/* * mdriver.c - CS:APP Malloc Lab Driver * * Uses a collection of trace files to tests a malloc/free/realloc * implementation in mm.c. * * Copyright (c) 2002, R. Bryant and D. O'Hallaron, All rights reserved. * May not be used, modified, or copied without permission. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mm.h" #include "memlib.h" #include "fsecs.h" #include "config.h" /********************** * Constants and macros **********************/ /* Misc */ #define MAXLINE 1024 /* max string size */ #define HDRLINES 4 /* number of header lines in a trace file */ #define LINENUM(i) (i+5) /* cnvt trace request nums to linenums (origin 1) */ /* Returns true if p is ALIGNMENT-byte aligned */ #define IS_ALIGNED(p) ((((unsigned int)(p)) % ALIGNMENT) == 0) /****************************** * The key compound data types *****************************/ /* Records the extent of each block's payload */ typedef struct range_t { char *lo; /* low payload address */ char *hi; /* high payload address */ struct range_t *next; /* next list element */ } range_t; /* Characterizes a single trace operation (allocator request) */ typedef struct { enum {ALLOC, FREE, REALLOC} type; /* type of request */ int index; /* index for free() to use later */ int size; /* byte size of alloc/realloc request */ } traceop_t; /* Holds the information for one trace file*/ typedef struct { int sugg_heapsize; /* suggested heap size (unused) */ int num_ids; /* number of alloc/realloc ids */ int num_ops; /* number of distinct requests */ int weight; /* weight for this trace (unused) */ traceop_t *ops; /* array of requests */ char **blocks; /* array of ptrs returned by malloc/realloc... */ size_t *block_sizes; /* ... and a corresponding array of payload sizes */ } trace_t; /* * Holds the params to the xxx_speed functions, which are timed by fcyc. * This struct is necessary because fcyc accepts only a pointer array * as input. */ typedef struct { trace_t *trace; range_t *ranges; } speed_t; /* Summarizes the important stats for some malloc function on some trace */ typedef struct { /* defined for both libc malloc and student malloc package (mm.c) */ double ops; /* number of ops (malloc/free/realloc) in the trace */ int valid; /* was the trace processed correctly by the allocator? */ double secs; /* number of secs needed to run the trace */ /* defined only for the student malloc package */ double util; /* space utilization for this trace (always 0 for libc) */ /* Note: secs and util are only defined if valid is true */ } stats_t; /******************** * Global variables *******************/ int verbose = 0; /* global flag for verbose output */ static int errors = 0; /* number of errs found when running student malloc */ char msg[MAXLINE]; /* for whenever we need to compose an error message */ /* Directory where default tracefiles are found */ static char tracedir[MAXLINE] = TRACEDIR; /* The filenames of the default tracefiles */ static char *default_tracefiles[] = { DEFAULT_TRACEFILES, NULL }; /********************* * Function prototypes *********************/ /* these functions manipulate range lists */ static int add_range(range_t **ranges, char *lo, int size, int tracenum, int opnum); static void remove_range(range_t **ranges, char *lo); static void clear_ranges(range_t **ranges); /* These functions read, allocate, and free storage for traces */ static trace_t *read_trace(char *tracedir, char *filename); static void free_trace(trace_t *trace); /* Routines for evaluating the correctness and speed of libc malloc */ static int eval_libc_valid(trace_t *trace, int tracenum); static void eval_libc_speed(void *ptr); /* Routines for evaluating correctnes, space utilization, and speed of the student's malloc package in mm.c */ static int eval_mm_valid(trace_t *trace, int tracenum, range_t **ranges); static double eval_mm_util(trace_t *trace, int tracenum, range_t **ranges); static void eval_mm_speed(void *ptr); /* Various helper routines */ static void printresults(int n, stats_t *stats); static void usage(void); static void unix_error(char *msg); static void malloc_error(int tracenum, int opnum, char *msg); static void app_error(char *msg); /************** * Main routine **************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; char c; char **tracefiles = NULL; /* null-terminated array of trace file names */ int num_tracefiles = 0; /* the number of traces in that array */ trace_t *trace = NULL; /* stores a single trace file in memory */ range_t *ranges = NULL; /* keeps track of block extents for one trace */ stats_t *libc_stats = NULL;/* libc stats for each trace */ stats_t *mm_stats = NULL; /* mm (i.e. student) stats for each trace */ speed_t speed_params; /* input parameters to the xx_speed routines */ int team_check = 1; /* If set, check team structure (reset by -a) */ int run_libc = 0; /* If set, run libc malloc (set by -l) */ int autograder = 0; /* If set, emit summary info for autograder (-g) */ /* temporaries used to compute the performance index */ double secs, ops, util, avg_mm_util, avg_mm_throughput, p1, p2, perfindex; int numcorrect; /* * Read and interpret the command line arguments */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:t:hvVgal")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'g': /* Generate summary info for the autograder */ autograder = 1; break; case 'f': /* Use one specific trace file only (relative to curr dir) */ num_tracefiles = 1; if ((tracefiles = realloc(tracefiles, 2*sizeof(char *))) == NULL) unix_error("ERROR: realloc failed in main"); strcpy(tracedir, "./"); tracefiles[0] = strdup(optarg); tracefiles[1] = NULL; break; case 't': /* Directory where the traces are located */ if (num_tracefiles == 1) /* ignore if -f already encountered */ break; strcpy(tracedir, optarg); if (tracedir[strlen(tracedir)-1] != '/') strcat(tracedir, "/"); /* path always ends with "/" */ break; case 'a': /* Don't check team structure */ team_check = 0; break; case 'l': /* Run libc malloc */ run_libc = 1; break; case 'v': /* Print per-trace performance breakdown */ verbose = 1; break; case 'V': /* Be more verbose than -v */ verbose = 2; break; case 'h': /* Print this message */ usage(); exit(0); default: usage(); exit(1); } } /* * Check and print team info */ if (team_check) { /* Students must fill in their team information */ if (!strcmp(team.teamname, "")) { printf("ERROR: Please provide the information about your team in mm.c.\n"); exit(1); } else printf("Team Name:%s\n", team.teamname); if ((*team.name1 == '\0') || (*team.id1 == '\0')) { printf("ERROR. You must fill in all team member 1 fields!\n"); exit(1); } else printf("Member 1 :%s:%s\n", team.name1, team.id1); if (((*team.name2 != '\0') && (*team.id2 == '\0')) || ((*team.name2 == '\0') && (*team.id2 != '\0'))) { printf("ERROR. You must fill in all or none of the team member 2 ID fields!\n"); exit(1); } else if (*team.name2 != '\0') printf("Member 2 :%s:%s\n", team.name2, team.id2); } /* * If no -f command line arg, then use the entire set of tracefiles * defined in default_traces[] */ if (tracefiles == NULL) { tracefiles = default_tracefiles; num_tracefiles = sizeof(default_tracefiles) / sizeof(char *) - 1; printf("Using default tracefiles in %s\n", tracedir); } /* Initialize the timing package */ init_fsecs(); /* * Optionally run and evaluate the libc malloc package */ if (run_libc) { if (verbose > 1) printf("\nTesting libc malloc\n"); /* Allocate libc stats array, with one stats_t struct per tracefile */ libc_stats = (stats_t *)calloc(num_tracefiles, sizeof(stats_t)); if (libc_stats == NULL) unix_error("libc_stats calloc in main failed"); /* Evaluate the libc malloc package using the K-best scheme */ for (i=0; i < num_tracefiles; i++) { trace = read_trace(tracedir, tracefiles[i]); libc_stats[i].ops = trace->num_ops; if (verbose > 1) printf("Checking libc malloc for correctness, "); libc_stats[i].valid = eval_libc_valid(trace, i); if (libc_stats[i].valid) { speed_params.trace = trace; if (verbose > 1) printf("and performance.\n"); libc_stats[i].secs = fsecs(eval_libc_speed, &speed_params); } free_trace(trace); } /* Display the libc results in a compact table */ if (verbose) { printf("\nResults for libc malloc:\n"); printresults(num_tracefiles, libc_stats); } } /* * Always run and evaluate the student's mm package */ if (verbose > 1) printf("\nTesting mm malloc\n"); /* Allocate the mm stats array, with one stats_t struct per tracefile */ mm_stats = (stats_t *)calloc(num_tracefiles, sizeof(stats_t)); if (mm_stats == NULL) unix_error("mm_stats calloc in main failed"); /* Initialize the simulated memory system in memlib.c */ mem_init(); /* Evaluate student's mm malloc package using the K-best scheme */ for (i=0; i < num_tracefiles; i++) { trace = read_trace(tracedir, tracefiles[i]); mm_stats[i].ops = trace->num_ops; if (verbose > 1) printf("Checking mm_malloc for correctness, "); mm_stats[i].valid = eval_mm_valid(trace, i, &ranges); if (mm_stats[i].valid) { if (verbose > 1) printf("efficiency, "); mm_stats[i].util = eval_mm_util(trace, i, &ranges); speed_params.trace = trace; speed_params.ranges = ranges; if (verbose > 1) printf("and performance.\n"); mm_stats[i].secs = fsecs(eval_mm_speed, &speed_params); } free_trace(trace); } /* Display the mm results in a compact table */ if (verbose) { printf("\nResults for mm malloc:\n"); printresults(num_tracefiles, mm_stats); printf("\n"); } /* * Accumulate the aggregate statistics for the student's mm package */ secs = 0; ops = 0; util = 0; numcorrect = 0; for (i=0; i < num_tracefiles; i++) { secs += mm_stats[i].secs; ops += mm_stats[i].ops; util += mm_stats[i].util; if (mm_stats[i].valid) numcorrect++; } avg_mm_util = util/num_tracefiles; /* * Compute and print the performance index */ if (errors == 0) { avg_mm_throughput = ops/secs; p1 = UTIL_WEIGHT * avg_mm_util; if (avg_mm_throughput > AVG_LIBC_THRUPUT) { p2 = (double)(1.0 - UTIL_WEIGHT); } else { p2 = ((double) (1.0 - UTIL_WEIGHT)) * (avg_mm_throughput/AVG_LIBC_THRUPUT); } perfindex = (p1 + p2)*100.0; printf("Perf index = %.0f (util) + %.0f (thru) = %.0f/100\n", p1*100, p2*100, perfindex); } else { /* There were errors */ perfindex = 0.0; printf("Terminated with %d errors\n", errors); } if (autograder) { printf("correct:%d\n", numcorrect); printf("perfidx:%.0f\n", perfindex); } exit(0); } /***************************************************************** * The following routines manipulate the range list, which keeps * track of the extent of every allocated block payload. We use the * range list to detect any overlapping allocated blocks. ****************************************************************/ /* * add_range - As directed by request opnum in trace tracenum, * we've just called the student's mm_malloc to allocate a block of * size bytes at addr lo. After checking the block for correctness, * we create a range struct for this block and add it to the range list. */ static int add_range(range_t **ranges, char *lo, int size, int tracenum, int opnum) { char *hi = lo + size - 1; range_t *p; char msg[MAXLINE]; assert(size > 0); /* Payload addresses must be ALIGNMENT-byte aligned */ if (!IS_ALIGNED(lo)) { sprintf(msg, "Payload address (%p) not aligned to %d bytes", lo, ALIGNMENT); malloc_error(tracenum, opnum, msg); return 0; } /* The payload must lie within the extent of the heap */ if ((lo < (char *)mem_heap_lo()) || (lo > (char *)mem_heap_hi()) || (hi < (char *)mem_heap_lo()) || (hi > (char *)mem_heap_hi())) { sprintf(msg, "Payload (%p:%p) lies outside heap (%p:%p)", lo, hi, mem_heap_lo(), mem_heap_hi()); malloc_error(tracenum, opnum, msg); return 0; } /* The payload must not overlap any other payloads */ for (p = *ranges; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if ((lo >= p->lo && lo <= p-> hi) || (hi >= p->lo && hi <= p->hi)) { sprintf(msg, "Payload (%p:%p) overlaps another payload (%p:%p)\n", lo, hi, p->lo, p->hi); malloc_error(tracenum, opnum, msg); return 0; } } /* * Everything looks OK, so remember the extent of this block * by creating a range struct and adding it the range list. */ if ((p = (range_t *)malloc(sizeof(range_t))) == NULL) unix_error("malloc error in add_range"); p->next = *ranges; p->lo = lo; p->hi = hi; *ranges = p; return 1; } /* * remove_range - Free the range record of block whose payload starts at lo */ static void remove_range(range_t **ranges, char *lo) { range_t *p; range_t **prevpp = ranges; int size; for (p = *ranges; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (p->lo == lo) { *prevpp = p->next; size = p->hi - p->lo + 1; free(p); break; } prevpp = &(p->next); } } /* * clear_ranges - free all of the range records for a trace */ static void clear_ranges(range_t **ranges) { range_t *p; range_t *pnext; for (p = *ranges; p != NULL; p = pnext) { pnext = p->next; free(p); } *ranges = NULL; } /********************************************** * The following routines manipulate tracefiles *********************************************/ /* * read_trace - read a trace file and store it in memory */ static trace_t *read_trace(char *tracedir, char *filename) { FILE *tracefile; trace_t *trace; char type[MAXLINE]; char path[MAXLINE]; unsigned index, size; unsigned max_index = 0; unsigned op_index; if (verbose > 1) printf("Reading tracefile: %s\n", filename); /* Allocate the trace record */ if ((trace = (trace_t *) malloc(sizeof(trace_t))) == NULL) unix_error("malloc 1 failed in read_trance"); /* Read the trace file header */ strcpy(path, tracedir); strcat(path, filename); if ((tracefile = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(msg, "Could not open %s in read_trace", path); unix_error(msg); } fscanf(tracefile, "%d", &(trace->sugg_heapsize)); /* not used */ fscanf(tracefile, "%d", &(trace->num_ids)); fscanf(tracefile, "%d", &(trace->num_ops)); fscanf(tracefile, "%d", &(trace->weight)); /* not used */ /* We'll store each request line in the trace in this array */ if ((trace->ops = (traceop_t *)malloc(trace->num_ops * sizeof(traceop_t))) == NULL) unix_error("malloc 2 failed in read_trace"); /* We'll keep an array of pointers to the allocated blocks here... */ if ((trace->blocks = (char **)malloc(trace->num_ids * sizeof(char *))) == NULL) unix_error("malloc 3 failed in read_trace"); /* ... along with the corresponding byte sizes of each block */ if ((trace->block_sizes = (size_t *)malloc(trace->num_ids * sizeof(size_t))) == NULL) unix_error("malloc 4 failed in read_trace"); /* read every request line in the trace file */ index = 0; op_index = 0; while (fscanf(tracefile, "%s", type) != EOF) { switch(type[0]) { case 'a': fscanf(tracefile, "%u %u", &index, &size); trace->ops[op_index].type = ALLOC; trace->ops[op_index].index = index; trace->ops[op_index].size = size; max_index = (index > max_index) ? index : max_index; break; case 'r': fscanf(tracefile, "%u %u", &index, &size); trace->ops[op_index].type = REALLOC; trace->ops[op_index].index = index; trace->ops[op_index].size = size; max_index = (index > max_index) ? index : max_index; break; case 'f': fscanf(tracefile, "%ud", &index); trace->ops[op_index].type = FREE; trace->ops[op_index].index = index; break; default: printf("Bogus type character (%c) in tracefile %s\n", type[0], path); exit(1); } op_index++; } fclose(tracefile); assert(max_index == trace->num_ids - 1); assert(trace->num_ops == op_index); return trace; } /* * free_trace - Free the trace record and the three arrays it points * to, all of which were allocated in read_trace(). */ void free_trace(trace_t *trace) { free(trace->ops); /* free the three arrays... */ free(trace->blocks); free(trace->block_sizes); free(trace); /* and the trace record itself... */ } /********************************************************************** * The following functions evaluate the correctness, space utilization, * and throughput of the libc and mm malloc packages. **********************************************************************/ /* * eval_mm_valid - Check the mm malloc package for correctness */ static int eval_mm_valid(trace_t *trace, int tracenum, range_t **ranges) { int i, j; int index; int size; int oldsize; char *newp; char *oldp; char *p; /* Reset the heap and free any records in the range list */ mem_reset_brk(); clear_ranges(ranges); /* Call the mm package's init function */ if (mm_init() < 0) { malloc_error(tracenum, 0, "mm_init failed."); return 0; } /* Interpret each operation in the trace in order */ for (i = 0; i < trace->num_ops; i++) { index = trace->ops[i].index; size = trace->ops[i].size; switch (trace->ops[i].type) { case ALLOC: /* mm_malloc */ /* Call the student's malloc */ if ((p = mm_malloc(size)) == NULL) { malloc_error(tracenum, i, "mm_malloc failed."); return 0; } /* * Test the range of the new block for correctness and add it * to the range list if OK. The block must be be aligned properly, * and must not overlap any currently allocated block. */ if (add_range(ranges, p, size, tracenum, i) == 0) return 0; /* ADDED: cgw * fill range with low byte of index. This will be used later * if we realloc the block and wish to make sure that the old * data was copied to the new block */ memset(p, index & 0xFF, size); /* Remember region */ trace->blocks[index] = p; trace->block_sizes[index] = size; break; case REALLOC: /* mm_realloc */ /* Call the student's realloc */ oldp = trace->blocks[index]; if ((newp = mm_realloc(oldp, size)) == NULL) { malloc_error(tracenum, i, "mm_realloc failed."); return 0; } /* Remove the old region from the range list */ remove_range(ranges, oldp); /* Check new block for correctness and add it to range list */ if (add_range(ranges, newp, size, tracenum, i) == 0) return 0; /* ADDED: cgw * Make sure that the new block contains the data from the old * block and then fill in the new block with the low order byte * of the new index */ oldsize = trace->block_sizes[index]; if (size < oldsize) oldsize = size; for (j = 0; j < oldsize; j++) { if (newp[j] != (index & 0xFF)) { malloc_error(tracenum, i, "mm_realloc did not preserve the " "data from old block"); return 0; } } memset(newp, index & 0xFF, size); /* Remember region */ trace->blocks[index] = newp; trace->block_sizes[index] = size; break; case FREE: /* mm_free */ /* Remove region from list and call student's free function */ p = trace->blocks[index]; remove_range(ranges, p); mm_free(p); break; default: app_error("Nonexistent request type in eval_mm_valid"); } } /* As far as we know, this is a valid malloc package */ return 1; } /* * eval_mm_util - Evaluate the space utilization of the student's package * The idea is to remember the high water mark "hwm" of the heap for * an optimal allocator, i.e., no gaps and no internal fragmentation. * Utilization is the ratio hwm/heapsize, where heapsize is the * size of the heap in bytes after running the student's malloc * package on the trace. Note that our implementation of mem_sbrk() * doesn't allow the students to decrement the brk pointer, so brk * is always the high water mark of the heap. * */ static double eval_mm_util(trace_t *trace, int tracenum, range_t **ranges) { int i; int index; int size, newsize, oldsize; int max_total_size = 0; int total_size = 0; char *p; char *newp, *oldp; /* initialize the heap and the mm malloc package */ mem_reset_brk(); if (mm_init() < 0) app_error("mm_init failed in eval_mm_util"); for (i = 0; i < trace->num_ops; i++) { switch (trace->ops[i].type) { case ALLOC: /* mm_alloc */ index = trace->ops[i].index; size = trace->ops[i].size; if ((p = mm_malloc(size)) == NULL) app_error("mm_malloc failed in eval_mm_util"); /* Remember region and size */ trace->blocks[index] = p; trace->block_sizes[index] = size; /* Keep track of current total size * of all allocated blocks */ total_size += size; /* Update statistics */ max_total_size = (total_size > max_total_size) ? total_size : max_total_size; break; case REALLOC: /* mm_realloc */ index = trace->ops[i].index; newsize = trace->ops[i].size; oldsize = trace->block_sizes[index]; oldp = trace->blocks[index]; if ((newp = mm_realloc(oldp,newsize)) == NULL) app_error("mm_realloc failed in eval_mm_util"); /* Remember region and size */ trace->blocks[index] = newp; trace->block_sizes[index] = newsize; /* Keep track of current total size * of all allocated blocks */ total_size += (newsize - oldsize); /* Update statistics */ max_total_size = (total_size > max_total_size) ? total_size : max_total_size; break; case FREE: /* mm_free */ index = trace->ops[i].index; size = trace->block_sizes[index]; p = trace->blocks[index]; mm_free(p); /* Keep track of current total size * of all allocated blocks */ total_size -= size; break; default: app_error("Nonexistent request type in eval_mm_util"); } } return ((double)max_total_size / (double)mem_heapsize()); } /* * eval_mm_speed - This is the function that is used by fcyc() * to measure the running time of the mm malloc package. */ static void eval_mm_speed(void *ptr) { int i, index, size, newsize; char *p, *newp, *oldp, *block; trace_t *trace = ((speed_t *)ptr)->trace; /* Reset the heap and initialize the mm package */ mem_reset_brk(); if (mm_init() < 0) app_error("mm_init failed in eval_mm_speed"); /* Interpret each trace request */ for (i = 0; i < trace->num_ops; i++) switch (trace->ops[i].type) { case ALLOC: /* mm_malloc */ index = trace->ops[i].index; size = trace->ops[i].size; if ((p = mm_malloc(size)) == NULL) app_error("mm_malloc error in eval_mm_speed"); trace->blocks[index] = p; break; case REALLOC: /* mm_realloc */ index = trace->ops[i].index; newsize = trace->ops[i].size; oldp = trace->blocks[index]; if ((newp = mm_realloc(oldp,newsize)) == NULL) app_error("mm_realloc error in eval_mm_speed"); trace->blocks[index] = newp; break; case FREE: /* mm_free */ index = trace->ops[i].index; block = trace->blocks[index]; mm_free(block); break; default: app_error("Nonexistent request type in eval_mm_valid"); } } /* * eval_libc_valid - We run this function to make sure that the * libc malloc can run to completion on the set of traces. * We'll be conservative and terminate if any libc malloc call fails. * */ static int eval_libc_valid(trace_t *trace, int tracenum) { int i, newsize; char *p, *newp, *oldp; for (i = 0; i < trace->num_ops; i++) { switch (trace->ops[i].type) { case ALLOC: /* malloc */ if ((p = malloc(trace->ops[i].size)) == NULL) { malloc_error(tracenum, i, "libc malloc failed"); unix_error("System message"); } trace->blocks[trace->ops[i].index] = p; break; case REALLOC: /* realloc */ newsize = trace->ops[i].size; oldp = trace->blocks[trace->ops[i].index]; if ((newp = realloc(oldp, newsize)) == NULL) { malloc_error(tracenum, i, "libc realloc failed"); unix_error("System message"); } trace->blocks[trace->ops[i].index] = newp; break; case FREE: /* free */ free(trace->blocks[trace->ops[i].index]); break; default: app_error("invalid operation type in eval_libc_valid"); } } return 1; } /* * eval_libc_speed - This is the function that is used by fcyc() to * measure the running time of the libc malloc package on the set * of traces. */ static void eval_libc_speed(void *ptr) { int i; int index, size, newsize; char *p, *newp, *oldp, *block; trace_t *trace = ((speed_t *)ptr)->trace; for (i = 0; i < trace->num_ops; i++) { switch (trace->ops[i].type) { case ALLOC: /* malloc */ index = trace->ops[i].index; size = trace->ops[i].size; if ((p = malloc(size)) == NULL) unix_error("malloc failed in eval_libc_speed"); trace->blocks[index] = p; break; case REALLOC: /* realloc */ index = trace->ops[i].index; newsize = trace->ops[i].size; oldp = trace->blocks[index]; if ((newp = realloc(oldp, newsize)) == NULL) unix_error("realloc failed in eval_libc_speed\n"); trace->blocks[index] = newp; break; case FREE: /* free */ index = trace->ops[i].index; block = trace->blocks[index]; free(block); break; } } } /************************************* * Some miscellaneous helper routines ************************************/ /* * printresults - prints a performance summary for some malloc package */ static void printresults(int n, stats_t *stats) { int i; double secs = 0; double ops = 0; double util = 0; /* Print the individual results for each trace */ printf("%5s%7s %5s%8s%10s%6s\n", "trace", " valid", "util", "ops", "secs", "Kops"); for (i=0; i < n; i++) { if (stats[i].valid) { printf("%2d%10s%5.0f%%%8.0f%10.6f%6.0f\n", i, "yes", stats[i].util*100.0, stats[i].ops, stats[i].secs, (stats[i].ops/1e3)/stats[i].secs); secs += stats[i].secs; ops += stats[i].ops; util += stats[i].util; } else { printf("%2d%10s%6s%8s%10s%6s\n", i, "no", "-", "-", "-", "-"); } } /* Print the aggregate results for the set of traces */ if (errors == 0) { printf("%12s%5.0f%%%8.0f%10.6f%6.0f\n", "Total ", (util/n)*100.0, ops, secs, (ops/1e3)/secs); } else { printf("%12s%6s%8s%10s%6s\n", "Total ", "-", "-", "-", "-"); } } /* * app_error - Report an arbitrary application error */ void app_error(char *msg) { printf("%s\n", msg); exit(1); } /* * unix_error - Report a Unix-style error */ void unix_error(char *msg) { printf("%s: %s\n", msg, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /* * malloc_error - Report an error returned by the mm_malloc package */ void malloc_error(int tracenum, int opnum, char *msg) { errors++; printf("ERROR [trace %d, line %d]: %s\n", tracenum, LINENUM(opnum), msg); } /* * usage - Explain the command line arguments */ static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mdriver [-hvVal] [-f ] [-t ]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Options\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-a Don't check the team structure.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-f Use as the trace file.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-g Generate summary info for autograder.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-h Print this message.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-l Run libc malloc as well.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-t Directory to find default traces.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-v Print per-trace performance breakdowns.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-V Print additional debug info.\n"); }