its arguments correctly:
- {: .bad}
- ```cpp
- class MockFoo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(std::pair<bool, int>, GetPair, ()); // Won't compile!
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, CheckMap, (std::map<int, double>, bool)); // Won't compile!
- };
- ```
- Solution 1 - wrap with parentheses:
- {: .good}
- ```cpp
- class MockFoo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD((std::pair<bool, int>), GetPair, ());
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, CheckMap, ((std::map<int, double>), bool));
- };
- ```
- Note that wrapping a return or argument type with parentheses is, in general,
- invalid C++. `MOCK_METHOD` removes the parentheses.
- Solution 2 - define an alias:
- {: .good}
- ```cpp
- class MockFoo {
- public:
- using BoolAndInt = std::pair<bool, int>;
- MOCK_METHOD(BoolAndInt, GetPair, ());
- using MapIntDouble = std::map<int, double>;
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, CheckMap, (MapIntDouble, bool));
- };
- ```
- ### Mocking Private or Protected Methods
- You must always put a mock method definition (`MOCK_METHOD`) in a `public:`
- section of the mock class, regardless of the method being mocked being `public`,
- `protected`, or `private` in the base class. This allows `ON_CALL` and
- `EXPECT_CALL` to reference the mock function from outside of the mock class.
- (Yes, C++ allows a subclass to change the access level of a virtual function in
- the base class.) Example:
- ```cpp
- class Foo {
- public:
- ...
- virtual bool Transform(Gadget* g) = 0;
- protected:
- virtual void Resume();
- private:
- virtual int GetTimeOut();
- };
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, Transform, (Gadget* g), (override));
- // The following must be in the public section, even though the
- // methods are protected or private in the base class.
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Resume, (), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(int, GetTimeOut, (), (override));
- };
- ```
- ### Mocking Overloaded Methods
- You can mock overloaded functions as usual. No special attention is required:
- ```cpp
- class Foo {
- ...
- // Must be virtual as we'll inherit from Foo.
- virtual ~Foo();
- // Overloaded on the types and/or numbers of arguments.
- virtual int Add(Element x);
- virtual int Add(int times, Element x);
- // Overloaded on the const-ness of this object.
- virtual Bar& GetBar();
- virtual const Bar& GetBar() const;
- };
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(int, Add, (Element x), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(int, Add, (int times, Element x), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(Bar&, GetBar, (), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(const Bar&, GetBar, (), (const, override));
- };
- ```
- {: .callout .note}
- **Note:** if you don't mock all versions of the overloaded method, the compiler
- will give you a warning about some methods in the base class being hidden. To
- fix that, use `using` to bring them in scope:
- ```cpp
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- ...
- using Foo::Add;
- MOCK_METHOD(int, Add, (Element x), (override));
- // We don't want to mock int Add(int times, Element x);
- ...
- };
- ```
- ### Mocking Class Templates
- You can mock class templates just like any class.
- ```cpp
- template <typename Elem>
- class StackInterface {
- ...
- // Must be virtual as we'll inherit from StackInterface.
- virtual ~StackInterface();
- virtual int GetSize() const = 0;
- virtual void Push(const Elem& x) = 0;
- };
- template <typename Elem>
- class MockStack : public StackInterface<Elem> {
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(int, GetSize, (), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Push, (const Elem& x), (override));
- };
- ```
- ### Mocking Non-virtual Methods {#MockingNonVirtualMethods}
- gMock can mock non-virtual functions to be used in Hi-perf dependency injection.
- In this case, instead of sharing a common base class with the real class, your
- mock class will be *unrelated* to the real class, but contain methods with the
- same signatures. The syntax for mocking non-virtual methods is the *same* as
- mocking virtual methods (just don't add `override`):
- ```cpp
- // A simple packet stream class. None of its members is virtual.
- class ConcretePacketStream {
- public:
- void AppendPacket(Packet* new_packet);
- const Packet* GetPacket(size_t packet_number) const;
- size_t NumberOfPackets() const;
- ...
- };
- // A mock packet stream class. It inherits from no other, but defines
- // GetPacket() and NumberOfPackets().
- class MockPacketStream {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(const Packet*, GetPacket, (size_t packet_number), (const));
- MOCK_METHOD(size_t, NumberOfPackets, (), (const));
- ...
- };
- ```
- Note that the mock class doesn't define `AppendPacket()`, unlike the real class.
- That's fine as long as the test doesn't need to call it.
- Next, you need a way to say that you want to use `ConcretePacketStream` in
- production code, and use `MockPacketStream` in tests. Since the functions are
- not virtual and the two classes are unrelated, you must specify your choice at
- *compile time* (as opposed to run time).
- One way to do it is to templatize your code that needs to use a packet stream.
- More specifically, you will give your code a template type argument for the type
- of the packet stream. In production, you will instantiate your template with
- `ConcretePacketStream` as the type argument. In tests, you will instantiate the
- same template with `MockPacketStream`. For example, you may write:
- ```cpp
- template <class PacketStream>
- void CreateConnection(PacketStream* stream) { ... }
- template <class PacketStream>
- class PacketReader {
- public:
- void ReadPackets(PacketStream* stream, size_t packet_num);
- };
- ```
- Then you can use `CreateConnection<ConcretePacketStream>()` and
- `PacketReader<ConcretePacketStream>` in production code, and use
- `CreateConnection<MockPacketStream>()` and `PacketReader<MockPacketStream>` in
- tests.
- ```cpp
- MockPacketStream mock_stream;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_stream, ...)...;
- .. set more expectations on mock_stream ...
- PacketReader<MockPacketStream> reader(&mock_stream);
- ... exercise reader ...
- ```
- ### Mocking Free Functions
- It is not possible to directly mock a free function (i.e. a C-style function or
- a static method). If you need to, you can rewrite your code to use an interface
- (abstract class).
- Instead of calling a free function (say, `OpenFile`) directly, introduce an
- interface for it and have a concrete subclass that calls the free function:
- ```cpp
- class FileInterface {
- public:
- ...
- virtual bool Open(const char* path, const char* mode) = 0;
- };
- class File : public FileInterface {
- public:
- ...
- bool Open(const char* path, const char* mode) override {
- return OpenFile(path, mode);
- }
- };
- ```
- Your code should talk to `FileInterface` to open a file. Now it's easy to mock
- out the function.
- This may seem like a lot of hassle, but in practice you often have multiple
- related functions that you can put in the same interface, so the per-function
- syntactic overhead will be much lower.
- If you are concerned about the performance overhead incurred by virtual
- functions, and profiling confirms your concern, you can combine this with the
- recipe for [mocking non-virtual methods](#MockingNonVirtualMethods).
- ### Old-Style `MOCK_METHODn` Macros
- Before the generic `MOCK_METHOD` macro
- [was introduced in 2018](https://github.com/google/googletest/commit/c5f08bf91944ce1b19bcf414fa1760e69d20afc2),
- mocks where created using a family of macros collectively called `MOCK_METHODn`.
- These macros are still supported, though migration to the new `MOCK_METHOD` is
- recommended.
- The macros in the `MOCK_METHODn` family differ from `MOCK_METHOD`:
- * The general structure is `MOCK_METHODn(MethodName, ReturnType(Args))`,
- instead of `MOCK_METHOD(ReturnType, MethodName, (Args))`.
- * The number `n` must equal the number of arguments.
- * When mocking a const method, one must use `MOCK_CONST_METHODn`.
- * When mocking a class template, the macro name must be suffixed with `_T`.
- * In order to specify the call type, the macro name must be suffixed with
- `_WITH_CALLTYPE`, and the call type is the first macro argument.
- Old macros and their new equivalents:
- <table>
- <tr><th colspan=2>Simple</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Old</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD1(Foo, bool(int))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>New</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD(bool, Foo, (int))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr><th colspan=2>Const Method</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Old</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(Foo, bool(int))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>New</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD(bool, Foo, (int), (const))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr><th colspan=2>Method in a Class Template</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Old</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD1_T(Foo, bool(int))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>New</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD(bool, Foo, (int))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr><th colspan=2>Const Method in a Class Template</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Old</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_CONST_METHOD1_T(Foo, bool(int))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>New</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD(bool, Foo, (int), (const))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr><th colspan=2>Method with Call Type</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Old</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD1_WITH_CALLTYPE(STDMETHODCALLTYPE, Foo, bool(int))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>New</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD(bool, Foo, (int), (Calltype(STDMETHODCALLTYPE)))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr><th colspan=2>Const Method with Call Type</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Old</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_CONST_METHOD1_WITH_CALLTYPE(STDMETHODCALLTYPE, Foo, bool(int))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>New</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD(bool, Foo, (int), (const, Calltype(STDMETHODCALLTYPE)))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr><th colspan=2>Method with Call Type in a Class Template</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Old</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD1_T_WITH_CALLTYPE(STDMETHODCALLTYPE, Foo, bool(int))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>New</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD(bool, Foo, (int), (Calltype(STDMETHODCALLTYPE)))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr><th colspan=2>Const Method with Call Type in a Class Template</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Old</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_CONST_METHOD1_T_WITH_CALLTYPE(STDMETHODCALLTYPE, Foo, bool(int))</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>New</td>
- <td><code>MOCK_METHOD(bool, Foo, (int), (const, Calltype(STDMETHODCALLTYPE)))</code></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- ### The Nice, the Strict, and the Naggy {#NiceStrictNaggy}
- If a mock method has no `EXPECT_CALL` spec but is called, we say that it's an
- "uninteresting call", and the default action (which can be specified using
- `ON_CALL()`) of the method will be taken. Currently, an uninteresting call will
- also by default cause gMock to print a warning. (In the future, we might remove
- this warning by default.)
- However, sometimes you may want to ignore these uninteresting calls, and
- sometimes you may want to treat them as errors. gMock lets you make the decision
- on a per-mock-object basis.
- Suppose your test uses a mock class `MockFoo`:
- ```cpp
- TEST(...) {
- MockFoo mock_foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, DoThis());
- ... code that uses mock_foo ...
- }
- ```
- If a method of `mock_foo` other than `DoThis()` is called, you will get a
- warning. However, if you rewrite your test to use `NiceMock<MockFoo>` instead,
- you can suppress the warning:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::NiceMock;
- TEST(...) {
- NiceMock<MockFoo> mock_foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, DoThis());
- ... code that uses mock_foo ...
- }
- ```
- `NiceMock<MockFoo>` is a subclass of `MockFoo`, so it can be used wherever
- `MockFoo` is accepted.
- It also works if `MockFoo`'s constructor takes some arguments, as
- `NiceMock<MockFoo>` "inherits" `MockFoo`'s constructors:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::NiceMock;
- TEST(...) {
- NiceMock<MockFoo> mock_foo(5, "hi"); // Calls MockFoo(5, "hi").
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, DoThis());
- ... code that uses mock_foo ...
- }
- ```
- The usage of `StrictMock` is similar, except that it makes all uninteresting
- calls failures:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::StrictMock;
- TEST(...) {
- StrictMock<MockFoo> mock_foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, DoThis());
- ... code that uses mock_foo ...
- // The test will fail if a method of mock_foo other than DoThis()
- // is called.
- }
- ```
- {: .callout .note}
- NOTE: `NiceMock` and `StrictMock` only affects *uninteresting* calls (calls of
- *methods* with no expectations); they do not affect *unexpected* calls (calls of
- methods with expectations, but they don't match). See
- [Understanding Uninteresting vs Unexpected Calls](#uninteresting-vs-unexpected).
- There are some caveats though (sadly they are side effects of C++'s
- limitations):
- 1. `NiceMock<MockFoo>` and `StrictMock<MockFoo>` only work for mock methods
- defined using the `MOCK_METHOD` macro **directly** in the `MockFoo` class.
- If a mock method is defined in a **base class** of `MockFoo`, the "nice" or
- "strict" modifier may not affect it, depending on the compiler. In
- particular, nesting `NiceMock` and `StrictMock` (e.g.
- `NiceMock<StrictMock<MockFoo> >`) is **not** supported.
- 2. `NiceMock<MockFoo>` and `StrictMock<MockFoo>` may not work correctly if the
- destructor of `MockFoo` is not virtual. We would like to fix this, but it
- requires cleaning up existing tests.
- Finally, you should be **very cautious** about when to use naggy or strict
- mocks, as they tend to make tests more brittle and harder to maintain. When you
- refactor your code without changing its externally visible behavior, ideally you
- shouldn't need to update any tests. If your code interacts with a naggy mock,
- however, you may start to get spammed with warnings as the result of your
- change. Worse, if your code interacts with a strict mock, your tests may start
- to fail and you'll be forced to fix them. Our general recommendation is to use
- nice mocks (not yet the default) most of the time, use naggy mocks (the current
- default) when developing or debugging tests, and use strict mocks only as the
- last resort.
- ### Simplifying the Interface without Breaking Existing Code {#SimplerInterfaces}
- Sometimes a method has a long list of arguments that is mostly uninteresting.
- For example:
- ```cpp
- class LogSink {
- public:
- ...
- virtual void send(LogSeverity severity, const char* full_filename,
- const char* base_filename, int line,
- const struct tm* tm_time,
- const char* message, size_t message_len) = 0;
- };
- ```
- This method's argument list is lengthy and hard to work with (the `message`
- argument is not even 0-terminated). If we mock it as is, using the mock will be
- awkward. If, however, we try to simplify this interface, we'll need to fix all
- clients depending on it, which is often infeasible.
- The trick is to redispatch the method in the mock class:
- ```cpp
- class ScopedMockLog : public LogSink {
- public:
- ...
- void send(LogSeverity severity, const char* full_filename,
- const char* base_filename, int line, const tm* tm_time,
- const char* message, size_t message_len) override {
- // We are only interested in the log severity, full file name, and
- // log message.
- Log(severity, full_filename, std::string(message, message_len));
- }
- // Implements the mock method:
- //
- // void Log(LogSeverity severity,
- // const string& file_path,
- // const string& message);
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Log,
- (LogSeverity severity, const string& file_path,
- const string& message));
- };
- ```
- By defining a new mock method with a trimmed argument list, we make the mock
- class more user-friendly.
- This technique may also be applied to make overloaded methods more amenable to
- mocking. For example, when overloads have been used to implement default
- arguments:
- ```cpp
- class MockTurtleFactory : public TurtleFactory {
- public:
- Turtle* MakeTurtle(int length, int weight) override { ... }
- Turtle* MakeTurtle(int length, int weight, int speed) override { ... }
- // the above methods delegate to this one:
- MOCK_METHOD(Turtle*, DoMakeTurtle, ());
- };
- ```
- This allows tests that don't care which overload was invoked to avoid specifying
- argument matchers:
- ```cpp
- ON_CALL(factory, DoMakeTurtle)
- .WillByDefault(Return(MakeMockTurtle()));
- ```
- ### Alternative to Mocking Concrete Classes
- Often you may find yourself using classes that don't implement interfaces. In
- order to test your code that uses such a class (let's call it `Concrete`), you
- may be tempted to make the methods of `Concrete` virtual and then mock it.
- Try not to do that.
- Making a non-virtual function virtual is a big decision. It creates an extension
- point where subclasses can tweak your class' behavior. This weakens your control
- on the class because now it's harder to maintain the class invariants. You
- should make a function virtual only when there is a valid reason for a subclass
- to override it.
- Mocking concrete classes directly is problematic as it creates a tight coupling
- between the class and the tests - any small change in the class may invalidate
- your tests and make test maintenance a pain.
- To avoid such problems, many programmers have been practicing "coding to
- interfaces": instead of talking to the `Concrete` class, your code would define
- an interface and talk to it. Then you implement that interface as an adaptor on
- top of `Concrete`. In tests, you can easily mock that interface to observe how
- your code is doing.
- This technique incurs some overhead:
- * You pay the cost of virtual function calls (usually not a problem).
- * There is more abstraction for the programmers to learn.
- However, it can also bring significant benefits in addition to better
- testability:
- * `Concrete`'s API may not fit your problem domain very well, as you may not
- be the only client it tries to serve. By designing your own interface, you
- have a chance to tailor it to your need - you may add higher-level
- functionalities, rename stuff, etc instead of just trimming the class. This
- allows you to write your code (user of the interface) in a more natural way,
- which means it will be more readable, more maintainable, and you'll be more
- productive.
- * If `Concrete`'s implementation ever has to change, you don't have to rewrite
- everywhere it is used. Instead, you can absorb the change in your
- implementation of the interface, and your other code and tests will be
- insulated from this change.
- Some people worry that if everyone is practicing this technique, they will end
- up writing lots of redundant code. This concern is totally understandable.
- However, there are two reasons why it may not be the case:
- * Different projects may need to use `Concrete` in different ways, so the best
- interfaces for them will be different. Therefore, each of them will have its
- own domain-specific interface on top of `Concrete`, and they will not be the
- same code.
- * If enough projects want to use the same interface, they can always share it,
- just like they have been sharing `Concrete`. You can check in the interface
- and the adaptor somewhere near `Concrete` (perhaps in a `contrib`
- sub-directory) and let many projects use it.
- You need to weigh the pros and cons carefully for your particular problem, but
- I'd like to assure you that the Java community has been practicing this for a
- long time and it's a proven effective technique applicable in a wide variety of
- situations. :-)
- ### Delegating Calls to a Fake {#DelegatingToFake}
- Some times you have a non-trivial fake implementation of an interface. For
- example:
- ```cpp
- class Foo {
- public:
- virtual ~Foo() {}
- virtual char DoThis(int n) = 0;
- virtual void DoThat(const char* s, int* p) = 0;
- };
- class FakeFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- char DoThis(int n) override {
- return (n > 0) ? '+' :
- (n < 0) ? '-' : '0';
- }
- void DoThat(const char* s, int* p) override {
- *p = strlen(s);
- }
- };
- ```
- Now you want to mock this interface such that you can set expectations on it.
- However, you also want to use `FakeFoo` for the default behavior, as duplicating
- it in the mock object is, well, a lot of work.
- When you define the mock class using gMock, you can have it delegate its default
- action to a fake class you already have, using this pattern:
- ```cpp
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- // Normal mock method definitions using gMock.
- MOCK_METHOD(char, DoThis, (int n), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(void, DoThat, (const char* s, int* p), (override));
- // Delegates the default actions of the methods to a FakeFoo object.
- // This must be called *before* the custom ON_CALL() statements.
- void DelegateToFake() {
- ON_CALL(*this, DoThis).WillByDefault([this](int n) {
- return fake_.DoThis(n);
- });
- ON_CALL(*this, DoThat).WillByDefault([this](const char* s, int* p) {
- fake_.DoThat(s, p);
- });
- }
- private:
- FakeFoo fake_; // Keeps an instance of the fake in the mock.
- };
- ```
- With that, you can use `MockFoo` in your tests as usual. Just remember that if
- you don't explicitly set an action in an `ON_CALL()` or `EXPECT_CALL()`, the
- fake will be called upon to do it.:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- TEST(AbcTest, Xyz) {
- MockFoo foo;
- foo.DelegateToFake(); // Enables the fake for delegation.
- // Put your ON_CALL(foo, ...)s here, if any.
- // No action specified, meaning to use the default action.
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(5));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThat(_, _));
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ('+', foo.DoThis(5)); // FakeFoo::DoThis() is invoked.
- foo.DoThat("Hi", &n); // FakeFoo::DoThat() is invoked.
- EXPECT_EQ(2, n);
- }
- ```
- **Some tips:**
- * If you want, you can still override the default action by providing your own
- `ON_CALL()` or using `.WillOnce()` / `.WillRepeatedly()` in `EXPECT_CALL()`.
- * In `DelegateToFake()`, you only need to delegate the methods whose fake
- implementation you intend to use.
- * The general technique discussed here works for overloaded methods, but
- you'll need to tell the compiler which version you mean. To disambiguate a
- mock function (the one you specify inside the parentheses of `ON_CALL()`),
- use [this technique](#SelectOverload); to disambiguate a fake function (the
- one you place inside `Invoke()`), use a `static_cast` to specify the
- function's type. For instance, if class `Foo` has methods `char DoThis(int
- n)` and `bool DoThis(double x) const`, and you want to invoke the latter,
- you need to write `Invoke(&fake_, static_cast<bool (FakeFoo::*)(double)
- const>(&FakeFoo::DoThis))` instead of `Invoke(&fake_, &FakeFoo::DoThis)`
- (The strange-looking thing inside the angled brackets of `static_cast` is
- the type of a function pointer to the second `DoThis()` method.).
- * Having to mix a mock and a fake is often a sign of something gone wrong.
- Perhaps you haven't got used to the interaction-based way of testing yet. Or
- perhaps your interface is taking on too many roles and should be split up.
- Therefore, **don't abuse this**. We would only recommend to do it as an
- intermediate step when you are refactoring your code.
- Regarding the tip on mixing a mock and a fake, here's an example on why it may
- be a bad sign: Suppose you have a class `System` for low-level system
- operations. In particular, it does file and I/O operations. And suppose you want
- to test how your code uses `System` to do I/O, and you just want the file
- operations to work normally. If you mock out the entire `System` class, you'll
- have to provide a fake implementation for the file operation part, which
- suggests that `System` is taking on too many roles.
- Instead, you can define a `FileOps` interface and an `IOOps` interface and split
- `System`'s functionalities into the two. Then you can mock `IOOps` without
- mocking `FileOps`.
- ### Delegating Calls to a Real Object
- When using testing doubles (mocks, fakes, stubs, and etc), sometimes their
- behaviors will differ from those of the real objects. This difference could be
- either intentional (as in simulating an error such that you can test the error
- handling code) or unintentional. If your mocks have different behaviors than the
- real objects by mistake, you could end up with code that passes the tests but
- fails in production.
- You can use the *delegating-to-real* technique to ensure that your mock has the
- same behavior as the real object while retaining the ability to validate calls.
- This technique is very similar to the [delegating-to-fake](#DelegatingToFake)
- technique, the difference being that we use a real object instead of a fake.
- Here's an example:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::AtLeast;
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MockFoo() {
- // By default, all calls are delegated to the real object.
- ON_CALL(*this, DoThis).WillByDefault([this](int n) {
- return real_.DoThis(n);
- });
- ON_CALL(*this, DoThat).WillByDefault([this](const char* s, int* p) {
- real_.DoThat(s, p);
- });
- ...
- }
- MOCK_METHOD(char, DoThis, ...);
- MOCK_METHOD(void, DoThat, ...);
- ...
- private:
- Foo real_;
- };
- ...
- MockFoo mock;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, DoThis())
- .Times(3);
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, DoThat("Hi"))
- .Times(AtLeast(1));
- ... use mock in test ...
- ```
- With this, gMock will verify that your code made the right calls (with the right
- arguments, in the right order, called the right number of times, etc), and a
- real object will answer the calls (so the behavior will be the same as in
- production). This gives you the best of both worlds.
- ### Delegating Calls to a Parent Class
- Ideally, you should code to interfaces, whose methods are all pure virtual. In
- reality, sometimes you do need to mock a virtual method that is not pure (i.e,
- it already has an implementation). For example:
- ```cpp
- class Foo {
- public:
- virtual ~Foo();
- virtual void Pure(int n) = 0;
- virtual int Concrete(const char* str) { ... }
- };
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- // Mocking a pure method.
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Pure, (int n), (override));
- // Mocking a concrete method. Foo::Concrete() is shadowed.
- MOCK_METHOD(int, Concrete, (const char* str), (override));
- };
- ```
- Sometimes you may want to call `Foo::Concrete()` instead of
- `MockFoo::Concrete()`. Perhaps you want to do it as part of a stub action, or
- perhaps your test doesn't need to mock `Concrete()` at all (but it would be
- oh-so painful to have to define a new mock class whenever you don't need to mock
- one of its methods).
- You can call `Foo::Concrete()` inside an action by:
- ```cpp
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Concrete).WillOnce([&foo](const char* str) {
- return foo.Foo::Concrete(str);
- });
- ```
- or tell the mock object that you don't want to mock `Concrete()`:
- ```cpp
- ...
- ON_CALL(foo, Concrete).WillByDefault([&foo](const char* str) {
- return foo.Foo::Concrete(str);
- });
- ```
- (Why don't we just write `{ return foo.Concrete(str); }`? If you do that,
- `MockFoo::Concrete()` will be called (and cause an infinite recursion) since
- `Foo::Concrete()` is virtual. That's just how C++ works.)
- ## Using Matchers
- ### Matching Argument Values Exactly
- You can specify exactly which arguments a mock method is expecting:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Return;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(5))
- .WillOnce(Return('a'));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThat("Hello", bar));
- ```
- ### Using Simple Matchers
- You can use matchers to match arguments that have a certain property:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::NotNull;
- using ::testing::Return;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(Ge(5))) // The argument must be >= 5.
- .WillOnce(Return('a'));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThat("Hello", NotNull()));
- // The second argument must not be NULL.
- ```
- A frequently used matcher is `_`, which matches anything:
- ```cpp
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThat(_, NotNull()));
- ```
- ### Combining Matchers {#CombiningMatchers}
- You can build complex matchers from existing ones using `AllOf()`,
- `AllOfArray()`, `AnyOf()`, `AnyOfArray()` and `Not()`:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::AllOf;
- using ::testing::Gt;
- using ::testing::HasSubstr;
- using ::testing::Ne;
- using ::testing::Not;
- ...
- // The argument must be > 5 and != 10.
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(AllOf(Gt(5),
- Ne(10))));
- // The first argument must not contain sub-string "blah".
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThat(Not(HasSubstr("blah")),
- NULL));
- ```
- Matchers are function objects, and parametrized matchers can be composed just
- like any other function. However because their types can be long and rarely
- provide meaningful information, it can be easier to express them with C++14
- generic lambdas to avoid specifying types. For example,
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Contains;
- using ::testing::Property;
- inline constexpr auto HasFoo = [](const auto& f) {
- return Property(&MyClass::foo, Contains(f));
- };
- ...
- EXPECT_THAT(x, HasFoo("blah"));
- ```
- ### Casting Matchers {#SafeMatcherCast}
- gMock matchers are statically typed, meaning that the compiler can catch your
- mistake if you use a matcher of the wrong type (for example, if you use `Eq(5)`
- to match a `string` argument). Good for you!
- Sometimes, however, you know what you're doing and want the compiler to give you
- some slack. One example is that you have a matcher for `long` and the argument
- you want to match is `int`. While the two types aren't exactly the same, there
- is nothing really wrong with using a `Matcher<long>` to match an `int` - after
- all, we can first convert the `int` argument to a `long` losslessly before
- giving it to the matcher.
- To support this need, gMock gives you the `SafeMatcherCast<T>(m)` function. It
- casts a matcher `m` to type `Matcher<T>`. To ensure safety, gMock checks that
- (let `U` be the type `m` accepts :
- 1. Type `T` can be *implicitly* cast to type `U`;
- 2. When both `T` and `U` are built-in arithmetic types (`bool`, integers, and
- floating-point numbers), the conversion from `T` to `U` is not lossy (in
- other words, any value representable by `T` can also be represented by `U`);
- and
- 3. When `U` is a reference, `T` must also be a reference (as the underlying
- matcher may be interested in the address of the `U` value).
- The code won't compile if any of these conditions isn't met.
- Here's one example:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::SafeMatcherCast;
- // A base class and a child class.
- class Base { ... };
- class Derived : public Base { ... };
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(void, DoThis, (Derived* derived), (override));
- };
- ...
- MockFoo foo;
- // m is a Matcher<Base*> we got from somewhere.
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(SafeMatcherCast<Derived*>(m)));
- ```
- If you find `SafeMatcherCast<T>(m)` too limiting, you can use a similar function
- `MatcherCast<T>(m)`. The difference is that `MatcherCast` works as long as you
- can `static_cast` type `T` to type `U`.
- `MatcherCast` essentially lets you bypass C++'s type system (`static_cast` isn't
- always safe as it could throw away information, for example), so be careful not
- to misuse/abuse it.
- ### Selecting Between Overloaded Functions {#SelectOverload}
- If you expect an overloaded function to be called, the compiler may need some
- help on which overloaded version it is.
- To disambiguate functions overloaded on the const-ness of this object, use the
- `Const()` argument wrapper.
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(Bar&, GetBar, (), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(const Bar&, GetBar, (), (const, override));
- };
- ...
- MockFoo foo;
- Bar bar1, bar2;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, GetBar()) // The non-const GetBar().
- .WillOnce(ReturnRef(bar1));
- EXPECT_CALL(Const(foo), GetBar()) // The const GetBar().
- .WillOnce(ReturnRef(bar2));
- ```
- (`Const()` is defined by gMock and returns a `const` reference to its argument.)
- To disambiguate overloaded functions with the same number of arguments but
- different argument types, you may need to specify the exact type of a matcher,
- either by wrapping your matcher in `Matcher<type>()`, or using a matcher whose
- type is fixed (`TypedEq<type>`, `An<type>()`, etc):
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::An;
- using ::testing::Matcher;
- using ::testing::TypedEq;
- class MockPrinter : public Printer {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Print, (int n), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Print, (char c), (override));
- };
- TEST(PrinterTest, Print) {
- MockPrinter printer;
- EXPECT_CALL(printer, Print(An<int>())); // void Print(int);
- EXPECT_CALL(printer, Print(Matcher<int>(Lt(5)))); // void Print(int);
- EXPECT_CALL(printer, Print(TypedEq<char>('a'))); // void Print(char);
- printer.Print(3);
- printer.Print(6);
- printer.Print('a');
- }
- ```
- ### Performing Different Actions Based on the Arguments
- When a mock method is called, the *last* matching expectation that's still
- active will be selected (think "newer overrides older"). So, you can make a
- method do different things depending on its argument values like this:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Lt;
- using ::testing::Return;
- ...
- // The default case.
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(_))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return('b'));
- // The more specific case.
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(Lt(5)))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return('a'));
- ```
- Now, if `foo.DoThis()` is called with a value less than 5, `'a'` will be
- returned; otherwise `'b'` will be returned.
- ### Matching Multiple Arguments as a Whole
- Sometimes it's not enough to match the arguments individually. For example, we
- may want to say that the first argument must be less than the second argument.
- The `With()` clause allows us to match all arguments of a mock function as a
- whole. For example,
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Ne;
- using ::testing::Lt;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, InRange(Ne(0), _))
- .With(Lt());
- ```
- says that the first argument of `InRange()` must not be 0, and must be less than
- the second argument.
- The expression inside `With()` must be a matcher of type `Matcher<std::tuple<A1,
- ..., An>>`, where `A1`, ..., `An` are the types of the function arguments.
- You can also write `AllArgs(m)` instead of `m` inside `.With()`. The two forms
- are equivalent, but `.With(AllArgs(Lt()))` is more readable than `.With(Lt())`.
- You can use `Args<k1, ..., kn>(m)` to match the `n` selected arguments (as a
- tuple) against `m`. For example,
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::AllOf;
- using ::testing::Args;
- using ::testing::Lt;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Blah)
- .With(AllOf(Args<0, 1>(Lt()), Args<1, 2>(Lt())));
- ```
- says that `Blah` will be called with arguments `x`, `y`, and `z` where `x < y <
- z`. Note that in this example, it wasn't necessary specify the positional
- matchers.
- As a convenience and example, gMock provides some matchers for 2-tuples,
- including the `Lt()` matcher above. See
- [Multi-argument Matchers](reference/matchers.md#MultiArgMatchers) for the
- complete list.
- Note that if you want to pass the arguments to a predicate of your own (e.g.
- `.With(Args<0, 1>(Truly(&MyPredicate)))`), that predicate MUST be written to
- take a `std::tuple` as its argument; gMock will pass the `n` selected arguments
- as *one* single tuple to the predicate.
- ### Using Matchers as Predicates
- Have you noticed that a matcher is just a fancy predicate that also knows how to
- describe itself? Many existing algorithms take predicates as arguments (e.g.
- those defined in STL's `<algorithm>` header), and it would be a shame if gMock
- matchers were not allowed to participate.
- Luckily, you can use a matcher where a unary predicate functor is expected by
- wrapping it inside the `Matches()` function. For example,
- ```cpp
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <vector>
- using ::testing::Matches;
- using ::testing::Ge;
- vector<int> v;
- ...
- // How many elements in v are >= 10?
- const int count = count_if(v.begin(), v.end(), Matches(Ge(10)));
- ```
- Since you can build complex matchers from simpler ones easily using gMock, this
- gives you a way to conveniently construct composite predicates (doing the same
- using STL's `<functional>` header is just painful). For example, here's a
- predicate that's satisfied by any number that is >= 0, <= 100, and != 50:
- ```cpp
- using testing::AllOf;
- using testing::Ge;
- using testing::Le;
- using testing::Matches;
- using testing::Ne;
- ...
- Matches(AllOf(Ge(0), Le(100), Ne(50)))
- ```
- ### Using Matchers in googletest Assertions
- Since matchers are basically predicates that also know how to describe
- themselves, there is a way to take advantage of them in googletest assertions.
- It's called `ASSERT_THAT` and `EXPECT_THAT`:
- ```cpp
- ASSERT_THAT(value, matcher); // Asserts that value matches matcher.
- EXPECT_THAT(value, matcher); // The non-fatal version.
- ```
- For example, in a googletest test you can write:
- ```cpp
- #include "gmock/gmock.h"
- using ::testing::AllOf;
- using ::testing::Ge;
- using ::testing::Le;
- using ::testing::MatchesRegex;
- using ::testing::StartsWith;
- ...
- EXPECT_THAT(Foo(), StartsWith("Hello"));
- EXPECT_THAT(Bar(), MatchesRegex("Line \\d+"));
- ASSERT_THAT(Baz(), AllOf(Ge(5), Le(10)));
- ```
- which (as you can probably guess) executes `Foo()`, `Bar()`, and `Baz()`, and
- verifies that:
- * `Foo()` returns a string that starts with `"Hello"`.
- * `Bar()` returns a string that matches regular expression `"Line \\d+"`.
- * `Baz()` returns a number in the range [5, 10].
- The nice thing about these macros is that *they read like English*. They
- generate informative messages too. For example, if the first `EXPECT_THAT()`
- above fails, the message will be something like:
- ```cpp
- Value of: Foo()
- Actual: "Hi, world!"
- Expected: starts with "Hello"
- ```
- **Credit:** The idea of `(ASSERT|EXPECT)_THAT` was borrowed from Joe Walnes'
- Hamcrest project, which adds `assertThat()` to JUnit.
- ### Using Predicates as Matchers
- gMock provides a set of built-in matchers for matching arguments with expected
- values—see the [Matchers Reference](reference/matchers.md) for more information.
- In case you find the built-in set lacking, you can use an arbitrary unary
- predicate function or functor as a matcher - as long as the predicate accepts a
- value of the type you want. You do this by wrapping the predicate inside the
- `Truly()` function, for example:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Truly;
- int IsEven(int n) { return (n % 2) == 0 ? 1 : 0; }
- ...
- // Bar() must be called with an even number.
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(Truly(IsEven)));
- ```
- Note that the predicate function / functor doesn't have to return `bool`. It
- works as long as the return value can be used as the condition in in statement
- `if (condition) ...`.
- ### Matching Arguments that Are Not Copyable
- When you do an `EXPECT_CALL(mock_obj, Foo(bar))`, gMock saves away a copy of
- `bar`. When `Foo()` is called later, gMock compares the argument to `Foo()` with
- the saved copy of `bar`. This way, you don't need to worry about `bar` being
- modified or destroyed after the `EXPECT_CALL()` is executed. The same is true
- when you use matchers like `Eq(bar)`, `Le(bar)`, and so on.
- But what if `bar` cannot be copied (i.e. has no copy constructor)? You could
- define your own matcher function or callback and use it with `Truly()`, as the
- previous couple of recipes have shown. Or, you may be able to get away from it
- if you can guarantee that `bar` won't be changed after the `EXPECT_CALL()` is
- executed. Just tell gMock that it should save a reference to `bar`, instead of a
- copy of it. Here's how:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Eq;
- using ::testing::Lt;
- ...
- // Expects that Foo()'s argument == bar.
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_obj, Foo(Eq(std::ref(bar))));
- // Expects that Foo()'s argument < bar.
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_obj, Foo(Lt(std::ref(bar))));
- ```
- Remember: if you do this, don't change `bar` after the `EXPECT_CALL()`, or the
- result is undefined.
- ### Validating a Member of an Object
- Often a mock function takes a reference to object as an argument. When matching
- the argument, you may not want to compare the entire object against a fixed
- object, as that may be over-specification. Instead, you may need to validate a
- certain member variable or the result of a certain getter method of the object.
- You can do this with `Field()` and `Property()`. More specifically,
- ```cpp
- Field(&Foo::bar, m)
- ```
- is a matcher that matches a `Foo` object whose `bar` member variable satisfies
- matcher `m`.
- ```cpp
- Property(&Foo::baz, m)
- ```
- is a matcher that matches a `Foo` object whose `baz()` method returns a value
- that satisfies matcher `m`.
- For example:
- | Expression | Description |
- | :--------------------------- | :--------------------------------------- |
- | `Field(&Foo::number, Ge(3))` | Matches `x` where `x.number >= 3`. |
- | `Property(&Foo::name, StartsWith("John "))` | Matches `x` where `x.name()` starts with `"John "`. |
- Note that in `Property(&Foo::baz, ...)`, method `baz()` must take no argument
- and be declared as `const`. Don't use `Property()` against member functions that
- you do not own, because taking addresses of functions is fragile and generally
- not part of the contract of the function.
- `Field()` and `Property()` can also match plain pointers to objects. For
- instance,
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Field;
- using ::testing::Ge;
- ...
- Field(&Foo::number, Ge(3))
- ```
- matches a plain pointer `p` where `p->number >= 3`. If `p` is `NULL`, the match
- will always fail regardless of the inner matcher.
- What if you want to validate more than one members at the same time? Remember
- that there are [`AllOf()` and `AllOfArray()`](#CombiningMatchers).
- Finally `Field()` and `Property()` provide overloads that take the field or
- property names as the first argument to include it in the error message. This
- can be useful when creating combined matchers.
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::AllOf;
- using ::testing::Field;
- using ::testing::Matcher;
- using ::testing::SafeMatcherCast;
- Matcher<Foo> IsFoo(const Foo& foo) {
- return AllOf(Field("some_field", &Foo::some_field, foo.some_field),
- Field("other_field", &Foo::other_field, foo.other_field),
- Field("last_field", &Foo::last_field, foo.last_field));
- }
- ```
- ### Validating the Value Pointed to by a Pointer Argument
- C++ functions often take pointers as arguments. You can use matchers like
- `IsNull()`, `NotNull()`, and other comparison matchers to match a pointer, but
- what if you want to make sure the value *pointed to* by the pointer, instead of
- the pointer itself, has a certain property? Well, you can use the `Pointee(m)`
- matcher.
- `Pointee(m)` matches a pointer if and only if `m` matches the value the pointer
- points to. For example:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Ge;
- using ::testing::Pointee;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(Pointee(Ge(3))));
- ```
- expects `foo.Bar()` to be called with a pointer that points to a value greater
- than or equal to 3.
- One nice thing about `Pointee()` is that it treats a `NULL` pointer as a match
- failure, so you can write `Pointee(m)` instead of
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::AllOf;
- using ::testing::NotNull;
- using ::testing::Pointee;
- ...
- AllOf(NotNull(), Pointee(m))
- ```
- without worrying that a `NULL` pointer will crash your test.
- Also, did we tell you that `Pointee()` works with both raw pointers **and**
- smart pointers (`std::unique_ptr`, `std::shared_ptr`, etc)?
- What if you have a pointer to pointer? You guessed it - you can use nested
- `Pointee()` to probe deeper inside the value. For example,
- `Pointee(Pointee(Lt(3)))` matches a pointer that points to a pointer that points
- to a number less than 3 (what a mouthful...).
- ### Testing a Certain Property of an Object
- Sometimes you want to specify that an object argument has a certain property,
- but there is no existing matcher that does this. If you want good error
- messages, you should [define a matcher](#NewMatchers). If you want to do it
- quick and dirty, you could get away with writing an ordinary function.
- Let's say you have a mock function that takes an object of type `Foo`, which has
- an `int bar()` method and an `int baz()` method, and you want to constrain that
- the argument's `bar()` value plus its `baz()` value is a given number. Here's
- how you can define a matcher to do it:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Matcher;
- class BarPlusBazEqMatcher {
- public:
- explicit BarPlusBazEqMatcher(int expected_sum)
- : expected_sum_(expected_sum) {}
- bool MatchAndExplain(const Foo& foo,
- std::ostream* /* listener */) const {
- return (foo.bar() + foo.baz()) == expected_sum_;
- }
- void DescribeTo(std::ostream& os) const {
- os << "bar() + baz() equals " << expected_sum_;
- }
- void DescribeNegationTo(std::ostream& os) const {
- os << "bar() + baz() does not equal " << expected_sum_;
- }
- private:
- const int expected_sum_;
- };
- Matcher<const Foo&> BarPlusBazEq(int expected_sum) {
- return BarPlusBazEqMatcher(expected_sum);
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(..., DoThis(BarPlusBazEq(5)))...;
- ```
- ### Matching Containers
- Sometimes an STL container (e.g. list, vector, map, ...) is passed to a mock
- function and you may want to validate it. Since most STL containers support the
- `==` operator, you can write `Eq(expected_container)` or simply
- `expected_container` to match a container exactly.
- Sometimes, though, you may want to be more flexible (for example, the first
- element must be an exact match, but the second element can be any positive
- number, and so on). Also, containers used in tests often have a small number of
- elements, and having to define the expected container out-of-line is a bit of a
- hassle.
- You can use the `ElementsAre()` or `UnorderedElementsAre()` matcher in such
- cases:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::ElementsAre;
- using ::testing::Gt;
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Foo, (const vector<int>& numbers), (override));
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo(ElementsAre(1, Gt(0), _, 5)));
- ```
- The above matcher says that the container must have 4 elements, which must be 1,
- greater than 0, anything, and 5 respectively.
- If you instead write:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Gt;
- using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAre;
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Foo, (const vector<int>& numbers), (override));
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo(UnorderedElementsAre(1, Gt(0), _, 5)));
- ```
- It means that the container must have 4 elements, which (under some permutation)
- must be 1, greater than 0, anything, and 5 respectively.
- As an alternative you can place the arguments in a C-style array and use
- `ElementsAreArray()` or `UnorderedElementsAreArray()` instead:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::ElementsAreArray;
- ...
- // ElementsAreArray accepts an array of element values.
- const int expected_vector1[] = {1, 5, 2, 4, ...};
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo(ElementsAreArray(expected_vector1)));
- // Or, an array of element matchers.
- Matcher<int> expected_vector2[] = {1, Gt(2), _, 3, ...};
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo(ElementsAreArray(expected_vector2)));
- ```
- In case the array needs to be dynamically created (and therefore the array size
- cannot be inferred by the compiler), you can give `ElementsAreArray()` an
- additional argument to specify the array size:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::ElementsAreArray;
- ...
- int* const expected_vector3 = new int[count];
- ... fill expected_vector3 with values ...
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo(ElementsAreArray(expected_vector3, count)));
- ```
- Use `Pair` when comparing maps or other associative containers.
- {% raw %}
- ```cpp
- using testing::ElementsAre;
- using testing::Pair;
- ...
- std::map<string, int> m = {{"a", 1}, {"b", 2}, {"c", 3}};
- EXPECT_THAT(m, ElementsAre(Pair("a", 1), Pair("b", 2), Pair("c", 3)));
- ```
- {% endraw %}
- **Tips:**
- * `ElementsAre*()` can be used to match *any* container that implements the
- STL iterator pattern (i.e. it has a `const_iterator` type and supports
- `begin()/end()`), not just the ones defined in STL. It will even work with
- container types yet to be written - as long as they follows the above
- pattern.
- * You can use nested `ElementsAre*()` to match nested (multi-dimensional)
- containers.
- * If the container is passed by pointer instead of by reference, just write
- `Pointee(ElementsAre*(...))`.
- * The order of elements *matters* for `ElementsAre*()`. If you are using it
- with containers whose element order are undefined (e.g. `hash_map`) you
- should use `WhenSorted` around `ElementsAre`.
- ### Sharing Matchers
- Under the hood, a gMock matcher object consists of a pointer to a ref-counted
- implementation object. Copying matchers is allowed and very efficient, as only
- the pointer is copied. When the last matcher that references the implementation
- object dies, the implementation object will be deleted.
- Therefore, if you have some complex matcher that you want to use again and
- again, there is no need to build it everytime. Just assign it to a matcher
- variable and use that variable repeatedly! For example,
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::AllOf;
- using ::testing::Gt;
- using ::testing::Le;
- using ::testing::Matcher;
- ...
- Matcher<int> in_range = AllOf(Gt(5), Le(10));
- ... use in_range as a matcher in multiple EXPECT_CALLs ...
- ```
- ### Matchers must have no side-effects {#PureMatchers}
- {: .callout .warning}
- WARNING: gMock does not guarantee when or how many times a matcher will be
- invoked. Therefore, all matchers must be *purely functional*: they cannot have
- any side effects, and the match result must not depend on anything other than
- the matcher's parameters and the value being matched.
- This requirement must be satisfied no matter how a matcher is defined (e.g., if
- it is one of the standard matchers, or a custom matcher). In particular, a
- matcher can never call a mock function, as that will affect the state of the
- mock object and gMock.
- ## Setting Expectations
- ### Knowing When to Expect {#UseOnCall}
- **`ON_CALL`** is likely the *single most under-utilized construct* in gMock.
- There are basically two constructs for defining the behavior of a mock object:
- `ON_CALL` and `EXPECT_CALL`. The difference? `ON_CALL` defines what happens when
- a mock method is called, but <em>doesn't imply any expectation on the method
- being called</em>. `EXPECT_CALL` not only defines the behavior, but also sets an
- expectation that <em>the method will be called with the given arguments, for the
- given number of times</em> (and *in the given order* when you specify the order
- too).
- Since `EXPECT_CALL` does more, isn't it better than `ON_CALL`? Not really. Every
- `EXPECT_CALL` adds a constraint on the behavior of the code under test. Having
- more constraints than necessary is *baaad* - even worse than not having enough
- constraints.
- This may be counter-intuitive. How could tests that verify more be worse than
- tests that verify less? Isn't verification the whole point of tests?
- The answer lies in *what* a test should verify. **A good test verifies the
- contract of the code.** If a test over-specifies, it doesn't leave enough
- freedom to the implementation. As a result, changing the implementation without
- breaking the contract (e.g. refactoring and optimization), which should be
- perfectly fine to do, can break such tests. Then you have to spend time fixing
- them, only to see them broken again the next time the implementation is changed.
- Keep in mind that one doesn't have to verify more than one property in one test.
- In fact, **it's a good style to verify only one thing in one test.** If you do
- that, a bug will likely break only one or two tests instead of dozens (which
- case would you rather debug?). If you are also in the habit of giving tests
- descriptive names that tell what they verify, you can often easily guess what's
- wrong just from the test log itself.
- So use `ON_CALL` by default, and only use `EXPECT_CALL` when you actually intend
- to verify that the call is made. For example, you may have a bunch of `ON_CALL`s
- in your test fixture to set the common mock behavior shared by all tests in the
- same group, and write (scarcely) different `EXPECT_CALL`s in different `TEST_F`s
- to verify different aspects of the code's behavior. Compared with the style
- where each `TEST` has many `EXPECT_CALL`s, this leads to tests that are more
- resilient to implementational changes (and thus less likely to require
- maintenance) and makes the intent of the tests more obvious (so they are easier
- to maintain when you do need to maintain them).
- If you are bothered by the "Uninteresting mock function call" message printed
- when a mock method without an `EXPECT_CALL` is called, you may use a `NiceMock`
- instead to suppress all such messages for the mock object, or suppress the
- message for specific methods by adding `EXPECT_CALL(...).Times(AnyNumber())`. DO
- NOT suppress it by blindly adding an `EXPECT_CALL(...)`, or you'll have a test
- that's a pain to maintain.
- ### Ignoring Uninteresting Calls
- If you are not interested in how a mock method is called, just don't say
- anything about it. In this case, if the method is ever called, gMock will
- perform its default action to allow the test program to continue. If you are not
- happy with the default action taken by gMock, you can override it using
- `DefaultValue<T>::Set()` (described [here](#DefaultValue)) or `ON_CALL()`.
- Please note that once you expressed interest in a particular mock method (via
- `EXPECT_CALL()`), all invocations to it must match some expectation. If this
- function is called but the arguments don't match any `EXPECT_CALL()` statement,
- it will be an error.
- ### Disallowing Unexpected Calls
- If a mock method shouldn't be called at all, explicitly say so:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(_))
- .Times(0);
- ```
- If some calls to the method are allowed, but the rest are not, just list all the
- expected calls:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::AnyNumber;
- using ::testing::Gt;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(5));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(Gt(10)))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- ```
- A call to `foo.Bar()` that doesn't match any of the `EXPECT_CALL()` statements
- will be an error.
- ### Understanding Uninteresting vs Unexpected Calls {#uninteresting-vs-unexpected}
- *Uninteresting* calls and *unexpected* calls are different concepts in gMock.
- *Very* different.
- A call `x.Y(...)` is **uninteresting** if there's *not even a single*
- `EXPECT_CALL(x, Y(...))` set. In other words, the test isn't interested in the
- `x.Y()` method at all, as evident in that the test doesn't care to say anything
- about it.
- A call `x.Y(...)` is **unexpected** if there are *some* `EXPECT_CALL(x,
- Y(...))`s set, but none of them matches the call. Put another way, the test is
- interested in the `x.Y()` method (therefore it explicitly sets some
- `EXPECT_CALL` to verify how it's called); however, the verification fails as the
- test doesn't expect this particular call to happen.
- **An unexpected call is always an error,** as the code under test doesn't behave
- the way the test expects it to behave.
- **By default, an uninteresting call is not an error,** as it violates no
- constraint specified by the test. (gMock's philosophy is that saying nothing
- means there is no constraint.) However, it leads to a warning, as it *might*
- indicate a problem (e.g. the test author might have forgotten to specify a
- constraint).
- In gMock, `NiceMock` and `StrictMock` can be used to make a mock class "nice" or
- "strict". How does this affect uninteresting calls and unexpected calls?
- A **nice mock** suppresses uninteresting call *warnings*. It is less chatty than
- the default mock, but otherwise is the same. If a test fails with a default
- mock, it will also fail using a nice mock instead. And vice versa. Don't expect
- making a mock nice to change the test's result.
- A **strict mock** turns uninteresting call warnings into errors. So making a
- mock strict may change the test's result.
- Let's look at an example:
- ```cpp
- TEST(...) {
- NiceMock<MockDomainRegistry> mock_registry;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_registry, GetDomainOwner("google.com"))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return("Larry Page"));
- // Use mock_registry in code under test.
- ... &mock_registry ...
- }
- ```
- The sole `EXPECT_CALL` here says that all calls to `GetDomainOwner()` must have
- `"google.com"` as the argument. If `GetDomainOwner("yahoo.com")` is called, it
- will be an unexpected call, and thus an error. *Having a nice mock doesn't
- change the severity of an unexpected call.*
- So how do we tell gMock that `GetDomainOwner()` can be called with some other
- arguments as well? The standard technique is to add a "catch all" `EXPECT_CALL`:
- ```cpp
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_registry, GetDomainOwner(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber()); // catches all other calls to this method.
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_registry, GetDomainOwner("google.com"))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return("Larry Page"));
- ```
- Remember that `_` is the wildcard matcher that matches anything. With this, if
- `GetDomainOwner("google.com")` is called, it will do what the second
- `EXPECT_CALL` says; if it is called with a different argument, it will do what
- the first `EXPECT_CALL` says.
- Note that the order of the two `EXPECT_CALL`s is important, as a newer
- `EXPECT_CALL` takes precedence over an older one.
- For more on uninteresting calls, nice mocks, and strict mocks, read
- ["The Nice, the Strict, and the Naggy"](#NiceStrictNaggy).
- ### Ignoring Uninteresting Arguments {#ParameterlessExpectations}
- If your test doesn't care about the parameters (it only cares about the number
- or order of calls), you can often simply omit the parameter list:
- ```cpp
- // Expect foo.Bar( ... ) twice with any arguments.
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar).Times(2);
- // Delegate to the given method whenever the factory is invoked.
- ON_CALL(foo_factory, MakeFoo)
- .WillByDefault(&BuildFooForTest);
- ```
- This functionality is only available when a method is not overloaded; to prevent
- unexpected behavior it is a compilation error to try to set an expectation on a
- method where the specific overload is ambiguous. You can work around this by
- supplying a [simpler mock interface](#SimplerInterfaces) than the mocked class
- provides.
- This pattern is also useful when the arguments are interesting, but match logic
- is substantially complex. You can leave the argument list unspecified and use
- SaveArg actions to [save the values for later verification](#SaveArgVerify). If
- you do that, you can easily differentiate calling the method the wrong number of
- times from calling it with the wrong arguments.
- ### Expecting Ordered Calls {#OrderedCalls}
- Although an `EXPECT_CALL()` statement defined later takes precedence when gMock
- tries to match a function call with an expectation, by default calls don't have
- to happen in the order `EXPECT_CALL()` statements are written. For example, if
- the arguments match the matchers in the second `EXPECT_CALL()`, but not those in
- the first and third, then the second expectation will be used.
- If you would rather have all calls occur in the order of the expectations, put
- the `EXPECT_CALL()` statements in a block where you define a variable of type
- `InSequence`:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::InSequence;
- {
- InSequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(5));
- EXPECT_CALL(bar, DoThat(_))
- .Times(2);
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(6));
- }
- ```
- In this example, we expect a call to `foo.DoThis(5)`, followed by two calls to
- `bar.DoThat()` where the argument can be anything, which are in turn followed by
- a call to `foo.DoThis(6)`. If a call occurred out-of-order, gMock will report an
- error.
- ### Expecting Partially Ordered Calls {#PartialOrder}
- Sometimes requiring everything to occur in a predetermined order can lead to
- brittle tests. For example, we may care about `A` occurring before both `B` and
- `C`, but aren't interested in the relative order of `B` and `C`. In this case,
- the test should reflect our real intent, instead of being overly constraining.
- gMock allows you to impose an arbitrary DAG (directed acyclic graph) on the
- calls. One way to express the DAG is to use the
- [After](gmock_cheat_sheet.md#AfterClause) clause of `EXPECT_CALL`.
- Another way is via the `InSequence()` clause (not the same as the `InSequence`
- class), which we borrowed from jMock 2. It's less flexible than `After()`, but
- more convenient when you have long chains of sequential calls, as it doesn't
- require you to come up with different names for the expectations in the chains.
- Here's how it works:
- If we view `EXPECT_CALL()` statements as nodes in a graph, and add an edge from
- node A to node B wherever A must occur before B, we can get a DAG. We use the
- term "sequence" to mean a directed path in this DAG. Now, if we decompose the
- DAG into sequences, we just need to know which sequences each `EXPECT_CALL()`
- belongs to in order to be able to reconstruct the original DAG.
- So, to specify the partial order on the expectations we need to do two things:
- first to define some `Sequence` objects, and then for each `EXPECT_CALL()` say
- which `Sequence` objects it is part of.
- Expectations in the same sequence must occur in the order they are written. For
- example,
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Sequence;
- ...
- Sequence s1, s2;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, A())
- .InSequence(s1, s2);
- EXPECT_CALL(bar, B())
- .InSequence(s1);
- EXPECT_CALL(bar, C())
- .InSequence(s2);
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, D())
- .InSequence(s2);
- ```
- specifies the following DAG (where `s1` is `A -> B`, and `s2` is `A -> C -> D`):
- ```text
- +---> B
- |
- A ---|
- |
- +---> C ---> D
- ```
- This means that A must occur before B and C, and C must occur before D. There's
- no restriction about the order other than these.
- ### Controlling When an Expectation Retires
- When a mock method is called, gMock only considers expectations that are still
- active. An expectation is active when created, and becomes inactive (aka
- *retires*) when a call that has to occur later has occurred. For example, in
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Sequence;
- ...
- Sequence s1, s2;
- EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, "File too large.")) // #1
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(s1, s2);
- EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, "Data set is empty.")) // #2
- .InSequence(s1);
- EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, "User not found.")) // #3
- .InSequence(s2);
- ```
- as soon as either #2 or #3 is matched, #1 will retire. If a warning `"File too
- large."` is logged after this, it will be an error.
- Note that an expectation doesn't retire automatically when it's saturated. For
- example,
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, _)); // #1
- EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, "File too large.")); // #2
- ```
- says that there will be exactly one warning with the message `"File too
- large."`. If the second warning contains this message too, #2 will match again
- and result in an upper-bound-violated error.
- If this is not what you want, you can ask an expectation to retire as soon as it
- becomes saturated:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, _)); // #1
- EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, "File too large.")) // #2
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
- ```
- Here #2 can be used only once, so if you have two warnings with the message
- `"File too large."`, the first will match #2 and the second will match #1 -
- there will be no error.
- ## Using Actions
- ### Returning References from Mock Methods
- If a mock function's return type is a reference, you need to use `ReturnRef()`
- instead of `Return()` to return a result:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::ReturnRef;
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(Bar&, GetBar, (), (override));
- };
- ...
- MockFoo foo;
- Bar bar;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, GetBar())
- .WillOnce(ReturnRef(bar));
- ...
- ```
- ### Returning Live Values from Mock Methods
- The `Return(x)` action saves a copy of `x` when the action is created, and
- always returns the same value whenever it's executed. Sometimes you may want to
- instead return the *live* value of `x` (i.e. its value at the time when the
- action is *executed*.). Use either `ReturnRef()` or `ReturnPointee()` for this
- purpose.
- If the mock function's return type is a reference, you can do it using
- `ReturnRef(x)`, as shown in the previous recipe ("Returning References from Mock
- Methods"). However, gMock doesn't let you use `ReturnRef()` in a mock function
- whose return type is not a reference, as doing that usually indicates a user
- error. So, what shall you do?
- Though you may be tempted, DO NOT use `std::ref()`:
- ```cpp
- using testing::Return;
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(int, GetValue, (), (override));
- };
- ...
- int x = 0;
- MockFoo foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, GetValue())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(std::ref(x))); // Wrong!
- x = 42;
- EXPECT_EQ(42, foo.GetValue());
- ```
- Unfortunately, it doesn't work here. The above code will fail with error:
- ```text
- Value of: foo.GetValue()
- Actual: 0
- Expected: 42
- ```
- The reason is that `Return(*value*)` converts `value` to the actual return type
- of the mock function at the time when the action is *created*, not when it is
- *executed*. (This behavior was chosen for the action to be safe when `value` is
- a proxy object that references some temporary objects.) As a result,
- `std::ref(x)` is converted to an `int` value (instead of a `const int&`) when
- the expectation is set, and `Return(std::ref(x))` will always return 0.
- `ReturnPointee(pointer)` was provided to solve this problem specifically. It
- returns the value pointed to by `pointer` at the time the action is *executed*:
- ```cpp
- using testing::ReturnPointee;
- ...
- int x = 0;
- MockFoo foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, GetValue())
- .WillRepeatedly(ReturnPointee(&x)); // Note the & here.
- x = 42;
- EXPECT_EQ(42, foo.GetValue()); // This will succeed now.
- ```
- ### Combining Actions
- Want to do more than one thing when a function is called? That's fine. `DoAll()`
- allow you to do sequence of actions every time. Only the return value of the
- last action in the sequence will be used.
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::DoAll;
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, Bar, (int n), (override));
- };
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(_))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(action_1,
- action_2,
- ...
- action_n));
- ```
- ### Verifying Complex Arguments {#SaveArgVerify}
- If you want to verify that a method is called with a particular argument but the
- match criteria is complex, it can be difficult to distinguish between
- cardinality failures (calling the method the wrong number of times) and argument
- match failures. Similarly, if you are matching multiple parameters, it may not
- be easy to distinguishing which argument failed to match. For example:
- ```cpp
- // Not ideal: this could fail because of a problem with arg1 or arg2, or maybe
- // just the method wasn't called.
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, SendValues(_, ElementsAre(1, 4, 4, 7), EqualsProto( ... )));
- ```
- You can instead save the arguments and test them individually:
- ```cpp
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, SendValues)
- .WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<1>(&actual_array), SaveArg<2>(&actual_proto)));
- ... run the test
- EXPECT_THAT(actual_array, ElementsAre(1, 4, 4, 7));
- EXPECT_THAT(actual_proto, EqualsProto( ... ));
- ```
- ### Mocking Side Effects {#MockingSideEffects}
- Sometimes a method exhibits its effect not via returning a value but via side
- effects. For example, it may change some global state or modify an output
- argument. To mock side effects, in general you can define your own action by
- implementing `::testing::ActionInterface`.
- If all you need to do is to change an output argument, the built-in
- `SetArgPointee()` action is convenient:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
- class MockMutator : public Mutator {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Mutate, (bool mutate, int* value), (override));
- ...
- }
- ...
- MockMutator mutator;
- EXPECT_CALL(mutator, Mutate(true, _))
- .WillOnce(SetArgPointee<1>(5));
- ```
- In this example, when `mutator.Mutate()` is called, we will assign 5 to the
- `int` variable pointed to by argument #1 (0-based).
- `SetArgPointee()` conveniently makes an internal copy of the value you pass to
- it, removing the need to keep the value in scope and alive. The implication
- however is that the value must have a copy constructor and assignment operator.
- If the mock method also needs to return a value as well, you can chain
- `SetArgPointee()` with `Return()` using `DoAll()`, remembering to put the
- `Return()` statement last:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Return;
- using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
- class MockMutator : public Mutator {
- public:
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, MutateInt, (int* value), (override));
- }
- ...
- MockMutator mutator;
- EXPECT_CALL(mutator, MutateInt(_))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<0>(5),
- Return(true)));
- ```
- Note, however, that if you use the `ReturnOKWith()` method, it will override the
- values provided by `SetArgPointee()` in the response parameters of your function
- call.
- If the output argument is an array, use the `SetArrayArgument<N>(first, last)`
- action instead. It copies the elements in source range `[first, last)` to the
- array pointed to by the `N`-th (0-based) argument:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::NotNull;
- using ::testing::SetArrayArgument;
- class MockArrayMutator : public ArrayMutator {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Mutate, (int* values, int num_values), (override));
- ...
- }
- ...
- MockArrayMutator mutator;
- int values[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- EXPECT_CALL(mutator, Mutate(NotNull(), 5))
- .WillOnce(SetArrayArgument<0>(values, values + 5));
- ```
- This also works when the argument is an output iterator:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::SetArrayArgument;
- class MockRolodex : public Rolodex {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(void, GetNames, (std::back_insert_iterator<vector<string>>),
- (override));
- ...
- }
- ...
- MockRolodex rolodex;
- vector<string> names;
- names.push_back("George");
- names.push_back("John");
- names.push_back("Thomas");
- EXPECT_CALL(rolodex, GetNames(_))
- .WillOnce(SetArrayArgument<0>(names.begin(), names.end()));
- ```
- ### Changing a Mock Object's Behavior Based on the State
- If you expect a call to change the behavior of a mock object, you can use
- `::testing::InSequence` to specify different behaviors before and after the
- call:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::InSequence;
- using ::testing::Return;
- ...
- {
- InSequence seq;
- EXPECT_CALL(my_mock, IsDirty())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(true));
- EXPECT_CALL(my_mock, Flush());
- EXPECT_CALL(my_mock, IsDirty())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
- }
- my_mock.FlushIfDirty();
- ```
- This makes `my_mock.IsDirty()` return `true` before `my_mock.Flush()` is called
- and return `false` afterwards.
- If the behavior change is more complex, you can store the effects in a variable
- and make a mock method get its return value from that variable:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::SaveArg;
- using ::testing::Return;
- ACTION_P(ReturnPointee, p) { return *p; }
- ...
- int previous_value = 0;
- EXPECT_CALL(my_mock, GetPrevValue)
- .WillRepeatedly(ReturnPointee(&previous_value));
- EXPECT_CALL(my_mock, UpdateValue)
- .WillRepeatedly(SaveArg<0>(&previous_value));
- my_mock.DoSomethingToUpdateValue();
- ```
- Here `my_mock.GetPrevValue()` will always return the argument of the last
- `UpdateValue()` call.
- ### Setting the Default Value for a Return Type {#DefaultValue}
- If a mock method's return type is a built-in C++ type or pointer, by default it
- will return 0 when invoked. Also, in C++ 11 and above, a mock method whose
- return type has a default constructor will return a default-constructed value by
- default. You only need to specify an action if this default value doesn't work
- for you.
- Sometimes, you may want to change this default value, or you may want to specify
- a default value for types gMock doesn't know about. You can do this using the
- `::testing::DefaultValue` class template:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::DefaultValue;
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(Bar, CalculateBar, (), (override));
- };
- ...
- Bar default_bar;
- // Sets the default return value for type Bar.
- DefaultValue<Bar>::Set(default_bar);
- MockFoo foo;
- // We don't need to specify an action here, as the default
- // return value works for us.
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, CalculateBar());
- foo.CalculateBar(); // This should return default_bar.
- // Unsets the default return value.
- DefaultValue<Bar>::Clear();
- ```
- Please note that changing the default value for a type can make your tests hard
- to understand. We recommend you to use this feature judiciously. For example,
- you may want to make sure the `Set()` and `Clear()` calls are right next to the
- code that uses your mock.
- ### Setting the Default Actions for a Mock Method
- You've learned how to change the default value of a given type. However, this
- may be too coarse for your purpose: perhaps you have two mock methods with the
- same return type and you want them to have different behaviors. The `ON_CALL()`
- macro allows you to customize your mock's behavior at the method level:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::AnyNumber;
- using ::testing::Gt;
- using ::testing::Return;
- ...
- ON_CALL(foo, Sign(_))
- .WillByDefault(Return(-1));
- ON_CALL(foo, Sign(0))
- .WillByDefault(Return(0));
- ON_CALL(foo, Sign(Gt(0)))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Sign(_))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
- foo.Sign(5); // This should return 1.
- foo.Sign(-9); // This should return -1.
- foo.Sign(0); // This should return 0.
- ```
- As you may have guessed, when there are more than one `ON_CALL()` statements,
- the newer ones in the order take precedence over the older ones. In other words,
- the **last** one that matches the function arguments will be used. This matching
- order allows you to set up the common behavior in a mock object's constructor or
- the test fixture's set-up phase and specialize the mock's behavior later.
- Note that both `ON_CALL` and `EXPECT_CALL` have the same "later statements take
- precedence" rule, but they don't interact. That is, `EXPECT_CALL`s have their
- own precedence order distinct from the `ON_CALL` precedence order.
- ### Using Functions/Methods/Functors/Lambdas as Actions {#FunctionsAsActions}
- If the built-in actions don't suit you, you can use an existing callable
- (function, `std::function`, method, functor, lambda) as an action.
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_; using ::testing::Invoke;
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(int, Sum, (int x, int y), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, ComplexJob, (int x), (override));
- };
- int CalculateSum(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
- int Sum3(int x, int y, int z) { return x + y + z; }
- class Helper {
- public:
- bool ComplexJob(int x);
- };
- ...
- MockFoo foo;
- Helper helper;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Sum(_, _))
- .WillOnce(&CalculateSum)
- .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(NewPermanentCallback(Sum3, 1)));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, ComplexJob(_))
- .WillOnce(Invoke(&helper, &Helper::ComplexJob))
- .WillOnce([] { return true; })
- .WillRepeatedly([](int x) { return x > 0; });
- foo.Sum(5, 6); // Invokes CalculateSum(5, 6).
- foo.Sum(2, 3); // Invokes Sum3(1, 2, 3).
- foo.ComplexJob(10); // Invokes helper.ComplexJob(10).
- foo.ComplexJob(-1); // Invokes the inline lambda.
- ```
- The only requirement is that the type of the function, etc must be *compatible*
- with the signature of the mock function, meaning that the latter's arguments (if
- it takes any) can be implicitly converted to the corresponding arguments of the
- former, and the former's return type can be implicitly converted to that of the
- latter. So, you can invoke something whose type is *not* exactly the same as the
- mock function, as long as it's safe to do so - nice, huh?
- Note that:
- * The action takes ownership of the callback and will delete it when the
- action itself is destructed.
- * If the type of a callback is derived from a base callback type `C`, you need
- to implicitly cast it to `C` to resolve the overloading, e.g.
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- ...
- ResultCallback<bool>* is_ok = ...;
- ... Invoke(is_ok) ...; // This works.
- BlockingClosure* done = new BlockingClosure;
- ... Invoke(implicit_cast<Closure*>(done)) ...; // The cast is necessary.
- ```
- ### Using Functions with Extra Info as Actions
- The function or functor you call using `Invoke()` must have the same number of
- arguments as the mock function you use it for. Sometimes you may have a function
- that takes more arguments, and you are willing to pass in the extra arguments
- yourself to fill the gap. You can do this in gMock using callbacks with
- pre-bound arguments. Here's an example:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(char, DoThis, (int n), (override));
- };
- char SignOfSum(int x, int y) {
- const int sum = x + y;
- return (sum > 0) ? '+' : (sum < 0) ? '-' : '0';
- }
- TEST_F(FooTest, Test) {
- MockFoo foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(2))
- .WillOnce(Invoke(NewPermanentCallback(SignOfSum, 5)));
- EXPECT_EQ('+', foo.DoThis(2)); // Invokes SignOfSum(5, 2).
- }
- ```
- ### Invoking a Function/Method/Functor/Lambda/Callback Without Arguments
- `Invoke()` passes the mock function's arguments to the function, etc being
- invoked such that the callee has the full context of the call to work with. If
- the invoked function is not interested in some or all of the arguments, it can
- simply ignore them.
- Yet, a common pattern is that a test author wants to invoke a function without
- the arguments of the mock function. She could do that using a wrapper function
- that throws away the arguments before invoking an underlining nullary function.
- Needless to say, this can be tedious and obscures the intent of the test.
- There are two solutions to this problem. First, you can pass any callable of
- zero args as an action. Alternatively, use `InvokeWithoutArgs()`, which is like
- `Invoke()` except that it doesn't pass the mock function's arguments to the
- callee. Here's an example of each:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, ComplexJob, (int n), (override));
- };
- bool Job1() { ... }
- bool Job2(int n, char c) { ... }
- ...
- MockFoo foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, ComplexJob(_))
- .WillOnce([] { Job1(); });
- .WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs(NewPermanentCallback(Job2, 5, 'a')));
- foo.ComplexJob(10); // Invokes Job1().
- foo.ComplexJob(20); // Invokes Job2(5, 'a').
- ```
- Note that:
- * The action takes ownership of the callback and will delete it when the
- action itself is destructed.
- * If the type of a callback is derived from a base callback type `C`, you need
- to implicitly cast it to `C` to resolve the overloading, e.g.
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
- ...
- ResultCallback<bool>* is_ok = ...;
- ... InvokeWithoutArgs(is_ok) ...; // This works.
- BlockingClosure* done = ...;
- ... InvokeWithoutArgs(implicit_cast<Closure*>(done)) ...;
- // The cast is necessary.
- ```
- ### Invoking an Argument of the Mock Function
- Sometimes a mock function will receive a function pointer, a functor (in other
- words, a "callable") as an argument, e.g.
- ```cpp
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, DoThis, (int n, (ResultCallback1<bool, int>* callback)),
- (override));
- };
- ```
- and you may want to invoke this callable argument:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- ...
- MockFoo foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(_, _))
- .WillOnce(...);
- // Will execute callback->Run(5), where callback is the
- // second argument DoThis() receives.
- ```
- {: .callout .note}
- NOTE: The section below is legacy documentation from before C++ had lambdas:
- Arghh, you need to refer to a mock function argument but C++ has no lambda
- (yet), so you have to define your own action. :-( Or do you really?
- Well, gMock has an action to solve *exactly* this problem:
- ```cpp
- InvokeArgument<N>(arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_m)
- ```
- will invoke the `N`-th (0-based) argument the mock function receives, with
- `arg_1`, `arg_2`, ..., and `arg_m`. No matter if the argument is a function
- pointer, a functor, or a callback. gMock handles them all.
- With that, you could write:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::InvokeArgument;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis(_, _))
- .WillOnce(InvokeArgument<1>(5));
- // Will execute callback->Run(5), where callback is the
- // second argument DoThis() receives.
- ```
- What if the callable takes an argument by reference? No problem - just wrap it
- inside `std::ref()`:
- ```cpp
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, Bar,
- ((ResultCallback2<bool, int, const Helper&>* callback)),
- (override));
- ...
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::InvokeArgument;
- ...
- MockFoo foo;
- Helper helper;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(_))
- .WillOnce(InvokeArgument<0>(5, std::ref(helper)));
- // std::ref(helper) guarantees that a reference to helper, not a copy of
- // it, will be passed to the callback.
- ```
- What if the callable takes an argument by reference and we do **not** wrap the
- argument in `std::ref()`? Then `InvokeArgument()` will *make a copy* of the
- argument, and pass a *reference to the copy*, instead of a reference to the
- original value, to the callable. This is especially handy when the argument is a
- temporary value:
- ```cpp
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, DoThat, (bool (*f)(const double& x, const string& s)),
- (override));
- ...
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::InvokeArgument;
- ...
- MockFoo foo;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThat(_))
- .WillOnce(InvokeArgument<0>(5.0, string("Hi")));
- // Will execute (*f)(5.0, string("Hi")), where f is the function pointer
- // DoThat() receives. Note that the values 5.0 and string("Hi") are
- // temporary and dead once the EXPECT_CALL() statement finishes. Yet
- // it's fine to perform this action later, since a copy of the values
- // are kept inside the InvokeArgument action.
- ```
- ### Ignoring an Action's Result
- Sometimes you have an action that returns *something*, but you need an action
- that returns `void` (perhaps you want to use it in a mock function that returns
- `void`, or perhaps it needs to be used in `DoAll()` and it's not the last in the
- list). `IgnoreResult()` lets you do that. For example:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::DoAll;
- using ::testing::IgnoreResult;
- using ::testing::Return;
- int Process(const MyData& data);
- string DoSomething();
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Abc, (const MyData& data), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, Xyz, (), (override));
- };
- ...
- MockFoo foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Abc(_))
- // .WillOnce(Invoke(Process));
- // The above line won't compile as Process() returns int but Abc() needs
- // to return void.
- .WillOnce(IgnoreResult(Process));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Xyz())
- .WillOnce(DoAll(IgnoreResult(DoSomething),
- // Ignores the string DoSomething() returns.
- Return(true)));
- ```
- Note that you **cannot** use `IgnoreResult()` on an action that already returns
- `void`. Doing so will lead to ugly compiler errors.
- ### Selecting an Action's Arguments {#SelectingArgs}
- Say you have a mock function `Foo()` that takes seven arguments, and you have a
- custom action that you want to invoke when `Foo()` is called. Trouble is, the
- custom action only wants three arguments:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, Foo,
- (bool visible, const string& name, int x, int y,
- (const map<pair<int, int>>), double& weight, double min_weight,
- double max_wight));
- ...
- bool IsVisibleInQuadrant1(bool visible, int x, int y) {
- return visible && x >= 0 && y >= 0;
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo)
- .WillOnce(Invoke(IsVisibleInQuadrant1)); // Uh, won't compile. :-(
- ```
- To please the compiler God, you need to define an "adaptor" that has the same
- signature as `Foo()` and calls the custom action with the right arguments:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- ...
- bool MyIsVisibleInQuadrant1(bool visible, const string& name, int x, int y,
- const map<pair<int, int>, double>& weight,
- double min_weight, double max_wight) {
- return IsVisibleInQuadrant1(visible, x, y);
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo)
- .WillOnce(Invoke(MyIsVisibleInQuadrant1)); // Now it works.
- ```
- But isn't this awkward?
- gMock provides a generic *action adaptor*, so you can spend your time minding
- more important business than writing your own adaptors. Here's the syntax:
- ```cpp
- WithArgs<N1, N2, ..., Nk>(action)
- ```
- creates an action that passes the arguments of the mock function at the given
- indices (0-based) to the inner `action` and performs it. Using `WithArgs`, our
- original example can be written as:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- using ::testing::WithArgs;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo)
- .WillOnce(WithArgs<0, 2, 3>(Invoke(IsVisibleInQuadrant1))); // No need to define your own adaptor.
- ```
- For better readability, gMock also gives you:
- * `WithoutArgs(action)` when the inner `action` takes *no* argument, and
- * `WithArg<N>(action)` (no `s` after `Arg`) when the inner `action` takes
- *one* argument.
- As you may have realized, `InvokeWithoutArgs(...)` is just syntactic sugar for
- `WithoutArgs(Invoke(...))`.
- Here are more tips:
- * The inner action used in `WithArgs` and friends does not have to be
- `Invoke()` -- it can be anything.
- * You can repeat an argument in the argument list if necessary, e.g.
- `WithArgs<2, 3, 3, 5>(...)`.
- * You can change the order of the arguments, e.g. `WithArgs<3, 2, 1>(...)`.
- * The types of the selected arguments do *not* have to match the signature of
- the inner action exactly. It works as long as they can be implicitly
- converted to the corresponding arguments of the inner action. For example,
- if the 4-th argument of the mock function is an `int` and `my_action` takes
- a `double`, `WithArg<4>(my_action)` will work.
- ### Ignoring Arguments in Action Functions
- The [selecting-an-action's-arguments](#SelectingArgs) recipe showed us one way
- to make a mock function and an action with incompatible argument lists fit
- together. The downside is that wrapping the action in `WithArgs<...>()` can get
- tedious for people writing the tests.
- If you are defining a function (or method, functor, lambda, callback) to be used
- with `Invoke*()`, and you are not interested in some of its arguments, an
- alternative to `WithArgs` is to declare the uninteresting arguments as `Unused`.
- This makes the definition less cluttered and less fragile in case the types of
- the uninteresting arguments change. It could also increase the chance the action
- function can be reused. For example, given
- ```cpp
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(double, Foo, double(const string& label, double x, double y),
- (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(double, Bar, (int index, double x, double y), (override));
- ```
- instead of
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- double DistanceToOriginWithLabel(const string& label, double x, double y) {
- return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
- }
- double DistanceToOriginWithIndex(int index, double x, double y) {
- return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo("abc", _, _))
- .WillOnce(Invoke(DistanceToOriginWithLabel));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Bar(5, _, _))
- .WillOnce(Invoke(DistanceToOriginWithIndex));
- ```
- you could write
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Invoke;
- using ::testing::Unused;
- double DistanceToOrigin(Unused, double x, double y) {
- return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo("abc", _, _))
- .WillOnce(Invoke(DistanceToOrigin));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Bar(5, _, _))
- .WillOnce(Invoke(DistanceToOrigin));
- ```
- ### Sharing Actions
- Just like matchers, a gMock action object consists of a pointer to a ref-counted
- implementation object. Therefore copying actions is also allowed and very
- efficient. When the last action that references the implementation object dies,
- the implementation object will be deleted.
- If you have some complex action that you want to use again and again, you may
- not have to build it from scratch everytime. If the action doesn't have an
- internal state (i.e. if it always does the same thing no matter how many times
- it has been called), you can assign it to an action variable and use that
- variable repeatedly. For example:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Action;
- using ::testing::DoAll;
- using ::testing::Return;
- using ::testing::SetArgPointee;
- ...
- Action<bool(int*)> set_flag = DoAll(SetArgPointee<0>(5),
- Return(true));
- ... use set_flag in .WillOnce() and .WillRepeatedly() ...
- ```
- However, if the action has its own state, you may be surprised if you share the
- action object. Suppose you have an action factory `IncrementCounter(init)` which
- creates an action that increments and returns a counter whose initial value is
- `init`, using two actions created from the same expression and using a shared
- action will exhibit different behaviors. Example:
- ```cpp
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis())
- .WillRepeatedly(IncrementCounter(0));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThat())
- .WillRepeatedly(IncrementCounter(0));
- foo.DoThis(); // Returns 1.
- foo.DoThis(); // Returns 2.
- foo.DoThat(); // Returns 1 - Blah() uses a different
- // counter than Bar()'s.
- ```
- versus
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Action;
- ...
- Action<int()> increment = IncrementCounter(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis())
- .WillRepeatedly(increment);
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThat())
- .WillRepeatedly(increment);
- foo.DoThis(); // Returns 1.
- foo.DoThis(); // Returns 2.
- foo.DoThat(); // Returns 3 - the counter is shared.
- ```
- ### Testing Asynchronous Behavior
- One oft-encountered problem with gMock is that it can be hard to test
- asynchronous behavior. Suppose you had a `EventQueue` class that you wanted to
- test, and you created a separate `EventDispatcher` interface so that you could
- easily mock it out. However, the implementation of the class fired all the
- events on a background thread, which made test timings difficult. You could just
- insert `sleep()` statements and hope for the best, but that makes your test
- behavior nondeterministic. A better way is to use gMock actions and
- `Notification` objects to force your asynchronous test to behave synchronously.
- ```cpp
- class MockEventDispatcher : public EventDispatcher {
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, DispatchEvent, (int32), (override));
- };
- TEST(EventQueueTest, EnqueueEventTest) {
- MockEventDispatcher mock_event_dispatcher;
- EventQueue event_queue(&mock_event_dispatcher);
- const int32 kEventId = 321;
- absl::Notification done;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_event_dispatcher, DispatchEvent(kEventId))
- .WillOnce([&done] { done.Notify(); });
- event_queue.EnqueueEvent(kEventId);
- done.WaitForNotification();
- }
- ```
- In the example above, we set our normal gMock expectations, but then add an
- additional action to notify the `Notification` object. Now we can just call
- `Notification::WaitForNotification()` in the main thread to wait for the
- asynchronous call to finish. After that, our test suite is complete and we can
- safely exit.
- {: .callout .note}
- Note: this example has a downside: namely, if the expectation is not satisfied,
- our test will run forever. It will eventually time-out and fail, but it will
- take longer and be slightly harder to debug. To alleviate this problem, you can
- use `WaitForNotificationWithTimeout(ms)` instead of `WaitForNotification()`.
- ## Misc Recipes on Using gMock
- ### Mocking Methods That Use Move-Only Types
- C++11 introduced *move-only types*. A move-only-typed value can be moved from
- one object to another, but cannot be copied. `std::unique_ptr<T>` is probably
- the most commonly used move-only type.
- Mocking a method that takes and/or returns move-only types presents some
- challenges, but nothing insurmountable. This recipe shows you how you can do it.
- Note that the support for move-only method arguments was only introduced to
- gMock in April 2017; in older code, you may find more complex
- [workarounds](#LegacyMoveOnly) for lack of this feature.
- Let’s say we are working on a fictional project that lets one post and share
- snippets called “buzzes”. Your code uses these types:
- ```cpp
- enum class AccessLevel { kInternal, kPublic };
- class Buzz {
- public:
- explicit Buzz(AccessLevel access) { ... }
- ...
- };
- class Buzzer {
- public:
- virtual ~Buzzer() {}
- virtual std::unique_ptr<Buzz> MakeBuzz(StringPiece text) = 0;
- virtual bool ShareBuzz(std::unique_ptr<Buzz> buzz, int64_t timestamp) = 0;
- ...
- };
- ```
- A `Buzz` object represents a snippet being posted. A class that implements the
- `Buzzer` interface is capable of creating and sharing `Buzz`es. Methods in
- `Buzzer` may return a `unique_ptr<Buzz>` or take a `unique_ptr<Buzz>`. Now we
- need to mock `Buzzer` in our tests.
- To mock a method that accepts or returns move-only types, you just use the
- familiar `MOCK_METHOD` syntax as usual:
- ```cpp
- class MockBuzzer : public Buzzer {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(std::unique_ptr<Buzz>, MakeBuzz, (StringPiece text), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, ShareBuzz, (std::unique_ptr<Buzz> buzz, int64_t timestamp),
- (override));
- };
- ```
- Now that we have the mock class defined, we can use it in tests. In the
- following code examples, we assume that we have defined a `MockBuzzer` object
- named `mock_buzzer_`:
- ```cpp
- MockBuzzer mock_buzzer_;
- ```
- First let’s see how we can set expectations on the `MakeBuzz()` method, which
- returns a `unique_ptr<Buzz>`.
- As usual, if you set an expectation without an action (i.e. the `.WillOnce()` or
- `.WillRepeatedly()` clause), when that expectation fires, the default action for
- that method will be taken. Since `unique_ptr<>` has a default constructor that
- returns a null `unique_ptr`, that’s what you’ll get if you don’t specify an
- action:
- ```cpp
- // Use the default action.
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_buzzer_, MakeBuzz("hello"));
- // Triggers the previous EXPECT_CALL.
- EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, mock_buzzer_.MakeBuzz("hello"));
- ```
- If you are not happy with the default action, you can tweak it as usual; see
- [Setting Default Actions](#OnCall).
- If you just need to return a pre-defined move-only value, you can use the
- `Return(ByMove(...))` action:
- ```cpp
- // When this fires, the unique_ptr<> specified by ByMove(...) will
- // be returned.
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_buzzer_, MakeBuzz("world"))
- .WillOnce(Return(ByMove(MakeUnique<Buzz>(AccessLevel::kInternal))));
- EXPECT_NE(nullptr, mock_buzzer_.MakeBuzz("world"));
- ```
- Note that `ByMove()` is essential here - if you drop it, the code won’t compile.
- Quiz time! What do you think will happen if a `Return(ByMove(...))` action is
- performed more than once (e.g. you write `...
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(ByMove(...)));`)? Come think of it, after the first time
- the action runs, the source value will be consumed (since it’s a move-only
- value), so the next time around, there’s no value to move from -- you’ll get a
- run-time error that `Return(ByMove(...))` can only be run once.
- If you need your mock method to do more than just moving a pre-defined value,
- remember that you can always use a lambda or a callable object, which can do
- pretty much anything you want:
- ```cpp
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_buzzer_, MakeBuzz("x"))
- .WillRepeatedly([](StringPiece text) {
- return MakeUnique<Buzz>(AccessLevel::kInternal);
- });
- EXPECT_NE(nullptr, mock_buzzer_.MakeBuzz("x"));
- EXPECT_NE(nullptr, mock_buzzer_.MakeBuzz("x"));
- ```
- Every time this `EXPECT_CALL` fires, a new `unique_ptr<Buzz>` will be created
- and returned. You cannot do this with `Return(ByMove(...))`.
- That covers returning move-only values; but how do we work with methods
- accepting move-only arguments? The answer is that they work normally, although
- some actions will not compile when any of method's arguments are move-only. You
- can always use `Return`, or a [lambda or functor](#FunctionsAsActions):
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Unused;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_buzzer_, ShareBuzz(NotNull(), _)).WillOnce(Return(true));
- EXPECT_TRUE(mock_buzzer_.ShareBuzz(MakeUnique<Buzz>(AccessLevel::kInternal)),
- 0);
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_buzzer_, ShareBuzz(_, _)).WillOnce(
- [](std::unique_ptr<Buzz> buzz, Unused) { return buzz != nullptr; });
- EXPECT_FALSE(mock_buzzer_.ShareBuzz(nullptr, 0));
- ```
- Many built-in actions (`WithArgs`, `WithoutArgs`,`DeleteArg`, `SaveArg`, ...)
- could in principle support move-only arguments, but the support for this is not
- implemented yet. If this is blocking you, please file a bug.
- A few actions (e.g. `DoAll`) copy their arguments internally, so they can never
- work with non-copyable objects; you'll have to use functors instead.
- #### Legacy workarounds for move-only types {#LegacyMoveOnly}
- Support for move-only function arguments was only introduced to gMock in April
- of 2017. In older code, you may encounter the following workaround for the lack
- of this feature (it is no longer necessary - we're including it just for
- reference):
- ```cpp
- class MockBuzzer : public Buzzer {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, DoShareBuzz, (Buzz* buzz, Time timestamp));
- bool ShareBuzz(std::unique_ptr<Buzz> buzz, Time timestamp) override {
- return DoShareBuzz(buzz.get(), timestamp);
- }
- };
- ```
- The trick is to delegate the `ShareBuzz()` method to a mock method (let’s call
- it `DoShareBuzz()`) that does not take move-only parameters. Then, instead of
- setting expectations on `ShareBuzz()`, you set them on the `DoShareBuzz()` mock
- method:
- ```cpp
- MockBuzzer mock_buzzer_;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_buzzer_, DoShareBuzz(NotNull(), _));
- // When one calls ShareBuzz() on the MockBuzzer like this, the call is
- // forwarded to DoShareBuzz(), which is mocked. Therefore this statement
- // will trigger the above EXPECT_CALL.
- mock_buzzer_.ShareBuzz(MakeUnique<Buzz>(AccessLevel::kInternal), 0);
- ```
- ### Making the Compilation Faster
- Believe it or not, the *vast majority* of the time spent on compiling a mock
- class is in generating its constructor and destructor, as they perform
- non-trivial tasks (e.g. verification of the expectations). What's more, mock
- methods with different signatures have different types and thus their
- constructors/destructors need to be generated by the compiler separately. As a
- result, if you mock many different types of methods, compiling your mock class
- can get really slow.
- If you are experiencing slow compilation, you can move the definition of your
- mock class' constructor and destructor out of the class body and into a `.cc`
- file. This way, even if you `#include` your mock class in N files, the compiler
- only needs to generate its constructor and destructor once, resulting in a much
- faster compilation.
- Let's illustrate the idea using an example. Here's the definition of a mock
- class before applying this recipe:
- ```cpp
- // File mock_foo.h.
- ...
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- // Since we don't declare the constructor or the destructor,
- // the compiler will generate them in every translation unit
- // where this mock class is used.
- MOCK_METHOD(int, DoThis, (), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, DoThat, (const char* str), (override));
- ... more mock methods ...
- };
- ```
- After the change, it would look like:
- ```cpp
- // File mock_foo.h.
- ...
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- // The constructor and destructor are declared, but not defined, here.
- MockFoo();
- virtual ~MockFoo();
- MOCK_METHOD(int, DoThis, (), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, DoThat, (const char* str), (override));
- ... more mock methods ...
- };
- ```
- and
- ```cpp
- // File mock_foo.cc.
- #include "path/to/mock_foo.h"
- // The definitions may appear trivial, but the functions actually do a
- // lot of things through the constructors/destructors of the member
- // variables used to implement the mock methods.
- MockFoo::MockFoo() {}
- MockFoo::~MockFoo() {}
- ```
- ### Forcing a Verification
- When it's being destroyed, your friendly mock object will automatically verify
- that all expectations on it have been satisfied, and will generate googletest
- failures if not. This is convenient as it leaves you with one less thing to
- worry about. That is, unless you are not sure if your mock object will be
- destroyed.
- How could it be that your mock object won't eventually be destroyed? Well, it
- might be created on the heap and owned by the code you are testing. Suppose
- there's a bug in that code and it doesn't delete the mock object properly - you
- could end up with a passing test when there's actually a bug.
- Using a heap checker is a good idea and can alleviate the concern, but its
- implementation is not 100% reliable. So, sometimes you do want to *force* gMock
- to verify a mock object before it is (hopefully) destructed. You can do this
- with `Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_object)`:
- ```cpp
- TEST(MyServerTest, ProcessesRequest) {
- using ::testing::Mock;
- MockFoo* const foo = new MockFoo;
- EXPECT_CALL(*foo, ...)...;
- // ... other expectations ...
- // server now owns foo.
- MyServer server(foo);
- server.ProcessRequest(...);
- // In case that server's destructor will forget to delete foo,
- // this will verify the expectations anyway.
- Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(foo);
- } // server is destroyed when it goes out of scope here.
- ```
- {: .callout .tip}
- **Tip:** The `Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations()` function returns a `bool` to
- indicate whether the verification was successful (`true` for yes), so you can
- wrap that function call inside a `ASSERT_TRUE()` if there is no point going
- further when the verification has failed.
- ### Using Check Points {#UsingCheckPoints}
- Sometimes you may want to "reset" a mock object at various check points in your
- test: at each check point, you verify that all existing expectations on the mock
- object have been satisfied, and then you set some new expectations on it as if
- it's newly created. This allows you to work with a mock object in "phases" whose
- sizes are each manageable.
- One such scenario is that in your test's `SetUp()` function, you may want to put
- the object you are testing into a certain state, with the help from a mock
- object. Once in the desired state, you want to clear all expectations on the
- mock, such that in the `TEST_F` body you can set fresh expectations on it.
- As you may have figured out, the `Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations()` function
- we saw in the previous recipe can help you here. Or, if you are using
- `ON_CALL()` to set default actions on the mock object and want to clear the
- default actions as well, use `Mock::VerifyAndClear(&mock_object)` instead. This
- function does what `Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_object)` does and
- returns the same `bool`, **plus** it clears the `ON_CALL()` statements on
- `mock_object` too.
- Another trick you can use to achieve the same effect is to put the expectations
- in sequences and insert calls to a dummy "check-point" function at specific
- places. Then you can verify that the mock function calls do happen at the right
- time. For example, if you are exercising code:
- ```cpp
- Foo(1);
- Foo(2);
- Foo(3);
- ```
- and want to verify that `Foo(1)` and `Foo(3)` both invoke `mock.Bar("a")`, but
- `Foo(2)` doesn't invoke anything. You can write:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::MockFunction;
- TEST(FooTest, InvokesBarCorrectly) {
- MyMock mock;
- // Class MockFunction<F> has exactly one mock method. It is named
- // Call() and has type F.
- MockFunction<void(string check_point_name)> check;
- {
- InSequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Bar("a"));
- EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("1"));
- EXPECT_CALL(check, Call("2"));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Bar("a"));
- }
- Foo(1);
- check.Call("1");
- Foo(2);
- check.Call("2");
- Foo(3);
- }
- ```
- The expectation spec says that the first `Bar("a")` must happen before check
- point "1", the second `Bar("a")` must happen after check point "2", and nothing
- should happen between the two check points. The explicit check points make it
- easy to tell which `Bar("a")` is called by which call to `Foo()`.
- ### Mocking Destructors
- Sometimes you want to make sure a mock object is destructed at the right time,
- e.g. after `bar->A()` is called but before `bar->B()` is called. We already know
- that you can specify constraints on the [order](#OrderedCalls) of mock function
- calls, so all we need to do is to mock the destructor of the mock function.
- This sounds simple, except for one problem: a destructor is a special function
- with special syntax and special semantics, and the `MOCK_METHOD` macro doesn't
- work for it:
- ```cpp
- MOCK_METHOD(void, ~MockFoo, ()); // Won't compile!
- ```
- The good news is that you can use a simple pattern to achieve the same effect.
- First, add a mock function `Die()` to your mock class and call it in the
- destructor, like this:
- ```cpp
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- ...
- // Add the following two lines to the mock class.
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Die, ());
- ~MockFoo() override { Die(); }
- };
- ```
- (If the name `Die()` clashes with an existing symbol, choose another name.) Now,
- we have translated the problem of testing when a `MockFoo` object dies to
- testing when its `Die()` method is called:
- ```cpp
- MockFoo* foo = new MockFoo;
- MockBar* bar = new MockBar;
- ...
- {
- InSequence s;
- // Expects *foo to die after bar->A() and before bar->B().
- EXPECT_CALL(*bar, A());
- EXPECT_CALL(*foo, Die());
- EXPECT_CALL(*bar, B());
- }
- ```
- And that's that.
- ### Using gMock and Threads {#UsingThreads}
- In a **unit** test, it's best if you could isolate and test a piece of code in a
- single-threaded context. That avoids race conditions and dead locks, and makes
- debugging your test much easier.
- Yet most programs are multi-threaded, and sometimes to test something we need to
- pound on it from more than one thread. gMock works for this purpose too.
- Remember the steps for using a mock:
- 1. Create a mock object `foo`.
- 2. Set its default actions and expectations using `ON_CALL()` and
- 3. The code under test calls methods of `foo`.
- 4. Optionally, verify and reset the mock.
- 5. Destroy the mock yourself, or let the code under test destroy it. The
- destructor will automatically verify it.
- If you follow the following simple rules, your mocks and threads can live
- happily together:
- * Execute your *test code* (as opposed to the code being tested) in *one*
- thread. This makes your test easy to follow.
- * Obviously, you can do step #1 without locking.
- * When doing step #2 and #5, make sure no other thread is accessing `foo`.
- Obvious too, huh?
- * #3 and #4 can be done either in one thread or in multiple threads - anyway
- you want. gMock takes care of the locking, so you don't have to do any -
- unless required by your test logic.
- If you violate the rules (for example, if you set expectations on a mock while
- another thread is calling its methods), you get undefined behavior. That's not
- fun, so don't do it.
- gMock guarantees that the action for a mock function is done in the same thread
- that called the mock function. For example, in
- ```cpp
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo(1))
- .WillOnce(action1);
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo(2))
- .WillOnce(action2);
- ```
- if `Foo(1)` is called in thread 1 and `Foo(2)` is called in thread 2, gMock will
- execute `action1` in thread 1 and `action2` in thread 2.
- gMock does *not* impose a sequence on actions performed in different threads
- (doing so may create deadlocks as the actions may need to cooperate). This means
- that the execution of `action1` and `action2` in the above example *may*
- interleave. If this is a problem, you should add proper synchronization logic to
- `action1` and `action2` to make the test thread-safe.
- Also, remember that `DefaultValue<T>` is a global resource that potentially
- affects *all* living mock objects in your program. Naturally, you won't want to
- mess with it from multiple threads or when there still are mocks in action.
- ### Controlling How Much Information gMock Prints
- When gMock sees something that has the potential of being an error (e.g. a mock
- function with no expectation is called, a.k.a. an uninteresting call, which is
- allowed but perhaps you forgot to explicitly ban the call), it prints some
- warning messages, including the arguments of the function, the return value, and
- the stack trace. Hopefully this will remind you to take a look and see if there
- is indeed a problem.
- Sometimes you are confident that your tests are correct and may not appreciate
- such friendly messages. Some other times, you are debugging your tests or
- learning about the behavior of the code you are testing, and wish you could
- observe every mock call that happens (including argument values, the return
- value, and the stack trace). Clearly, one size doesn't fit all.
- You can control how much gMock tells you using the `--gmock_verbose=LEVEL`
- command-line flag, where `LEVEL` is a string with three possible values:
- * `info`: gMock will print all informational messages, warnings, and errors
- (most verbose). At this setting, gMock will also log any calls to the
- `ON_CALL/EXPECT_CALL` macros. It will include a stack trace in
- "uninteresting call" warnings.
- * `warning`: gMock will print both warnings and errors (less verbose); it will
- omit the stack traces in "uninteresting call" warnings. This is the default.
- * `error`: gMock will print errors only (least verbose).
- Alternatively, you can adjust the value of that flag from within your tests like
- so:
- ```cpp
- ::testing::FLAGS_gmock_verbose = "error";
- ```
- If you find gMock printing too many stack frames with its informational or
- warning messages, remember that you can control their amount with the
- `--gtest_stack_trace_depth=max_depth` flag.
- Now, judiciously use the right flag to enable gMock serve you better!
- ### Gaining Super Vision into Mock Calls
- You have a test using gMock. It fails: gMock tells you some expectations aren't
- satisfied. However, you aren't sure why: Is there a typo somewhere in the
- matchers? Did you mess up the order of the `EXPECT_CALL`s? Or is the code under
- test doing something wrong? How can you find out the cause?
- Won't it be nice if you have X-ray vision and can actually see the trace of all
- `EXPECT_CALL`s and mock method calls as they are made? For each call, would you
- like to see its actual argument values and which `EXPECT_CALL` gMock thinks it
- matches? If you still need some help to figure out who made these calls, how
- about being able to see the complete stack trace at each mock call?
- You can unlock this power by running your test with the `--gmock_verbose=info`
- flag. For example, given the test program:
- ```cpp
- #include "gmock/gmock.h"
- using testing::_;
- using testing::HasSubstr;
- using testing::Return;
- class MockFoo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(void, F, (const string& x, const string& y));
- };
- TEST(Foo, Bar) {
- MockFoo mock;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, F(_, _)).WillRepeatedly(Return());
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, F("a", "b"));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, F("c", HasSubstr("d")));
- mock.F("a", "good");
- mock.F("a", "b");
- }
- ```
- if you run it with `--gmock_verbose=info`, you will see this output:
- ```shell
- [ RUN ] Foo.Bar
- foo_test.cc:14: EXPECT_CALL(mock, F(_, _)) invoked
- Stack trace: ...
- foo_test.cc:15: EXPECT_CALL(mock, F("a", "b")) invoked
- Stack trace: ...
- foo_test.cc:16: EXPECT_CALL(mock, F("c", HasSubstr("d"))) invoked
- Stack trace: ...
- foo_test.cc:14: Mock function call matches EXPECT_CALL(mock, F(_, _))...
- Function call: F(@0x7fff7c8dad40"a",@0x7fff7c8dad10"good")
- Stack trace: ...
- foo_test.cc:15: Mock function call matches EXPECT_CALL(mock, F("a", "b"))...
- Function call: F(@0x7fff7c8dada0"a",@0x7fff7c8dad70"b")
- Stack trace: ...
- foo_test.cc:16: Failure
- Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(mock, F("c", HasSubstr("d")))...
- Expected: to be called once
- Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
- [ FAILED ] Foo.Bar
- ```
- Suppose the bug is that the `"c"` in the third `EXPECT_CALL` is a typo and
- should actually be `"a"`. With the above message, you should see that the actual
- `F("a", "good")` call is matched by the first `EXPECT_CALL`, not the third as
- you thought. From that it should be obvious that the third `EXPECT_CALL` is
- written wrong. Case solved.
- If you are interested in the mock call trace but not the stack traces, you can
- combine `--gmock_verbose=info` with `--gtest_stack_trace_depth=0` on the test
- command line.
- ### Running Tests in Emacs
- If you build and run your tests in Emacs using the `M-x google-compile` command
- (as many googletest users do), the source file locations of gMock and googletest
- errors will be highlighted. Just press `<Enter>` on one of them and you'll be
- taken to the offending line. Or, you can just type `C-x`` to jump to the next
- error.
- To make it even easier, you can add the following lines to your `~/.emacs` file:
- ```text
- (global-set-key "\M-m" 'google-compile) ; m is for make
- (global-set-key [M-down] 'next-error)
- (global-set-key [M-up] '(lambda () (interactive) (next-error -1)))
- ```
- Then you can type `M-m` to start a build (if you want to run the test as well,
- just make sure `foo_test.run` or `runtests` is in the build command you supply
- after typing `M-m`), or `M-up`/`M-down` to move back and forth between errors.
- ## Extending gMock
- ### Writing New Matchers Quickly {#NewMatchers}
- {: .callout .warning}
- WARNING: gMock does not guarantee when or how many times a matcher will be
- invoked. Therefore, all matchers must be functionally pure. See
- [this section](#PureMatchers) for more details.
- The `MATCHER*` family of macros can be used to define custom matchers easily.
- The syntax:
- ```cpp
- MATCHER(name, description_string_expression) { statements; }
- ```
- will define a matcher with the given name that executes the statements, which
- must return a `bool` to indicate if the match succeeds. Inside the statements,
- you can refer to the value being matched by `arg`, and refer to its type by
- `arg_type`.
- The *description string* is a `string`-typed expression that documents what the
- matcher does, and is used to generate the failure message when the match fails.
- It can (and should) reference the special `bool` variable `negation`, and should
- evaluate to the description of the matcher when `negation` is `false`, or that
- of the matcher's negation when `negation` is `true`.
- For convenience, we allow the description string to be empty (`""`), in which
- case gMock will use the sequence of words in the matcher name as the
- description.
- For example:
- ```cpp
- MATCHER(IsDivisibleBy7, "") { return (arg % 7) == 0; }
- ```
- allows you to write
- ```cpp
- // Expects mock_foo.Bar(n) to be called where n is divisible by 7.
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(IsDivisibleBy7()));
- ```
- or,
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Not;
- ...
- // Verifies that two values are divisible by 7.
- EXPECT_THAT(some_expression, IsDivisibleBy7());
- EXPECT_THAT(some_other_expression, Not(IsDivisibleBy7()));
- ```
- If the above assertions fail, they will print something like:
- ```shell
- Value of: some_expression
- Expected: is divisible by 7
- Actual: 27
- ...
- Value of: some_other_expression
- Expected: not (is divisible by 7)
- Actual: 21
- ```
- where the descriptions `"is divisible by 7"` and `"not (is divisible by 7)"` are
- automatically calculated from the matcher name `IsDivisibleBy7`.
- As you may have noticed, the auto-generated descriptions (especially those for
- the negation) may not be so great. You can always override them with a `string`
- expression of your own:
- ```cpp
- MATCHER(IsDivisibleBy7,
- absl::StrCat(negation ? "isn't" : "is", " divisible by 7")) {
- return (arg % 7) == 0;
- }
- ```
- Optionally, you can stream additional information to a hidden argument named
- `result_listener` to explain the match result. For example, a better definition
- of `IsDivisibleBy7` is:
- ```cpp
- MATCHER(IsDivisibleBy7, "") {
- if ((arg % 7) == 0)
- return true;
- *result_listener << "the remainder is " << (arg % 7);
- return false;
- }
- ```
- With this definition, the above assertion will give a better message:
- ```shell
- Value of: some_expression
- Expected: is divisible by 7
- Actual: 27 (the remainder is 6)
- ```
- You should let `MatchAndExplain()` print *any additional information* that can
- help a user understand the match result. Note that it should explain why the
- match succeeds in case of a success (unless it's obvious) - this is useful when
- the matcher is used inside `Not()`. There is no need to print the argument value
- itself, as gMock already prints it for you.
- {: .callout .note}
- NOTE: The type of the value being matched (`arg_type`) is determined by the
- context in which you use the matcher and is supplied to you by the compiler, so
- you don't need to worry about declaring it (nor can you). This allows the
- matcher to be polymorphic. For example, `IsDivisibleBy7()` can be used to match
- any type where the value of `(arg % 7) == 0` can be implicitly converted to a
- `bool`. In the `Bar(IsDivisibleBy7())` example above, if method `Bar()` takes an
- `int`, `arg_type` will be `int`; if it takes an `unsigned long`, `arg_type` will
- be `unsigned long`; and so on.
- ### Writing New Parameterized Matchers Quickly
- Sometimes you'll want to define a matcher that has parameters. For that you can
- use the macro:
- ```cpp
- MATCHER_P(name, param_name, description_string) { statements; }
- ```
- where the description string can be either `""` or a `string` expression that
- references `negation` and `param_name`.
- For example:
- ```cpp
- MATCHER_P(HasAbsoluteValue, value, "") { return abs(arg) == value; }
- ```
- will allow you to write:
- ```cpp
- EXPECT_THAT(Blah("a"), HasAbsoluteValue(n));
- ```
- which may lead to this message (assuming `n` is 10):
- ```shell
- Value of: Blah("a")
- Expected: has absolute value 10
- Actual: -9
- ```
- Note that both the matcher description and its parameter are printed, making the
- message human-friendly.
- In the matcher definition body, you can write `foo_type` to reference the type
- of a parameter named `foo`. For example, in the body of
- `MATCHER_P(HasAbsoluteValue, value)` above, you can write `value_type` to refer
- to the type of `value`.
- gMock also provides `MATCHER_P2`, `MATCHER_P3`, ..., up to `MATCHER_P10` to
- support multi-parameter matchers:
- ```cpp
- MATCHER_Pk(name, param_1, ..., param_k, description_string) { statements; }
- ```
- Please note that the custom description string is for a particular *instance* of
- the matcher, where the parameters have been bound to actual values. Therefore
- usually you'll want the parameter values to be part of the description. gMock
- lets you do that by referencing the matcher parameters in the description string
- expression.
- For example,
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::PrintToString;
- MATCHER_P2(InClosedRange, low, hi,
- absl::StrFormat("%s in range [%s, %s]", negation ? "isn't" : "is",
- PrintToString(low), PrintToString(hi))) {
- return low <= arg && arg <= hi;
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_THAT(3, InClosedRange(4, 6));
- ```
- would generate a failure that contains the message:
- ```shell
- Expected: is in range [4, 6]
- ```
- If you specify `""` as the description, the failure message will contain the
- sequence of words in the matcher name followed by the parameter values printed
- as a tuple. For example,
- ```cpp
- MATCHER_P2(InClosedRange, low, hi, "") { ... }
- ...
- EXPECT_THAT(3, InClosedRange(4, 6));
- ```
- would generate a failure that contains the text:
- ```shell
- Expected: in closed range (4, 6)
- ```
- For the purpose of typing, you can view
- ```cpp
- MATCHER_Pk(Foo, p1, ..., pk, description_string) { ... }
- ```
- as shorthand for
- ```cpp
- template <typename p1_type, ..., typename pk_type>
- FooMatcherPk<p1_type, ..., pk_type>
- Foo(p1_type p1, ..., pk_type pk) { ... }
- ```
- When you write `Foo(v1, ..., vk)`, the compiler infers the types of the
- parameters `v1`, ..., and `vk` for you. If you are not happy with the result of
- the type inference, you can specify the types by explicitly instantiating the
- template, as in `Foo<long, bool>(5, false)`. As said earlier, you don't get to
- (or need to) specify `arg_type` as that's determined by the context in which the
- matcher is used.
- You can assign the result of expression `Foo(p1, ..., pk)` to a variable of type
- `FooMatcherPk<p1_type, ..., pk_type>`. This can be useful when composing
- matchers. Matchers that don't have a parameter or have only one parameter have
- special types: you can assign `Foo()` to a `FooMatcher`-typed variable, and
- assign `Foo(p)` to a `FooMatcherP<p_type>`-typed variable.
- While you can instantiate a matcher template with reference types, passing the
- parameters by pointer usually makes your code more readable. If, however, you
- still want to pass a parameter by reference, be aware that in the failure
- message generated by the matcher you will see the value of the referenced object
- but not its address.
- You can overload matchers with different numbers of parameters:
- ```cpp
- MATCHER_P(Blah, a, description_string_1) { ... }
- MATCHER_P2(Blah, a, b, description_string_2) { ... }
- ```
- While it's tempting to always use the `MATCHER*` macros when defining a new
- matcher, you should also consider implementing the matcher interface directly
- instead (see the recipes that follow), especially if you need to use the matcher
- a lot. While these approaches require more work, they give you more control on
- the types of the value being matched and the matcher parameters, which in
- general leads to better compiler error messages that pay off in the long run.
- They also allow overloading matchers based on parameter types (as opposed to
- just based on the number of parameters).
- ### Writing New Monomorphic Matchers
- A matcher of argument type `T` implements the matcher interface for `T` and does
- two things: it tests whether a value of type `T` matches the matcher, and can
- describe what kind of values it matches. The latter ability is used for
- generating readable error messages when expectations are violated.
- A matcher of `T` must declare a typedef like:
- ```cpp
- using is_gtest_matcher = void;
- ```
- and supports the following operations:
- ```cpp
- // Match a value and optionally explain into an ostream.
- bool matched = matcher.MatchAndExplain(value, maybe_os);
- // where `value` is of type `T` and
- // `maybe_os` is of type `std::ostream*`, where it can be null if the caller
- // is not interested in there textual explanation.
- matcher.DescribeTo(os);
- matcher.DescribeNegationTo(os);
- // where `os` is of type `std::ostream*`.
- ```
- If you need a custom matcher but `Truly()` is not a good option (for example,
- you may not be happy with the way `Truly(predicate)` describes itself, or you
- may want your matcher to be polymorphic as `Eq(value)` is), you can define a
- matcher to do whatever you want in two steps: first implement the matcher
- interface, and then define a factory function to create a matcher instance. The
- second step is not strictly needed but it makes the syntax of using the matcher
- nicer.
- For example, you can define a matcher to test whether an `int` is divisible by 7
- and then use it like this:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Matcher;
- class DivisibleBy7Matcher {
- public:
- using is_gtest_matcher = void;
- bool MatchAndExplain(int n, std::ostream*) const {
- return (n % 7) == 0;
- }
- void DescribeTo(std::ostream* os) const {
- *os << "is divisible by 7";
- }
- void DescribeNegationTo(std::ostream* os) const {
- *os << "is not divisible by 7";
- }
- };
- Matcher<int> DivisibleBy7() {
- return DivisibleBy7Matcher();
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(DivisibleBy7()));
- ```
- You may improve the matcher message by streaming additional information to the
- `os` argument in `MatchAndExplain()`:
- ```cpp
- class DivisibleBy7Matcher {
- public:
- bool MatchAndExplain(int n, std::ostream* os) const {
- const int remainder = n % 7;
- if (remainder != 0 && os != nullptr) {
- *os << "the remainder is " << remainder;
- }
- return remainder == 0;
- }
- ...
- };
- ```
- Then, `EXPECT_THAT(x, DivisibleBy7());` may generate a message like this:
- ```shell
- Value of: x
- Expected: is divisible by 7
- Actual: 23 (the remainder is 2)
- ```
- {: .callout .tip}
- Tip: for convenience, `MatchAndExplain()` can take a `MatchResultListener*`
- instead of `std::ostream*`.
- ### Writing New Polymorphic Matchers
- Expanding what we learned above to *polymorphic* matchers is now just as simple
- as adding templates in the right place.
- ```cpp
- class NotNullMatcher {
- public:
- using is_gtest_matcher = void;
- // To implement a polymorphic matcher, we just need to make MatchAndExplain a
- // template on its first argument.
- // In this example, we want to use NotNull() with any pointer, so
- // MatchAndExplain() accepts a pointer of any type as its first argument.
- // In general, you can define MatchAndExplain() as an ordinary method or
- // a method template, or even overload it.
- template <typename T>
- bool MatchAndExplain(T* p, std::ostream*) const {
- return p != nullptr;
- }
- // Describes the property of a value matching this matcher.
- void DescribeTo(std::ostream* os) const { *os << "is not NULL"; }
- // Describes the property of a value NOT matching this matcher.
- void DescribeNegationTo(std::ostream* os) const { *os << "is NULL"; }
- };
- NotNullMatcher NotNull() {
- return NotNullMatcher();
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(NotNull())); // The argument must be a non-NULL pointer.
- ```
- ### Legacy Matcher Implementation
- Defining matchers used to be somewhat more complicated, in which it required
- several supporting classes and virtual functions. To implement a matcher for
- type `T` using the legacy API you have to derive from `MatcherInterface<T>` and
- call `MakeMatcher` to construct the object.
- The interface looks like this:
- ```cpp
- class MatchResultListener {
- public:
- ...
- // Streams x to the underlying ostream; does nothing if the ostream
- // is NULL.
- template <typename T>
- MatchResultListener& operator<<(const T& x);
- // Returns the underlying ostream.
- std::ostream* stream();
- };
- template <typename T>
- class MatcherInterface {
- public:
- virtual ~MatcherInterface();
- // Returns true if and only if the matcher matches x; also explains the match
- // result to 'listener'.
- virtual bool MatchAndExplain(T x, MatchResultListener* listener) const = 0;
- // Describes this matcher to an ostream.
- virtual void DescribeTo(std::ostream* os) const = 0;
- // Describes the negation of this matcher to an ostream.
- virtual void DescribeNegationTo(std::ostream* os) const;
- };
- ```
- Fortunately, most of the time you can define a polymorphic matcher easily with
- the help of `MakePolymorphicMatcher()`. Here's how you can define `NotNull()` as
- an example:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::MakePolymorphicMatcher;
- using ::testing::MatchResultListener;
- using ::testing::PolymorphicMatcher;
- class NotNullMatcher {
- public:
- // To implement a polymorphic matcher, first define a COPYABLE class
- // that has three members MatchAndExplain(), DescribeTo(), and
- // DescribeNegationTo(), like the following.
- // In this example, we want to use NotNull() with any pointer, so
- // MatchAndExplain() accepts a pointer of any type as its first argument.
- // In general, you can define MatchAndExplain() as an ordinary method or
- // a method template, or even overload it.
- template <typename T>
- bool MatchAndExplain(T* p,
- MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const {
- return p != NULL;
- }
- // Describes the property of a value matching this matcher.
- void DescribeTo(std::ostream* os) const { *os << "is not NULL"; }
- // Describes the property of a value NOT matching this matcher.
- void DescribeNegationTo(std::ostream* os) const { *os << "is NULL"; }
- };
- // To construct a polymorphic matcher, pass an instance of the class
- // to MakePolymorphicMatcher(). Note the return type.
- PolymorphicMatcher<NotNullMatcher> NotNull() {
- return MakePolymorphicMatcher(NotNullMatcher());
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(NotNull())); // The argument must be a non-NULL pointer.
- ```
- {: .callout .note}
- **Note:** Your polymorphic matcher class does **not** need to inherit from
- `MatcherInterface` or any other class, and its methods do **not** need to be
- virtual.
- Like in a monomorphic matcher, you may explain the match result by streaming
- additional information to the `listener` argument in `MatchAndExplain()`.
- ### Writing New Cardinalities
- A cardinality is used in `Times()` to tell gMock how many times you expect a
- call to occur. It doesn't have to be exact. For example, you can say
- `AtLeast(5)` or `Between(2, 4)`.
- If the [built-in set](gmock_cheat_sheet.md#CardinalityList) of cardinalities
- doesn't suit you, you are free to define your own by implementing the following
- interface (in namespace `testing`):
- ```cpp
- class CardinalityInterface {
- public:
- virtual ~CardinalityInterface();
- // Returns true if and only if call_count calls will satisfy this cardinality.
- virtual bool IsSatisfiedByCallCount(int call_count) const = 0;
- // Returns true if and only if call_count calls will saturate this
- // cardinality.
- virtual bool IsSaturatedByCallCount(int call_count) const = 0;
- // Describes self to an ostream.
- virtual void DescribeTo(std::ostream* os) const = 0;
- };
- ```
- For example, to specify that a call must occur even number of times, you can
- write
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Cardinality;
- using ::testing::CardinalityInterface;
- using ::testing::MakeCardinality;
- class EvenNumberCardinality : public CardinalityInterface {
- public:
- bool IsSatisfiedByCallCount(int call_count) const override {
- return (call_count % 2) == 0;
- }
- bool IsSaturatedByCallCount(int call_count) const override {
- return false;
- }
- void DescribeTo(std::ostream* os) const {
- *os << "called even number of times";
- }
- };
- Cardinality EvenNumber() {
- return MakeCardinality(new EvenNumberCardinality);
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar(3))
- .Times(EvenNumber());
- ```
- ### Writing New Actions Quickly {#QuickNewActions}
- If the built-in actions don't work for you, you can easily define your own one.
- Just define a functor class with a (possibly templated) call operator, matching
- the signature of your action.
- ```cpp
- struct Increment {
- template <typename T>
- T operator()(T* arg) {
- return ++(*arg);
- }
- }
- ```
- The same approach works with stateful functors (or any callable, really):
- ```
- struct MultiplyBy {
- template <typename T>
- T operator()(T arg) { return arg * multiplier; }
- int multiplier;
- }
- // Then use:
- // EXPECT_CALL(...).WillOnce(MultiplyBy{7});
- ```
- #### Legacy macro-based Actions
- Before C++11, the functor-based actions were not supported; the old way of
- writing actions was through a set of `ACTION*` macros. We suggest to avoid them
- in new code; they hide a lot of logic behind the macro, potentially leading to
- harder-to-understand compiler errors. Nevertheless, we cover them here for
- completeness.
- By writing
- ```cpp
- ACTION(name) { statements; }
- ```
- in a namespace scope (i.e. not inside a class or function), you will define an
- action with the given name that executes the statements. The value returned by
- `statements` will be used as the return value of the action. Inside the
- statements, you can refer to the K-th (0-based) argument of the mock function as
- `argK`. For example:
- ```cpp
- ACTION(IncrementArg1) { return ++(*arg1); }
- ```
- allows you to write
- ```cpp
- ... WillOnce(IncrementArg1());
- ```
- Note that you don't need to specify the types of the mock function arguments.
- Rest assured that your code is type-safe though: you'll get a compiler error if
- `*arg1` doesn't support the `++` operator, or if the type of `++(*arg1)` isn't
- compatible with the mock function's return type.
- Another example:
- ```cpp
- ACTION(Foo) {
- (*arg2)(5);
- Blah();
- *arg1 = 0;
- return arg0;
- }
- ```
- defines an action `Foo()` that invokes argument #2 (a function pointer) with 5,
- calls function `Blah()`, sets the value pointed to by argument #1 to 0, and
- returns argument #0.
- For more convenience and flexibility, you can also use the following pre-defined
- symbols in the body of `ACTION`:
- `argK_type` | The type of the K-th (0-based) argument of the mock function
- :-------------- | :-----------------------------------------------------------
- `args` | All arguments of the mock function as a tuple
- `args_type` | The type of all arguments of the mock function as a tuple
- `return_type` | The return type of the mock function
- `function_type` | The type of the mock function
- For example, when using an `ACTION` as a stub action for mock function:
- ```cpp
- int DoSomething(bool flag, int* ptr);
- ```
- we have:
- Pre-defined Symbol | Is Bound To
- ------------------ | ---------------------------------
- `arg0` | the value of `flag`
- `arg0_type` | the type `bool`
- `arg1` | the value of `ptr`
- `arg1_type` | the type `int*`
- `args` | the tuple `(flag, ptr)`
- `args_type` | the type `std::tuple<bool, int*>`
- `return_type` | the type `int`
- `function_type` | the type `int(bool, int*)`
- #### Legacy macro-based parameterized Actions
- Sometimes you'll want to parameterize an action you define. For that we have
- another macro
- ```cpp
- ACTION_P(name, param) { statements; }
- ```
- For example,
- ```cpp
- ACTION_P(Add, n) { return arg0 + n; }
- ```
- will allow you to write
- ```cpp
- // Returns argument #0 + 5.
- ... WillOnce(Add(5));
- ```
- For convenience, we use the term *arguments* for the values used to invoke the
- mock function, and the term *parameters* for the values used to instantiate an
- action.
- Note that you don't need to provide the type of the parameter either. Suppose
- the parameter is named `param`, you can also use the gMock-defined symbol
- `param_type` to refer to the type of the parameter as inferred by the compiler.
- For example, in the body of `ACTION_P(Add, n)` above, you can write `n_type` for
- the type of `n`.
- gMock also provides `ACTION_P2`, `ACTION_P3`, and etc to support multi-parameter
- actions. For example,
- ```cpp
- ACTION_P2(ReturnDistanceTo, x, y) {
- double dx = arg0 - x;
- double dy = arg1 - y;
- return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
- }
- ```
- lets you write
- ```cpp
- ... WillOnce(ReturnDistanceTo(5.0, 26.5));
- ```
- You can view `ACTION` as a degenerated parameterized action where the number of
- parameters is 0.
- You can also easily define actions overloaded on the number of parameters:
- ```cpp
- ACTION_P(Plus, a) { ... }
- ACTION_P2(Plus, a, b) { ... }
- ```
- ### Restricting the Type of an Argument or Parameter in an ACTION
- For maximum brevity and reusability, the `ACTION*` macros don't ask you to
- provide the types of the mock function arguments and the action parameters.
- Instead, we let the compiler infer the types for us.
- Sometimes, however, we may want to be more explicit about the types. There are
- several tricks to do that. For example:
- ```cpp
- ACTION(Foo) {
- // Makes sure arg0 can be converted to int.
- int n = arg0;
- ... use n instead of arg0 here ...
- }
- ACTION_P(Bar, param) {
- // Makes sure the type of arg1 is const char*.
- ::testing::StaticAssertTypeEq<const char*, arg1_type>();
- // Makes sure param can be converted to bool.
- bool flag = param;
- }
- ```
- where `StaticAssertTypeEq` is a compile-time assertion in googletest that
- verifies two types are the same.
- ### Writing New Action Templates Quickly
- Sometimes you want to give an action explicit template parameters that cannot be
- inferred from its value parameters. `ACTION_TEMPLATE()` supports that and can be
- viewed as an extension to `ACTION()` and `ACTION_P*()`.
- The syntax:
- ```cpp
- HAS_m_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(kind1, name1, ..., kind_m, name_m),
- AND_n_VALUE_PARAMS(p1, ..., p_n)) { statements; }
- ```
- defines an action template that takes *m* explicit template parameters and *n*
- value parameters, where *m* is in [1, 10] and *n* is in [0, 10]. `name_i` is the
- name of the *i*-th template parameter, and `kind_i` specifies whether it's a
- `typename`, an integral constant, or a template. `p_i` is the name of the *i*-th
- value parameter.
- Example:
- ```cpp
- // DuplicateArg<k, T>(output) converts the k-th argument of the mock
- // function to type T and copies it to *output.
- // Note the comma between int and k:
- HAS_2_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k, typename, T),
- AND_1_VALUE_PARAMS(output)) {
- *output = T(std::get<k>(args));
- }
- ```
- To create an instance of an action template, write:
- ```cpp
- ActionName<t1, ..., t_m>(v1, ..., v_n)
- ```
- where the `t`s are the template arguments and the `v`s are the value arguments.
- The value argument types are inferred by the compiler. For example:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- ...
- int n;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock, Foo).WillOnce(DuplicateArg<1, unsigned char>(&n));
- ```
- If you want to explicitly specify the value argument types, you can provide
- additional template arguments:
- ```cpp
- ActionName<t1, ..., t_m, u1, ..., u_k>(v1, ..., v_n)
- ```
- where `u_i` is the desired type of `v_i`.
- `ACTION_TEMPLATE` and `ACTION`/`ACTION_P*` can be overloaded on the number of
- value parameters, but not on the number of template parameters. Without the
- restriction, the meaning of the following is unclear:
- ```cpp
- OverloadedAction<int, bool>(x);
- ```
- Are we using a single-template-parameter action where `bool` refers to the type
- of `x`, or a two-template-parameter action where the compiler is asked to infer
- the type of `x`?
- ### Using the ACTION Object's Type
- If you are writing a function that returns an `ACTION` object, you'll need to
- know its type. The type depends on the macro used to define the action and the
- parameter types. The rule is relatively simple:
- | Given Definition | Expression | Has Type |
- | ----------------------------- | ------------------- | --------------------- |
- | `ACTION(Foo)` | `Foo()` | `FooAction` |
- | `ACTION_TEMPLATE(Foo, HAS_m_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(...), AND_0_VALUE_PARAMS())` | `Foo<t1, ..., t_m>()` | `FooAction<t1, ..., t_m>` |
- | `ACTION_P(Bar, param)` | `Bar(int_value)` | `BarActionP<int>` |
- | `ACTION_TEMPLATE(Bar, HAS_m_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(...), AND_1_VALUE_PARAMS(p1))` | `Bar<t1, ..., t_m>(int_value)` | `BarActionP<t1, ..., t_m, int>` |
- | `ACTION_P2(Baz, p1, p2)` | `Baz(bool_value, int_value)` | `BazActionP2<bool, int>` |
- | `ACTION_TEMPLATE(Baz, HAS_m_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(...), AND_2_VALUE_PARAMS(p1, p2))` | `Baz<t1, ..., t_m>(bool_value, int_value)` | `BazActionP2<t1, ..., t_m, bool, int>` |
- | ... | ... | ... |
- Note that we have to pick different suffixes (`Action`, `ActionP`, `ActionP2`,
- and etc) for actions with different numbers of value parameters, or the action
- definitions cannot be overloaded on the number of them.
- ### Writing New Monomorphic Actions {#NewMonoActions}
- While the `ACTION*` macros are very convenient, sometimes they are
- inappropriate. For example, despite the tricks shown in the previous recipes,
- they don't let you directly specify the types of the mock function arguments and
- the action parameters, which in general leads to unoptimized compiler error
- messages that can baffle unfamiliar users. They also don't allow overloading
- actions based on parameter types without jumping through some hoops.
- An alternative to the `ACTION*` macros is to implement
- `::testing::ActionInterface<F>`, where `F` is the type of the mock function in
- which the action will be used. For example:
- ```cpp
- template <typename F>
- class ActionInterface {
- public:
- virtual ~ActionInterface();
- // Performs the action. Result is the return type of function type
- // F, and ArgumentTuple is the tuple of arguments of F.
- //
- // For example, if F is int(bool, const string&), then Result would
- // be int, and ArgumentTuple would be std::tuple<bool, const string&>.
- virtual Result Perform(const ArgumentTuple& args) = 0;
- };
- ```
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- using ::testing::Action;
- using ::testing::ActionInterface;
- using ::testing::MakeAction;
- typedef int IncrementMethod(int*);
- class IncrementArgumentAction : public ActionInterface<IncrementMethod> {
- public:
- int Perform(const std::tuple<int*>& args) override {
- int* p = std::get<0>(args); // Grabs the first argument.
- return *p++;
- }
- };
- Action<IncrementMethod> IncrementArgument() {
- return MakeAction(new IncrementArgumentAction);
- }
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Baz(_))
- .WillOnce(IncrementArgument());
- int n = 5;
- foo.Baz(&n); // Should return 5 and change n to 6.
- ```
- ### Writing New Polymorphic Actions {#NewPolyActions}
- The previous recipe showed you how to define your own action. This is all good,
- except that you need to know the type of the function in which the action will
- be used. Sometimes that can be a problem. For example, if you want to use the
- action in functions with *different* types (e.g. like `Return()` and
- `SetArgPointee()`).
- If an action can be used in several types of mock functions, we say it's
- *polymorphic*. The `MakePolymorphicAction()` function template makes it easy to
- define such an action:
- ```cpp
- namespace testing {
- template <typename Impl>
- PolymorphicAction<Impl> MakePolymorphicAction(const Impl& impl);
- } // namespace testing
- ```
- As an example, let's define an action that returns the second argument in the
- mock function's argument list. The first step is to define an implementation
- class:
- ```cpp
- class ReturnSecondArgumentAction {
- public:
- template <typename Result, typename ArgumentTuple>
- Result Perform(const ArgumentTuple& args) const {
- // To get the i-th (0-based) argument, use std::get(args).
- return std::get<1>(args);
- }
- };
- ```
- This implementation class does *not* need to inherit from any particular class.
- What matters is that it must have a `Perform()` method template. This method
- template takes the mock function's arguments as a tuple in a **single**
- argument, and returns the result of the action. It can be either `const` or not,
- but must be invokable with exactly one template argument, which is the result
- type. In other words, you must be able to call `Perform<R>(args)` where `R` is
- the mock function's return type and `args` is its arguments in a tuple.
- Next, we use `MakePolymorphicAction()` to turn an instance of the implementation
- class into the polymorphic action we need. It will be convenient to have a
- wrapper for this:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::MakePolymorphicAction;
- using ::testing::PolymorphicAction;
- PolymorphicAction<ReturnSecondArgumentAction> ReturnSecondArgument() {
- return MakePolymorphicAction(ReturnSecondArgumentAction());
- }
- ```
- Now, you can use this polymorphic action the same way you use the built-in ones:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::_;
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(int, DoThis, (bool flag, int n), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(string, DoThat, (int x, const char* str1, const char* str2),
- (override));
- };
- ...
- MockFoo foo;
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThis).WillOnce(ReturnSecondArgument());
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, DoThat).WillOnce(ReturnSecondArgument());
- ...
- foo.DoThis(true, 5); // Will return 5.
- foo.DoThat(1, "Hi", "Bye"); // Will return "Hi".
- ```
- ### Teaching gMock How to Print Your Values
- When an uninteresting or unexpected call occurs, gMock prints the argument
- values and the stack trace to help you debug. Assertion macros like
- `EXPECT_THAT` and `EXPECT_EQ` also print the values in question when the
- assertion fails. gMock and googletest do this using googletest's user-extensible
- value printer.
- This printer knows how to print built-in C++ types, native arrays, STL
- containers, and any type that supports the `<<` operator. For other types, it
- prints the raw bytes in the value and hopes that you the user can figure it out.
- [The GoogleTest advanced guide](advanced.md#teaching-googletest-how-to-print-your-values)
- explains how to extend the printer to do a better job at printing your
- particular type than to dump the bytes.
- ## Useful Mocks Created Using gMock
- <!--#include file="includes/g3_testing_LOGs.md"-->
- <!--#include file="includes/g3_mock_callbacks.md"-->
- ### Mock std::function {#MockFunction}
- `std::function` is a general function type introduced in C++11. It is a
- preferred way of passing callbacks to new interfaces. Functions are copiable,
- and are not usually passed around by pointer, which makes them tricky to mock.
- But fear not - `MockFunction` can help you with that.
- `MockFunction<R(T1, ..., Tn)>` has a mock method `Call()` with the signature:
- ```cpp
- R Call(T1, ..., Tn);
- ```
- It also has a `AsStdFunction()` method, which creates a `std::function` proxy
- forwarding to Call:
- ```cpp
- std::function<R(T1, ..., Tn)> AsStdFunction();
- ```
- To use `MockFunction`, first create `MockFunction` object and set up
- expectations on its `Call` method. Then pass proxy obtained from
- `AsStdFunction()` to the code you are testing. For example:
- ```cpp
- TEST(FooTest, RunsCallbackWithBarArgument) {
- // 1. Create a mock object.
- MockFunction<int(string)> mock_function;
- // 2. Set expectations on Call() method.
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_function, Call("bar")).WillOnce(Return(1));
- // 3. Exercise code that uses std::function.
- Foo(mock_function.AsStdFunction());
- // Foo's signature can be either of:
- // void Foo(const std::function<int(string)>& fun);
- // void Foo(std::function<int(string)> fun);
- // 4. All expectations will be verified when mock_function
- // goes out of scope and is destroyed.
- }
- ```
- Remember that function objects created with `AsStdFunction()` are just
- forwarders. If you create multiple of them, they will share the same set of
- expectations.
- Although `std::function` supports unlimited number of arguments, `MockFunction`
- implementation is limited to ten. If you ever hit that limit... well, your
- callback has bigger problems than being mockable. :-)