- # How to release
- * Make sure you're on main and synced to HEAD
- * Ensure the project builds and tests run
- * `parallel -j0 exec ::: test/*_test` can help ensure everything at least
- passes
- * Prepare release notes
- * `git log $(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)..HEAD` gives you the list of
- commits between the last annotated tag and HEAD
- * Pick the most interesting.
- * Create one last commit that updates the version saved in `CMakeLists.txt` and the
- `__version__` variable in `bindings/python/google_benchmark/__init__.py`to the release
- version you're creating. (This version will be used if benchmark is installed from the
- archive you'll be creating in the next step.)
- ```
- project (benchmark VERSION 1.6.0 LANGUAGES CXX)
- ```
- ```python
- # bindings/python/google_benchmark/__init__.py
- # ...
- __version__ = "1.6.0" # <-- change this to the release version you are creating
- # ...
- ```
- * Create a release through github's interface
- * Note this will create a lightweight tag.
- * Update this to an annotated tag:
- * `git pull --tags`
- * `git tag -a -f <tag> <tag>`
- * `git push --force --tags origin`
- * Confirm that the "Build and upload Python wheels" action runs to completion
- * run it manually if it hasn't run