##################################################################### # CS:APP Malloc Lab # Handout files for students # # Copyright (c) 2002, R. Bryant and D. O'Hallaron, All rights reserved. # May not be used, modified, or copied without permission. # ###################################################################### *********** Main Files: *********** mm.{c,h} Your solution malloc package. mm.c is the file that you will be handing in, and is the only file you should modify. mdriver.c The malloc driver that tests your mm.c file short{1,2}-bal.rep Two tiny tracefiles to help you get started. Makefile Builds the driver ********************************** Other support files for the driver ********************************** config.h Configures the malloc lab driver fsecs.{c,h} Wrapper function for the different timer packages clock.{c,h} Routines for accessing the Pentium and Alpha cycle counters fcyc.{c,h} Timer functions based on cycle counters ftimer.{c,h} Timer functions based on interval timers and gettimeofday() memlib.{c,h} Models the heap and sbrk function ******************************* Building and running the driver ******************************* To build the driver, type "make" to the shell. To run the driver on a tiny test trace: unix> mdriver -V -f short1-bal.rep The -V option prints out helpful tracing and summary information. To get a list of the driver flags: unix> mdriver -h