- # gMock Cheat Sheet
- ## Defining a Mock Class
- ### Mocking a Normal Class {#MockClass}
- Given
- ```cpp
- class Foo {
- ...
- virtual ~Foo();
- virtual int GetSize() const = 0;
- virtual string Describe(const char* name) = 0;
- virtual string Describe(int type) = 0;
- virtual bool Process(Bar elem, int count) = 0;
- };
- ```
- (note that `~Foo()` **must** be virtual) we can define its mock as
- ```cpp
- #include "gmock/gmock.h"
- class MockFoo : public Foo {
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(int, GetSize, (), (const, override));
- MOCK_METHOD(string, Describe, (const char* name), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(string, Describe, (int type), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, Process, (Bar elem, int count), (override));
- };
- ```
- To create a "nice" mock, which ignores all uninteresting calls, a "naggy" mock,
- which warns on all uninteresting calls, or a "strict" mock, which treats them as
- failures:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::NiceMock;
- using ::testing::NaggyMock;
- using ::testing::StrictMock;
- NiceMock<MockFoo> nice_foo; // The type is a subclass of MockFoo.
- NaggyMock<MockFoo> naggy_foo; // The type is a subclass of MockFoo.
- StrictMock<MockFoo> strict_foo; // The type is a subclass of MockFoo.
- ```
- {: .callout .note}
- **Note:** A mock object is currently naggy by default. We may make it nice by
- default in the future.
- ### Mocking a Class Template {#MockTemplate}
- Class templates can be mocked just like any class.
- To mock
- ```cpp
- template <typename Elem>
- class StackInterface {
- ...
- virtual ~StackInterface();
- virtual int GetSize() const = 0;
- virtual void Push(const Elem& x) = 0;
- };
- ```
- (note that all member functions that are mocked, including `~StackInterface()`
- **must** be virtual).
- ```cpp
- template <typename Elem>
- class MockStack : public StackInterface<Elem> {
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(int, GetSize, (), (const, override));
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Push, (const Elem& x), (override));
- };
- ```
- ### Specifying Calling Conventions for Mock Functions
- If your mock function doesn't use the default calling convention, you can
- specify it by adding `Calltype(convention)` to `MOCK_METHOD`'s 4th parameter.
- For example,
- ```cpp
- MOCK_METHOD(bool, Foo, (int n), (Calltype(STDMETHODCALLTYPE)));
- MOCK_METHOD(int, Bar, (double x, double y),
- (const, Calltype(STDMETHODCALLTYPE)));
- ```
- where `STDMETHODCALLTYPE` is defined by `<objbase.h>` on Windows.
- ## Using Mocks in Tests {#UsingMocks}
- The typical work flow is:
- 1. Import the gMock names you need to use. All gMock symbols are in the
- `testing` namespace unless they are macros or otherwise noted.
- 2. Create the mock objects.
- 3. Optionally, set the default actions of the mock objects.
- 4. Set your expectations on the mock objects (How will they be called? What
- will they do?).
- 5. Exercise code that uses the mock objects; if necessary, check the result
- using googletest assertions.
- 6. When a mock object is destructed, gMock automatically verifies that all
- expectations on it have been satisfied.
- Here's an example:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Return; // #1
- TEST(BarTest, DoesThis) {
- MockFoo foo; // #2
- ON_CALL(foo, GetSize()) // #3
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- // ... other default actions ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Describe(5)) // #4
- .Times(3)
- .WillRepeatedly(Return("Category 5"));
- // ... other expectations ...
- EXPECT_EQ(MyProductionFunction(&foo), "good"); // #5
- } // #6
- ```
- ## Setting Default Actions {#OnCall}
- gMock has a **built-in default action** for any function that returns `void`,
- `bool`, a numeric value, or a pointer. In C++11, it will additionally returns
- the default-constructed value, if one exists for the given type.
- To customize the default action for functions with return type *`T`*:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::DefaultValue;
- // Sets the default value to be returned. T must be CopyConstructible.
- DefaultValue<T>::Set(value);
- // Sets a factory. Will be invoked on demand. T must be MoveConstructible.
- // T MakeT();
- DefaultValue<T>::SetFactory(&MakeT);
- // ... use the mocks ...
- // Resets the default value.
- DefaultValue<T>::Clear();
- ```
- Example usage:
- ```cpp
- // Sets the default action for return type std::unique_ptr<Buzz> to
- // creating a new Buzz every time.
- DefaultValue<std::unique_ptr<Buzz>>::SetFactory(
- [] { return MakeUnique<Buzz>(AccessLevel::kInternal); });
- // When this fires, the default action of MakeBuzz() will run, which
- // will return a new Buzz object.
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_buzzer_, MakeBuzz("hello")).Times(AnyNumber());
- auto buzz1 = mock_buzzer_.MakeBuzz("hello");
- auto buzz2 = mock_buzzer_.MakeBuzz("hello");
- EXPECT_NE(buzz1, nullptr);
- EXPECT_NE(buzz2, nullptr);
- EXPECT_NE(buzz1, buzz2);
- // Resets the default action for return type std::unique_ptr<Buzz>,
- // to avoid interfere with other tests.
- DefaultValue<std::unique_ptr<Buzz>>::Clear();
- ```
- To customize the default action for a particular method of a specific mock
- object, use `ON_CALL()`. `ON_CALL()` has a similar syntax to `EXPECT_CALL()`,
- but it is used for setting default behaviors (when you do not require that the
- mock method is called). See [here](gmock_cook_book.md#UseOnCall) for a more
- detailed discussion.
- ```cpp
- ON_CALL(mock-object, method(matchers))
- .With(multi-argument-matcher) ?
- .WillByDefault(action);
- ```
- ## Setting Expectations {#ExpectCall}
- `EXPECT_CALL()` sets **expectations** on a mock method (How will it be called?
- What will it do?):
- ```cpp
- EXPECT_CALL(mock-object, method (matchers)?)
- .With(multi-argument-matcher) ?
- .Times(cardinality) ?
- .InSequence(sequences) *
- .After(expectations) *
- .WillOnce(action) *
- .WillRepeatedly(action) ?
- .RetiresOnSaturation(); ?
- ```
- For each item above, `?` means it can be used at most once, while `*` means it
- can be used any number of times.
- In order to pass, `EXPECT_CALL` must be used before the calls are actually made.
- The `(matchers)` is a comma-separated list of matchers that correspond to each
- of the arguments of `method`, and sets the expectation only for calls of
- `method` that matches all of the matchers.
- If `(matchers)` is omitted, the expectation is the same as if the matchers were
- set to anything matchers (for example, `(_, _, _, _)` for a four-arg method).
- If `Times()` is omitted, the cardinality is assumed to be:
- * `Times(1)` when there is neither `WillOnce()` nor `WillRepeatedly()`;
- * `Times(n)` when there are `n` `WillOnce()`s but no `WillRepeatedly()`, where
- `n` >= 1; or
- * `Times(AtLeast(n))` when there are `n` `WillOnce()`s and a
- `WillRepeatedly()`, where `n` >= 0.
- A method with no `EXPECT_CALL()` is free to be invoked *any number of times*,
- and the default action will be taken each time.
- ## Matchers {#MatcherList}
- See the [Matchers Reference](reference/matchers.md).
- ## Actions {#ActionList}
- See the [Actions Reference](reference/actions.md).
- ## Cardinalities {#CardinalityList}
- These are used in `Times()` to specify how many times a mock function will be
- called:
- | | |
- | :---------------- | :----------------------------------------------------- |
- | `AnyNumber()` | The function can be called any number of times. |
- | `AtLeast(n)` | The call is expected at least `n` times. |
- | `AtMost(n)` | The call is expected at most `n` times. |
- | `Between(m, n)` | The call is expected between `m` and `n` (inclusive) times. |
- | `Exactly(n) or n` | The call is expected exactly `n` times. In particular, the call should never happen when `n` is 0. |
- ## Expectation Order
- By default, the expectations can be matched in *any* order. If some or all
- expectations must be matched in a given order, there are two ways to specify it.
- They can be used either independently or together.
- ### The After Clause {#AfterClause}
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Expectation;
- ...
- Expectation init_x = EXPECT_CALL(foo, InitX());
- Expectation init_y = EXPECT_CALL(foo, InitY());
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar())
- .After(init_x, init_y);
- ```
- says that `Bar()` can be called only after both `InitX()` and `InitY()` have
- been called.
- If you don't know how many pre-requisites an expectation has when you write it,
- you can use an `ExpectationSet` to collect them:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::ExpectationSet;
- ...
- ExpectationSet all_inits;
- for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) {
- all_inits += EXPECT_CALL(foo, InitElement(i));
- }
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Bar())
- .After(all_inits);
- ```
- says that `Bar()` can be called only after all elements have been initialized
- (but we don't care about which elements get initialized before the others).
- Modifying an `ExpectationSet` after using it in an `.After()` doesn't affect the
- meaning of the `.After()`.
- ### Sequences {#UsingSequences}
- When you have a long chain of sequential expectations, it's easier to specify
- the order using **sequences**, which don't require you to give each expectation
- in the chain a different name. *All expected calls* in the same sequence must
- occur in the order they are specified.
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Return;
- using ::testing::Sequence;
- Sequence s1, s2;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Reset())
- .InSequence(s1, s2)
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, GetSize())
- .InSequence(s1)
- .WillOnce(Return(1));
- EXPECT_CALL(foo, Describe(A<const char*>()))
- .InSequence(s2)
- .WillOnce(Return("dummy"));
- ```
- says that `Reset()` must be called before *both* `GetSize()` *and* `Describe()`,
- and the latter two can occur in any order.
- To put many expectations in a sequence conveniently:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::InSequence;
- {
- InSequence seq;
- EXPECT_CALL(...)...;
- EXPECT_CALL(...)...;
- ...
- EXPECT_CALL(...)...;
- }
- ```
- says that all expected calls in the scope of `seq` must occur in strict order.
- The name `seq` is irrelevant.
- ## Verifying and Resetting a Mock
- gMock will verify the expectations on a mock object when it is destructed, or
- you can do it earlier:
- ```cpp
- using ::testing::Mock;
- ...
- // Verifies and removes the expectations on mock_obj;
- // returns true if and only if successful.
- Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_obj);
- ...
- // Verifies and removes the expectations on mock_obj;
- // also removes the default actions set by ON_CALL();
- // returns true if and only if successful.
- Mock::VerifyAndClear(&mock_obj);
- ```
- You can also tell gMock that a mock object can be leaked and doesn't need to be
- verified:
- ```cpp
- Mock::AllowLeak(&mock_obj);
- ```
- ## Mock Classes
- gMock defines a convenient mock class template
- ```cpp
- class MockFunction<R(A1, ..., An)> {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD(R, Call, (A1, ..., An));
- };
- ```
- See this [recipe](gmock_cook_book.md#using-check-points) for one application of
- it.
- ## Flags
- | Flag | Description |
- | :----------------------------- | :---------------------------------------- |
- | `--gmock_catch_leaked_mocks=0` | Don't report leaked mock objects as failures. |
- | `--gmock_verbose=LEVEL` | Sets the default verbosity level (`info`, `warning`, or `error`) of Google Mock messages. |